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Plague God Gladstone’s eyes for observing the battlefield disappeared. He felt that the defensive net was being destroyed at an extremely fast speed. He spent a lot of money to use divine force to create the defensive net, which was unable to support Divine Item.

“Kill the thief who steals the divinity and immediately fall asleep!” Plague God Gladstone panicked, and he did not expect the Spiritual God of the Great Spiritual World to be so powerful.

The 3 Gods Vestige of 3 Divine Items made Plague God Gladstone thoroughly understand that the Great Spiritual World today is no longer his time.

Plague God Gladstone looked at his throne. This throne is also a Divine Item. He has sat on it for countless years. The throne is completely unified with his breath, just like a part of his divine body.

As long as Plague God Gladstone is willing to consume the Divine Item of the Throne, he can force him to rush out of the Small World and enter the Great Spiritual World. This time is only ten seconds, but he can move and fight freely.

Naturally, entering the Great Spiritual World will inevitably be restricted by the rules of the Great Spiritual World. Plague God Gladstone can only use its own god body to fight, not divine force, and strength of Faith.

The body of Plague God Gladstone is fully moved and requires too much energy, which can only be replenished by consuming the energy in the throne that has coexisted with him for countless years.

Ten seconds is very short, but Plague God Gladstone doesn’t care, even if you can’t use divine force, you can’t use strength of Faith, just a god body can destroy everything in the world.

The ridiculous Fifth Level Templar Knight and Fifth Level sacrifices are not worth mentioning, even if they are in front of the gods in perfect condition.

Plague God Gladstone is ready, as long as he kills Shadow Servant and retrieves his own divinity, he immediately put himself into a deep sleep and put Small World from the mainstream into space turbulence.

In doing so, he may never wake up, but he still retains that glimmer of hope.

If the divinity is not regained, Plague God Gladstone will not even have that glimmer of hope. The time of losing divinity is still short, and there is no response. Once the divinity is lost for a long time, Small World will also be lack of God. Sex and collapse, his final result is complete annihilation.

In fact, this result is also Plague God Gladstone’s own death. The stronger the Spiritual God, the more divinity that can be safely released.

Under normal circumstances, the integration of the Spirit General into the Divine Idol is carried out in accordance with the proportion of believers.

This balance ensures that Spiritual God can gain more faith, and it also ensures that even if Spiritual God loses this divinity, there will be no serious consequences.

With Plague God Gladstone’s own state, he can only separate 2 to 3 divine qualities into Divine Idol at most, which is the safest.

But what does Plague God Gladstone do?

Every Fifth Level Stoneman’s within the body has a trace of complete divinity, which is why Plague God Gladstone can quickly create Fifth Level combat power.

92 The complete divinity of silk is self-evident for the importance of Plague God Gladstone.

Although the original Plague God Gladstone plan was a bit risky, it still had a great probability of success.

By using the defensive net made by divine force to block the Grandspread Star, according to the general process of war, only trial, exploration, analysis, the whole process is down, and the time required is enough for him to harvest the soul and belief of Grandspread Star.

Plague God Gladstone only needs to leave an empty Grandspread Star, calmly enclose the Small World, completely isolate it from the Great Spiritual World, and enter a deep sleep to avoid the detection of other Spiritual Gods.

But David’s unexpected appearance made Plague God Gladstone’s plans all in vain.

No one thought that believers of’Shadow God’ would build a safe house in Grandspread Star a long time ago, and David gained access to the safe house so that he could freely enter and exit Grandspread Star.

Plague God Gladstone regretted that he didn’t kill David and Shadow Servant when they entered Small World, thus ending today.

Just as Plague God Gladstone was about to use the energy in the throne to use the god body to fight, the Level 4 sacrifice of the Earth God Palace activated the Divine Item golden sickle.

The Divine Item golden sickle is connected to the Earth God Palace through the golden line, and the strength of Faith enters the Divine Item golden sickle from the golden line.

“Explore Divine Item!” The Plague God Gladstone in Small World felt a strange breath, and he almost blurted it out.

