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David walked out of the Transmission Gate and saw 5 teams walking out of the cave. The previously entered 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar and 5 Fifth Level sacrifices were not in the cave. He wanted to come out already.

“Earl Arthur, the place you chose is really…” As he walked out of the cave, Bishop McKinley saw the cliff and couldn’t help but shook his head and said to David.

He is a Level 4 sacrifice, and he can hold himself up only by his spirit, not to mention the flying divine technique. He just didn’t expect David to choose this kind of environment, which made him have to help David fly off the cliff.

David laughed looking at the 5 teams in front. They were very simple. The 3 Fifth Level Templar Knights and Level 4 sacrificials of each team were all flying.

“Let’s go!” Bishop McKinley lifted David up and said.

David didn’t try his best. He really couldn’t fly without revealing some special abilities.

Asuka in the sky saw their group, and David soon felt the gaze from a kind of powerful existence. If it weren’t for so many powerhouses, he was ready to return and flee.

Not only David felt it, but the others felt it too.

The 5 teams ignored the bird’s peeping. They flew to the middle of the 48-bit Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar that had dropped to the ground and set up the Knight battle formation. .

Bishop McKinley also took David to the middle of the Knight battle. David felt that his treatment today was really different. Normally, the Fifth Level Templar Knight, which was rarely seen, was guarded by 48 people today.

Although the energy Avatar of the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight is not designed to protect him, this is enough for David to feel excited.

The 5 Fifth Level priests are not idle at this time. The scepter in their hands emits white radiance, blessing the’sacred barrier’ divine technique for the Knight energy Avatar of the 48 Fifth Level temple, as well as some other gain divine techniques.

Of course, David and Bishop McKinley not at all enjoy that this is war, and all consumption that has no effect on war should be avoided as much as possible.

Even if David is able to come, it is also the role that Bishop McKinley strives for. Otherwise, in the entire battlefield, there will only be 6 Level 4 priests including Bishop McKinley.

Level 3 Earth Knight like David is just him.

A dark cloud floated in the distant sky. David possessed the’Eagle Eye Technique’. Although he rarely used this ability, it worked at this time.

He saw that the dark cloud was made up of flying birds. Among these flying birds were as big as eagles, some as small as sparrows, seabirds and land birds, and there was a second batch further afield. .

Knight did not move in the battle, the 5 Fifth Level sacrifices just looked at the sky, and the Divine Item guarded by the 5 teams did not even open the golden box.

David wanted to ask Bishop McKinley very much, but saw Bishop McKinley shook the head to him, beckoning him not to speak.

The flock of flying birds only made the sound of flapping their wings, and there was no chirping of a single bird. The first dark cloud flew over the Knight battle formation and swooped down towards the Knight battle formation.

None of the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars took action, but raised a Bloodline Strength shield, covering the entire Knight battle formation including the protected area in the middle.

The bird impacted on the Bloodline Strength shield and instantly turned into black blood mist. The black blood mist contacted the Bloodline Strength shield, just like sulfuric acid hitting the skin, continuously corroding the Bloodline Strength shield.

This made David a little worried. He didn’t understand why the Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight was not shot, but used Bloodline Strength.

It is necessary to know that the Bloodline Strength in the energy Avatar is limited. Such consumption is not a good thing. It is impossible to know how many birds are.

But soon David stopped worrying, because the Knight battle array stretched out 5 thin white lines to connect the 5 teams in the center of the Knight battle array to the Knight battle array.

The five teams are also five Knight battle formations, each consisting of 5 Fifth Level Templar Knight bodies, and protecting the middle Level 5 sacrificial rites.

When 5 thin white wires were connected to the 5 small Knight battle formations, David clearly felt the huge Bloodline Strength from the 5 small Knight battle formations to the large Knight battle formation outside.

No wonder these Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars didn’t do anything, but let the birds hit them. It turns out that they have a large amount of Bloodline Strength supply, so there is no need to worry about consumption.

