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David is extremely cautious. Although his caution is not very useful in front of the real Spiritual God, he still activates the Innate Ability of the Lightning Body, and derives an electric light from the Lightning Pattern. Medium-sized Transmission Gate.

There is no change in the safe house cave, which he expected.

When David looked towards the ancient patterns on the wall, he could not recognize these patterns before, but this time it was different.

When he focused on one of the ancient patterns, the complex patterns of that ancient pattern no longer seemed so incomprehensible.

David feels very strange now, as if a specially decoded optical brain is completing the analysis of the ancient pattern. As he stares at the ancient pattern, the secret of the ancient pattern is also opening to him.

With a move in his heart, his mind entered Soul Space. On the surface of the mirror-like’alchemy pattern’ in Soul Space, the ancient patterns on the wall were being drawn on the mirror surface.

After the pattern in the mirror surface was fully displayed, the entire ancient pattern was resolved through the knowledge of’alchemy’ at the grandmaster level.

David may not be able to draw the ancient pattern in front of him, but he has mastered the principle. As long as he does some experiments and finds out the substitute materials for drawing the ancient pattern, he can replicate this ancient pattern.

The function of this ancient pattern is to isolate, and the effect is extremely powerful. It can shield all detections from the physical and spiritual aspects. The principle is more like turning the cave into a separate space, hidden in the main space.

David’s joy in mastering the ancient isolation pattern is far from the excitement of discovering the true effect of his’alchemy (perfect)’ Innate Ability. In the future, as long as he finds any pattern, he can try to use the’alchemy map in Soul Space’ Pattern’ to analyze.

He did not stay in the within cave for a long time, activating the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability, and he moved quickly underground in the form of electric light.

At the same time, David saw the animals distributed in the sky and the ground through the Shadow Servant staying on the ground. His all-white eyes made him understand that these animals were all controlled, just like the two Fifth Level Templar Knights.

He knows his mission and the battle is not something he can participate in at his level. Be careful and stealth along the way.

David even found some digging animals underground, but the number was not large. He was acting as a’lightning body’, even if he encountered these underground animals, he would not disturb them.

Grandspread Star has eyes on the upper, ground and underground as it is today. No wonder the previous Transmission Gate was discovered again.

David thought in his mind that he also found a suitable location. This is in the middle of a cliff. Except for some flying birds, no animals can approach here.

The cave hidden behind the dense tree canopy is extremely secretive, and the birds cannot observe the inside of the cave in the air. Here, the probability of discovery can be reduced to the greatest extent.

David arranged the isolation array and rebuilt the Transmission Gate. He lifted the status of the’lightning body’ and returned to Kailian from the Transmission Gate.

The moment he walked out of the Transmission Gate, he felt locked in by ten powerful breaths. This feeling made the hairs on his body stand up, and he almost used the life-saving method to escape.

Fortunately, there will be a short-term spatial energy protection transmitted by the Transmission Gate, allowing David time to observe the situation all around.

Only then did he discover that the location of the Transmission Gate connected to the Grandspread Star was beside the camp, and there were ten Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars scattered around the Transmission Gate as a Knight battle formation.

If another enemy comes out of the Transmission Gate, he will immediately receive a full strength attack from ten Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars.

It should be known that this is a full strength attack inspired by the Knight battle array. It is estimated that even if the Fifth Level Templar Knight body comes again, being undead by such a blow would be a serious injury.

“Earl Arthur, thank you for your hard work!” Bishop McKinley has been guarding the Knight battlefield, and hurriedly greeted when David appeared.

The ten Fifth Level Templar Knights also retracted their locks and turned towards David nodded.

“My mission is complete!” Without the feeling of being locked in, David sighed in relief walked out of the range of Knight’s battlefield before saying to Bishop McKinley.

When Bishop McKinley saw David coming out of the Transmission Gate, he understood the result.

This Transmission Gate is not connected to the transmission network of the Great Spiritual World. It can only be connected to the Transmission Gate that David took away. Being able to come out of this Transmission Gate means that the Transmission Gate has been installed successfully.

