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“When did this happen?” David asked Steward Jason.

“About half a month, I will visit the mining area every half a month. If you don’t come back, I will go to the mining area tomorrow!” Steward Jason bowed back.

David sat back in the chair, tapped his fingers on the tabletop, thinking in his head.

The only thing he cares about at Bama Star is Qinya Manor, because that is the place where the’heart-warming lotus’ is produced.

However, as long as the nobles with good minds, will not provoke Qinya Manor, because that will anger the Maine Family.

Lord Gould, because David found out that it contained the energy that was useful for Fifth Level Templar Knight after sending out the’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’, he showed the importance of Qinya Manor among the noble circles.

Even all previous orders for “Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup” helped David refuse.

Now other nobles want to get the “heart-warming lotus seed soup” through the Maine Family and get it from Lord Gould.

This is also Lord Gould in order to protect David. It is necessary to know that this kind of “heart-warming lotus seed soup” that can be effective on Fifth Level Templar Knight is known by other lords, and it will be obtained through various means. If David is not satisfied, it is very likely to attract Disaster.

This behavior of Lord Gould also placed Qinya Manor under the protection of the Maine Family. Any action against Qinya Manor is tantamount to provoking the Maine Family.

Another industry that caught David’s attention was the Black Rock mining area of ​​Boyosung. The Black Rock mining area is a kryptonite crystal mine. Although the output is not high, David left the’Yun Gemstone’ there.

So when Steward Jason said that someone was spying on the mining area, he would have such a reaction.

Although it is an external mining area, not at all found in the Black Rock mining area, but who knows if anyone has explored the Black Rock mining area.

We must know that David did not at all leave combat power in the Black Rock mining area, there were only 2 indigenous miners and stewards.

In the mining area of ​​Boyo Star, a group of Knights are advancing towards the mining area in a harsh environment. They have entered the mining area of ​​a Purple Gold mine, which is also the only way to enter the black rock mining area.

The 6 Knights are equipped with Level 2 Knight armor, which shields the harmful gases in the air, allowing them to act without any scruples.

On their Level 2 Knight armor, not at all any marks.

“Leave nothing to live, let that person find us!” Knight Captain looked at the silhouette in the mining area ahead, and said in a deep voice to his opponents.

His subordinates naturally know whose property is here, and once a murder occurs here, the consequences will be extremely disastrous.

The legend about Duke Arthur is widely circulated among the noble circles, even Knights like them often hear about it.

But this time they had to come because they were hired, and the people who hired them couldn’t afford to offend, and they didn’t dare to violate the order.

Fortunately, the task of the 6 Knights is also simple. Enter the Black Rock mining area and find a shiny special stone to bring it back.

In order not to be found by the Duke of Arthur, the 6 Knights decided not to stay alive along the way, and even to sneak in secretly, they not at all reached Boyos through the planet-level Transmission Gate, but borrowed the people who hired them. The temporary Transmission Gate.

“Strike!” Knight Captain shouted loudly.

Then the 6 Knights summoned their horses together, mounted their horses and rushed forward with heavy sword in their hands.

The 6 Knights are all Earth Knights. With their military force, let alone these miners without any combat power, even ordinary low-level noble castles can’t stop their attack.

The native miners screamed. They couldn’t even escape. Knight’s horse was too fast to leave them with any chance.

“I’m from the Boyo Mining Alliance, this is the property of Duke Arthur, please don’t kill me!” The steward with the alchemy respirator raised his hand yelled.

The steward hoped that the reputation of the Boyo Mining Alliance and Duke Arthur could shock the group of Knights, but it was obvious that his yelling not at all worked.

An Earth Knight’s horse rushed through his body, and the heavy sword in his hand swept his neck. The Earth Knight didn’t pay attention to him at all, and went on to the other miners.

In just 30 seconds, everyone in this Purple Gold mining area died.

“Check it all over, you can’t stay alive!” Knight Captain waved and commanded.

The Earth Knights inspected the mine and the miner’s residence, confirmed that there was no livelihood, and then proceeded to the Black Rock mining area.

