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Needless to say, the speed of Shadow Servant, within a distance of 1000 meters, it appears almost instantaneously anywhere.

Among the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman’s gravel, there are 92 pale-gold lines. Although the previous Divine Item golden battle axe destroyed the Fifth Level Stoneman’s body, these pale-gold lines were not at all damaged. .

Because the pale-gold lines are too small, Knight’s battle formation is still some distance away, and the pale-gold lines don’t show the slightest breath, so not at all who finds their existence.

The divinity of these all are Plague God Gladstone is also the core of the Fifth Level Stoneman. The Divine Item golden battle axe only destroys the outer shell of the Fifth Level Stoneman. This divinity is intangible and will not be hurt by the Divine Item.

And after the divinity leaves the Fifth Level Stoneman, it will automatically return to the body of Plague God Gladstone in a short time. These divinities are equivalent to a part of the body of Plague God Gladstone.

Just as these 92 thin pale-gold lines were becoming a little transparent and were about to disappear, Shadow Servant arrived in time.

Shadow Servant first instinctively absorbed the soul in the gravel. David’s mind separated a part of the body within the Shadow Servant. Just when the soul of the first Fifth Level Stoneman was absorbed, he felt countless resentments. .

The youngster’s unwilling roar, the helpless sigh of the old man, the crying of the child, and more complex emotions make this soul as if there are countless Resentful Souls.

The soul of the Fifth Level Stoneman is composed of countless souls of bewitched believers, but after the body of the Fifth Level Stoneman was destroyed by the Divine Item golden battle axe, the bewitching also disappeared.

Souls that are not affected by bewitched will naturally be unwilling to their own experiences. They are angry, frustrated, helpless, crazy, and a large number of negative emotions appear, so that the soul will fall apart at any time.

Fortunately, these grievances that can make the ordinary person feel crazy after being perceived were first tolerated by Shadow Servant, and the spirit of David Fifth Level was enough to withstand the remaining influence, but he did not lose self-control on the spot.

After the Shadow Servant absorbed this soul, its body instinctively eliminated all grievances.

Of course, the Shadow Servant not only absorbs the soul. Under David’s conscious command, the Shadow Servant absorbs the remaining special energy into the body, that is, the transparent divinity that will disappear.

This was actually only within 0.01 second. After the shadow of the Shadow Servant’s silhouette flashed, 92 souls and divinities were all absorbed into the body.

“Unforgivable!” Plague God Gladstone is sitting on the throne of Small World. He is recalling his divinity, only to find that the divinity is absorbed by the Shadow Servant within the body.

In Plague God Gladstone’s view, this is the Spiritual God behind Shadow Servant. Otherwise, with Shadow Servant or David’s realm, it would be impossible to discover the divine existence hidden in the gravel.

The divinity of pale-gold is imperceptible except for Spiritual God.

First, it lost a large number of souls collected, and everything that Plague God Gladstone paid was in vain, and then lost as many as 92 divinities, which made Plague God Gladstone unbearable.

This is no longer a question of defeat, but whether the body of the ancient god can still wake up after the next deep sleep.

Plague God Gladstone knew that he had no retreat and had to kill Shadow Servant to regain his divinity.

Just as Plague God Gladstone was thinking about what price to pay to kill Shadow Servant, the action on the temple side was not over yet.

The Level 4 sacrifice of Temple of Knowledge also activated the golden books. The golden books rose from the box into the air, and a golden line extended from the golden books into the void, passing through the space to reach the Temple of Knowledge.

Massive strength of Faith enters the Divine Item golden book through the golden line, the golden book flips automatically, and each and everyone golden light spots fly out of the golden book, but these golden light spots stop in the air, not at all the other actions.

“My lord, no humans survive in the Grandspread Star!” The face of the Temple of Knowledge’s Level 4 sacrifice turned pale, and he said in an incredulous voice.

The function of the Divine Item golden book is to remove the spiritual influence of all intelligent creatures in the planet. In Grandspread Star, it refers exclusively to humans.

