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With David’s duke status, even important cities such as the main city of Bama can fly freely. The main city of Boyo Star has no scruples at all and did not stay in the city. Six Level 6 Heavenly Knights flew away from the air.

When Viscount Harvey, who was in the main city of Boyo, received the news and ran out of the room, he was seeing a familiar silhouette flying in space, protected by five Level 5 Heavenly Knights.

Viscount Harvey sucked in a breath of cold air. He was surprised that David took 2 Level 4 Heavenly Knights last time. Now the number has reached 5.

Thinking about David now as a duke, it is not particularly difficult to recruit Level 4 Heavenly Knight. The resource quota owned by the duke is not a secret among the aristocracy.

“I hope nothing happens!” Viscount Harvey whispered to himself.

David and the 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights flew away at full speed without staying in the main city of Boyo. It can be seen that something happened in the mining area.

Boyo Star is an unremarkable mineral star that cannot stand the battle of Level 4 Heavenly Knight. The strongest Knight of Boyo Star is nothing but Earth Knight.

Viscount Harvey can have the right to speak on Boyo Star. That is also why other nobles are not interested in Boyo Star. Ordinary persons stay here for a long time and will be poisoned to death by the poisonous air here.

As soon as he left the area of ​​Boyo’s main city, David exploded in spirit, and his speed was greatly improved. He was faster than the five Heavenly Knights, and directly ignored them and flew towards the Black Rock mining area.

When passing by the Purple Gold mining area, he saw corpses all over the floor.

This is an indigenous miner belonging to David. Although Viscount Harvey gave him these indigenous miners at the time, he didn’t at all look at these indigenous miners, and even the indigenous miners were arranged to work in this unimportant Purple Gold mining area.

But these native miners are also members of the Luce Family, and also members of the name of Duke Arthur.

David felt provoked, and the anger in his heart was rising.

Moving forward, he saw the hole in the defensive shield of the Black Rock Mine. This technique belongs to the top-level breaking pattern that only the’Alchemy Grandmaster’ can draw in his knowledge system of’Alchemy Grandmaster’.

David entered the Black Rock mining area. Ten robots in the mining area have been destroyed into pieces and scattered on the ground.

He came to the location where the intelligent system was hidden underground, where a large hole had long been dug, exposing the dark room below.

David entered the dark room below, where a robot was also destroyed.

The line of the intelligent system server is destroyed, but the intruder probably didn’t realize the importance of the intelligent system. Perhaps the intruder just thinks that the moving robot is a threat.

David shook the head. He came fast enough, but the other party was faster. He should be a very professional person and evacuated immediately after doing the job.

“Do you really think you can escape?” David said with a cold laugh as he looked at the intelligent system server that was not damaged.

He took out an optical brain terminal and connected it to the intelligent system server. Then the intruder entered the Black Rock mining area and was discovered by the robot, and all actions were recorded on the server.

Everything the robot’s eyes see is connected to the intelligent system server. As long as the intelligent system server is not damaged, then whoever the intruder is can understand at a glance.

David looked at the last time of the video, that is, the time when Knight entered the dark room and destroyed the last robot. Only 3 minutes have passed since now.

In 3 minutes, those Knights were basically impossible to escape from Boyo Star. Thinking of this, David’s spirit swept through the intelligent system server on the ground and all the robot wrecks, collected them into the spatial pendant, and released Little White from the summon ring.

With the growth of David’s strength, more and more powerhouses have been encountered. Naturally, Little White, whose defensive power is extremely weak, will no longer carry it with him as before. Under normal circumstances, Little White stays in the summon ring.

With Little White’s body size, the space inside the summon ring is a huge space for it, and it doesn’t feel crowded.

Little White, who left the summon ring, was obviously uncomfortable with the air of Boyo Star, and constantly shook the snake’s head to express dissatisfaction.

Of course, no matter how bad the air quality of Boyo Star is, it can be adapted to Little White, because Little White is very toxic and has a natural immunity to poison.

