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“Shadow Servant, activate the attribute panel!” David felt an improvement in spirit, but not at all produced a qualitative change, which made him understand that he should not have reached 11 spirit.

Sure enough, when the attribute panel appeared in front of his eyes, the spirit item rose to 10.99, not reaching 11 o’clock.

The spirit turned out to be 10.48 points, but it suddenly increased to 10.99, which seems to have improved a lot, but you must know that this is the result of the collection of the souls of most of the Grandspread Star.

In particular, there are 92 Fifth Level Stoneman souls. Those souls are forcibly condensed from the souls of Grandspread Star humans. Compared with real Fifth Level souls, there is no Fifth Level Soul Source, and the soul energy is no different from Fifth Level souls.

Such a huge soul energy has yet to push David’s spirit to 11 o’clock.

Thinking about the demand for soul energy in Soul Space Small World again, it is a long way to go.

Putting the matter of soul energy aside, David refocused his mind on Shadow Servant within the body. These days, he forcibly resisted that he did not observe the special energy obtained from Plague God Gladstone.

Before he thought, the special energy from Spiritual God needed to be strong enough to try to contact.

Now David has the confidence. His body is almost the same as the Fifth Level Templar Knight. If even the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight can’t touch the energy in the Plague God Gladstone body, it is estimated that this energy Shadow Servant will not be absorbed.

David tried to use his spirit to reach a group of special energy remaining in the Shadow Servant within the body. This group of energy has dark golden rays of light, which is extremely mysterious.

The spirit is connected to the dark golden energy group. The dark golden energy group seems to be activated, at the same frequency as David’s spirit, as if it were his spirit.

He tried to break the connection, and the dark golden energy group still remained connected to his soul.

This kind of weird thing, even if David experienced a lot of things, never thought it would happen.

We must know that the spirit is the appearance of the soul, and it is based on the soul to act. As David uses, they all need to be connected to their own soul, otherwise this spirit will be lost.

Of course, David can also rely on the soul that has a special connection with him, and borrow the other’s soul to use the other’s spirit as his own, but it is still the other’s spirit in essence.

This is the case with Shadow Servant. David borrows the spirit of Shadow Servant to explore and Spirit Attack by controlling Shadow Servant.

The changing face of’Lord Ferdinand’ is a special case. David can stimulate the spirit of Soul Clone through the Soul Clone within the body of’Lord Ferdinand’. The spirit of Soul Clone is the spirit of Fifth Level Soul Source, although It can be said that it is David’s spirit, but it is very special.

But no matter what the situation is, the spirit must be connected by the soul to be able to function. David has never encountered a spirit that can still function after the soul is disconnected. Although this dark golden energy group is not a spirit, he can His perception is like his own spirit.

After discovering that the dark golden energy group is not dangerous to him, he thoughts move, and the dark golden energy group enters his body from Shadow Servant within the body.

After the dark golden energy group entered the Small World of Soul Space, it seemed instinctively to start a slight shock. Each shock would cause the soul fortress in Soul Space and all around the land under his control to oscillate.

David pays attention to the shock of the dark golden energy group. Soul Space is too important. He doesn’t want any accidents in Soul Space.

The shock of the dark golden energy group is still within the acceptable range of Soul Space. Although the soul fortress and all around the land under his control also oscillates, he found that with each shock, the soul fortress and all around the land under his control will become more condensed. real.

David always thought that the soul fortress in his Soul Space was solid enough. His soul fortress blocked many soul attacks for him, but through the shock of the dark golden energy group, he realized that this was not as he imagined. , Soul Fortress still has room for improvement.

Ignorance and fearlessness, this is David.

In fact, this dark golden energy group is the True Spirit fragment of Plague God Gladstone, a form of soul energy that is more advanced than the soul.

Spiritual God is truly Undying and Inextinguishable because of the existence of True Spirit. As long as the True Spirit is retained, it can pass the strength of Faith being reborn.

War God smashed the True Spirit of Plague God Gladstone in one blow. Plague God Gladstone truly fell, and there was no possibility of a new life.