Before coming to the Black Rock Mine, Knight Captain stopped the horse, and he jumped off the horse.

Knight Captain was observing the border of the Black Rock mining area. In his hand, an alchemy item was flashing rays of light, indicating that there was an alchemy defense.

He took out a magic amulet from the space bag, this is a valuable magic amulet of breaking the world, belonging to a very special magic amulet, it should not appear in the hands of Earth Knight.

Knight Captain activates the magic amulet of breaking the world, a white radiance rushes forward, and the defensive shield against the black rock mining area appears, but this white radiance cuts out a small door for people to enter and exit in the defensive shield.

“You must leave within 5 minutes after entering!” Knight Captain turned to instructed his companions.

Under the wave of Knight Captain, the Knights gathered their horses and filed in through the small door on the defensive shield.

The 6 Earth Knights have advanced five hundred meters, and all around can already feel the strong kryptonite crystal energy.

Knight Captain is holding an alchemy item, and there is a light spot on the alchemy item indicating that the shiny special stone is in front of him.

“Captain, look there!” an Earth Knight turned his head and said in an incredulous voice.

Knight Captain looked up and saw more than a dozen mechanical puppets clearing the ground.

The mechanical puppets are not surprised, but they are surprised to see the mechanical puppets working here. You must know that this is a kryptonite crystal mining area. Affected by the energy of the kryptonite crystal, the mechanical puppets are basically impossible to move freely.

Know that in the kryptonite crystal energy, the puppet wisdom core cannot operate.

Everyone in Great Spiritual World knows that the kryptonite crystal mine can only be mined by hand and cannot use puppets.

But what was happening right now told them that it seemed that Duke Arthur had found a way to make the mechanical puppet work in the kryptonite crystal mine.

“Don’t worry about these puppets, find the shiny stone, and we will leave immediately!” Knight Captain said solemnly.

Six Earth Knights rode on their horses to form the Knight battle formation. Knight Captain led the way according to the alchemy item in his hand and rushed towards the light spot.

There is no other person here, there is no danger, all they have to do is to complete the task as quickly as possible.

Just as soon as the 6 Earth Knights approached, ten or nine robots all sounded harsh alarms. At the same time, the robot in the underground space put’Yun Gemstone’ into a small item Transmission Formation, a white light in’Yun Gemstone’ ‘disappeared.

Then the robot crushed a two-way pattern. As soon as the two-way pattern on this side broke, David, who was in the villa in the main city of Bama, felt a two-way pattern in the space pendant.

“Steward Jason, find a way to investigate who is targeting our shop, I have something to do!” David’s face changed slightly, and he was instructed with a deep voice.

Originally, he wouldn’t bother about the shops, but it was too coincidental. At the same time, someone targeted his property and something went wrong in the Black Rock mining area on the other side.

Combined with what the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin said before, there was a nobleman about to suppress him, and he felt that he was in a certain whirlpool.

Five Level 5 Heavenly Knights all went out with their flying mounts. David also flew up. Although he did not have a flying mount, the five Level 4 Heavenly Knights took him to speed up the flight, not at all problems.

The breath of 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights rose above the main city of Bama, causing 2 Level 4 law enforcement Heavenly Knights of the Law Enforcement Group who were on duty to panic. They hurriedly flew over here and saw David’s silhouette. .

Two Level 2 law enforcement Heavenly Knight stopped their flying mounts in the air, and their eyes were filled with expressions of disbelief.

They saw Duke Arthur who was flying with his 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights. Although Duke Arthur was not at all flying mounts, they could not perceive the breath of Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

Two Level 2 law enforcement Heavenly Knight glanced at each other, and then they all took out the contact array to report.

David, no matter he is known to be Level 4 Heavenly Knight, he did not want to conceal that he reached Level 4 Heavenly Knight. The stronger the strength, the stronger his potential. It will make friends pay more attention to him. His enemies think more before dealing with him.

Five Level 5 Heavenly Knights rode their flying mounts very fast, and it took only a short time to get to the planet-level Transmission Gate.

“Boyostar!” David arrived at the planet-level Transmission Gate and immediately said to the transmission staff.

