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David’s mind moved, he mobilized the space energy in the’Transcendent Army Knife’ next to his calf, and then fell to the ground with the force of the shield.

The five Level 5 Heavenly Knights who were rushing from a distance also turned their heads immediately and flew in five directions.

In the process of falling, David used Level 4 shields to block 2 attacks, thanks to the action of the battle angel crystal.

Although the energy Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight is extremely fast, as long as David stays focused during the attack, the energy Avatar’s attack process can be turned into slow motion.

Because David’s strength is not enough to match the full speed of the battle angel crystal, he cannot use the slow motion process of the energy Avatar attack of the Fifth Level Templar Knight in his eyes to counterattack, but he can block the energy Avatar’s attack with a Level 4 shield in advance.

Of course, this is also related to David’s ability to possess Level 4 Heavenly Knight. Prior to this, he was only the strength of Level 3 Earth Knight. When encountering such an attack, he was willing to block and could not react in time.

In the process of falling, David didn’t forget to use the small instrument of Interstellar Federation to take the image of the Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight.

When he was 2 meters above the ground, David suddenly activated the’Void Rush’ ability. The space energy mobilized from the’Transcendent Army Knife’ was exhausted, and his body also appeared underground.

During the process of’Void Rush’, he simultaneously turned on the’lightning body’, fused with an electric light from the’lightning pattern’, and when he appeared underground, he was already incarnation into a weak electric light.

“Damn!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight could not help cursing when he saw David suddenly disappeared.

The energy of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight Avatar sneak attack A Level 4 Heavenly Knight, but failed, and let Level 4 Heavenly Knight escape instead.

If this kind of thing spreads out, their 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights will become a joke.

But what worries the two Fifth Level Templar Knights more is David’s intrepidity. As the rumors say, David has a special means of escape and has escaped in front of higher-level Knights many times.

And the combat power that David showed just now made the two Fifth Level Templar Knights feel chilling.

“Let’s look around all around, we must not let him escape!” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight said anxiously.

The two Fifth Level Templar Knights were so fast, they searched all around 2 metres, not at all found any David’s breath.

David is actually at the underground ten meters where they were just now, but David incarnation is an electric light, and his breath is very weak. Coupled with the breath hiding technology that David has mastered, this aura is reduced to an extremely small amount.

If the two Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars have some experience, then they will not target David’s previous breath, but will completely disperse their spirits, look for all abnormal breaths, and maybe they will be able to discover David’s existence.

However, even if two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars find David in the ground, they cannot catch up with David who can be fast and stealth underground. Perhaps flying in the sky, the speed of the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar is matchless in the world. , But in terms of stealth underground, David, who is incarnation for electric light, is definitely ranked first.

David did not move. As long as the energy Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights did not find him, he could observe the movements of the energy Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights through the Shadow Servant on the ground.

Those 6 Level 3 Earth Knights are recovering. They are Level 3 Earth Knights, and David didn’t want to kill them on the spot. They all stood up after a short period of stun.

Two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy avatars searched the neighborhood, but did not find David’s silhouette. After seeing the recovery of the six Level 2 Earth Knights, they did not continue to look for David’s thoughts. The best thing is to get’Yun Gemstone’. important.

Six Level 6 Earth Knights saw the energy Avatar of two Fifth Level Templar Knights. First they were happy, and then all their faces showed fear.

The joy comes from them being saved. David’s strength is beyond their imagination. The weird attack of 1000 meters away stuns all of their 6 Level 3 Earth Knights in an instant. If it weren’t for the appearance of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars, they At this point it has fallen into David’s hands.

But after the joy, they thought about the task, especially their Captain was ugly complexion.

If they knew that Fifth Level Templar Knight would intervene in this mission, even if they risked offending the nobles, they would not accept this mission.

To know what Fifth Level Templar Knight is involved in, it’s simply not that these little Level 3 Earth Knights should get involved.

“Bring things here!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight said in a deep voice to Knight Captain instructed.

Knight Captain didn’t move. It’s not that he didn’t want to take it. The problem was that he had nothing to take out.

“Relax, your mission is completed, the reward will not be less for you, just give me things, I guarantee this with the reputation of Dennis Family!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight thought Knight Captain was worried about the reward, and continued.

“Honorable Templar Knight, we entered the Black Rock mining area, but we only found this!” Knight Captain could not delay any longer, took out the small item Transmission Formation from the space bag and handed it over, and explained.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight looked at the small item Transmission Formation in the hands of Knight Captain. His eyes were full of anger. If Knight Captain didn’t convey the message of the completion of the mission to this side, he and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight would be impossible to shoot.

Now they are completely feuding Duke Arthur, but only get this result.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight looked at each other, and then 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars suddenly shot. How could 6 Level 3 Earth Knights be their opponents. After a breath time, the ground fell on the ground. 6 corpses were taken.

“Let’s go back and prepare. Duke Arthur has a strong vengeance, and I am afraid it will be troublesome in the future!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight has no feelings for killing 6 Earth Knights, he said solemnly.

It would be better if David stayed. They took action, but David escaped. As long as David is not killed afterwards, their family will face David’s crazy revenge.

“I’m not worried about the family, I’m worried that he will start with our property!” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight said, shaking his head.

There is the Fifth Level Templar Knight body on the family side. Job Fifth Level Templar Knight is not afraid of David going. In fact, as long as David goes there, his body ability is stronger. Although the speed is slower than the energy Avatar, the combat power and various All means are much higher. Even if David wants to escape, it will be difficult to escape.

Although the sudden disappearance of David this time made the two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars very helpless, they are confident that if the body is here, they will be able to find David’s trace.