“Earl Arthur, take a rest in my tent!” Bishop McKinley smiled and invited.

David didn’t refuse, and I have to talk about the rewards for completing the task.

Bishop McKinley’s tent is on the outside of the camp. It is a medium-sized tent, much smaller than the other huge tents.

But when David walked into the tent, he found that the space inside the tent was ten times larger than the space seen outside.

He saw the patterns on the tent, and at the same time, the’alchemy patterns’ in Soul Space’s mirror admiral tent showed several patterns.

David knows all the patterns used in the tent, and even this tent was made by one of the five “Alchemy Grandmasters”. From materials to drawing patterns, relevant knowledge flows in his mind with this eye.

“Like this tent? I will give you one. This is from the’Alchemy Grandmaster’!” Bishop McKinley saw David paying attention to the tent, said with a smile.

David is not the first person to be surprised by the tent. This kind of space tent can only be used by the top nobles and a few major temples, and the rest of the nobles cannot reach it.

Its technology is even monopolized by the temple, and only the “Alchemy Grandmaster” from the temple can make some of the key patterns.

“Thank you!” David was not polite, and responded with a smile.

“Sit down, don’t leave this time, just take part in this cleanup mission!” Bishop McKinley sat down and said after asking David to sit down.

“Is it appropriate for me to participate in this kind of battle?” David couldn’t help but asked immediately.

He knew that all those involved in this war were Fifth Level powerhouses, and even Bishop McKinley himself was only invited to rebuild the Transmission Gate.

“Because there are too many tricks on the Grandspread Star, this time the Templar Knights have also accepted a lot of lessons and achieved the purpose of training soldiers. Therefore, the temple decided to do it quickly and solve that one to avoid a bigger one. Trouble! We don’t have to take action after following, as long as we follow the action, we can get the merits of the battle!” Bishop McKinley said softly.

Originally, the purpose of the 5 Great Temples was to use Plague God Gladstone to sharpen the Temple and the Templar Knights. Countless years of ease have made Templar Knight and many people in the Temple forget the sense of crisis.

But the temple did not expect that Plague God Gladstone would be so cunning, and it would cause such a huge loss.

The death of two Fifth Level Templar Knights can’t be considered much loss. Perhaps this can just alert those Fifth Level Templar Knights, just like the state of Fifth Level Templar Knights here is completely different from when they first came.

The Fifth Level Templar Knight when they first came, each and everyone was very pompous, living in luxurious tents, they didn’t care about almost anything except for the gathering of the temple.

But after the death of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, the Fifth Level Templar Knights began to take turns. Every ten Fifth Level Templar Knights had their energy Avatars as a group and were on duty in the camp.

Within the scope of the camp, the energy Avatars of ten Fifth Level Templar Knights can reach any place in just one breath.

When David teleported over, there was a spatial reaction in the Transmission Gate. Ten Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars immediately appeared next to the Transmission Gate, and the Knight battle array was arranged ready to fight.

This showed the function that Fifth Level Templar Knight should have, which was very different from the previous state that was completely scattered.

This was supposed to be a good thing, but it was the death of the 5 gods that really made the temple’s determination to clear the Plague God Gladstone.

The status of the god ambassador is very special in the temple. Plague God Gladstone killed 5 god ambassadors, almost rubbing the face of the 5 big temples on the ground.

5 The Great Temple no longer has the idea of ​​using Plague God Gladstone to train soldiers slowly. Some just let Plague God Gladstone pay the price, in the shame of the Snow Temple.

David listened to Bishop McKinley’s words and knew that this was Bishop McKinley’s life-saving grace and created opportunities for him to perform meritorious service.

He did not refuse either. Since Bishop McKinley wanted to stay, he was absolutely sure that there would be no danger.

David also wants to see God War. This opportunity may only be once. The next time he wants to meet God War, I don’t know how long it will take.

“Will it cause you trouble?” David asked with a smile.

“How come, you stayed to ensure the smooth flow of Transmission Gate!” Bishop McKinley heard that David decided to stay, said with a smile.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what the reason is, as long as there is a name to stay, anyone who can participate in the battle of God can get no small reward.