However, the Divine Item golden book uses the golden light spot generated by the strength of Faith to relieve the bewitching, but it does not automatically find the human recovery. That can only explain one thing, the Grandspread Star does not have human existence.

Not only the Temple of Knowledge’s Level 4 sacrifice, everyone present did not expect this result.

It can be said that no matter what the outcome of this battle of God, Great Spiritual World has completely lost a believer of planet.

“Evil Plague God Gladstone, your name will be cursed by everyone, and you will always sleep in the filth!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifices to the sky angrily roared.

Calling the name of God, even in the name of Evil God, is something that people in the Great Spiritual World would hardly do.

The anger in the heart of the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice at this time exceeded the awe of Plague God Gladstone, and he issued a curse on Plague God Gladstone.

Perhaps in other places, due to the weakness of the Plague God Gladstone and the influence of the 5 major temples, the name of the god called Plague God Gladstone may not be noticed by Plague God Gladstone.

But on the Grandspread Star, this planet that was transformed by Plague God Gladstone, directly called the name of Plague God Gladstone, and immediately Plague God Gladstone heard it.

Then, above the Knight battle formation, a thick black beam of light fell towards the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice.

It is true that Spiritual God cannot directly use divine force to interfere with the main world, but there are special exceptions. Calling the name of the god is an exception.

When someone calls the name of the god directly, the Spiritual God corresponding to the name of the god can use the special channel established by calling the name of the god to display the divine force. Of course, this is expensive, so Normal God will only use some small means to warn .

It’s just that the two sides are preparing for a god battle. Plague God Gladstone will not let it go when seeing this opportunity. His dao divine force turned into a black beam of light, not only attacking the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice, but also affecting it. People around.

Temple of Knowledge’s Emerson Fifth Level worshipped the scepter in extend the hand. He was ready when the Heaviside Fifth Level worshipped the scepter.

When the black beam of light fell, the Emerson Fifth Level priest controlled the Divine Item golden book of the Temple of Knowledge, and those golden lights that had no targets were spotted into a golden shield, blocking the top of the Knight battle formation.


After a loud noise, David felt his whole body drop several meters downward. The body that was originally suspended in the air, now his feet are on the ground, and some of his feet are still under the ground.

He looked towards the rest of the Knight battle formation, all just like him, the entire Knight battle formation was heavily pressed down to the ground.

There were 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights in the Knight battle. When they were pressed to the ground, most of the pressure was borne by them, so David didn’t feel any discomfort.

David looked up and saw that the golden shield and black beam of light above his head were disappearing from where they were in contact.

Soon the golden shield and black beam of light dissipated, and the black beam of light did not even survive the poison, so it was offset by the golden shield.

Although it looks like the golden shield is evenly matched with the black beam of light, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the black beam of light is a direct attack from Plague God Gladstone, while the golden shield is only from the Divine Item golden book. There is a big difference.

But that’s it, the golden shield still resisted the blow from Plague God Gladstone and eliminated all subsequent formidable power.

The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice and the Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice looked at each other. Just now, it was the cooperation between them.

Although Temple of War and Temple of Knowledge do not deal with each other, no one will have this idea during the battle of God. They are comrades in the battle of Evil God.

The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice is just taking advantage of the topic, using the anger in the heart to curse Plague God Gladstone.

What he wants is that Plague God Gladstone uses divine force. Plague God Gladstone is a weak Spiritual God. Every time a divine force is used, it will make it weaker.

The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice did this, but also didn’t want the Divine Item golden book to waste energy.

Although the strength of Faith of Temple of Knowledge is sufficient, but they use the strength of Faith of Spiritual God, and there can be no waste.

The blow of Plague God Gladstone caused the Divine Item golden book to consume the strength of Faith called. After these strength of Faith are activated, there is no way to return it.

David is in it. If you watch the scene from a distance, it is truly spectacular.

The huge black beam of light shot down from in the sky is like a giant stick hitting it, and the golden shield that emerges is like a golden shield. Both of them are giants, everyone in the Knight battle array. Together, they are extremely small in front of them.

This is the true power of Spiritual God, and it can be called Gods Vestige anywhere.

