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David did not immediately try to cut the soul of’Lord Merlin’. Although it is a Fifth Level soul, only the original source remains. Without a period of recovery, the Fifth Level soul cannot reach the level of the original’Lord Merlin’ soul.

He didn’t have any soul energy left before. He only had to wait for the soul energy next time and the soul of’Lord Merlin’ would recover, and then try to divide the soul and activate the energy Avatar.

David sent’Lord Merlin’ into the gene repair cabin, filled with gene repair fluid, and redesigned his face.

Next, he resurrected’Lord Amir’ and’Lord Luke’, and reshaped them one after another.

After several hours of hard work, three Fifth Level Templar Knights renamed’Mike’,’Bayer’ and’Harry’ stood in front of him.

Even after experiencing the gathering of 63 Fifth Level Templar Knights, David still felt extremely excited about the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights standing in front of him.

You must know that the enlistment of the temple is only the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the 15 Fifth Level Templar Knight body comes, all of which are the temple’s own Fifth Level Templar Knight.

This shows the rarity of Fifth Level Templar Knight, and there are only a few Fifth Level Templar Knights under the Boundless Starry Sky of Great Spiritual World.

In the cultivation room, four Fifth Level Templar Knights hovered half a meter above the ground. Just after the first cultivation, David discovered the problem.

The energy on the Bama Star is also extremely sufficient, but the four Fifth Level Templar Knights cultivation together, the energy of the entire area is completely exhausted, even more terrifying than David’s own cultivation.

So after 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights only cultivated two minutes, they stopped the cultivation reluctantly. The energy here is simply not enough.

David shook the head, he finally understood why Fifth Level Templar Knight is so rare.

The energy consumed by this cultivation alone is probably a huge expenditure. It is basically impossible to maintain by the energy between Heaven and Earth alone, and only the top kryptonite crystal stones can be used to maintain the energy supply.

However, ordinary Spirit Gathering Formation may not guarantee the cultivation of Fifth Level Templar Knight, and a stronger large-scale Spirit Gathering Formation is needed.

This matter must be put on the agenda, and now only 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights can use meditation to restore soul energy. It will take some time for the cultivation Bloodline Strength.

Of course, David did not plan to set up a large-scale Spirit Gathering Formation here in Qinya Manor. Large-scale Spirit Gathering Formation will have some impact on all around. The heart-warming lotus here in Qinya Manor is extremely delicate.

Today, not only is the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knight unable to cultivation, but David himself cannot cultivation because of too much energy.

“The titles and awards of the Noble Affairs Office should be awarded, and then go to Garmi Star to build a super large Spirit Gathering Formation!” David thought in his heart.

He has the ability to surpass the ordinary’Alchemy Grandmaster’, and the perfect’alchemy’ ability allows him to build an extremely rare super-large Spirit Gathering Formation without relying on outsiders as long as he has the corresponding materials.

The premise is that there needs to be a place that is not affected by his silhouette, because the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation will affect a wide range of energy. In addition, the four Fifth Level Templar Knights often cultivation together, and the energy fluctuations caused are too noticeable. .

After seeing the power of Spiritual God, David has the power of four Fifth Level Templar Knights and chose to keep a low profile.

David sat in the cultivation room, meditating with 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and spent one night.

In the morning, he checked the soul conditions of 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights. When Fifth Level Soul Clone was in their Soul Space, they shared the soul energy with his main soul.

Now 4 Fifth Level Soul Clone are placed within the body of the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knight. Through a night of meditation, Soul Clone is almost half recovered. If you want to come, Soul Clone can reach the normal Fifth Level Templar Knight in another day. The soul standard that should be.

This time is similar to David’s guess. The Fifth Level Templar Knight’s body and Bloodline Strength both have the function of nourishing the soul. If it weren’t for the Soul Clone itself, it’s relatively too weak and the quality of the Fifth Level soul would be quite different in quantity. Meditation at night can be restored.