Detecting Divine Item is not attacking Divine Item, but it is the Divine Item that Spiritual Gods most want to encounter. This Divine Item can detect Small World that is not completely closed.

The Small World of Spiritual God is rarely completely closed, because Spiritual God needs to use Small World to receive faith and soul. Once it is completely closed, it will isolate all contact with the main world.

Like Plague God Gladstone before falling asleep, His Small World is completely closed.

After he woke up, he opened Small World so that he could influence the Great Spiritual World, specifically the Grandspread Star.

In the previous battle, Plague God Gladstone needed to be observed through the eyes of a bewitching animal, so Small World has not been closed. At this time, it was discovered that Divine Item was explored, and it was too late to close Small World.

The Divine Item golden sickle sends out a golden light to envelop the Knight battle array, and then the Divine Item golden sickle flies towards the sky with the Knight battle array.

David was a little surprised, but seeing the calm expression of side Bishop McKinley, he also felt relieved.

As soon as the Divine Item golden sickle flew to high altitude, the golden sickle swept across the air, and it directly created a large Space Crack like a space gate in the air.

The Divine Item golden sickle uses the golden light to take the Knight battle formation through Space Crack, and when it reappears, it comes to another continent in the Grandspread Star.

Looking at the familiar surface of the lake, David heart startled. This is not the location of the strange space he followed Lord Gould and other 5 lords into that day!

The golden light of the Divine Item golden sickle seems to have consumed a lot at this time and is no longer as bright as before, but the Divine Item golden sickle still draws out again towards the lake.

It seems to be the sound of the wall being broken. Above the lake, a gap with five meters long and 3 meters wide appeared in the area cut by the golden sickle. From the gap, you can see the black Small World.

The Level 4 sacrifice of Temple of Justice activated the Divine Item golden balance, and the Divine Item golden balance flew above the lake. A golden line connected the void, and the other end of the void was the Temple of Justice.

The effect of the Divine Item golden balance is’judgment’, and it is also the Divine Item with the strongest formidable power. Especially under the premise that Plague God Gladstone killed all humans in the entire Grandspread Star, the formidable power of the trial balance will increase a lot.

Judgment scales are not at all Divine Item golden tomahawks, but the Divine Item trial scales can judge the degree of evil, and then punish them based on the judgment results.

The face of the Temple of Justice’s Level 4 sacrifice showed a look of pity. Although the God of Justice was not allowed to act in person, the ability to judge the balance with the Divine Item and the crimes before the Plague God Gladstone were enough to severely damage Plague God Gladstone and make It fell asleep again.

At that time, they can enter the Small World of Plague God Gladstone, bring back the gods of Plague God Gladstone, and take away all useful things in Small World.

Even the temple has a special method to integrate Small World into the top Space Stone to make a space item with a huge space.

These all are the spoils of war in the temple, especially the god body, is the favorite sacrifice of Spiritual God, enough for many priests and knights in the temple to get the grace of God and promote.

The five Fifth Level priests are also smiling. They have been waiting for this moment to forcefully break Small World and defeat Spiritual God with the strongest Divine Item.

Just as the Divine Item golden balance was absorbing the strength of Faith, a majestic silhouette appeared from the gap in the Small World.

This is Plague God Gladstone, originally he was still hesitating to consume the Divine Item throne, but found that he had no choice.

After discovering the breath of’Explore Divine Item’, Plague God Gladstone did not hesitate anymore and directly turned the Divine Item throne into pure energy into the god body, in exchange for the god body’s ten-second battle time.

Plague God Gladstone rushed out of Small World, and the rules of Great Spiritual World immediately fell on his god body, suppressing restrictions left his god body with only the powerful power of the body.

Plague God Gladstone’s gaze saw the Divine Item’Judgment Scale’, he punched towards the’Judgment Scale’, unmatched power was generated from his fist, this fist broke the space and appeared directly in front of the Divine Item’Judgment Scale’.

The Divine Item “Judgement Scale” was not fully activated yet, and was hit by this fist. The irresistible force caused the Divine Item “Judgement Scale” to be instantly knocked off.

