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David is not at all burdened by the so-called suppression. Anyway, he is based on the idea of ​​if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others. Now his strength has greatly increased. No matter if aristocrats jump out, he can handle it at will, and he can just provide it. Some soul energy.

Among the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, 3 Fifth Level Templar Knights are all waiting for soul energy for the purpose of soul partition recovery.

I just hope that the strength of the nobles who suppressed him can be stronger, otherwise the soul energy may not be enough.

“This is the Duke’s identity document, and it should be called Lord Arthur in the future!” The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin took out a parchment he had prepared and handed it to David said with a smile.

It is the familiar parchment, with the seal of the noble affairs office and the unique energy fluctuations of the alchemy item, showing the extraordinary identity of the documents.

Of course, the identification documents are only used to facilitate some affairs. David’s title will be notified to every nobleman through the branches of the Noble Affairs Office in Great Spiritual World within a few days.

At the same time, all departments will update the knowledge content of the coat of arms, as long as the entire Great Spiritual World will know David’s new title after a while.

“What is more convenient for the title of the Duke?” David took a look at the Duke’s identity document and asked after putting it into the space item.

When he was promoted to the title of Earl, he had some privileges, but the promotion time was too short. Before David had come to enjoy these privileges, he was promoted to Duke again.

“There are 5 places to go to War Star every year. The top kryptonite crystals, fortified meats and quality materials produced by War Star have the same purchase authority as the duke status. Your Knight quota is mentioned to 20. In addition, the Noble Affairs Office We will provide you with a list of available purchases on a regular basis, which are special items that can only be purchased by the duke’s title!” Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs replied after thinking about it.

The number of War Star places is 5 per year. This is to train a large number of talents for the Duke’s family. You must know that going to War Star to participate in battle is the fastest way for Knight to improve.

In War Star, you can not only have the experience of fighting between life and death, but you can also interact with Peak Knights of the same age and build a deep friendship.

It’s a pity that besides himself, there is no Knight in the family who can go to War Star to exercise.

Originally, Knight Andrew was okay, but Knight Andrew was forced to use potions to improve it. Without the potential, there would be a mortal danger instead.

The top-quality kryptonite crystal, fortified meat, and high-grade materials produced by War Star, these resources David has also heard of before, most of them are divided by the top nobles, and the rest is not the turn of the low-level nobles. A certain amount, this surprised him a bit.

In fact, this is also a method for the top nobles to appease the rest of the nobles, giving them a hope that they can see, as long as they work hard to improve their title, they can have more resources and enhance their family strength.

In the past, top kryptonite crystal stones, strengthened meat and grade materials were not in David’s eyes, but now it is different. He is no longer alone. After having 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, he needs a lot of top kryptonite crystal stones. Come to provide Fifth Level Templar Knight cultivation.

In addition, 15 Level 4 Heavenly Knight also requires resources. Although it consumes less top-level kryptonite crystal, it is also an expense.

In a short time, David can maintain all Knight’s cultivation by relying on the spoils of war he grabbed before, but this cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Boyo Star’s black rock mining area is his back to solve the top kryptonite crystal stone, with the existence of’Yun Gemstone’, he can harvest a large amount of top kryptonite crystal stone, and can also get’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’.

It will take time for’Yun Gemstone’ to accelerate the impact of the kryptonite crystal mine. The scale of the Black Rock mining area is not large, and even the output cannot meet the needs of so many Knights.

David had considered this problem before, and he didn’t expect that a dukedom would solve this problem.

The number of Knights mentioned is 20. The Knight here is not the Knight profession, but the title of the noble Knight. As long as you are certified as the noble Knight, you can enjoy part of the privileges of the noble.

For example, it’s free through the Transmission Gate. For example, there is no need to pay civilian taxes. They are all manifestations of interests. The most important thing is identity. As long as the identity of the noble Knight, then the Knight will step into the threshold of the nobility with one foot. A quasi-noble.

