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Even if the Knight battle formation collapsed, the Fifth Level Templar Knights who protected the Divine Item still used the 3-guard one Knight battle formation to protect the internal Level 4 sacrifices and Divine Item.

They all thought that Plague God Gladstone rushed out to rob and destroy the Divine Item, and the people of the temple had nothing to worry about.

Not to mention that the Divine Item needs to recognize the Master. Even the Divine Item of the 5 Great Temples cannot be used to sacrifice to each other. It is said that the Divine Item is almost indestructible in the world. If Plague God Gladstone really destroys the Divine Item, it will The power of the 5 Great Spiritual Gods comes directly.

But even so, the Fifth Level Templar Knights of the temple will not let Plague God Gladstone easily approach the Divine Item. This is their mission.

Plague God Gladstone only has ten seconds, and he has already calculated the battle plan, where to get close to the Divine Item that is obviously not easy to provoke.

As an ancient god, he knows that even though the Divine Item is controlled by these Level 4 sacrifices, the owner of the Divine Item, the Spiritual God behind it, can easily activate the Divine Item at any time as long as he pays attention to it.

The first target chosen by Plague God Gladstone was of course Shadow Servant. He didn’t care about Knight and the priests who were blown away by a punch. He stepped out again, and the space seemed to be broken because of his this step.

David’s eyes tightened, his connection with Shadow Servant was extremely close, and he immediately sensed that the first goal of Plague God Gladstone turned out to be Shadow Servant.

When his thoughts moved, Shadow Servant instantly disappeared from its original position. He did not dare to let Shadow Servant return to his side, because that would invite Plague God Gladstone. Shadow Servant appeared at 1000 meters, which was the furthest of his spirit. range.

Plague God Gladstone did not expect that as a Spiritual God came to the Great Spiritual World, and who could have a faster speed than Him.

He stepped forward and grabbed to the Shadow Servant in the void, but just as his fingers were about to approach the Shadow Servant, the silhouette of the Shadow Servant disappeared inexplicably.

Of course, the Shadow Servant disappears, and the lock of the Plague God Gladstone divine sense cannot be released, so the Shadow Servant that appeared at 1000 meters was discovered by Plague God Gladstone again.

“Form a battle formation!” The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice shouted loudly.

The Avatar silhouette of the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy came to the side of the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice in a flash, and the Knight battle formation was re-arranged with him as the center.

The remaining 4 Fifth Level priests also joined the Knight battle. The 5 Fifth Level priests were already together, and they were not separated after being dispersed.

This time they didn’t bring David and Bishop McKinley, even the 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight protecting Divine Item.

The speed of the energy Avatar is very fast. This kind of battle can’t wait for the 15 Templar Knight to join, because 15 Templar Knight also carries a Level 4 sacrifice, which is faster.

David and Bishop McKinley were not added to the Knight battle for this reason.

In fact, in the battle of God, joining the Knight battlefield is more dangerous. Plague God Gladstone will hardly attack a 3 Level 4 target purposely unless the Fifth Level powerhouses are all dead.

Just as the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifices caught the air, the re-formed Knight battle formation issued a fierce Bloodline Strength sword edge and flew towards the Plague God Gladstone.

Plague God Gladstone ignored this Bloodline Strength sword edge. He stepped out again and appeared beside the Shadow Servant at 1000 meters.

Just now when Knight’s battle formation collapsed, David flew out of the lake. At this moment, he saw Small World not far behind him. The gap was only more than ten meters away from him.

The choice David made in an instant, he knew very well that in the Great Spiritual World within the realm, no matter how far he escaped, he could not escape the pursuit of Plague God Gladstone.

It’s better to enter Small World to avoid it. Just give him a little time, and he can activate the’lightning body’ and turn himself into an electric light to protect himself by attacking the immune body.

At this time, David was still thinking about not revealing his secrets. The ability of the Lightning Body is too weird, especially in front of the worshippers of the five major temples, the consequences of displaying the Lightning Body are really unknown.

