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David was thinking about the Dennis Family in the underground ten meters in the state of’lightning body’. Two silhouettes appeared in the sky above his head, and his spirit swept the neighborhood.

What appeared was the energy Avatars of August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight. They probably wanted to kill a sudden thrust.

But what they met was David who had reached the full level of hidden experience. David’s growth process has been countless escapes and counter-kills since he came to this World.

The reason why David didn’t come out just now was because he guessed that the Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights would return.

The two energy Avatars of Fifth Level Templar Knight left without cleaning the battlefield. The great probability is to use the equipment on the ground corpse to attract David. If David is greedy, they will seize the opportunity.

“It seems that I did leave. There was no signal coming from the Transmission Gate, indicating that Duke Arthur did not at all leave Boyo Star. We will wait for him at the Transmission Gate!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight said, shaking his head.

His spirit swept over the corpses and equipment on the ground, and collected all the corpses and equipment into the space item, and quickly flew toward the planet-level Transmission Gate in the main city with the energy Avatar of Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Now that they have completely torn their faces, here is Boyo Star, a small mineral star, and they want to trap David here.

With the strength of Fifth Level Templar Knight, on such a mineral star, no noble dared to oppose their decision.

David didn’t wait in place anymore. The electric light he turned into used the’underground stealth’ ability underground to retrieve 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights, and then entered the main city of Boyo from the underground.

When approaching the planet-level Transmission Gate, David found that it would be difficult for him to use the Transmission Gate to leave.

At the planet-level Transmission Gate of Boyo’s main city, not only are there 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, but also 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights who are checking every noble who passes the planet-level Transmission Gate.

The 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knight happens to be a battle group, capable of forming the best Knight battle formation.

David looked at the planet-level Transmission Gate from the underground ten meters, he didn’t have any worries.

There are many ways for him to leave. Use the “Space Boat” to leave. It takes more than a day to reach the nearest planet, and then he can go anywhere through the Transmission Gate of that planet.

Maybe David can also find a hidden place in Boyue Star, arrange the “ancient isolation pattern”, and install the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate, and he can also leave Boyue Star. Of course, he needs to return to retrieve the ancient Medium-sized Transmission Gate.

David didn’t have a hurry to choose. After fighting once with two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars, he was obviously more confident.

This is the first time he has played against the Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight after his strength has improved.

Facts have proved that with David’s current strength, it is difficult for Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar to easily kill him. The biggest advantage of energy Avatar is speed. At this point, David is indeed inferior to energy Avatar, but he is not without Resistant, which also allows him to do passive defense.

Coupled with his special ability, he can leave the battlefield at any time when in danger.

The energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight hardly uses weapons. On the one hand, the sharpness of weapons condensed by the Bloodline Strength of the energy Avatar exceeds that of Level 4 weapons. Although it is a bit worse than Fifth Level weapons, the Fifth Level weapons are too much. Rare, mainly used by the Fifth Level Templar Knight body.

On the other hand, once the energy Avatar uses weapons, even Fifth Level weapons, it will slow down the speed of the energy Avatar. Normally, the energy Avatar only carries a very light space ring, and all other items are placed in the space. In the ring, most of the battles are empty-handed.

In order to maintain the speed advantage of the Energy Avatar, there is generally no Fifth Level Templar Knight that will allow the Energy Avatar to use Fifth Level weapons. In order to weaken the speed advantage of the Energy Avatar for stronger attack power, this is extremely uneconomical.

Besides, if Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar uses Bloodline Strength condensed weapons, it cannot defeat the enemy, and that many use a weapon at a slower speed and cannot defeat the enemy.

Without real Fifth Level attack power, it is difficult to break David’s Level 4 shield, not to mention that David also has a Level 4 Knight armor on his body, and he has an indestructible life force to restore himself.

David discovered at this time that his fear of Fifth Level Templar Knight has disappeared, and this is not because he has 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, but because he has increased confidence in his own strength.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight controlled the Transmission Gate of Boyo’s main city, but they did not at all close the Transmission Gate. This is not because they don’t want it, but they don’t have this power.

Even they can’t prevent other nobles from using Transmission Gate, unless they are ready to kill all the people on the Boyo star, otherwise they will be subject to the noble affairs office and the temple’s blame and punishment.

David waited for 6 hours, and the energy in the space within his “Transcendent Army Knife” was restored, and he could activate the “Void Rush” again at any time. This made him free from scruples and prepared to find a chance to pass the Transmission Gate.

At this moment, an alchemy carriage drove over and looked at the coat of arms on the alchemy carriage. This should be the alchemy carriage of Viscount Harvey.

Viscount Harvey, who was sitting on the alchemy carriage, had a bad face, and he forced his composure.

Although he doesn’t know what happened, he can be sure that August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight brought people to Boyo Star to deal with Duke Arthur.

Otherwise, there is no such a coincidence. When Duke Arthur just arrived, 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights appeared with 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights.

Even Viscount Harvey suspected that the two Fifth Level Templar Knights failed to attack Duke Arthur, otherwise they would be stuck in the Transmission Gate.

This is the war between Duke Arthur and Fifth Level Templar Knight. Viscount Harvey didn’t want to stay at Boyo Star for a moment, but he didn’t dare to leave before. He decided to leave after seeing many nobles leaving through Transmission Gate. .

He felt that the main city of Boyo was not safe at all. He had dealt with Duke Arthur and learned about Duke Arthur’s past. He knew very well that once the battle started, Duke Arthur would not care about the rest of the people in the main city of Boyo.

As for August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight, let alone, if it were not for the corresponding profit ratio, they would have slaughtered the Boyo Star at this time.