This True Spirit fragment is not what War God does not want. On the one hand, War God appears in the main world in the form of a god descending. It is impossible to bring any item and energy back to the world. On the other hand, it is also the most important point. The research is far from reaching the point where the energy of True Spirit fragments can be extracted.

Each Spiritual God has its own strengths. A lot of knowledge is passed down from ancient times. More knowledge is lost in the hands of the ancient Spiritual God. God war destroyed too much knowledge.

Soul research is also profound knowledge for Spiritual God, and there is not much soul research knowledge handed down.

The bald robust man Spiritual God is an expert in soul, as you can see from the creation of the Shadow Servant, a god servant who can absorb soul energy.

In addition, the bald head robust man Spiritual God has lived in the Shadow Servant within the body for a long time, and soul energy is the important energy recovered by the bald head robust man Spiritual God, which has since raised the Shadow Servant’s ability to control soul energy to the limit.

The True Spirit fragment energy that War God could not extract, Shadow Servant was able to extract it successfully.

It is estimated that War God did not expect this, because in just a few seconds, the True Spirit fragments of Plague God Gladstone will dissipate and return to the Great Spiritual World.

David hasn’t realized the effect of True Spirit fragmentation energy on him. He still regards True Spirit fragmentation energy as a spirit that can disconnect and work.

Fortunately, he collected the True Spirit fragment energy into the Soul Space, and the True Spirit fragment energy spontaneously affected the soul energy in the Soul Space, causing the quality of the soul energy to slowly increase to a higher level.

True Spirit fragmentation energy is like a seed that allows ordinary souls to grow into True Spirit. David planted it in his Soul Space without knowing it.

Although David doesn’t know anything about it, he still understands that True Spirit fragmentation energy has some benefits to his Soul Space, which allows him to safely keep True Spirit fragmentation energy in Soul Space.

David retracted his mind from Soul Space and transferred it to Shadow Servant’s within the body. The dark golden energy group extracted from the Plague God Gladstone body did not actually improve his strength, which allowed him to transfer his hope to knowledge. On the ball of light.

He ordered Shadow Servant to list the knowledge spheres obtained this time separately, and hundreds of thousands of knowledge spheres appeared in front of him.

David looked at these knowledge spheres, most of which were all kinds of knowledge about agriculture.

He bitterly laughed. This is the agricultural star on the Grandspread Star. The knowledge spheres provided by farmers who master agricultural knowledge. This knowledge has no effect on him.

David wants to grow crops. In his memory, as well as in the research equipment brought by the Interstellar Federation in his spatial pendant, there are countless kinds of scientific planting methods, which are more advanced than the backward agricultural knowledge of Great Spiritual World. Countless times.

“Hide all the spheres of knowledge related to agriculture!” David commanded in his heart.

Hundreds of thousands of knowledge spheres disappeared instantly, and one knowledge sphere was not retained. David stared blankly at the empty area. Plague God Gladstone and 92 Fifth Level Stoneman did not even give him a knowledge sphere. Stay.

The 92 Fifth Level Stoneman are just Fifth Level puppets created by Plague God Gladstone with strength of Faith and divinity. They don’t even have a Fifth Level Soul Source. The souls are all pieced together and condensed. Where can there be any light balls of knowledge? It is also the sphere of knowledge that piece together the soul itself.

As for Plague God Gladstone, even True Spirit was crushed, and everything that belonged to Plague God Gladstone ceased to exist. War God is basically impossible to let Plague God Gladstone leave anything behind.

Maybe David gets the body of Plague God Gladstone, and he will get more divinity in the body, as well as the rest of the divine object. Unfortunately, the body of Plague God Gladstone can’t even be touched by the temple, and only belongs to the five spiritual gods.

Shadow Servant was able to absorb the True Spirit fragments, which War God did not care about, and luckily succeeded.

Although a little disappointed, David quickly realized that he was really greedy. The harvest this time was so great that he exceeded his imagination. The 92 divine natures alone were enough to reward this adventure.

He stood up and came to the gene repair cabin. The face of’Lord Ferdinand’ had been turned into the designed face, and the gene repair solution was being sucked out.