Not to mention that there is the 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight body, but there is only one Fifth Level Templar Knight. With the huge Bloodline Strength of the Fifth Level Templar Knight within the body, it is possible to destroy all the lives on the entire planet.

Fifth Level Templar Knight is the terrifying existence of one person destroying one planet. It is the strongest combat power in the world.

David feels that he is happy. Although these birds have weak souls, no matter how weak they are, they have soul energy.

The Shadow Servant flew to the top, and the silhouette flashed continuously above the entire area, sucking in the weak soul energy tirelessly.

The first birds were as large as 1000000, and they were all killed on the Bloodline Strength shield in just a few minutes.

In fact, only the poison of Asuka within the body caused damage to the Bloodline Strength shield. With Asuka’s weak and nearly non-existent impact, it could not produce any threat at all.

When the second batch of flying birds arrived, there was also a large group of 2 ground wild beasts that came together with the flying birds and collided against the Bloodline Strength shield.

The black blood mist almost completely covered Knight’s battlefield, and the strong smell of blood, even through the Bloodline Strength shield, could still be smelled by David’s keen sense of smell.

“Bishop McKinley, what is this doing?” David really didn’t hold back, he connected to the spirit of Bishop McKinley with spirit, and communicated directly with spirit.

Bishop McKinley did not expect David to have such a level of spiritual mastery. You must know that with the spirit that Earth Knight can achieve, he can only barely use simple spiritual use. Even Level 4 Heavenly Knight who wants to use complex spiritual use rarely It can be done.

But he changed his mind to the magic that David showed, if it weren’t for the spiritual innate talent and Innate Ability, how could he complete the previous task.

Spiritual communication does not affect the others, and Bishop McKinley also uses spiritual communication.

“This existence wants to use the creatures of the Grandspread Star to consume our power, but it’s just that the suicide attacks of these creatures reduce the time for the temple to clean up the Grandspread Star in the later stage!” Bishop McKinley also replied with spirit.

“What if you use humans to attack?” David asked again.

“It depends on where you put the Transmission Gate!” Bishop McKinley replied.

David knows what Bishop McKinley means. This is also the temple’s attitude towards any heresy, zero tolerance, even if these believers are passive, but as long as they actively attack the temple, then their death is the elimination of evil.

He thought about arranging the location of the Transmission Gate himself, which is far away from the city, and the nearest city is nearly 1000 kilometers away.

The reason for this choice, David also considered the Divine Idol problem in the city. The Divine Idol is too scary, and if it is too close, it is very easy to be targeted by Plague God Gladstone.

Birds and beasts constantly attacked Knight’s battlefield, Fifth Level poisoned in the air, and the scene was not fierce but extremely tragic.

The tragic thing is of course the wild beast. From the beginning to the present, no Knight has made moves, relying entirely on the Bloodline Strength shields gathered by Knight’s battle formation in passive defense.

Of course, it is far from being so calm on the surface. Knight’s battle formation is composed of Fifth Level Templar Knights. If it were Level 4 Heavenly Knight, it is estimated that the Bloodline Strength shield has been eroded by Fifth Level poisonously.

The Fifth Level Templar Knights rely on their own strong strength to be able to be so calm.

The suicide battles here are still going on. In the cities of Grandspread Star, all the believers stood up. After their bodies experienced many days of hunger, the old and the young died long ago. Entering into the world of Plague God Gladstone within the realm, here are all younger believers.

It’s just that after a long period of hunger and sleepless prayers, these young believers are all withered, and Fire of Life may go out at any time.

Plague God Gladstone really couldn’t kill these believers directly, but He couldn’t wait, so these believers began to run around the stone Divine Idol in the middle.

In normal times, this kind of ordinary running can’t be considered for these young believers, but the extremely weak believers start running, and the final life force is quickly consumed.

each and everyone believers cannot get up when they fall to the ground. All the souls are gathered into the Divine Idol. Divine Idol’s previously invisible face becomes clearer.

The stone quality of Divine Idol itself is also undergoing incomprehensible changes, and the stone quality is being transformed into another more magical material.