Maintaining the Level 4 sacrificial face of the Divine Item “Judgment Scale”, his face turned white, spit a mouthful of blood, and he sang a mantra quickly, wanting to regain control of the Divine Item “Judgement Scale”, but the Divine Item “Judgment Scale” is still there in a short time Involuntarily flying under a huge impact.

Of course, the Divine Item’Judgment Scale’ is not that easy to destroy. It has a huge strength of Faith, and it cannot be destroyed by huge strength alone.

It’s just that the Divine Item’Judgment Balance’ can be used again, and it will take some time, at least for a short period of time.

David has the feeling of having one’s hair stand on end. The first time he saw Plague God Gladstone, his Fifth Level spirit felt that Plague God Gladstone was for him.

This feeling is unclear, and he doesn’t even understand how he can perceive the thoughts of Plague God Gladstone.

Plague God Gladstone is a true Spiritual God. It killed 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights with just one finger, causing Lord Gould to almost die on the spot. This kind of existence is now in a state of complete combat and can show what it can do. Powerful and unimaginable.

But David believes in his own feeling, because it comes from the feeling passed by the battle angel crystal, and it also comes from the perception of 100 Soul Clone.

He is not only a soul who thinks and judges. He is more than a normal Fifth Level spiritual perception ability multiplied by 100.

David frantically started 100 Soul Clones, analyzing and judging the current situation and how he needed to solve the immediate crisis.

He does not at all entrust his safety to the Knight battle formation. Even if this Knight battle formation has 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights and 5 Fifth Level worshippers, he has no idea of ​​entrusting his life to the hands of others.

Although it is not too long to come to the Great Spiritual World, David has already understood the power of Spiritual God through books, each and everyone legend.

Especially the Divine Item just now showed him the horror of Spiritual God, which broke David’s perception of all power.

“Defensive battle formation! He won’t last long, enter the Great Spiritual World, he will wait for complete annihilation!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrificial cried loudly.

If Plague God Gladstone is killed in Small World, then the True Spirit of Plague God Gladstone will also enter the turbulence of time and space and fall into a permanent sleep.

The temple just took away the body and Small World. The True Spirit of Plague God Gladstone left a faint hope for him, but eternal sleep does not mean death. As long as True Spirit exists, it is not considered death.

After Plague God Gladstone enters the main world of Great Spiritual World, once it is killed, True Spirit will be restricted by the rules of Great Spiritual World and cannot escape, and will be swallowed by Great Spiritual World and become part of the main World Source.

At the Heaviside Fifth Level, the priest believed that Plague God Gladstone’s move was madness before death, which was irrational.

The Great Spiritual World places great restrictions on Plague God Gladstone. Under normal circumstances, the power that Plague God Gladstone can exert is only stronger than Fifth Level Templar Knight.

As for the Plague God Gladstone hitting the Divine Item’The Scale of Judgment’, from the perspective of the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice, it should have been caused by the Great Spiritual World when it left Small World.

Although there are many books about ancient gods in the temple, many things have not been personally experienced and can only be judged by guessing.

The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice did not expect Plague God Gladstone to have a Divine Item Throne, which has absorbed the energy of the god body since ancient times and has been sleeping with Plague God Gladstone for 10000 years.

Plague God Gladstone consumes the Divine Item Throne, gaining ten seconds of absolute real power.

The main body of the 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight inside the Knight battle formation does not need to be moved. It only needs the movement of the 48-bit Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar to change the battle formation into a defensive battle formation.

Fortunately, the speed of the Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight is fast enough, because Plague God Gladstone stepped out on the lake. Driven by absolute power, his body came in front of Knight’s battlefield. The speed was so fast that Knight could fight. Even the reaction will be in the future.

The newly raised Bloodline Strength shield of the defensive battle formation collided with the fist thrown by Plague God Gladstone again, and the Bloodline Strength shield made an unpleasant cracking sound, and then this huge force was shared by all the Knights of the entire defensive battle formation. Come down.

Knight’s battle formation collapsed, and the knights flew all around.

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