Without David’s attention, the soul of’Lord Ferdinand’, that is, David’s Soul Clone, can judge and think independently, but as long as David pays attention,’Lord Ferdinand’ is an Avatar of David.

‘Lord Ferdinand’ walked out of the genetic repair cabin, his body shook slightly, and the remaining genetic repair fluid on his body was bounced away.

Later,’Lord Ferdinand’ took a set of expensive patriarch gowns from the space ring and replaced them with David’s specially designed domineering face. It really has a Fifth Level powerhouse style.

“I should give you a name, just call you Harlow, Harlow · Luce!” David said to himself.

It is really good to talk to yourself. The’Lord Ferdinand’ in front of you, or Fifth Level Templar Knight called’Harlow’, can be said to be David himself, but David is the main soul, and’Harlow’ is Soul Clone.

David is still very satisfied with the Fifth Level Templar Knight that exists in this way, which is safer than the previous method of using the’bewitching pattern’ to re-turn into the soul.

You should know that the “Enchanting Pattern” is the Innate Ability of the insect race. When facing the insect race, especially the Fifth Level insect race, he dare not expose the Level 4 Heavenly Knight puppet made with the “Enchanting Pattern”. , Otherwise, the 10000 Fifth Level insect race has the ability to counteract the’bewitching pattern’. At that time, the level 4 Heavenly Knight puppet is not necessarily an enemy or a friend.

In the current situation of Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight, no one is strong enough to interfere with the connection between David and Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight.

The most important thing is that the resurrection of Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight does not at all consume David’s soul energy, and there is even no limit to the soul. As long as the Fifth Level Soul Source is enough, he can resurrect the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight at will.

So David decided to resurrect the corpses of three other lords in the space pendant to enhance his safety.

This time he was resurrected by’Lord Merlin’, and also used the’plague pattern’ to detoxify the poison, and then used the indestructible life force to reactivate the incompletely disappeared activity, and then spread the activity throughout the body.

Everything is the same as when’Lord Ferdinand’ was resurrected. Fifth Level Soul Source entered the body of’Lord Merlin’ within the body and automatically took over the body of this Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Heart Sea Space appeared, but this time when David put his spirit into Heart Sea Space, he found something different from’Lord Ferdinand’.

In the Heart Sea Space of’Lord Merlin’, the thinness of Bloodline Strength is similar to that of’Lord Ferdinand’. It can be seen that’Lord Merlin’ also consumes a large amount of Bloodline Strength, which is a hard fight.

But in the Heart Sea Space of’Lord Merlin’, there is more than that of’Lord Ferdinand’, which is a body composed of energy, sitting in the center of the Heart Sea Space.

David recognized this as the energy Avatar at a glance, but the energy Avatar was not at all, and the clothes were not transfigured, only the five officials and four limbs with the head blurred.

He needs to thank Lord Gould. In the study of the “Spaceship” that Lord Gould gave him, he has knowledge of the energy Avatar.

Of course, the inheritance knowledge not at all Maine Family in Lord Gould’s study is just the relevant knowledge he has collected over the years, but these are enough for David to understand what kind of energy Avatar is.

The energy Avatar of Heart Sea Space in front of me is a complete energy Avatar, but the soul is missing.

Lord Merlin, Lord Amir and Lord Luke were killed by Plague God Gladstone at the same time. Because Plague God Gladstone’s attack was too fast, the three lords of them could not even achieve the Self-destruction energy Avatar, so they were directly killed. .

As Lord Ferdinand was the first to attack, it consumes the most. The energy Avatar was also consumed in the attack.

So David did not see the energy Avatar in the Heart Sea Space of Lord Ferdinand, but he saw the energy Avatar in the Heart Sea Space of Lord Merlin.

When the Fifth Level Templar Knight recovers the energy Avatar, it will allow the energy Avatar to enter the Heart Sea Space, where it can continue to be supplemented by Bloodline Strength. Staying in the Heart Sea Space for a long time can accelerate the cultivation speed of the Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Energy Avatar In Heart Sea Space, you can manually increase the speed of Heart Sea Space Bloodline Strength.

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