The alchemy carriage drove towards the Transmission Gate, and six Level 6 Heavenly Knights stopped the alchemy carriage.

“Turn off the defensive pattern of the alchemy carriage, we need to check the carriage!” A Level 4 Heavenly Knight said solemnly.

Viscount Harvey did not hesitate at all. He saw the Level 4 Heavenly Knights holding their hands empty. It was an action that would remove weapons from the space ring at any time. As long as he hesitated, Level 4 Heavenly Knight would take action.

Turning off the defensive pattern on the alchemy carriage, two Level 2 Heavenly Knights carefully checked inside and outside the alchemy carriage, and then waved to indicate that the remaining Level 4 Heavenly Knight 4 sides separated.

Viscount Harvey let out a long sigh of relief. Although he knew there was no problem in the alchemy carriage, he was facing 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights at the same time. Not far away, there were 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars staring at him. Feeling pressure increased, a feeling of breathlessness.

Just after the 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights were separated, the energy Avatars of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights shifted their eyes and looked towards another noble who approached not far away. A ray of electric light flickered from the ground and then appeared in the alchemy carriage. .

During the whole process, not only the energy Avatars of the 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knight and the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights did not find it, but even the nearby Viscount Harvey did not find this glimmer of light.

The alchemy carriage entered the Transmission Gate, and Viscount Harvey chose the safer Bama Star, where Fifth Level Templar Knight did not dare to be so rampant.

Without everyone knowing, David used the’Void Rush’ ability to directly enter the alchemy carriage from underground ten meters. Because it is too close to the planet-level Transmission Gate, this trace of spatial energy fluctuation is not at all caused Attention of others.

Of course, the most important reason for this is that no one would have thought that David was in an electro-optical form. Naturally, he still thought that no matter how hidden David was, he was in a human state.

David left the alchemy carriage silently, he did not alarm Viscount Harvey.

After revealing his body from an alley that no one noticed, David gently rubbed his face twice with his hand, and his face became another person.

David changed his clothes to ones without heraldic marks, and then he walked out of the alley.

He did not return to the villa, but found a private room in the restaurant to sit down, and ordered the waiters to go out after some dishes were served.

David took out the contact array and searched through the contact array, thinking about whom to contact.

He didn’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake, so he had to find someone who had nothing to do with him, at least on the surface, to help him investigate the information of Dennis Family.

This time there are two Fifth Level Templar Knights get involved. David would not think that this is just the Dennis Family, a noble family dealing with him, at least there is another noble family of the same level getting involved.

Such forces are sufficient to monitor the forces associated with him, although if he directly contacts the Maine Family, this matter is likely to be resolved, but he will not like this solution.

David doesn’t know why August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight originally targeted him. Perhaps, as the Secretary of Noble Affairs of Gershwin warned him, this is a great aristocrat who is close to the top aristocracy in excluding possible threats.

But two Fifth Level Templar Knights decided to take action, absolutely because of the discovery of’Yun Gemstone’.

If you ask the Maine Family to help, although the Maine Family is unlikely to have any requirements, the favor is owed, and the favor will not be repaid in the future.

Another reason David didn’t want Maine Family to intervene was because he had the ability to solve it by himself, and he needed soul energy.

Perhaps when no one provokes him, he will slowly cultivation until he reaches Fifth Level Templar Knight, he will go to War Star and get some soul energy there, or he will go to participate in the missions released by the Great Spiritual World Temple , Kill Evil God followers to get soul energy.

Now that someone has bullied him and killed him, he has a reason to retaliate. In this case, he will not let Maine Family get involved and affect his revenge plan.

David thought of someone, and he activated the contact array.

“Honorable Duke Arthur, hello!” When Earl Henderson saw the applicant of the contact array, he immediately waved his hand to let the servants exit the room. He activated the contact array and said respectfully.

“Earl Henderson, sorry to bother you, I have something to ask you for help, and I also ask you not to disclose what I am looking for!” David requested.

“Please tell me, as long as I can do my best, no third person will know about this!” Earl Henderson assured.

Not to mention the Maine Family belonging to the top aristocratic family. The Maine Family also took care of Duke Arthur. He only said that he would help David with the friendship he made with David when he was in Kailianxing.

“I would like to ask you to help me look up information about the Dennis family and the forces related to the Dennis Family!” David also troubled Earl Henderson because of the intersection with Earl Henderson and getting along well with each other.

“Duke Arthur, wait a minute, my family has relevant information, and I can tell you when I get it!” Earl Henderson heard that this was the case, and he could not be sighed in relief. Such a simple matter could make David owe favor. .

When David heard Earl Henderson’s words, he knew that this was the gap. Don’t look at his strength. He possessed 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights and 15 Level 4 Heavenly Knights, but he still had a long history with noble families. There is a big gap.

Just talking about the background of this information, it can’t be completed in a short time.

Unlike the Interstellar Federation, the Interstellar Federation has Skynet which can quickly transmit information, making the exchange of intelligence extremely fast, and the threshold is also extremely low.

But in Great Spiritual World, the cost of information transmission is too high.

From the acquisition of information to the transmission of information, it is necessary for the intelligence personnel to personally carry out it. The expensive alchemy item of contact array is also impossible among intelligence personnel.

After the information is delivered, the sorting work alone is much more complicated than Interstellar Federation and requires manpower to complete it. Unlike Interstellar Federation, which can be sorted out by the brain, it is convenient to call.

If Luce Family wants to obtain information, it must either cooperate with other noble families or buy it directly from an intelligence organization for a long time. The establishment of the intelligence system may not be done by David alone.

For the entire Luce Family, there are too few people available. The person responsible for managing intelligence must be someone who is extremely trusted by the family. David does not have such a capable and credible person around him.

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