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“Earl Arthur, are you uncomfortable?” Bishop McKinley looked at David and asked caringly.

Standing under the protection of Knight’s battlefield, David’s expression seemed a little excited and a little excited. In Bishop McKinley’s eyes, it was like he was affected by the tragedy outside the Knight’s battlefield.

Indeed, at David’s age, although only animals died, 1000000 animals died in front of him. That kind of shock is not something an ordinary person can bear.

However, Bishop McKinley obviously underestimated David, not mentioning David’s past in the Interstellar Federation, but after he came to Great Spiritual World, the number of people who died in his hands has exceeded 1000.

In addition, David has also experienced war in War Star, so how can he be affected by this war?

David is excited that the souls of these animals are all absorbed by Shadow Servant. It takes a long time for the animals to come quickly on the ground, so the number is only 10000, but the flight speed of birds is not considered the type of land. The straight-line flight distance made the number of birds impacting Knight’s battlefield more than 10000000 million.

And this number is still increasing. Every second, there are 10000 birds crashing into the Knight battle formation from all directions at the same time.

“I’m fine, don’t we just wait here, it will take a long time!” David replied through mental communication.

“The longer the delay, the better for us!” Bishop McKinley explained mentally.

David looked towards Bishop McKinley for some unknown reasons, but Bishop McKinley only said these and did not continue to explain.

Bishop McKinley will naturally not explain much. Although the two of them use spiritual communication, they may also be detected by Plague God Gladstone if they use this method to tell the battle plan.

The power of Spiritual God is unimaginable by ordinary people, especially many ancient special abilities, which have unpredictable effects.

David turned his head and looked towards 5 Level 4 priests. There was a Level 4 priest’s hood facing him in this direction, so that he could vaguely see the face of the Level 4 priest.

He saw the Level 4 ritual chanting continuously in the mouth, there was no sound, but the mouth was moving slightly, and the concentrated expression let him know that this was not an ordinary chanting, but was preparing to release the divine technique.

David looked at the golden box in the hands of the Level 4 sacrifice, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

In some medium-sized cities all around with a large number of small cities, many Level 3 Stoneman gather energy into Level 4 Stoneman within the body, making Level 4 Stoneman successfully promoted to Fifth Level stone.

There are also Level 4 Stoneman in some medium-sized cities. Because the number of nearby Level 3 Stoneman is not enough to make it advance, Level 4 Stoneman actively seeks out other medium-sized cities and fuse together among Level 4 Stoneman.

Plague God Gladstone in Small World saw Divine Idol turned into Stoneman, and his eyes flashed with heartache. The time to occupy the Grandspread Star was still too short. Through crazy squeezing, he only got this strength of Faith.

Income is not directly proportional to investment. Plague God Gladstone’s investment is the crystallization of divine force.

What makes Plague God Gladstone helpless is that due to the accidental Transmission Gate, these Knights and sacrifices entered the Grandspread Star ahead of time, disrupting his plan.

Plague God Gladstone must give priority to solving this batch of Knights and sacrifices, otherwise, not to mention gains, even himself will be in danger.

When the divine sense of Plague God Gladstone moved, a space door appeared in front of every Fifth Level Stoneman. The Fifth Level Stoneman entered the space door, and when he reappeared, he was already about 5000 metres away from the Knight battlefield.

“92 Fifth Level servants, the battle is now considered to be the real start!” Bishop McKinley judged the number of Fifth Level Stoneman only by relying on the breath of the distance without looking at it, he said to David.

The rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knight and Fifth Level sacrifices were stronger than Bishop McKinley’s perception. The originally silent Knight battlefield, the imposing manner rose like flames.

When it comes to frontal combat, Fifth Level Templar Knight has never been afraid of any of the same level. Coupled with the blessing of sacrificial cults around him, all Fifth Level Templar Knights show strong fighting intent.

David’s feeling is the most different among all people. He felt that the battle angel crystals in Soul Space had an extreme desire, and even the bald-headed Robust Man God Spirit Crystal body, which was suppressed by the battle angel crystals, had the same desire.

It seems that there are not 92 Fifth Level servants in front, but 92 excellent food.