As long as he enters the Small World and separates the Small World from the main world, no one can perceive him to use the Lightning Body.

At least David’s own spirit, even if it passes through the gap, is also imperceptible to the internal situation of Small World.

This choice was decided in an instant. Almost when Plague God Gladstone came to Shadow Servant, David came to the Small World gap.

David thoughts move, Shadow Servant disappeared again, this time appearing behind him.

It’s just that David miscalculated this time, even if he can only use the Spiritual God to fight with the gods, he can’t estimate it.

Plague God Gladstone had the experience of the last time Shadow Servant disappeared. This time through Spiritual God’s terrible anticipation ability, combined with the lock of divine sense, he turned around one step in advance and came to David.

David saw the godlike body of Plague God Gladstone like a mountain. Behind him is the Small World gap. The rest of the Knights and priests are on the other side several dozen meters away.

A sense of extreme danger rose from David’s heart. He saw Plague God Gladstone’s contemptuous eyes, and then a fist struck him and the Shadow Servant behind him.

At this brief moment, the battle angel crystal in David Soul Space sent out rays of light. David saw the huge fist that was obviously extremely fast, and his eyes became slow.

It is a pity that although Plague God Gladstone’s fist is not fast in his eyes, his body can’t keep up with this speed at all, it is the speed of Spiritual God’s body.

The Level 4 carapace behind David was cut with 2 white wings when two white wings were extended. The defense is as strong as the Level 2 carapace, and there is no way to stop the speed of the energy feather wings.

This pair of energy feather wings is also owned by Spiritual God, and is higher than Plague God Gladstone at the rank of battle angel.

When David was in danger, Soul Space’s battle angel crystals spontaneously activated the energy feather wings. Of course, this was not for flying. A pair of energy feather wings stretched forward to envelop him.

Plague God Gladstone’s fist hit David. Because the aura of Plague God Gladstone was extremely strong, it interfered with the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knight and Fifth Level sacrifices. In addition, the line of sight could not be seen directly. Not at all people saw David. Case.

“Earl Arthur!” Bishop McKinley exclaimed.

Neither the Fifth Level Templar Knights nor the Fifth Level priests thought that the target of Plague God Gladstone would be David.

They would never know that what Plague God Gladstone hates in their hearts is Shadow Servant first and David second. As for the rest of Fifth Level powerhouses, they can only be ranked behind. Even if there is no Shadow Servant and David, he will Instead of fighting with a divine body, Small World has long been closed.

It can be said that David did not know about the actions again and again, leaving Plague God Gladstone nowhere to go, and also causing David’s biggest crisis today.

Plague God Gladstone’s fist hit David, but his eyes were full of horror. To make a Spiritual God feel horrified, something very strange happened.

Plague God Gladstone’s fist hits a pair of energy feather wings. The white energy feather wings protect David’s body.

He was shocked because this pair of energy feather wings turned out to be part of the powerful Spiritual God’s body. How could this thing appear on a divine envoy and be controlled by the divine envoy.


Plague God Gladstone’s fist touched the energy feather wings. Weili knocked David, who was protected by the energy feather wings, directly into the air and fell into the gap of Small World.

Plague God Gladstone doesn’t feel happy. He can be sure that David must have been hit hard, but with the protection of energy feather wings, he is not at all able to give David a fatal blow.

This is very unimaginable. Under the full strength attack of Spiritual God’s body, no Earth Knight was killed.

David’s mentality is very clear. His brain is running at high speed, from Plague God Gladstone hitting a punch to being protected by energy feather wings.

The protection of the energy feather wings saves him from directly fighting against the mighty power of Plague God Gladstone, but this power is too strong. Although the previous owner of the energy feather wings, the battle angel, is much stronger than Plague God Gladstone, it is not. The battle angel is using energy feather wings.

David felt the shocking force of horror coming from the back where the energy feather wings connect with his body. The muscles and skin of his back split instantly, and then the shocking force swept his whole body.