As for the purchase list, David thinks it should be some items that cannot be seen in the market. He has too many ideas about these items not at all.

“Didn’t expect the dukedom to have so many benefits!” David said with a smile.

“There is news from the temple, because of your outstanding contribution in the battle of gods, the planet-level Transmission Gate built by the temple for Garmi Star has been given to you, which can save you ten great achievements!” Gershwin Noble Affairs The minister continued.

Speaking of this, Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs really envied David. Although the planet-level Transmission Gate is a standard configuration for every planet, it is not free.

Since the planet-level Transmission Gate is almost monopolized by the temple in terms of technology and materials, it is necessary to find the temple to build a planet-level Transmission Gate.

Planets such as Garmi Star that cannot be inhabited by humans after discovery will be built after the completion of the process of transformation from the temple.

The planet-level Transmission Gate needs to be paid by all the nobles who have an industry on this planet. Of course, this fee is replaced by meritorious service. The temple doesn’t care about the god Gold Coin.

Generally speaking, the planet where many noble families are located will have some tasks forcibly allocated to the nobles, this is to pay the interest of the planet-level Transmission Gate.

Because David’s Luce Family is an Ancient Family of 10000 years, it has certain immunity, but no one mentioned it to him.

But if he owns a planet alone, the cost of the planet-level Transmission Gate cannot be avoided.

We must know that many planet aristocrats have to complete certain meritorious tasks every year, but these are only paying interest. The huge meritorious deeds can only be fully paid if the planet has the existence of top aristocrats.

Naturally, the temple does not have to worry about anyone who dares not pay the fees for the planet-level Transmission Gate, even for the benefits, no planet dares to pay later.

Therefore, apart from the Temple of Wealth, the other temples have almost no business operations, but their wealth has never been lacking.

“How many merits do I have?” David is still not clear about his merits, he can’t help but ask.

“Arthur, you should find a better steward. You don’t even know your own merits!” The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin shook his head and said, “I have checked your merits for you. 7 great achievements!”

David didn’t excuse Steward Jason. The Luce Family had been in decline for many years. In addition, David had never told Steward Jason about his merits. Naturally, Steward Jason would not know about it.

“It seems that you can exchange a lot of things!” David probably knows the value of great work, said with a smile.

“As a friend, I advise you not to exchange items with great merits lightly. Most items can be exchanged for ordinary merits. Great merits are best exchanged for territories or strategically significant materials, just like the planet-level Transmission Gate. Materials can only be exchanged for great merit!” The Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs saw David deliberately expending great merit and couldn’t help being persuaded.

Not to mention the emerging aristocracy like David, even the top aristocrats also need great work, and great work can only be obtained by very few tasks.

This kind of task cannot be easily obtained and completed by even the top nobles, no matter the degree of danger or the rarity, it is extremely difficult to obtain great merit.

David was able to get a lot of merit only because he was lucky to participate in the battle of the gods. If it weren’t for the mission of the battle of gods, how could he get so much of the big merit at once.

This is why Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs persuaded David, and only true friends would say this.

“I understand!” David nodded said.

“Everything should be said, make an appointment to go to Garmi Star, complete the transfer of the planet!” Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs put down the cup in his hand, said with a smile.

“Okay, I have time now, and I will pick you up when I arrange it!” David didn’t make another appointment, he could think of seeing his own planet immediately.

If he is going to Garmi Star by himself, it doesn’t matter if he rides alone, but with the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin, he can’t just go like this.

Even if the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin didn’t care, he had to take into account the decentness of the Office of Noble Affairs.

When David left the Bama Star Noble Affairs Office, he found that the front door looked extremely quiet. Even the nobles who were waiting here in the morning were gone, and no nobles came to do business.

While in the heart, he lamented the leisure of the noble affairs office, while riding on the war horse Xiaohua headed towards the villa.