David’s heart moved, does the servant who appeared this time have anything to do with Divine Idol?

Because before, only the battle angel crystal would have such a reaction when it encountered the’Divine Idol’.

It’s just that this time seems to be a lot of targets, and there are a lot of special energy contained, which makes the two crystals have a stronger reaction.

“Cut!” Finally, the Knight battle formation did not continue to be silent. A Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar loudly shouted at the edge of the Knight battle formation. In his hand, a pure white Bloodline Strength long sword was condense and swung towards the birds in the sky. .

“Chop! Chop! Chop!…” Ten consecutive Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar follow closely from behind to make the same action.

Tens of white Bloodline Strength long swords broke away from the Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight and flew to the sky. These white Bloodline Strength long swords in the sky became bigger and bigger. Soon the first Bloodline Strength long swords became 100. Giant sword with meters wide.

Although doing so greatly reduces the formidable power of the Bloodline Strength long sword, the target of the Bloodline Strength long sword is the weak bird.

A dozen or so Bloodline Strength long swords crossed the sky, and the flocks of birds in the sky densely covered like black clouds were instantly emptied, and the bodies of the birds were exploded in the air and turned into black blood mist.

Part of the black blood mist is attached to the Bloodline Strength long sword, turning the white Bloodline Strength long sword into black, but not at all affects the attack of the Bloodline Strength long sword.

When the black blood mist corrodes the Bloodline Strength long sword to a very small extent, there will be no more birds within 1000 meters above the Knight battle array.

At this time of the attack, at least several millions of birds were killed at the same time, and the entire area was shrouded in black blood mist.

The scepters in the hands of the 5 Fifth Level priests pointed towards the sky, and white light balls rose into the air. As the white light balls exploded in the air, the black fog in the entire area was also dispersed.

“Earl Arthur, if you have any means, just use it. This is when you are doing meritorious service. When the Fifth Level battles, nothing will happen to us!” Bishop McKinley also pointed the scepter to the sky, a white ball of light Ascended into the air, while communicating with David’s spirit.

David nodded, in the sky Although the birds within 1000 meters are instantly cleared, more birds are still approaching in the distance.

The formidable power of the Bloodline Strength long sword is indeed very strong, but the poison contained in the bird within the body is the biggest trouble. After this Bloodline Strength long sword is issued, it should be able to be manipulated for a period of time, and it can even be recovered and reused.

But because of the poison of Asuka within the body, the Bloodline Strength long sword became a one-time attack.

In fact, the most suitable for attack now is the priests. Their long-range divine technique can kill these birds in a large range without being affected by the poison.

But the priests now dare not use the divine technique extensively, and the priests are not suitable for long-term battles. The divine technique also consumes spirit and within the body energy, and consumes far more than Knight.

At this time, a weak Knight like David can play a role.

Of course, the reason why I didn’t bring a large number of 3 Level 4 Knights over here was that there was bewitching energy everywhere, which directly had a bewitching effect on Level 3 Knights, and also had an impact on Level 4 Knights.

If it hadn’t been for David to enter the Grandspread Star many times and show his resistance to enchanting energies, he would not be allowed to follow this action.

David hesitated, he thought back to his list of abilities, and wanted to choose one.

He looked towards’High Frequency Sound Wave (innate talent)’. This innate talent is still very useful at low levels. Because this is a silent range ability, it has terrible damage to low-level enemies.

But the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ innate talent has become less and less effective now, and he doesn’t care if this ability is exposed.

David opened his mouth and launched his’High Frequency Sound Wave’ ability towards the sky. His spirit can now be as far as 1000 meters away, which makes the range of his’High Frequency Sound Wave’ reach 1000 meters.

But’High Frequency Sound Wave’ is not a Spirit Attack, and no one will find that his spirit is unusually strong after using it.

Another group of flying birds entered the 1000 meters range. The energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight in the Knight battlefield was preparing to do it, but found that all the flying birds were stagnant and exploded in the air.

“Earl Arthur, I didn’t expect you to have this kind of Innate Ability. If your Innate Ability does not consume much, these birds will be handed over to you!” Heaviside Fifth Level’s eyes lit up and he said aloud.

