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In the next 5 days, David spent the rest of his time drawing patterns for the castle, except for the cultivation twice a day in the morning and evening, and finally finished drawing the castle patterns on the 2th day.

This is still equal to the result of 100’Alchemy Grandmasters’ shooting at the same time. If ordinary alchemists and Master Alchemist are invited, this work can probably drag on for several years.

Not to mention the waste of materials, you must know that Master Alchemist will fail in the process of drawing, and every failure will lose the alchemical materials used, or even replace the building materials.

Some aristocratic castles have been perfected little by little with the efforts of several generations. It is rare to achieve perfection in one step like David.

Of course, the castle built by Shining Gold Stone is still just an empty shell. The most important thing about a noble’s castle is the interior furnishings. The long history and the ornaments of countless generations of inheritance are the noble heritage.

David had a plan for decorations, and he took out a lot of various decorations from the space pendant.

Among them are transparent carved crystals, which are used on windows instead of ordinary glass; there are curtains embroidered with Legendary stories, and the threads used are precious and rare materials; there are tiles on the walls, which are added when firing There are special materials, exquisite and unusual; there are all kinds of furniture, the wood is extremely precious, and all the craftsmanship comes from everyone; there are antiques with an inheritance of 1000 years; ornaments and sculptures worth 1000000 gold coins of the gods.

Most of these were collected by David from the Barry family castle, and some of them were spoils of war from other places.

We must know that although the Barry family is not a very powerful family, it is relying on the Maine Family to do the business of Knight equipment, with an inheritance of 1000 years and extremely rich wealth.

David almost emptied the Barry family’s castle. Even the wall was exposed and the floor tiles were taken away. The entire Barry castle was left with only the main structure of the rock.

Now these gains have finally come in handy, all placed in his own castle.

The intelligent system produced ten housekeeping robots for the castle through the robot factory. The huge castle only needs ten housekeeping robots. The efficiency of housekeeping robots is much higher than that of human servants.

David stayed in Garmi Star for a month. During this period, he used the free time of cultivation to draw the’ancient isolation pattern’ on the surfaces of all the robots, so that people in the Great Spiritual World would only see the robots. Thought it was a mechanical puppet.

This morning, in the shallow golden cultivation room, the walls are densely covered with various patterns, making the originally extremely solid Shining Gold Stone cultivation room more solid.

David’s white energy feather wings spread out behind him. Unlike the previous month, his side energy mist is pouring into him within the body at a speed visible to naked eye.

His mind is completely in a state of cultivation, but from the smile on his face accidentally, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood at this time.

In David’s Heart Sea Space, the Bloodline Strength vortex is in a delicate process.

In the middle of the Heart Sea Space, a group of liquid Bloodline Strength is being squeezed by the Bloodline Strength gathered from all around.

The turbulent energy from the outside enters David’s body, and the Bloodline Strength in his spine is continuously generated. These Bloodline Strength flows throughout his body and combines with energy to enter the Heart Sea Space.

In the past, when Bloodline Strength entered Heart Sea Space, Heart Sea Space would also have more solid Bloodline Strength flowing out of Heart Sea Space, and then in the body within the body cycle. This is a cyclical process.

But today is something special. Only the Bloodline Strength combined with energy enters the Heart Sea Space, not at all the solid Bloodline Strength flows out of the Heart Sea Space.

The entire Heart Sea Space can only get in, but this abnormal state makes David happy.

After these days of cultivation, his Heart Sea Space interior is finally on the verge of promotion.

Originally, David thought that promotion needed an opportunity. Among the books he read about cultivation experience, it was not so simple for Level 3 Earth Knight to be promoted to Level 4 Heavenly Knight. Even if Heart Sea Space reached its limit, it needed an indescribable state. , To be able to achieve the conditions for promotion.

This unspeakable state cannot be obtained actively, and can only be continuously day after day cultivation. Some Earth Knights have gone through several months, some Earth Knights have gone through several years, and some Earth Knights with bad luck will be stuck in this level for a lifetime.

