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The poison in Small World was created by Plague God Gladstone in order to increase the defensive ability of Small World, using the’plague pattern’.

David’s Soul Space originally has a plague pattern, which can naturally recover the defensive ability made by this kind of poison.

Now that Small World has become his Soul Space, he no longer needs this kind of poison, can he still use Small World to attack others?

Soul Space is the core of human beings. Impossible allows users to approach, let alone enter.

If someone enters the Soul Space, then everything that represents David is manipulated by others and loses his own existence.

I don’t know how long it took, the’plague pattern’ stopped absorbing the black fog, and the entire Small World returned to the color of the normal world.

David has a feeling that Small World is actually two parts, one part is the soul fortress city, and this part is his original Soul Space.

The other part is the remaining Small World spaces except Soul Fortress City. Those spaces are countless times larger than Soul Fortress City, but he feels that these areas have a sense of isolation from him.

Just like David now, in the soul fortress city, he can change the appearance of a building at will, or even change the appearance of the entire street.

But outside of the soul fortress city, although Small World at this time has restored the color of the normal world, he cannot change everything here, even moving a piece of ground stone.

There is only one way to move stones on the ground, and that is to first contact 2 crystals, and then use the crystals to control Small World to move the stones.

In other words, although Small World is in his Soul Space, what really belongs to him is the soul fortress city, and the rest is not his.

However, since Small World is in his Soul Space, it will be controlled by him sooner or later. He does not know the role of Small World in Soul Space, but he understands that this is definitely a huge gain.

You must know that Small World appeared in his Soul Space because two crystals took the initiative.

The two crystals were left over after the souls of the two Spiritual Gods, the battle angel and the bald robust man, dissipated, and contained the knowledge and Innate Ability of the two powerful Spiritual Gods.

Just like the battle angel crystal, it gave David the ability to manipulate the whole skeleton, unlimitedly invoke the immortal life force in the skeleton, and the ability to increase speed.

The speed ability seems ordinary, but David only needs to think of the state he is in when Plague God Gladstone throws a punch at him, and he has other knowledge of the speed ability.

To know the burst speed of Plague God Gladstone when using the god body, David can actually see the slow motion of Plague God Gladstone punching. If it weren’t for David’s own body that couldn’t match the speed, he could even dodge and dodge under the attack of Plague God Gladstone. fight back.

Thinking of this, David’s consciousness focused on the battle angel crystal, and wanted to know whether the battle angel crystal had any other changes after absorbing that many divinity.

What made him feel helpless was that the new content of the Battle Angel Crystal not at all was passed to him. After dozens of divinities were swallowed by the Battle Angel Crystal, it only increased the calculation power of the Battle Angel Crystal several times.

David shook the head, he didn’t know if the Battle Angel Crystal had the other effects, or he didn’t achieve the strength of the Battle Angel Crystal to start the new effect.

He turned his attention to the dim bald-headed Robust Man God Spirit Crystal body, speaking of ridiculous, a powerful Spiritual God, he still doesn’t even know the name of the god, and will never know it in the future.

But David himself got many benefits from the bald head robust man Spiritual God, from the Shadow Servant, who he got along with him when he came to this World, to when the battle angel Remnant Soul wanted to occupy his soul, the bald head robust man Spiritual God Remnant Soul appeared. And confrontation.

Although the bald head robust man Spiritual God Remnant Soul appeared at that time, it was only to save himself, and he didn’t want the bald head robust man Spiritual God Remnant Soul to be snatched by the battle angel Remnant Soul, but he saved David.

David sighed, his mind was connected to the bald, robust man god Spirit Crystal body, and then he understood the reason for the increase in his body’s strength.

After the battle angel crystal is activated, the most intuitive benefit that David gets is the increase in speed. For a long time, David will find that the world slows down as long as he moves. In fact, his own speed has become faster.