“Duke Arthur’s property is so small, it is very difficult for us to deal with his property in reverse. How about we attack Qinya Manor and lead him over?” August Fifth Level Templar Knight suggested.

“August, do you want to fight the Maine Family?” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight looked towards August Fifth Level Templar Knight asked.

“Then Duke Arthur can threaten anyone close to him?” August Fifth Level Templar Knight wouldn’t go to war with the Maine Family, he said instead.

After August Fifth Level Templar Knight raised this question, the two Fifth Level Templar Knights looked at each other and thought of information about Duke Arthur.

It seems that in the Duke Arthur’s information, there are no friends at all. It is hard to imagine that a Duke’s relationship is as innocent as a piece of white paper.

Except for some relationship with the Maine Family, I have never heard of the close relationship between Duke Arthur and who.

However, it took less than a year to think that Duke Arthur came to the Great Spiritual World, and the two Fifth Level Templar Knights were suddenly surprised, but it was even more terrifying. According to the data, when Duke Arthur came to the Great Spiritual World, Knight cultivation had not yet begun. .

But in one year, Duke Arthur has become Level 4 Heavenly Knight, and the title has also been promoted from Baron to Duke.

“Duke Arthur can’t grow up anymore, he must be strangled with all his strength!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight said solemnly.

Job Fifth Level Templar Knight is also solemnly nodded. This extremely talented is the most terrifying. Perhaps the Duke Arthur who appears in front of them in two years will be a Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Since this kind of extremely talented has become an enemy, it must be killed before extremely talented grows up.

“Go back!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight looked at the scene and said, the energy Avatars of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights rose into the sky and disappeared.

David not at all came out of the ground immediately. Since these 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights killed 6 Level 3 Earth Knights, they did not clean the battlefield. Even if the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights are not interested in these Level 2 equipment, they will Throwing the bodies of 6 Earth Knights here is also extremely troublesome.

Knight cleaning the battlefield is very simple, as long as all items and corpses left from the battle are collected into the space item, the huge Great Spiritual World has too many hidden unmanned areas to throw corpses.

David thought of the conversation between the two Fifth Level Templar Knights just now. From the conversation, he understood one of the Fifth Level Templar Knights whose name was August and belonged to the Dennis Family.

He called out the “heraldic” knowledge in his memory and found information about the Dennis Family.

The Dennis Family is a powerful family of dukes and nobles. Unlike the new-born dukes like David, the Dennis Family has a duchy for 1000 years, and the Fifth Level Templar Knight appeared 100 years ago.

The Fifth Level Templar Knight that I want to come up is this August Fifth Level Templar Knight. This August Fifth Level Templar Knight not at all inherited the title, but instead used his merits to redeem the viscount title, making the Dennis Family have 2 noble titles. family.

You must know that noble titles can be exchanged, but the price is too high. The price mentioned here is not only the exchange price, but also the maintenance price.

Just like the Dennis Family, in addition to completing a large number of tasks in exchange for merits to ensure that the Duke’s title will not be lowered in the next inheritance, there must be extra merits to ensure that the Viscount rank cannot be lowered as well.

When the nobility’s title is in inheritance, it will drop to the Level 1 title every time of inheritance. If you don’t want to lose the title, you will have to pay corresponding merits.

If the nobility of this generation is not capable, then the title will be lowered. If there is no ability for consecutive generations, the noble title can be erased.

This is also the way for Great Spiritual World to eliminate unqualified nobles, inspiring the nobles to dare not slack, and strive to improve their own strength.

There are no nobles who have fun and enjoyment, but even if the dukes and nobles are slack, they can only support 5 generations to become commoners and lose the rights of nobles.

The Dennis Family is relatively successful among the nobles. This family has many territories. Unfortunately, these territories are distributed on several planets. Although the territories are very large, the total area exceeds the land area of ​​an ordinary planet, but because the territories are not On top of a planet, there is no territory to own a planet, and no qualification to compete for top nobles.

Here we are going to talk about the top nobles. The top nobles in the Great Spiritual World are the most powerful nobles in the world. They have their own planet, and everything on the planet belongs to the top nobles.

The top nobles also have the power to participate in the management of Great Spiritual World affairs. This power is realized through the Supreme Council, and the top nobles will send representatives to participate in the Supreme Council.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for top aristocrats to become ordinary aristocrats, because the resources of the top aristocrats are enough to cultivate a lot of knights, and the background of the top aristocrats is sufficient to support the top aristocrats even if they lack talents. , Still supports multiple generations.

But every few 100 years, there will always be the top aristocrats declining. From the position of the top aristocrats, the position of the top aristocrats is vacated is what the other great aristocrats want to occupy.

The qualifications for competing for the top noble vacancies are naturally extremely demanding. It requires the family’s title to reach the Duke’s title, while having a planet as the territory, and the family also needs to have its own Fifth Level Templar Knight of the Bloodline.

Then, all the nobles who have the qualifications to compete for the top nobles will get the opportunity to show themselves in the Supreme Council, and the top nobles of the Supreme Council will vote to decide who will inherit the top noble vacancy.

Of course, after 10000 years, the number of top aristocrats has long been insufficient, and as the number of planets found decreases, the exchange conditions for land rewards in the temple are getting higher and higher, and almost no aristocrat can have one. Territory of the planet.

In particular, almost every planet has a noble affairs office, which makes it extremely difficult to forcibly buy aristocratic territory through illegal means. If it is not good, it will be punished by the noble affairs office or targeted by the temple.

The noble affairs office’s punishment is better, at most fines and the like, but being targeted by the temple may directly deprive the nobles of their qualifications, and the temple will not allow barbaric competition between the nobles.

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