The transmission staff did not hesitate, and immediately opened the Transmission Gate for David.

At this time, it was the busiest time for the planet-level Transmission Gate. Many nobles were waiting for the passage, but no nobles said much, and in the gaze looking towards David, they also showed kindness.

Not to mention that these nobles all saw David, it was just 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights who acted together, and they didn’t dare to intervene.

Although David jumped in the line, as a Duke, David still has this privilege.

David expressed his gratitude to the transmission staff nodded, and then five Heavenly Knights rode his flying mounts and rushed into the Transmission Gate.

At the planet-class Transmission Gate of Boyo Star, David and five Level 5 Heavenly Knights flew out, and the imposing manner was rising to the sky, showing his mood at this time.

The fragmentation of the two-way pattern shows that’Yun Gemstone’ has been transferred away, but it also shows that the cultivation plan of the black rock mining area for so long has failed.’Yun Gemstone’ has left the black rock mining area, for a long time condensed growth kryptonite The energy of crystal growth also dissipates.

Such a long time of effort was ruined, so why not make David angry.

“Why did Duke Arthur come so quickly, should we stop him?” August Fifth Level Templar Knight asked side Job Fifth Level Templar Knight.

They all came here using energy Avatars, hidden in an ordinary noble carriage.

This action against the Black Rock mining area was promoted by the power consortium, and originally they didn’t want to act directly like this.

The coalition of forces first wanted to attack Duke Arthur through commercial behavior, but when they investigated the Duke Arthur’s property, they found that Earl Arthur’s property was very small.

In addition to the ten plantations and one winery of Luce Family on Dasheng Star, there are some commercial properties in the main city of Bama Star and the mining area of ​​Boyo Star.

These are really too shabby for a duke. It is estimated that the output of these industries is not enough to maintain the duke’s daily life.

Ten plantations and one winery cannot be targeted for a short period of time. At most, after the harvest, no one can purchase the production of the plantations and the winery through the relationship. This can only be done after the autumn harvest.

Bama Star’s Qinya Manor, after inquiring about, they simply did not dare to act, which was tantamount to directly antagonizing the Maine Family. At least all members of the federation, including the hired Knight, were afraid to take on such tasks.

The four shops in the main city of Bama are the only place where Duke Arthur can be attacked, and the power consortium has also been manipulated through its subordinate forces.

Of course, the alliance of forces will not let go of Boyo Star’s mining area, but among the Knights sent to explore, there is a Knight who returned from War Star, and he has left on his body the’Yun Gemstone’ brought back from War Star to induce alchemy. item reacted.

This news immediately got the attention of the power consortium, and the whole incident changed from suppressing Duke Arthur to snatching’Yun Gemstone’.

In order to snatch the’Yun Gemstone’, the alliance of forces not only sent a Knight squad composed of 6 Earth Knights, but also two Fifth Level Templar Knights from the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights of the alliance. The energy Avatar is ready to respond. , Immediately put away the robbed’Yun Gemstone’.

The Knight squad formed by Earth Knight does not employ people from the alliance of forces. Even if something goes wrong with the Knight team, the alliance of forces cannot be traced.

To be honest, even Fifth Level Templar Knight was careful with Duke Arthur and didn’t want to tear his face directly with Duke Arthur.

It is not that Duke Arthur has no power behind it. Whether it is the Maine Family or dozens of Fifth Level Templar Knights who he has helped and owes others, they are all his backing.

Therefore, the power consortium does not at all take action by itself, but uses Knight to snatch the’Yun Gemstone’.

“Are you going to turn your face with Duke Arthur now to let him know that we did it? Or are we going to kill him now?” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight said, shaking his head.

Their two Fifth Level Templar Knights have their own families, and they will not fight against a duke in the city until they are a last resort.

Besides, the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights also saw that David’s strength reached Level 4 Heavenly Knight, plus 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights by the side. They came with an energy Avatar and wanted to quickly solve David. I am afraid it is a little difficult.

You must know that David and the 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights are flying very casually, and they also maintain the Knight battle formation.

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