David was not in a hurry to recover the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, because he received a message from Steward Jason through the contact array, and the Noble Affairs Office informed him to go, thinking that it was a matter of title and territory.

He also wants to have his own planet, so that he can do many things conveniently.

Although it didn’t feel right, David still put 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights into the summon ring and stayed with 15 Level 4 Heavenly Knight, all on the fingers of Shadow Servant.

Summoning the war horse Xiaohua, he mounted the war horse and headed towards the main city of Bama.

Bama Star Aristocratic Office is a typical office space, but it is more luxurious than ordinary office space. It has a two-story structure and dozens of office doors are marked with obvious signs.

Of course, the front is just the external window of the Noble Affairs Office, providing various services for the nobles, coordinating relations between the nobles, and safeguarding the rights of the nobles.

The core of the noble affairs office is the huge area behind the two-story building. This area includes intelligence, combat, logistics, investigation and other classifications, and provides corresponding support for handling all noble affairs within the scope of Bama Star.

When David arrived at the Noble Affairs Office, it was around 9 am, and the Noble Affairs Office had just started to work.

There were not many nobles who came to do business. There were 4 nobles who were waiting to enter with him. Among them, only David came by riding a war horse. The rest of the nobles were sitting in the carriage, and there were steward holding heraldry cards. Go through the preliminary formalities.

Maybe it’s that there have been a lot of things recently, so David has forgotten the pomp of nobles.

But he didn’t care about anything. The Noble Affairs Office was also impossible because he came by himself, so he would not be given title and territory.

“Geshwen Minister of Noble Affairs!” Suddenly David greeted as he looked at the silhouette trotting out of the office building in surprise.

The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin is a staff member sent by the Office of Noble Affairs to the Interstellar Federation to retrieve David. They have experienced danger together and have a very harmonious relationship with each other.

David did not expect to see Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs in the Office of Noble Affairs, which gave him the joy of reuniting old friends.

“Earl Arthur, long time no see!” Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs smiled and bowed in salute.

When the name’Earl Arthur’ was heard, the front of the building was quiet, and all four steward who were about to enter the building stopped.

Then the 4 carriages uploaded the order to recall the steward, and the stewards hurried back to the carriage, and the 4 carriages also retreated to the side, giving way to the area in front of the building.

In the main city of Bama, from the nobles to the servants of Steward, no one has never heard of Earl Arthur’s name, or notoriety.

The extinguish sect is always the case. Although only the Barry family was confirmed by the extinguish sect, the rest are just rumors, but what Earl Arthur did later showed that he had the ability to do those things.

In the main city of Bama, Earl Arthur’s name has been used in noble families to scare children.

The four nobles didn’t know David before, and it was because they were at a distance in the carriage and did not see the coat of arms of David.

Knowing that they are going to enter the noble affairs office before David, one can imagine the shock in his heart. You must know that Earl Arthur is a character that must be reported in the rumors.

So the four nobles all chose to back down, but at the same time they didn’t dare to leave like this. If they leave, it is likely that Earl Arthur thinks they have any ideas and burns himself.

The accident in front of him made David himself dumbfounded, he didn’t even know that his name had this effect.

Perhaps the nobles in other planets have no such fear of Earl Arthur, but in the main city of Bama, the nobles here hear the most rumors, because Earl Arthur lives here, and accidentally meets Earl Arthur, and naturally it will be even more. attention.

“Earl Arthur, let’s go in first!” The Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs shook the head with a wry smile, and said with a gift.

David smiled back, and entered the building of the Noble Affairs Office with the Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs.

After David entered the building, the 4 carriages did not stay. It is estimated that they did not want to handle affairs with David, the killer, so the 4 carriages started to leave along the way.

Sitting in the luxurious living room, David was placed in front of a variety of rare fruits and a cup of top-quality beverages. It can be seen that the Bama Star Noble Affairs Office attaches great importance to him, and it has adopted extremely high standards.

“The Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs, why are you here?” David took a sip of his drink and then curiously asked. There was no one on the side at this time, and his name was much more casual.

