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When David fell from in midair, he found that his thinking speed was faster. He was not surprised when he suddenly came out of Small World. He saw the situation on the battlefield.

The lake below him was separated very strangely. The lake completely violated the rules of physics and was forcibly separated by some mysterious force.

The body of Plague God Gladstone fell into the mud at the bottom of the lake, and David did not perceive the breath of Plague God Gladstone.

Needless to say, he also understood that the temple killed Plague God Gladstone, which also made him extremely shocked. How strong Plague God Gladstone is, it is almost invincible.

But in the few seconds since David was beaten into Small World, Plague God Gladstone has fallen.

David was able to fly by himself, but he did not control his body, and his spirit up to Fifth Level was completely reduced, allowing his body to fall freely.

At the same time, the Shadow Servant flashed to the god body of Plague God Gladstone, absorbing some energy from the god body of Plague God Gladstone. David was sure that this was not ordinary soul energy, but he didn’t have time to check more at this time.

David was lifted by the energy Avatar of a Fifth Level Templar Knight and brought to the lake. This is what happened to David after entering Small World.

“What’s wrong with Templar Knight Annabella?” David regained his strength, then stood up again and asked aloud.

On the other side, Templar Knight Annabella is receiving the divine technique of the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice, and she seems to be in weakness.

“Just now my lord himself came and cut Plague God Gladstone on the spot, but unfortunately you didn’t see this battle of God!” Bishop McKinley said with respect.

In Bishop McKinley’s view, David’s luck is really not good enough, and the battle between two Spiritual Gods may not be seen once in 2.

However, thinking that David could survive in the hands of Plague God Gladstone, this should have consumed all luck.

David corner of the mouth twitched, he thought of something at this time. If he had not been punched into Small World by Plague God Gladstone, what would happen to War God?

It can be seen from Plague God Gladstone’s attitude towards him that Plague God Gladstone must have seen something special in him, so he and Shadow Servant were given priority to kill.

We must know that in this team of dozens of people, David is just an Earth Knight, that is, his Fifth Level spirit is not particularly prominent in this team.

The five Fifth Level priests also have the Fifth Level spirit, but when it comes to the application of the Fifth Level spirit, he can’t go to Fifth Level sacrifices even with a horse.

Then why does Plague God Gladstone give priority to killing him and Shadow Servant?

What David and Shadow Servant have in common is that there are traces of Spiritual God on them. The battle angel skeleton on David himself and the two crystals in Soul Space are all derived from Spiritual God.

Not to mention Shadow Servant, itself is the waiter of Robust Man Spiritual God.

In the past, David had absolute confidence in the hidden ability of Shadow Servant, but after the Plague God Gladstone incident, he found that he had underestimated the power of Spiritual God.

Of course, David didn’t know that the Shadow Servant was discovered because he was too greedy. If he hadn’t manipulated the Shadow Servant in the Small World to open the space ring, Plague God Gladstone would have been unable to discover the existence of the Shadow Servant.

Plague God Gladstone can find, then War God, which is more powerful than Plague God Gladstone, can definitely find Shadow Servant, and even the Spiritual God traces on David can’t be concealed.

At that time, David can only trust his life in the kindness of War God. The question is, is Spiritual God really kind?

David let out a long relaxed breath in his heart. Fortunately, when War God came, just a few seconds after he entered Small World, when he left Small World, War God left one step earlier, he was not at all exposed to War God In front of.

“Thank you for your assistance. We need to send the divine corpse back to the temple. After this convocation is over, your rewards will be awarded according to your contribution!” Temple of Justice’s Hawthorn Fifth Level sacrifice announced loudly.

The 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars all showed smiles. In fact, they didn’t contribute much in this kind of battle.

The previous battles with the birds and wild beasts on the Grandspread Star, for them, simply can’t be considered a battle. After that, the 92 Fifth Level Stoneman only tried each other, not at all, the battle really started.

The most important thing is that in the battle with Plague God Gladstone, no one died. This result made them extremely satisfied.

The rewards for participating in the magic war are not small, and you can easily get rewards. Of course, the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight is satisfied.

Some Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar looked towards Plague God Gladstone with greedy eyes, where there is the secret of the breakthrough Fifth Level Templar Knight, but no one dares to offend the temple because of greed.

Especially when I saw the horror of War God just now, Plague God Gladstone, for them, was unable to resist even a single blow, and it was as weak as a baby in front of War God.

The body of Plague God Gladstone will be taken back by the temple, and then it will be offered as a sacrifice to the Spiritual God. The specific distribution of the body is not related to the Fifth Level Templar Knight here. The 5 major temples will act together, of course. There is an agreement long ago.

“Earl Arthur, everyone will thank you this time!” Templar Knight Annabella had recovered at this time, smiled and walked to David’s side and said.

“Templar Knight Annabella, you are too acclaimed, what can I do for you!” David bowed back.

“Without you that attracted Plague God Gladstone’s attention, how could there be no loss this time!” Templar Knight Annabella spoke of’Plague God Gladstone’ without any scruples.

On the one hand, Templar Knight Annabella’s status as an envoy made her lack awe of Evil God. On the other hand, the True Spirit of’Plague God Gladstone’ was destroyed, and Plague God Gladstone had truly fallen.

As a fallen Spiritual God, its name no longer serves any purpose.

Templar Knight Annabella’s words prevented David from answering because he couldn’t explain why Plague God Gladstone killed him in the first place.

However, the Fifth Level Templar Knights present all understood what Templar Knight Annabella meant. This meant that the Fifth Level Templar Knights who were present would accept the favor of David. Without David holding the attention of Plague God Gladstone, how many Fifth Levels would there be this time? Templar Knight’s energy Avatar was destroyed, it’s really hard to tell.

