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Plague God Gladstone’s forbidden technique is still very different from the true god surrender. What the god surrender needs is true believers, and the believers match Spiritual God itself.

The number of believers available for God to descend is so small that even the five powerful Spiritual Gods that control the entire Great Spiritual World have not found many.

Plague God Gladstone can’t cast God’s surrender on Grandspread Star. These Fifth Level Stoneman are the strongest methods he can use.

“Earl Arthur, you also join the Knight battle!” Heaviside Fifth Level priest said to David.

Before David and Bishop McKinley were only placed under the protection of the Knight battle, not at all became part of the Knight battle.

Now the Heaviside Fifth Level cult requires this to allow David to keep up with the Knight battle.

The Knight battle array stretched out a white Bloodline Strength chain to connect to David, and David felt the horror of the Knight battle array.

Compared with the Knight battle formation he had joined before, this Knight battle formation consisting of 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar, 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight body, 5 Fifth Level sacrifices, and 6 Level 4 sacrifices in front of him, has an internal surge. The dynamic Bloodline Strength makes him feel that he has one’s hair stand on end.

Only one Bloodline Strength within this area is enough to easily kill Level 4 Heavenly Knight and severely damage Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Knight battle formation is allowed to join the temple priests, but the normal Knight, even if he has learned this aspect of battle formation knowledge, will hardly use it in his life.

David saw that side Bishop McKinley was also connected by a Bloodline Strength chain, and everyone on the battlefield became part of the Knight battle.

David did not stop playing the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ to ensure that no birds could interrupt the Fifth Level battle.

“Knight charge!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice As the Temple of War’s Fifth Level sacrifice, he is responsible for the specific instructions of the war, and he shouted.

David felt his body light, and the entire Knight battlefield was off the ground, supporting his body and flew toward the Fifth Level Stoneman.

This was the first time that he was passively taken by the Knight to fly. Before he formed the Knights with his Level 4 Heavenly Knight puppets, it did not have this effect.

However, the Knight battlefield where David is now, relying only on the spirit of the priests, can hold David to follow the Knight battlefield.

In the Knight battle formation, only David was unable to fly. The rest are Level 4 rituals that can also fly on their own. Although the flight speed is not fast, it is driven by the Knight battle formation and can naturally keep up with the Knight battle formation.

If David did not demonstrate his abilities, he would be left out of the battlefield at this time, and after the war he would only have a name for participating in the battle of God, and his merits would be much less.

When Knight charged to the 1000 meters range of the Fifth Level Stoneman, the Fifth Level Stoneman was already within the range of David’s’High Frequency Sound Wave’.

It’s just that these Fifth Level Stoneman completely ignored the influence of the’High Frequency Sound Wave’. Perhaps there is a Fifth Level Stoneman here that is not the cause of life at all, but the most important reason is that the attack power of the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ is too low.

92 Fifth Level Stoneman, and the Knight battle formation of 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights are about to collide. David has long been replaced with Level 4 Knight armor, ready to collide with so many Fifth Levels at any time.

Of course, the temple said that there are 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights. In fact, only 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars can fight. The remaining 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s bodies only provide Bloodline Strength support. Their main task is to protect the Divine Item. .

92 Stoneman also has a battle formation. Their arms are turned into a pair of stone hammers. They are 3 meters tall and keep a certain distance and order when walking.

“Get rid of evil!” Hawthorne’s Fifth Level sacrifice first performed a divine technique.

What he didn’t expect was that the divine technique did not work. The divine technique rays of light dissipated automatically when they encountered the Fifth Level Stoneman.

“Divine sanctions!” The Horace Fifth Level sacrifice followed closely with the Hawthorn Fifth Level sacrifice. This is an offensive divine technique.

After the’sacred sanction’ was cast, a white lance flew from the top of his scepter, and shot at the front Fifth Level Stoneman at a speed that naked eye could not see.

“Divine Sanction” is a single powerful divine technique mastered by Fifth Level priests. Its formidable power is almost twice that of Fifth Level Templar Knight’s full strength attack, and it is also an energy system attack.

The Fifth Level Stoneman didn’t even have time to evade, or the Fifth Level Stoneman simply didn’t evade. It was in the battlefield. Even if the evasion succeeded, it would let the’sacred sanctions’ hit the rest of the Fifth Level Stoneman.