But David had just reached the limit of Heart Sea Space, he didn’t have the slightest wait, and he didn’t need the state mentioned in the book, he started the promotion process.

Even he didn’t even come and take the auxiliary medicine, and the promotion was already in progress.

David himself is extremely special. His spirit has reached Fifth Level. In terms of spirit, he is far superior to Fifth Level Templar Knight. His body is also due to the bald head robust man God Spirit Crystal. Physique is almost the same as Fifth Level Templar Knight. .

Not to mention the battle angel skeleton within the body, which can provide him with continuous Bloodline Strength and repair the insignificant damage in his body, making his body reach the ideal perfect state.

Together, with the white energy feather wings and super-large Spirit Gathering Formation, he can be promoted without any bottleneck.

The vortex in the Heart Sea Space is accelerating. The liquid in the center is transformed into a solid state due to strong squeezing, and a click sound is made in the Heart Sea Space. This is the 2 small pieces of liquid within the body in the center. The bloodline Strength is rubbing. With.

By this step, David is only a little short of Level 4 Heavenly Knight. As long as the subtle solid Bloodline Strength is increased, he can successfully promote to Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

2 A small piece of fine solid Bloodline Strength is pressed by an external force, and the two are combined into one, and then a small solid Bloodline Strength is added, making a small piece of crystal-like solid appear in the center of Heart Sea Space.

When this small piece of solid Bloodline Strength appeared, the Heart Sea Space vibrated along with it, and the liquid Bloodline Strength surrounding the solid Bloodline Strength became firmer. Although it was not completely solid, it also strengthened a lot.

The outflow of Heart Sea Space also resumed, and a lot of Bloodline Strength was strengthened to flow into his body. I wanted to strengthen his body, but this strengthening effect was extremely weak.

However, David felt a light and fluttering feeling in his body. Although the enhancement effect of Bloodline Strength was weak, it gave his body the characteristics of Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

He put away the energy feather wings behind his back, his body still floating off the ground.

David’s breath has changed. With 15 Level 4 Heavenly Knight, he is very familiar with the breath of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, but this kind of breath appears on his own body, which still makes him extremely excited.

Level 4 Heavenly Knight was achieved as simple as that, and it did not take several years as he had estimated before, but in order to speed up this progress, his consumption was also huge.

The super-large Spirit Gathering Formation with 6000 array base, covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers, a’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’, 6000 top kryptonite crystal stones every ten days, these costs are not small.

But these all are worth it. David successfully promoted to Level 4 Heavenly Knight and became the powerhouse in the Great Spiritual World Knight sequence.

David dashed out of the castle, did not use spirit, did not extend the energy feather wings, he soared to the sky.

Level 4 Heavenly Knight can use pure body to fly. Although this kind of flight is not fast, it also guarantees the safety of Level 4 Heavenly Knight in the sky.

It is precisely because of this that Level 4 Heavenly Knight can sign a life sharing contract with the flying mount, and use the flying mount to fly in the air.

If you don’t have the ability to fly, it’s very dangerous to get on the flying mount. If the enemy attacks the flying mount, if the flying mount is injured, waiting for the Knight to fall from high altitude.

No matter how tough Knight’s body is, it is at least severely injured when it hits the ground from a high altitude, and even has a high probability of death.

Only Level 4 Heavenly Knight can sign a life-sharing contract with flying mounts. It is a rule that the Knight system of Great Spiritual World has experienced countless blood lessons.

David felt this kind of flight. To be honest, although his Bloodline Strength within the body reached the level of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, it was still at the lowest quality level, which made his flight speed extremely slow.

He was accustomed to high-speed flight and he was not satisfied with this kind of flight, but only after being promoted to Fifth Level Templar Knight, the solidified Bloodline Strength flowing within the body can support Knight’s high-speed flight in the air without assistance. Can only bear it, but fortunately he has a lot of flying ability.