This faster speed does not only refer to the speed of the body, but also the speed of the brain, the speed of what the eyes see, and the speed of thinking, which is the speed of his overall growth from the soul to the body.

After the bald-headed Robust Man God Spirit Crystal body was activated, David also got the most direct benefit, which was the increase in physical strength. This increase in strength made his previous strength insignificant.

Only then did he have the power that he couldn’t control his body. This was the reason for the explosion of power, and he hadn’t waited for him to get used to the new power. The power increased again to the power that he needed to get used to the newer again.

Compared to the increase in strength, the increase in physique may be a side effect.

David’s previous physical physique has been unable to make him explode with all his strength, once he exploded with all his strength, his flesh and blood collapsed.

Fortunately, he has a battle angel skeleton, which allows him to use the immortal life force to heal his body. This allows him to burst out with all his strength once in a while, but he cannot burst out for a long time.

Now David’s body is continuously being strengthened by a strange energy. This is the energy produced by the bald-headed Robust Man God Spirit Crystal, in order to allow this body to adapt to the growth of power without causing the body to collapse.

David has the experience of increasing the speed of the angel crystal last time. This time he was not in a hurry. Instead, he lifted his body off the ground with his spirit, quietly waiting for the end of the bald-headed Robust Man God Spirit Crystal’s body transformation.

In the microscopic world, on each of his muscle tissues, the Divine Ao pattern transformed from special energy is slowly infiltrating into it.

The bald robust man Spiritual God itself is a Spiritual God who specializes in strength innate talent. Strength is the basic attribute. There is no weak person in a Spiritual God who can specialize in strength innate talent.

How the bald-headed robust man Spiritual God was defeated has long been unknown. In Ancient Era, only Remnant Soul struggling on whilst at death’s door was left. After the soul dissipated, he left his most basic power, Innate Ability. With some knowledge.

If the battle angel and the bald-headed robust man Spiritual God dissipated their souls from each other in the real world, nothing would be left behind, and everything would return to the Great Spiritual World.

But the battle between them was in David’s Soul Space, and because they didn’t want to destroy David’s Soul Space, they still deliberately didn’t hurt David’s Soul Space in the dangerous battle.

After perish together, the knowledge of the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls and Lord Innate Ability turned into crystals and remained in David’s Soul Space.

It’s just the price of activating 2 crystals. I am afraid that the ordinary person will get this opportunity, and there will be no chance of activation in his lifetime.

Because what you need to activate 2 crystals is divinity, this thing belongs to Spiritual God only, and you can get divinity by killing True God.

But even if like this action of “killing the gods”, Plague God Gladstone was killed, and there was a divine presence in the god’s body, but both the temple and the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knight could only look at it, not Divinity reaches out.

The body of Plague God Gladstone will be dedicated to the Spiritual God through sacrifices. The temple is afraid to also impossible to extract the divinity, and even impossible to fall into the hands of the ordinary person.

David is fortunate, he obtained divinity through various opportunities and activated 2 crystals.

It took a day for his body to end the process of remodeling. After checking the changes in his body, he found that the calluses of his palms for a long time had disappeared. The palms seemed to have been carefully maintained for a long time and he never did anything. general.

The skin on his body is even more white and delicate, and the pores have become extremely small. This is just the appearance. He has a feeling that the skin on his body is far from the surface. Although he has not undergone experiments, he can be sure that the skin today is afraid of having a grade defense. , As for the level of defense, David needs his own experiment to know.

The muscles under the skin are not ostentatious, there are no knotted muscles, some just have clear lines, and if you look closely, you will find that every muscle is like steel, and every cell inside has a pattern of God Aotu flashing With.

Except for the skeleton, every part of the body has been remodeled.

As for the skeleton, as long as the battle angel and the bald head robust man Spiritual God only have Remnant Soul, but the skeleton of the battle angel can still be retained, and the bald head robust man Spiritual God can only hide in the Shadow Servant within the body, you can know the battle. How powerful is the angel’s skeleton.