The’Holy Sanction’ hit the Fifth Level Stoneman, and the Fifth Level Stoneman’s advancement stopped suddenly. Not only did its body stop, but after a stagnation, its body began to surge backwards.

Fifth Level Stoneman’s feet plunged deeply into the ground, plowing 2 ditches in the ground.

However, the Fifth Level Stoneman only retreated one meter, and the attack on its body was spread to the other 9 eleven Fifth Level Stoneman.

“Really strong defense!” Hawthorne Fifth Level sacrificed out in surprise.

He is very clear about the divine technique formidable power he used. Although there are not many divine techniques, each of them has powerful formidable power. In the case of one-to-one, even Fifth Level Templar Knight cannot He accepted his single attack divine technique without injury.

The idea of ​​Hawthorne’s Fifth Level sacrifice was passed to the minds of the rest of the people through the Knight battle array. This is the enemy’s intelligence he obtained using the’sacred sanctions’, which will naturally be shared with everyone in the Knight battle array.

“Change the cone formation!” The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice immediately changed the battle formation, no longer thinking about full frontal contact with the Fifth Level Stoneman, but became a use point to break surface battle formation.

The energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight in the charge changes very fast. It instantly becomes a sharp charge of the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar in the front, and the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knights in the back.

As soon as the cone-shaped battle formation was replaced, the Knight battle formation rushed to the Fifth Level Stoneman battle formation.

Fifth Level Bloodline Strength turns the entire Knight battle formation into a lance spearhead. The cone-pointed Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar is the spear tip of lance, and the spearhead is heavily stabbed on the Fifth Level Stoneman who has just been repelled.

The divine technique of Hawthorne’s Fifth Level sacrifice was not without effect. His divine technique forced the forward speed of the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman to a stop, and Knight’s battle formation was charging at full speed. This made the two sides collide with each other. The battle formation has a great advantage here.

The Fifth Level Stoneman was hit by the Bloodline Strength gathered by the entire Knight battlefield. The 3-meter-high Fifth Level Stoneman wanted to swing the stone hammer, but he flew out before he finished the movement.

The battle formation composed of 92 Fifth Level Stoneman was destroyed by a charge of Knight’s battle formation. The terrifying impact brought about by the charge really achieved the use point to break surface.

The Fifth Level Stoneman flew out of several dozen meters, hit the ground heavily, and plunged into the ground.

The stone on its chest cracked all around at the point where it was hit, and black blood gushed out along the crack.

After the 1st place Fifth Level Stoneman was knocked into the air, Knight’s battle formation did not stop at all, and the charge had not ended. The impact contained in the Knight’s battle formation was not completely consumed by a Fifth Level Stoneman.

Then the second Fifth Level Stoneman was knocked off, followed by the third Fifth Level Stoneman and the fourth Fifth Level Stoneman.

The speed of Knight’s battle formation was extremely fast, and it penetrated 92 Fifth Level Stoneman in just one breath. Knight’s battle formation flew into the sky, turned in the sky, and once again aimed at the Fifth Level Stoneman on the ground.

When the first Fifth Level Stoneman was knocked into the air, David was excited to dispatch Shadow Servant. When he wanted to come and gather 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights in the Knight battle formation, this Fifth Level Stoneman was basically impossible to survive.

Not to mention the Fifth Level Stoneman, even a puppet made of Fifth Level grade materials, can not stop such a blow.

Just as Shadow Servant flew in front of the Fifth Level Stoneman who was plunged into the ground, David saw through the eyes of Shadow Servant that although there was a hole in the Fifth Level Stoneman, black blood was flowing out of the hole, but the hole was just Healed slowly.

Of course, the Shadow Servant can’t get anything from the undead Fifth Level Stoneman, and the Fifth Level Stoneman also jumped out of the ground.

Not only this Fifth Level Stoneman, but the rest of the Fifth Level Stoneman that was knocked into the air also stood up again and returned to the battlefield.

“Something is wrong, this is not an ordinary puppet, it is probably a god creation!” Hawthorne Fifth Level sacrificed solemnly.

Under the command of the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice, the Knight battle formation not at all attacked again. They need to re-master the Fifth Level Stoneman’s situation to make a more effective attack.