It didn’t take long to fly in the air, before he descended to the ground, feeling the power of within the body, he thought that he needed to buy a flying mount for himself.

Not to fly faster, just to make himself more in line with the look of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, don’t be particularly offbeat in the Knight of the Great Spiritual World.

Before leaving Garmi Star, David checked the progress of planet transformation.

At present, prospecting is only carried out on the first continent, and all minerals are not at all mined, but a distribution map of the minerals is established, and appropriate mining is carried out according to current needs.

The main work of the intelligent system is also on the desertification control of the third continent. The ten square kilometers of grassland has now spread to half of the area of ​​the third continent, and the green area is not only grassland, but also planted with trees.

Because of the water-locking effect of genetically modified weeds, trees can grow normally.

More than 1000 agricultural robots are undergoing transformation work on the third continent. David has also left a lot of water with immortal life force. This water allows the plants planted on the third continent to grow faster.

Only in this extravagant way can the desert be transformed at such a speed. You must know that even in the Interstellar Federation, it will take a lot of time to transform the desert. But with all kinds of sufficient resources, it is not like Like Garmi Star, initially there was only one research bench to start.

Of course, many of David’s operations in Garmi Star are illegal in Interstellar Federation and will be bankrupted by many companies of Interstellar Federation, because many of the technologies he uses require professional authorization to use.

Since those laws are only valid within the territory of the Interstellar Federation, this prevents David from having to consider legal issues.

David came to the planet-level Transmission Gate and collected 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights and ten Level 4 Heavenly Knights into the summon ring of Shadow Servant, leaving only 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights to protect the alchemy carriage.

The planet-level Transmission Gate is set by David to prohibit everyone except him. The only way to come to Garmi Star is to approach from space. However, there are 36 detection satellites. Any object approaching from space will be discovered by the detection satellite. Inform the intelligent system.

There is a contact array in the intelligent system, which can alert David at any time.

David is not worried about the safety of Garmi Star. Without his consent, anyone who wants to enter Garmi Star is a provocation to the noble system, and he can completely eliminate the other party.

In the teleportation options of the planet-level Transmission Gate, he chose Bama Star. He is more familiar with the main city of Bama, and it is also convenient to buy flying mounts.

Enter the planet-level Transmission Gate. When the alchemy carriage reappears, you are already in the familiar Bama main city Transmission Gate.

After not returning to the villa for a while, David went to villa 35 first, and had previously explained to Steward Jason, do not contact him if there is no important matter.

Now that his goal of retreat has been achieved, he needs to get familiar with realm just after being promoted, and it will take some time to retreat.

At this time, David has free time and just cares about family affairs.

In the study of Villa 35, David sits behind the desk, and Steward Jason and Steward Albin stand respectfully in front of the desk.

“Master, the condition of our shop has been very bad recently!” Steward Jason bowed and reported.

“Is there any trouble?” David asked casually if he was not at all interested in business matters, but it was his own business.

With David’s current strength and possessing the two abilities of’Alchemy Grandmaster’ and’Forging Grandmaster’, you can buy many shops for everything you make.

“The shops next to our 4 shops sell the same goods as ours, but the price is 1% lower than ours!” Steward Jason replied.

“Any other things?” David shook the head lightly. He didn’t want to talk about this kind of thing. As long as it was a commercial method, he would be lazy to investigate it.

Did you kill your competitors for this?

Steward Jason is a poor habit. The 4 shops that have been compensated, if they continue to make no money, they can be sold without trouble for a little money.

“There is also Boyo Star. I passed some time ago. The steward over there said that someone was close to the mining area and was found several times by them, but nothing was lost!” Steward Jason saw that David didn’t care, and said Another thing.

“What? Someone appeared on the side of Boyosung’s mining area?” David stood up suddenly and said.

Steward Jason was also puzzled by David’s reaction. Although the mining area was important, there was no loss. There were constant losses on the shop side, and David did not lose self-control like this.

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