David still didn’t dare to touch the ground physically. He felt that his state was like a tyrannosaurus humanoid. This cultivation room was not a good place for him to display his strength.

He cautiously tried to slap a punch into the air. The entire cultivation room felt like a thunder, and his fist spread out a circle of shock waves, blowing down all the equipment placed in the cultivation room.

David himself was stunned by this fist. The formidable power of a single blow made him have one’s hair stand on end.

“How about my power and physique?” David thought of this question and directly invited Shadow Servant to show the attribute panel.

The attribute panel appeared in front of his eyes. When he saw the three items of strength, physique, and agility, he couldn’t help being stunned.

It seems that the bald head Robust Man Spirit Crystal body is activated, or the Shadow Servant has recently absorbed too much soul energy, which makes Shadow Servant’s judgment of David’s body different from before. The power and physique on the attribute panel The values ​​of the 3 items and Agile disappeared, only the unknown was displayed.

That is to say, David’s strength, physique and agility are due to the action of the two crystals, resulting in results that even the Shadow Servant cannot detect, so it shows the unknown.

Among the Four Great Attributes, only the spirit item still displays the value normally,’Spirit: 10.48 (1)’.

Without knowing the exact value of his strength, agility and physique, David went to perceive his Heart Sea Space again and found that the Heart Sea Space had not changed, not at all because of the alteration of his body.

David is still an Earth Knight, this is not at all changed.

It’s just that he is a little helpless, is his current strength still Earth Knight?

Perhaps only the top of Bloodline Strength is considered Earth Knight. Without using Bloodline Strength, he even has the urge to fight Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Of course, David is not so arrogant that he can really defeat Fifth Level Templar Knight. The most powerful thing about Fifth Level Templar Knight is not strength and physique, but Bloodline Strength.

Although he has the power and speed comparable to Fifth Level Templar Knight, Fifth Level Templar Knight will not stop using Bloodline Strength in battle.

The frightening thing about Fifth Level Templar Knight is that even if it does not take action in person and fights with the energy Avatar, its speed is totally unreasonable. Even if David has the speed innate talent of battle angel crystals, he cannot compare the speed with the energy Avatar without entity.

So David does not use Fifth Level spirit and special ability, but only relies on physical strength and speed. His true combat power is equivalent to Level 4 Heavenly Knight and Fifth Level Templar Knight.

David was extremely excited. After he saw the true powerhouse of the Great Spiritual World, to be honest, his previous pride was wiped out.

The Fifth Level Templar Knight is very powerful, but the Knight battle formation composed of 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights and 5 Fifth Level priests was blasted away by a casual punch of Plague God Gladstone.

If it weren’t for so many Fifth Level powerhouses, this fist alone would have killed everyone in the Knight battle array.

The power of Plague God Gladstone made David understand why everyone in the Great Spiritual World feared Spiritual God.

Just when David thought that Plague God Gladstone was strong enough, War God used God to kill Plague God Gladstone in a few seconds.

David didn’t see this battle, but it’s not unimaginable. War God just borrowed the body of Templar Knight Annabella to fight with the body of Plague God Gladstone. The battle was over in a few seconds. You can imagine how War God is. The tough.

If David improves himself step by step, he doesn’t know how long he can become Fifth Level Templar Knight, let alone cross the shackles that Fifth Level Templar Knights can’t get through, and become a existence beyond Fifth Level.

But this time it was only 92 divine gains, which gave him a big leap in strength.

David really touched the threshold of Fifth Level Templar Knight, and according to the information he got from the two crystals, his speed and strength will continue to improve as his own strength increases.

In fact, the power innate talent and speed innate talent that David obtained from the two crystals are far from the real power innate talent and speed innate talent. This is mainly because David’s own strength is too weak.

The ability to have today’s strength is still benefited from the foundation given by the battle angel skeleton. On this basis, two crystals can transform David’s body at will, without worrying about body collapse.

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