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David didn’t take care of the soul energy of Shadow Servant within the body and the unknown energy that Shadow Servant within the body absorbed from the body of Plague God Gladstone.

The most important thing for him now is to regain control of his body and not affect his daily life.

At least until he has mastered his own strength, David will not improve himself again. Once he is unable to master his spirit at 10000, then his trouble will be big.

As time passed, he stayed in the cultivation room, controlling his strength from every tiny movement.

If you want to form an instinctive memory of the control of power, you must practice repeatedly.

Think about it clearly that I have the power to move a mountain, but I need to use the same hand to pick up a fragile crystal cup, which requires extremely strong control ability.

If David’s strength is gradually improved by himself in the cultivation, the body will naturally become accustomed to the slow increase in strength.

A small cocktail party is being held in an ancient castle of Kaiya Star.

This is a new coalition of forces to discuss matters here. There are no other guests at the reception, only some Heavenly Knights and 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

“I didn’t expect Garmi Star to fall into the hands of Luce Family!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight said solemnly.

He and the other 3 Fifth Level Templar Knights both use the energy Avatar, so not at all drinking. For their 4 emerging aristocratic families, the foundation has not reached the level of top aristocrats, and they can’t be luxurious enough to use remotes everywhere. The degree of small item Transmission Formation.

This cocktail party was held to facilitate exchanges between the power complexes.

The families behind the Knights here have one characteristic. They don’t rely on top nobles, but they are not weak.

In particular, the family behind the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights is closer to the category of top nobles, with only a few details.

“What Luce Family? Isn’t the Luce Family just Earl Arthur?” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight said with a cold laugh.

Although Luce Family is an Ancient Family of 10000 years, its shortcomings are also obvious. The scarcity of offspring makes the Ancient Family respectable, but at the same time it cannot have much development.

For the four families who want to enter the top nobility, Luce Family can indeed be ignored. They have this qualification.

It is Garmi Star that makes Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight most angry. Garmi Star was followed by several of them when he was discovered.

In fact, they have always believed that Garmi Star is 80% sure to fall into the hands of their 4 families, and the chance of its Yu Family family is not great.

But I didn’t expect that the opportunity that was almost to be realized was suddenly taken away.

“Anyway, Garmi Star has become the domain of Earl Arthur, and even I heard that Earl Arthur’s title will have a big promotion. In order to commend his merits, Temple of War promoted him to Level 1 title, this time 5. The Grand Temple rewarded him with a Level 1 title, and his title will be promoted to Duke all at once!” Armand Fifth Level Templar Knight said lightly what he knew.

The intelligence that Armand Fifth Level Templar Knight said was something the other three Fifth Level Templar Knights did not know, which made them a little silent.

When did the title rise so well, from Earl to Marquis, and then from Marquis to Duke, which nobleman can only be realized after several generations of accumulation.

This also requires that the successor of this noble family is a genius in every generation, otherwise it will be difficult to keep the original title, let alone promote the title.

“Why don’t you join Earl Arthur to the consortium?” Anselm Fifth Level Templar Knight, who had been silent for a while, suggested.

“The relationship between Earl Arthur and the Maine Family does not meet the basic requirements of our consortium!” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight immediately objected.

The reason for establishing this power complex is to integrate some nobles who do not want to be controlled by the top aristocrats. Of course, for the power complex not to be concerned by the top aristocrats, the members received must undergo strict checks.

Although it is said that becoming a vassal of the top nobles and being cared for by the top nobles will greatly benefit the growth of the family, but this identity will also restrict the growth of the family.

If it is a noble family without any ambitions, then becoming a vassal of the top noble is a good choice.

But the noble family wants to be a part of the top noble, so the status of the top noble vassal will make the noble family never become the top noble.

The top aristocrats cannot tolerate the emergence of new top aristocrats to divide their interests.

The top nobles will control the growth of their vassal families, and even if the vassal families grow too fast, they will take action to weaken the vassal families.

If you want to become a top aristocrat, you can’t be restricted by the top aristocracy. This combination of forces emerged in this situation.

The main members of this power consortium are only 4 noble families who own Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the rest of the noble families just approach the consortium to help each other.

Under the premise of not relying on top nobles, noble families will develop to a certain extent and will be suppressed by top nobles. Without allies, it is difficult to continue to develop.

Of course, their confederation of forces is only one of many confederations. In Great Spiritual World, there are many such organizations, either overtly or secretly, and there are many nobles who want to fight together against the top nobles.

The reason why Anselm Fifth Level Templar Knight proposes to accept Earl Arthur into the Union is to add a useful ally.

What he considers is that since Garmi Star has fallen into Earl Arthur’s hands, they can’t do it if they want to oppose it, so it’s better to become friends.

Earl Arthur took over Garmi Star. After he had the title of duke, his status was only weaker than that of their four families. The reason for the weakness was that Earl Arthur did not have a fifth level powerhouse, but it was also regarded as Peak among the other nobles.

If Earl Arthur is given a period of growth, Garmi Star is built, and his family owns the Fifth Level powerhouse, it will be a strong contender for top aristocratic qualifications.

But obviously, the idea of ​​Anselm Fifth Level Templar Knight is different from that of the other three Fifth Level Templar Knights.

The reasons stated by Job Fifth Level Templar Knight are simply untenable. Earl Arthur has a affiliation with Maine Family not at all. If Luce Family is a vassal of Maine Family, the relevant agreement will be reported to the Noble Affairs Office. They Several impossible do not know.

“Since Earl Arthur forcibly intervened to obtain Garmi Star, he is my enemy, and I will not accept him to join us!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight said solemnly.