The vast majority of people here are Fifth Level. Whether it is Fifth Level Templar Knight or Fifth Level sacrifice, you can perceive a sound wave from David’s side to the sky.

Although I don’t know how David did this, the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice judges that David’s consumption must be very low. This is just sound waves and does not consume spirit and Bloodline Strength.

“I insist on 2 hours shouldn’t be a problem!” David replied with a smile.

“Okay, I will write down your contribution to the battle!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrificed laughed and said with a smile.

The Fifth Level Templar Knights are also friendly and nodded to David. The attacks of these birds can’t be considered, but it is this kind of prolonged harassment that makes them very annoying.

Any of their full strength attacks can kill 1000000 birds on hundreds of thousands, but what effect does this have? There are constant birds gathering, and no one knows how many birds are.

Grandspread Star is an agricultural planet, and there may be few other animals living on it, but it is a planet suitable for birds to survive, and the number of birds that multiply can be counted as 100000000 million.

They also saw that the formidable power of David’s High Frequency Sound Wave attack was only around Level 2, and the impact on Level 3 was not large. At most, it would be affected without preparation.

But what is called “High Frequency Sound Wave” is low consumption and wide range. The formidable power of Level 2 is enough to kill birds.

Bishop McKinley was also very surprised. He did not expect that David would actually play a role in the battle. He began to sing. After 5 seconds, the scepter in his hand pointed at David, and a white radiance pointed toward David. David fell on him.

David believes that Bishop McKinley will not harm him. At the same time, there is no danger in his perception. Besides, Bishop McKinley is a Level 4 sacrificial ritual, and what he is best at is to gain divine technique.

Sure enough, the light rain fell on him, and his whole body was warm. He used the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ to consume some physical strength, and his throat would be tired, but during the flow of warm energy, some of the physical strength was replenished. , The throat is also constantly recovering tired by the warm energy.

The divine technique that allows Bishop McKinley to prepare for 5 seconds is not an ordinary divine technique. This divine technique called “sacred blessing” can maintain the full value of the body’s strength for a certain period of time while the body is subjected to it. The damage will also recover on its own.

With Bishop McKinley’s Level 4 sacrificial strength, the effect of this’sacred blessing’ divine technique can last for 2 hours. During these 2 hours, David’s continuous use of’High Frequency Sound Wave’ will not cause any harm to the body. .

Of course, this’sacred blessing’ is an optional benefit for David.

He possesses the Fifth Level spirit, he is also Level 3 Earth Knight, and within the body has a continuously immortal life force. The “High Frequency Sound Wave” he said just now for 2 hours is just a humble statement. The truth is he It is not a problem to use’High Frequency Sound Wave’ for a day.

A strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The flock of birds entered within 1000 meters, and before they approached the Knight battlefield, they would be swept by an audio shock wave. All the birds within 1000 meters exploded on the spot.

What the Knight battlefield needs is to block some of the poisons that are close to the Knight battlefield. This makes the Fifth Level Templar Knights in the Knight battlefield a lot easier, and they also looked towards the Fifth Level Stoneman who is entering the battlefield.

The 92 Fifth Level Stoneman is a super puppet made by Plague God Gladstone, which brings together the beliefs and souls of all human beings in the Grandspread Star, based on the Divine Idol with a trace of his divinity.

This technique is forbidden even in Ancient Era. The believer is the foundation of Spiritual God’s existence. It robs and confuses the believer. This kind of behavior is rejected by any Spiritual God.

But this kind of technology is really terrifying. At the cost of consuming Grandspread Star humans, 92 Fifth Level Stoneman were quickly manufactured. You must know that the time and resources required to truly cultivate 92 Fifth Level combat power are not what Grandspread Star can provide. of.

Even if Grandspread Star is given 10000 years, it cannot sustainably cultivate 92 Fifth Level powerhouse.

The most important thing about this technology is the trace of divinity. Faith and soul only amplify the effect of divinity, and the importance of divinity is the foundation of existence for Spiritual God.

Plague God Gladstone itself did not appear in the Great Spiritual World, but he put his combat power into the Grandspread Star by releasing part of his divinity.

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