David was resting here, and the 5 Fifth Level priests on the other side also received news of the reconstruction of the Transmission Gate.

The five Fifth Level priests sent messages to their respective temples, informing them of the successful reconstruction of the Transmission Gate to the Grandspread Star.

After about ten minutes, the five Fifth Level priests felt the powerful energy fluctuations coming from the temporary Transmission Gate. Not only did they feel it, but the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knight and David who were visiting also felt it.

“It should be the Divine Item that was sent!” Bishop McKinley stood up seriously and said.

David heart startled, he knows that the Divine Item from Bishop McKinley is not the kind of praise for a certain weapon and equipment, but the weapon and equipment made by the real Spiritual God, which will be called the Divine Item by the temple.

You can imagine the terrifying power of Divine Item just from the powerful energy fluctuations that you have felt before seeing it.

Then came the 2nd energy wave, and its power was not weaker than the Divine Item just now.

“Go, let’s go and see!” Bishop McKinley said to David.

When 2 people walked out of the tent, the 3rd energy fluctuation also came from the direction of the temporary Transmission Gate.

“The five great temples have invited out a Divine Item separately, and there are five Divine Items, and that person in Great Spiritual World can’t resist at all!” Bishop McKinley explained proudly.

Before arriving at the temporary Transmission Gate, David, who was far away, saw 5 teams, each of which consisted of 3 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and in the middle was a Level 4 priest holding a golden box in his hand.

The Fifth Level Templar Knights of the 5 teams are all ontology, not the energy Avatar used.

From the Knight armors worn by the Fifth Level Templar Knights of the 5 teams, it can be seen that these belong to the Fifth Level Templar Knights of the 5 Great Temples.

In the golden box held in the hands of the Level 4 sacrifice, strong energy fluctuations continue to spread.

David even saw the isolation pattern on the golden box, but that’s it, the powerful energy fluctuations still spread from the golden box. You can imagine how terrifying the energy of the Divine Item in the box is.

“Earl Arthur, we are with Divine Item!” Bishop McKinley whispered to David.

David nodded, he is not familiar with the situation, and Bishop McKinley is there, so naturally he listens to him.

“Exit the camp!” Heaviside Fifth Level priest ordered loudly.

It seemed that they had been prepared long ago. All the energy Avatars of the Fifth Level Templar Knight recruited put away their huge tents, and the servants also entered the summon ring and took them with them.

The huge camp is almost empty, and the 48-bit Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar is ready.

“All the Templar Knights enlisted enter the Transmission Gate and arrange a Safety Sector domain!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice continued to order.

“Yes!” Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars all responded.

They flew towards the Transmission Gate without any hesitation.

After seeing the temple bringing Divine Item, they all knew very well that the war had begun.

The opportunity to sweep away the shame is here. If they don’t show their full strength, perhaps their 48 Fifth Level Templar Knights will become a stain in history and be recorded in the annals of history.

David shook the head. He had known that he would not bother to look for the cave on the cliff, but with the energy Avatar of these all are Fifth Level Templar Knight, flying is as easy as breathing.

“Let’s go there too!” The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice turned his head and said to the remaining 4 Fifth Level sacrifices, and then turned to the 5 Guardian Gods’ teams instructed: “Divine Item waits one minute before entering the Transmission Gate!”

Five Fifth Level priests also passed through the Transmission Gate, and David stood there and waited with the five teams.

He felt that he was looking at him, and he couldn’t help turning his head to look. A Fifth Level Templar Knight in a Guardian God machine opened his visor, revealing a beautiful female face. It was Templar Knight Annabella. .

David bowed to Templar Knight Annabella and gave a salute. Templar Knight Annabella was also slightly smiled nodded.

Since the enlisted Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars arrived, Templar Knight Annabella and Lord Gould have both left the Kailian star, didn’t expect Templar Knight Annabella to return with Divine Item at this time.

One minute is up, 5 teams walked into Transmission Gate, David and Bishop McKinley finally entered Transmission Gate.

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