Plague God Gladstone felt very uncomfortable, was cursed on the spot by the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice, and wanted Divine Punishment but was blocked.

This kind of shame on Ancient Era will become the object of ridicule by the gods, and the anger in Plague God Gladstone’s heart will increase.

However, Plague God Gladstone also has some concerns. The Divine Item is more powerful than his imagination, and 3 Divine Items are not activated.

The Gold Coin in the golden box in the hands of the Temple of Wealth’s Level 4 sacrificial flew out, and the Gold Coin rose into the air, and a golden line also appeared from the Gold Coin to the void, passing through the space to connect to the Temple of Wealth.

Level 4 sacrificial eyes rarely appear killing intent. The original mission of Divine Item Gold Coin is to break the defensive net that covers the surface of the Grandspread Star, but the humans on the Grandspread Star are killed, then the Divine Item Gold Coin can be washed directly Everything on Grandspread Star is unclean.

In fact, as long as Plague God Gladstone retains a little human on the Grandspread Star, the priests will not forcefully clean the Grandspread Star, but will be sent by the 5 major temples to send priests to deal with it slowly after many years.

The 5 Spiritual Gods of the Great Spiritual World will never attack their believers, even if the believers are deceived, at least they cannot be cleaned up through the Divine Item.

Now that the Level 4 sacrifice has been informed in the Divine Item golden book of Temple of Knowledge that no humans survive, he can safely turn on the strongest state of the Divine Item Gold Coin and clean up the Grandspread Star without any scruples.

As far as the strength of Faith is concerned, the Temple of Wealth has always been at the top of the major temples. There is a Temple of Wealth in any city. Any use of the God’s Gold Coin will result in faith.

As long as there is a yearning for the God of Gold Coin in the heart, there will be corresponding beliefs to the Temple of Wealth.

In the Great Spiritual World, even those who are poor and unable to contact God’s Gold Coin will have the hope of getting God’s Gold Coin. Others who contact God’s Gold Coin, let alone provide the Temple of Wealth with strength of more directly. Faith.

Plague God Gladstone observes the outside world through the eyes of the animals. For things on the battlefield, he observes through some animals standing in the vicinity. These animals did not participate in the battle, but just stood in the distance to observe, so they were not affected by the war. .

After Divine Item Gold Coin absorbed the huge strength of Faith, Divine Item Gold Coin became larger than a mountain in the air, directly piercing the defensive net on the surface of Grandspread Star.

Even the Fifth Level Templar Knight may be trapped by the defensive net, but in front of the golden rays of light of the Divine Item Gold Coin, it melts as if snow meets a flame.

Divine Item Gold Coin suddenly shook in the air, and its golden rays of light broke away from the body and rushed towards all around like a water wave.

Divine Item Gold Coin is like consuming all the energy, and it reverts to the size of a Gold Coin and falls back to the golden box.

The ripples of golden rays of light continue to spread. As the range of golden rays of light becomes larger and larger, golden becomes pale-gold.

These pale-gold rays of light, each of the rays of light is like a sharp sword, splitting the defensive net in the sky, cutting and killing all the creatures that are contaminated by evil.

The birds that continue to fly here in the distance, the wild beast on the ground, and the swimming fish in the water are all contaminated by the enchanting energy of Plague God Gladstone.

The pale-gold rays of light are turned into countless sharp swords. These sharp swords only harm evil pollution. Normal trees will not cause the slightest harm even if they are penetrated by sharp swords.

In just one minute, all the evil creatures in the entire Grandspread Star disappeared. Although this method was too rough, it was extremely effective.

Although David does not know the scope of the Divine Item Gold Coin, he can see the pale-gold rays of light. When sweeping across the distant mountain peak, the wild beast on the mountain peak turns into black blood and mist quickly disappears. fact.

His’Eagle Eye Technique’ is always on, so he can see very clearly.

David seemed to understand the reason why the Temple of Wealth’s Level 4 sacrifice heart rose killing intent. The temple was never benevolent. It might be kind to believers, but without the believer’s Grandspread Star, it is normal to be eliminated from evil.

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