There are fewer and fewer believers in each city, and eventually the entire Grandspread Star has no believers.

In the center of the squares of the cities, among countless corpses, Divine Idol is changing.

For so many days, the Divine Idol brought together by faith and soul has turned the crude Divine Idol into the Avatar of Plague God Gladstone. Of course, the most important thing is that these Divine Idol have a trace of the divinity of Plague God Gladstone.

Plague God Gladstone is very unwilling. If he is given some more time and he can collect these souls calmly, then he can completely close Small World again and enter a deep sleep to wait for the next awakening.

Plague God Gladstone’s previous attempt to drag the temple offended the temple.

This is related to the fact that Plague God Gladstone underestimated the power of the temple. He came from the ancient times. In his consciousness, multiple Spiritual Gods ruled the world at the level of mutual restriction and mutual attack.

Plague God Gladstone never thought that 5 powerful Spiritual Gods would unite together to form the strongest alliance, absorb some weak Spiritual Gods that depend on their existence, rule the entire Great Spiritual World, and bring all Spiritual Gods who dare to violate their will. God is all destroyed.

What Plague God Gladstone is facing is this World’s most powerful theocratic era in history. Perhaps in his era, it is impossible to imagine a world where countless planets are ruled by 5 Spiritual Gods. The strength of Faith .

If he knew this, he would not have any other thoughts at all. He would only find a stick to knock himself out immediately after awakening, and sleep again for a few 10000 years, waiting for the passing of this era.

The previous action of Plague God Gladstone was equivalent to a monkey holding a needle to stab a giant dragon, and the consequences are predictable.

Although Plague God Gladstone didn’t know this, he knew that he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to do his best to destroy the enemies who entered the Grandspread Star.

Because Plague God Gladstone perceives the existence of 3 envoys, once God descends on Grandspread Star, it is possible that even his world will be affected.

Of course, among the three ambassadors perceived by Plague God Gladstone, only Templar Knight Annabella is the real ambassador. David and Shadow Servant have no Spiritual God to come, but they have some characteristics of Spiritual God on their bodies.

The Divine Idol standing in the center of the square seemed to have suction power. The bodies of the believers next to it kept sliding towards the Divine Idol. When the corpse touched the Divine Idol, the flesh and blood of the corpse within the body instantly disappeared, and the whole corpse immediately turned into fly ash.

As a corpse turned into fly ash, and countless flesh and blood nourished Divine Idol, cracks appeared on the surface of Divine Idol.

The cracks broke apart, and a man’s body was conceived inside. This body looked like a daoist, but when it moved, the stiff movements and the sound of touching the ground when the feet touched the ground all showed that this was not a real human being. It was Stoneman.

There are 42 big cities in the Grandspread Star. The Stoneman born from these 42 big cities has the strength and speed of Fifth Level. Although there is no Bloodline Strength of Fifth Level Templar Knight, Stoneman’s defense is inherently strong, without pain and fatigue, and fighting strength. Fifth Level Templar Knight is almost the same.

There are 2 1003 medium-sized cities. The 2 1003 medium-sized cities gave birth to the Stoneman with Level 4 power and speed. There are more than 1000 small cities with 100 taels, and the Stoneman bred only has Level 3 strength.

The Stoneman of all the small cities ran towards the nearby medium-sized cities. They could not fly, but they had extremely fast speeds.

In medium-sized cities, after a Level 3 Stoneman arrives, the Level 3 Stoneman will come in front of the Level 4 Stoneman, and then the Level 3 Stoneman will channel all the energy within the body into the Level 4 Stoneman within the body, and the Level 3 Stoneman will be on the spot. For stone powder.

All cities are doing the same thing. When an ancient god goes crazy, no one can imagine what he would do.

The people in the temple thought they were consuming the power of Plague God Gladstone, but in turn, Plague God Gladstone was using the wild beast of the Grandspread Star to delay time so that it could organize a sufficiently strong combat power.

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