He was very curious when he saw the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin. He should know that the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin is the minister of the headquarters of the Noble Affairs Office. How could he appear in the main city of Bama?

“I was sent by the office to receive you. The office thought that I had something to do with you, so I came here!” Gershwin noble affairs minister explained with a smile.

The temple handed over the rewards to the Noble Affairs Office. The Noble Affairs Office took it very seriously. David’s growth rate was so fast that the Noble Affairs Office was surprised by 10000 points.

Although the Office of Noble Affairs has been established for nearly 10000 years, there are not many people in history who have been promoted so fast, and there are not even 100. You must know that this is the 10000-year history of Great Spiritual World.

Among the nearly 100 nobles, as long as they survived, almost all became top nobles.

Therefore, the Office of Noble Affairs specially sent the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin to present awards to David, which also showed the sincerity of the Office of Noble Affairs.

“Since I came here, I happened to sit there. I live in Qinya Manor. The scenery there is good, and there are special foods!” David said with a smile.

“It’s a deal. I have long heard of the reputation of’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’, but it is a pity that’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’ only serves top nobles and has never had the opportunity to taste it!” Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs laughed and said with a smile.

After a simple chat, the previous friendship returned between the two.

The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin is one of the few friends that David really made since he came to Great Spiritual World. It’s just that it’s usually hard to meet together, but the friendship between Life and Death Friends not at all has faded due to time.

“Arthur, I didn’t expect you to have changed so much!” Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs exclaimed.

The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin, of course, must sigh. It was he and Priest Forbes who sent David to the Great Spiritual World. Although the Luce Family was a 10000-year-old nobleman at that time, it actually only had a reputation. What is the difference between low-level nobles not at all.

But it has only been less than a year, and David’s changes have been so great that the Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs was shocked.

He is in the office of noble affairs, and whenever he hears of what happened to David, he feels like watching Legendary’s story.

Starting from understood David’s top Knight innate talent, he and Priest Forbes knew that David would definitely grow up in the Great Spiritual World, but they didn’t expect this process to be so fast.

“I was also forced to be helpless, others forced me to become stronger, otherwise I would be impossible to sit here!” David also recalled the past and said helplessly.

Who doesn’t want to live an easy life, but after coming to the Great Spiritual World, the struggle between the nobles made David have to fight, and he has also gone along the way and achieved his current achievements.

“You also have to be careful!” The Gershwen Minister of Noble Affairs said here, looked at the door of the reception room, and then said softly: “It is said that there are nobles who want to suppress you, and your growth rate has worried some nobles!”

The noble affairs office is the gathering place of the nobles, and almost all the staff are of noble origin.

Someone suppressed David. As long as there was any news, the Noble Affairs Office was the first to receive news.

“Why are you staring at me? I am afraid that my assets are not as good as a fraction of normal Earl’s assets!” David said, shaking his head.

The fact is also true. Except for the wealth robbed by David, Luce Family’s fixed assets are very small. Dasheng Star has an ancient city fort, ten plantations and a winery, a villa in the main city of Bama Star, and several shops. Qinya Manor and a mining area of ​​Boyo Star.

It can be said that among all Earl, there are few fixed assets as small as David, so he is a little puzzled about people suppressing him.

“The title awarded to you by the Noble Affairs Office this time is the Duke title, and the territory is the entire Garmi Star. Although Garmi Star is only somewhat larger than the first continent, the Second Continent is very small, and the remaining 4 continents are all deserts. It is a complete planet, with duchy title and a complete planet as territory. Once your strength reaches Fifth Level Templar Knight, or Fifth Level Templar Knight appears in the family, you are eligible to compete for top nobles.

You have a very good relationship with the Maine Family. The Bishop Bolin of Earth God Palace will support you because of the Maine Family, and the relationship with Bishop McKinley of Temple of War is irreversible. In the Grandspread Star, you have friendship with dozens of Fifth Level Templar Knights. The advantage is too great, so that families qualified to compete for top nobles have to pay attention to you! “The Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs will tell the reason.

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