David patted Little White lightly with his hand, and after some comfort, he gave Little White an order to find the abnormal breath.

No one else came to the Black Rock Mine until now, so the breath of the 6 intruders was very obvious. Little White was able to find the specified breath in the complex city. This task was too simple.

Little White sent a message to David. It sensed the breath and successfully tracked it.

David soared into the air, and joined the five Level 5 Heavenly Knights who came to chase in one direction.

Flying in the sky, he saw the mark of the horse running on the ground.

There is a clear difference between war horses and ordinary horses. In addition, here is Boyo Star. It is basically impossible that ordinary horses can survive. Only war horses with Bloodline Strength can move freely.

It can be seen from the horseshoe mark of the horse that the 6 Earth Knights drive the horse to gallop at full speed, which can be known from the span of the horse.

David didn’t want the invaders to escape either. He turned and glanced at the five Level 5 Heavenly Knights who were accompanying him. He stimulated his spirit again, and accelerated his flight to the distance with his spirit.

To be honest, David is now carrying Level 4 Heavenly Knight, just need it. As a Duke, he needs this kind of pomp, but for him, Level 4 Heavenly Knight is a bit weak.

Not to mention that he himself is Level 4 Heavenly Knight. With his strength and speed, no Level 4 Heavenly Knight is his opponent.

Especially in this case, even if Level 4 Heavenly Knight rides a flying mount, its speed cannot be compared with David.

David discovered that the six Earth Knights had turned a small arc and returned to the main city of Boyo.

It is not difficult to imagine that the main city of Boyue is the only city of Boyue Star. If you want to leave Boyue Star through the planet-level Transmission Gate, you must go to the main city.

At a distance of 5000 metres from the main city of Boyo, David saw the silhouettes of 6 Earth Knights.

“Be careful, there are enemies!” Knight Captain was always watching all around, and loudly reminded him when he saw the black spots in the sky appearing in the distance.

It’s just that David’s speed is too fast. It was still dark when he looked at it. In a blink of an eye, he reached 1000 meters. Knight Captain could already see David’s approximate face.

Knight Captain is of course familiar with David’s face. When taking over the mission, they obtained a portrait of David from the intelligence organization.

“Ready to fight!” Knight Captain wouldn’t think they could be faster than the Heavenly Knight flying in the sky, even if David not at all flying mounts.

At this time, the 6 Earth Knights did not have time to consider why David maintained such a fast flying speed without a flying mount, and they needed to face David’s attack.

“Support one minute, the person who will meet us will be there soon!” Knight Captain said softly.

Knight Captain only sent a message, the mission was completed, but he not at all sent a message that the mission failed.

As the hired Knight, he naturally knew that the news of mission failure would make the person who released the mission abandon them. Besides, he didn’t think his mission was a failure. The intelligence did not say that there was a small item Transmission Formation.

Anyway, they have completed the task the employer confided, and they can’t help it if there is no special shiny stone.

However, Knight Captain brought back a small item Transmission Formation, which can be regarded as an explanation for the employer.

Now, the news of the completion of this task is likely to be a life-saving straw. He believes that the employer will not let the luminous special stone fall into David’s hands again.

David didn’t have the idea of ​​killing 6 Earth Knights at once. With his strength, killing these Earth Knights was very easy.

When he approached the 6th Earth Knight 1000 meters, he opened his mouth and issued a “High Frequency Sound Wave”.

Perhaps the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ does not have much effect on the Knight at 4 Fifth Level, but for the 6-bit Level 3 Earth Knight, the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ from the Fifth Level spirit and Level 4 Heavenly Knight David’s mouth is formidable. Power is enough to make them temporarily lose the ability to resist.

Knight Captain felt a piercing sound in his ear, which sounded like a needle pierced into his ear and then inserted into his brain.

“What kind of power is this!” Knight Captain was dizzy, and he wondered before falling to the ground.

The 6 Earth Knights all fell off the horse. The horse was also affected by the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ and walked slantingly for 2 steps and fell to the ground.