“It is indeed a creation of God, otherwise nothing in the world can withstand the blow just now!” Heaviside Fifth Level priest nodded said.

“Can you make a move?” asked the 5 Level 4 priests who held the golden box in their hands, the Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice looked towards.

The five Level 5 priests did not reply, but were nodded.

“How about? Let’s do it directly. Breaking the gods requires an attack beyond Fifth Level. No matter how strong we are, we cannot exceed Fifth Level!” Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice proposed to the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice.

“I agree! What about you?” Heaviside Fifth Level said solemnly.





The five Fifth Level priests representing the five major temples made their own decisions. They have been in Grandspread Star for so long and have been waiting for the preparation of the Divine Item.

Now I have encountered a divine creation, and there are still as many as 92 divine creations. If they want to destroy the divine creation, only Divine Item can do it.

“Open Divine Item!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrificial orders.

Five Level 5 priests put their hands on the golden box together, and then the five golden boxes opened at the same time.

David felt an indescribable huge energy appear beside him. He immediately retracted the Shadow Servant within the body. He didn’t know how the Divine Item attacked, whether it accidentally injured the Shadow Servant, or put it away safely.

In the golden box belonging to the Temple of War, there is a small golden tomahawk, the golden box belonging to the Temple of Knowledge is a golden book, the one belonging to the Temple of Wealth is a Gold Coin, and the one belonging to the Earth God Palace is A golden sickle, belonging to the Temple of Justice is a golden balance.

The small golden battle axe flies out of the golden box first, and a golden line emerges from its body, passing through the void to connect to the distant Temple of War.

The strength of Faith accumulated in the Temple of War follows the golden line in the sky into the golden tomahawk, and the golden tomahawk becomes bigger and bigger.

The 92 Fifth Level Stoneman on the ground seemed to be unable to move as if they had been casted with a fixation technique, and the original stone eyes were full of horror.

Of course, the real shock is not these Fifth Level Stoneman, but the Plague God Gladstone hidden behind the Fifth Level Stoneman.

Plague God Gladstone never imagined that this World where he was awakened, the Spiritual God that existed would be so powerful, only the power revealed by the Divine Item reached the point where it could “kill the gods”.

The golden battle axe didn’t give Plague God Gladstone too much time to think, so it smashed 92 Fifth Level Stoneman towards the ground.

It is also the strength of the strength of Faith, but the attack of the golden tomahawk is countless times stronger than the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman.

The belief of Fifth Level Stoneman is to confuse the humans of the Grandspread Star. It is obtained in a short time. This kind of strength of Faith is inherently lower than ordinary strength of Faith by Level 1.

The difference in the level of strength of Faith is only one aspect. The difference in number is even greater. The Temple of War connected to the Golden Axe is where about 20% of the strength of Faith in the Great Spiritual World gathers.

Grandspread Star is just one of the many planets in the Great Spiritual World. The accumulation of strength of Faith over the past 10000 years is also incomparable compared with the short-term enchantment.

The basic material of the Fifth Level Stoneman is stone, and the material used by the golden battle axe is a real god-made material, even if it is a pair of 92, the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman are like clay figurines.

David stopped the display of the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ Innate Ability. On the one hand, he was horrified by the attack of the golden tomahawk, and on the other hand, he did not need to use the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ Innate Ability anymore.

At the moment the golden tomahawk was launched into the sky, all the birds that could be seen within the visual range, even the flock of birds that could not be seen further away, were all awed by the breath of the golden tomahawk.

The consequence is that all the birds exploded in an instant, and the black mist from the corpse was still in the future and dispersed, and it was swept away by the rays of light of the golden tomahawk.

This was the first time David saw Divine Item’s attack, which gave him a full refresh of his previous power.

92 Fifth Level Stoneman, they can’t move even under the golden battle axe, they can only watch the golden battle axe fall, the huge golden battle axe swept over 92 Fifth Level Stoneman, 92 Fifth Level Stoneman turned into gravel.

The golden battle axe seems to have consumed power. It disappeared from the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman, and then appeared in the golden box and transformed into a golden small axe.

David felt that his battle angel crystal had a crazy urge to absorb. This urge made him a little unable to control himself. After he clenched the teeth, the Shadow Servant flew over 92 Fifth Level Stoneman turned into rubble. .

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