How did David know that the fact that he appeared in the noble affairs office has been spread. There are no secrets in the noble circle. As long as there is no life-related matter, who will go to the noble affairs office at this time and kill him with this notoriety? God contact.

When returning to the door of Villa No. 35, Steward Jason, Steward Albin, Knight Andrew, and Euphemia were all standing in front of the door, and all the servants stood in two rows on the side of the door.

“Steward Jason, I’m just going home, I don’t need such a battle!” David said helplessly, shaking his head.

“Master, this is a must. You go to the Noble Affairs Office to be promoted to the title. This is the glory of the Luce Family. If the Old Master is still there, you will be proud of you!” Steward Jason bowed to speak with tears in his eyes.

The Luce Family has truly prospered. The Marquis is one of the highest-ranking titles in the history of the Luce Family. Such a success is enough to comfort all the ancestors of the Luce Family.

“Now I should call you Lord Marquis Arthur!” Euphemia said with a noble ritual while smiling lightly from the side.

“Euphemia, you also make mistakes!” David knew when he heard that they had all made a mistake about his promotion, and could not help saying with a smile.

It’s no wonder that Steward and the stewards misunderstood. You must know that the titles have always been promoted at Level 1 Level 1, especially after reaching the high ranks, how can they be promoted several levels at a time.

So after Steward Jason received the notice from the Office of Noble Affairs, he thought that David was promoted to Marquis, who would know he was promoted to Duke.

“Ah! I made a mistake!” Euphemia’s face was slightly red, and he thought about his etiquette carefully. How could this kind of etiquette go deep.

“I am now the duke, and I will notify all the nobles in a few days!” David explained with a smile.

The members of the Luce Family who stood on the scene couldn’t help but stare. Steward Jason was a bit older, and his body couldn’t help shaking when he was excited.

Steward Albin on the side quickly helped Steward Jason, which also made the surprised everyone wake up.

“I have seen the noble Lord Arthur!” All the servants also bowed in due course.

“Help Steward Jason in and rest, let’s go in!” David waved.

Originally, David planned to take Steward Jason to Garmi Star to see the new territory belonging to the Luce Family. However, looking at Steward Jason’s appearance, is it old? Let Steward Jason take care of him. Steward Jason has paid too much for this family. Up.

This is because after Steward Jason has taken’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’, the body can still maintain a vigorous state at such an age, but after all, it is still too old and being too excited is not a good thing.

Steward Jason quickly recovered, his face flushed, not just him, but Steward Albin, Knight Andrew and Euphemia were all extremely excited. The dukedom can be said to be second only to the lord’s nobleman.

Even in the entire Bama Star, there are not many dukes.

Unexpectedly, they didn’t have many days when they first came to Bama Star. In a blink of an eye, their family became one of the top noble families in Bama Star.

Although the Luce Family is far inferior to the top aristocrats, this kind of glory is enough to greatly enhance their status.

David didn’t stay longer in the villa either. He released 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights and left in the alchemy carriage, leaving behind the people who were still excited.

Since he decided not to take Steward Jason, he did not take the rest of the family members. He has some new ideas for the construction of Garmi Star.

Driven by Knight Mark, four Level 4 Heavenly Knights stood on the 4 side of the alchemy carriage. When David returned to the noble affairs office this time, he finally had the pomp that nobles deserve.

“Arthur, aren’t these few Heavenly Knights?” The Gershwen Minister of Noble Affairs had read the information about Knight Mark and Garland Knight from the Noble Affairs Office, but he had not seen the other three Level 3 Heavenly Knights. Only seeing Garland Knight and 4 other Knights protect the alchemy carriage together, asked in surprise.

“You have good eyesight, they are indeed Heavenly Knight!” David said without paying attention.

I have seen David after the war of God, and his vision has long been much higher. In addition, he now owns 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, which makes him less important to Level 4 Heavenly Knight, and to Gershwin’s minister of noble affairs. Inquiries will not care.

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