David was about to step forward. Suddenly he felt a burst of danger. Almost instantly, Level 4 Knight armor appeared on his body, with a Level 4 shield in his hand blocking him.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight heard reports from their subordinates that the mercenary mission they sent was successful, and they were ready to go out of the city to take it.

Two energy Avatars of the Fifth Level Templar Knight stood on the heights of the main city of Jobo, observing the situation in the distance.

When the 6 Earth Knights appeared, the faces of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights showed joy.

The importance of’Yun Gemstone’ is self-evident for any Fifth Level Templar Knight.

‘Yun Gemstone’ not only promotes the formation of kryptonite crystal ore, but more importantly, it can produce’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’.

‘Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ is used in many aspects, including cultivation, large arrays, powerful puppets, etc., and almost includes all aspects of Fifth Level powerhouse.

During cultivation, having a’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ can not only accelerate the cultivation effect, but also drive the large and super large Spirit Gathering Formation and assist the cultivation of the Fifth Level powerhouse.

Alchemy items that almost reach Fifth Level attack power and defense require’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ as the core.

The’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ is the rarest resource in the entire world, and only War Star will produce it from time to time. However, the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ produced by War Star has either been divided by the top nobles or Interstellar Federation, where will it be the turn of the great nobles.

But having’Yun Gemstone’ is different. Putting’Yun Gemstone’ in the kryptonite crystal mine will allow their family to always have the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ harvest.

For this, the alliance of forces did not hesitate to go to war with David, and the huge benefits were enough to make them think it was worth it.

When seeing Duke Arthur catching up, the two Fifth Level Templar Knights felt extremely unbelievable. Although Duke Arthur was a Level 2 Heavenly Knight, but he didn’t even have a flying mount, he could catch up with the 4 Earth Knights.

Looking at the 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights in the sky in the distance, it is obvious that Duke Arthur caught up with the 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights alone because their flying speed was too slow.

“Get rid of Duke Arthur!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight looked towards Job Fifth Level Templar Knight and said.

He didn’t ask because he believed that Job Fifth Level Templar Knight would have the same decision as him.

Without the protection of the other Level 4 Heavenly Knights, David chased here alone. What a great opportunity, it just happened to kill him in one fell swoop.

“Kill him!” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight answered nodded with a killing intent in his eyes.

Since they offended Duke Arthur, and knew how difficult Duke Arthur’s character was, they naturally chose to kill Duke Arthur directly.

Therefore, the energy Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights suddenly attacked. The distance of 5000 meters looked very far, but for the energy Avatar, it was an instant distance.

But the energy Avatars of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights did not expect that the 6 Level 4 Earth Knights did not even have the ability to fight back and fell. When they arrived, they happened to prevent David from approaching the 6 Level 4 Earth Knights.

David’s defensive posture was done in a timely manner. He felt a huge force on the Level 4 shield, but this huge force was still defensible for him.

“It’s Fifth Level Templar Knight!” When David felt the power from the shield, he judged the enemy’s strength.

Shadow Servant also saw the energy Avatar of two Fifth Level Templar Knights above his head, confirming David’s idea.

David has two choices at this time. One is that summon has 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights to block the energy Avatars of the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights in front of him. As for killing the energy Avatar, in terms of the speed of the energy Avatar, I am afraid. It’s hard to do.

If the energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight wants to kill, then only the same Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar can do it, because only the energy Avatar can keep up with the energy Avatar.

Fifth Level Templar Knight is indeed very strong, but it can’t compare with the energy Avatar in terms of speed.

David not at all grasped a single blow and left all the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights behind. That is, using a surprise attack, the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights will take action to kill the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars. It just killed the energy Avatar, which was a huge loss to the Fifth Level Templar Knight behind it, but there was no mortal danger.

In doing so, David exposed 4 Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Another option is to escape. There are so many Fifth Level Templar Knights of Great Spiritual World. Finding these 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights is not difficult.

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