Armand Fifth Level Templar Knight is also nodded, expressing the same opinions as August Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Anselm Fifth Level Templar Knight lightly sighed, for the unity of the union, he cannot oppose what most people agree with.

“I propose to suppress Earl Arthur. Doesn’t he need to build Garmi Star? Then we will unite all parties to prevent him from getting enough manpower!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight raised his hand and said.

“I agree, but our power is not enough to completely suppress Earl Arthur, right?” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight knew the strength of the union, he said.

“The news came out that Earl Arthur has the idea of ​​becoming a top nobleman. I think there will be a top nobleman who does not want to see the growth of Earl Arthur. To be honest, Earl Arthur has grown too fast, and there are too many nobles who are not pleasing to his eyes. , We only need to push it!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight had an idea for a long time, said with a smile.

Without David’s knowledge, before the Noble Affairs Office notified him about the title and territory, he offended a group of nobles because of his rapid promotion.

Of course, there are very few nobles who really dare to confront him head-on. Just like this federation, only 4 noble families with Fifth Level Templar Knight dared to come forward and talk about suppressing David.

And because of David’s notoriety, even if he owns the Fifth Level Templar Knight, the four noble families have decided to only suppress economically, and other aspects are not considered.

In the aristocratic circle, not only this federation of forces, but also many aristocrats have suppressed thoughts of David because of his growth rate.

Even among the top aristocrats, there are also some top aristocrats who don’t want to see crazy guys like David successfully become high-level aristocrats.

Ten days passed and David stood in the cultivation room, wearing only a flimsy exercise suit.

In front of him is the forging table. Under his hands, a Level 3 Knight armor is taking shape.

David took out the quill pen and dipped it in alchemy ink to draw a solid pattern on the Level 3 Knight armor, and then continued processing on the forging table, thoroughly integrating the solid pattern into the Level 3 Knight armor.

In these 5 days, he spent one day controlling his strength, and then he found the best way to exercise strength, which is forging.

As the’forging Grandmaster’ David, he constantly made mistakes because of his strength when forging at first, making him more defective than ordinary’forging masters’, not like’forging Grandmaster’ at all. By.

But this way of exercising strength is really effective. Even if there is a trace of power control unstable, it will make the forging fail. In just a few days, he will fully control the power.

The price is of course a bunch of failed equipment. Fortunately, the grade materials obtained from the Barry family are enough, and David’s profligacy did not waste much.

In addition, at first, David did not use Level 3 materials for forging, and no matter how rich he was, he would not be so wasteful.

In fact, David had already used the Initial Mastery of his own power 5 days ago, but his requirements were higher, and he wanted to forge a work that fully conformed to the identity of the “forging Grandmaster”, which took a few more days.

Looking at the Level 3 Knight armor in his hand, David couldn’t help showing a satisfied expression on his face. This is a Knight armor that incorporates 3 patterns, three patterns of’Strong’,’Shield’ and’Thorns’ Let this Knight armor become the finest item among Level 3 Knight armors.

With the synergy of David’s surpassing the dual abilities of’Alchemy Grandmaster’ and’Forging Grandmaster’, the Knight armor forged is a rare top armor in the Great Spiritual World, even if it is casually forged.

David threw the Level 3 Knight armor aside in his hand. He also threw two Level 2 Knight armors on the ground, and forged 3 high-quality Knight armors in succession. He confirmed that he was qualified for power control.

After ten days of practice, it was at this moment that he was relaxed, stretched his waist, his strength control reached the instinctive level, not at all, the fact that his feet fell into the ground appeared.

David then recruited the Shadow Servant and felt the soul energy of the Shadow Servant within the body.

With the soul energy obtained from Grandspread Star, he could not judge the amount of soul energy without feeling it.

Because Shadow Servant has almost absorbed most of the soul of the entire Grandspread Star’s life within the body, without mentioning the quality of the soul, it is the one that Shadow Servant has absorbed the most in terms of quantity.

The soul energy of Shadow Servant within the body is extremely huge. Although it is not as large as the 100 Fifth Level souls he obtained from Plague God Gladstone’s Small World, it is also the second only to harvest.

David felt a little hesitant in his heart. His Fifth Level spirit and physique had already surpassed Earth Knight’s standards, and he was even confident that physique alone would not be worse than Fifth Level Templar Knight’s physique.

So choose to resurrect the corpse of Fifth Level Templar Knight, or choose to improve your own spirit.

As for the corpses of Level 4 Heavenly Knight in the space ring, although there are more than a dozen corpses, after the battle of Grandspread Star, he understands that the power of Fifth Level Templar Knight is far from the level 4 Heavenly Knight.

If the corpse of Fifth Level Templar Knight is successfully resurrected, David can have the power of Fifth Level Templar Knight. Although this power is not his own, it can guarantee his safety during his growth to Fifth Level Templar Knight.

After receiving the tremendous gains from the battle of Gods, David didn’t have the slightest worry about becoming a Fifth Level Templar Knight. He even believed that he would be able to achieve the unattainable achievement of Lord Gould and become an existence beyond Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“Resurrect Fifth Level Templar Knight!” David said softly.

After making a decision in his heart, David no longer hesitated. His spirit entered the space pendant and saw the corpses of 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

When I saw David who was accustomed to life and death, when I looked at the 5 corpses again, I still felt deeply moved. This is not an ordinary Fifth Level Templar Knight, but the 4 lords, the most noble noble in the Great Spiritual World.

The top of the aristocratic hierarchy of the Great Spiritual World is the lords. The lords have secular power. Not only can they exercise supreme power in their respective territories, but they can also determine the major event items of the Great Spiritual World.

In the Great Spiritual World, when meeting the lord formally, the title of’Great’ must be added to the name.

Four such existences are in David’s space pendant, let him observe, no longer the greatness before.

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