4 The muscles and skin of the limbs and chest were cracked, and the internal organs were also shattered. In the Level 4 Knight armor, blood was shot 4 times.

At this time, his thoughts are clearer. This kind of injury is definitely a life-threatening injury for others, but for him, he can’t be considered.

David has free time to pay attention to the Shadow Servant behind him. When his body is knocked back into the air, he retracts the Shadow Servant within the body.

Plague God Gladstone was about to rush into Small World and completely solve David and Shadow Servant, but behind him a breath of horror came.

A white holy light rushed from the void to Templar Knight Annabella’s body. There were hymns singing on her body, and a huge illusory shadow appeared behind her. It was a Spiritual wearing a Battle Armor and holding a giant axe. God is the silhouette of War God.

This is the God descending, and it is also the back hand of the 5 great temples for this action.

Unlike other envoys, Templar Knight Annabella is an extremely special existence. She has accepted the surrender of War God and obtained the grace of God. She successfully became the Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Using the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight to accept God’s surrender will enable War God to exert stronger combat power.

Among the five major spiritual gods, War God is the most combative and the Spiritual God that uses the most gods.

“War! War! War!” Although Templar Knight Annabella is a woman, the voice from her mouth is like thunder, and an imposing manner that dominates the world rises.

The white Bloodline Strength on Templar Knight Annabella’s body is flying like a flame, and every trace of Bloodline Strength exerts the greatest effect, forming each and everyone divine pattern in the process of dancing.

Everyone present, whether it was a believer of Spiritual God or a sacrifice, all descended to the ground and knelt to the ground.

Crazy worship flashed in their eyes, and the peace of the Great Spiritual World for 10000 years was guarded by the Spiritual God in front of them.

“Plague God Gladstone, my War God does not take advantage of you. I only fight with you as Templar Knight, dare you?” Templar Knight Annabella looked towards Plague God Gladstone said solemnly.

War God saw the reality of Plague God Gladstone at a glance, and forcibly entered the Great Spiritual World, the main world, and could only use the divine body to fight. If War God used divine force, the battle would be too boring.

Plague God Gladstone turned around, and if possible, his first thought was to escape, how far to escape.

Because the War God in front of him is too powerful, so powerful that Plague God Gladstone has the urge to kneel down to acknowledge allegiance like the Fifth Level powerhouse next to it.

Plague God Gladstone, of course, is impossible to do so. An ancient god like him also caused the death of a planet human being in the main world. It can be said to have a vengeance with the Spiritual God of the main world.

If War God didn’t say to use the power of Fifth Level Templar Knight to fight him, Plague God Gladstone would not dare to take action. He wanted to break the space now and let his True Spirit enter the turbulence of time and space.

Plague God Gladstone is not an ancient god who is good at fighting. He is good at being just like his god name. He is good at plague, poison, bewitching, Hypnosis, etc.

However, Plague God Gladstone also feels that War God is a bit bigger. With the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight, without any divine force, isn’t it the body of God crushing Fifth Level Templar Knight?

“There are still 7 seconds!” Plague God Gladstone still remembered the time he had left. He was going to spend 5 seconds to fight and return to Small World in the last 2 seconds.

Plague God Gladstone looked towards War God, and the body of Templar Knight Annabella controlled by War God charged towards him.

During the charge, the magical pattern formed by Bloodline Strength was also completely completed, and Templar Knight Annabella had an additional patterned armor covering the whole body.

The speed of the charge increased to the point where it was almost the same as the speed of Plague God Gladstone before, and the air blasted due to Templar Knight Annabella’s charge.

Regardless of the speed of the god body, due to the special nature of the god body, it can actively break through the resistance of the air, so the previous Plague God Gladstone can be silent no matter how fast it is.

But Templar Knight Annabella is not a god. When her speed reached the level of Plague God Gladstone, the air after her passed by, there was a flame after friction.

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