Templar Knight Annabella started the surrender when Plague God Gladstone appeared, but the surrender also took time. Without David’s delay, let Plague God Gladstone slaughter. No Fifth Level Templar Knight can block Plague God. Gladstone’s blow.

The follow-up of Grandspread Star has nothing to do with these combatants. David also left Grandspread Star and returned to Bama Star’s Qinya Manor.

He needs a safe place to check the harvest this time, and there are also changes in his body that make him afraid to stay outside.

Back at Qinya Manor, David released all 15 Level 4 Heavenly Knights. After seeing those Fifth Level Templar Knights, he was not as careful as before. It was extremely important to watch Level 4 Heavenly Knights.

“Master, are you okay?” The Claude manager looked at David, who was acting strangely, and asked concerned.

“Nothing, I need to retreat for a while!” David said gently shook the head.

David knew what Mr. Claude was talking about. When he was in the Grandspread Star, he discovered that his power was undergoing tremendous changes. It seemed that his power was growing wildly.

This growth has nothing to do with Earth Knight, but with Spirit Crystal, the bald, robust man god.

It’s just that David didn’t have time to enter Soul Space in Grandspread Star to check the bald robust man Spirit Crystal body, unable to control the power of crazy growth.

So after chatting in Grandspread Star, he immediately returned to Bama Star’s Qinya Manor. After leaving Grandspread Star, his power grew to the point of worrying him.

When David’s feet touch the ground, the hard stone bricks on the ground will be destroyed, and when the hand touches the item, the item will be destroyed.

When he was on the road, he used his spirit to manipulate his body, and he did not dare to use his own power.

Even walking is like this, but this walking posture is extremely weird, and Manager Claude will care about asking.

David did not open the door of the cultivation room himself, but Knight Mark stepped forward to open it.

Sitting in the cultivation room, he has time to check his body.

David’s spirit swept across the body, perceiving every part of the body, and he found that there was a very special energy flowing in the body, which made his body continuously strengthened from internal organs, muscles to skin.

And the source of this special energy came from his Soul Space.

David moved his mind and entered Soul Space. His eyes made him think he was in the wrong place, because what he saw was a completely black world, with black trees and black ground everywhere.

“This is the world of Plague God Gladstone?” David asked in his heart, but no one could answer him.

This Small World that David is very familiar with, he still remembers fighting here and the dangers he experienced here.

It’s just how can the world of Plague God Gladstone appear in his Soul Space? Where is his soul fortress?

Just as questions continued to appear in David’s mind, the world of Plague God Gladstone quickly became smaller, allowing him to look towards this Small World through a higher vision.

He finally saw his soul fortress, the soul fortress of a city, at this time it was the only non-black existence on the ground in Small World.

In the sky of Small World, two stars hang in the sky, one bright and the other dim. Above the city below, some power patterns are floating and glittering.

Looking at the changed Soul Space, David was full of confusion and perplexity.

Soul Space is in the space of the spiritual world, and the world of Plague God Gladstone is real in his perception. How could such a real world be included in Soul Space?

But existence is reasonable, even if David can’t believe it, the facts are right before his eyes.

The Small World of Spiritual God is the most important place for Spiritual God to live. Only a powerful Spiritual God like War God will not care about the Small World of a low-level ancient god at all, and will hand the Small World to the temple.

The temple usually makes Small World, which Spiritual God doesn’t care about, into space items, and is the highest space item of Great Spiritual World.

This kind of space item has its particularity. It is different from the static space in the ordinary space ring. This kind of space item is not used for storage, but as a secret base.

In the space items made by Small World, you can cultivate and harvest normally, and even because of the special attributes of Small World, you can harvest some special products that Great Spiritual World impossible to harvest.

Of course, the space items produced by this type of Small World are very rare, and there are only 5 in total in the 4 major temples.

But the way the temple uses Small World in this way is actually the most wasteful. Small World is built by Spiritual God using divine force and strength of faith. Although it looks real on the surface, it is also transformed by pure energy.

It’s just that the best way to use Small World is the secret of Spiritual God. Even the top 5 Spiritual Gods don’t want anyone in Great Spiritual World to know.

Therefore, every time you defeat Evil God to obtain Small World, the small world that is not eye-catching will be handed over to the temple to make a special space item. Instead of wasting it, it will not let Fifth Level powerhouses get and use it.

David doesn’t know this, and how Plague God Gladstone’s world is handled is beyond his control. Everything is handled by the 2 crystals.

He didn’t worry about the incomprehensible things. David paid attention to Soul Space’s Small World again. He didn’t like everything about black. I wonder if he can change the poisonous world of black.

David thought to himself that the battle angel crystal and the bald man god Spirit Crystal flickered at the same time. They are like two parallel optical brain processors, analyzing and processing David’s thoughts.

David also discovered the abnormality of the two crystals. When he observed, the’plague pattern’ suspended above the soul fortress city produced a suction, and the’plague pattern’ became larger.

From the ground, trees, and rocks, countless black fog is affected by the suction of the plague pattern and flies towards the plague pattern.

Although it is the Small World, this World is extremely huge. All the soaring black fog forms one after another black cloud and flies towards the soul fortress city. Even if the plague pattern becomes larger, it looks insignificant in comparison.

This small plague pattern is like a bottomless pit, inhaling a large amount of black mist, and the black on the surface becomes deeper and deeper.

David was delighted to see that in Soul Space’s Small World, black is fading, trees are recovering from black to green, the land is recovering to grayish brown, stones are recovering to white, and the green grass on the ground that was originally invisible is also due to black. Disappeared and displayed.

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