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David lost his goal, and he didn’t want to destroy the cities before killing the Fifth Level Templar Knight of the three noble families.

If you make a Fifth Level Templar Knight go crazy, the consequences are also very troublesome.

David is still using the lightning state of the’lightning body’, borrowing the carriage of the nobility and teleporting back to Boyo Star, where he restored the identity of Duke Arthur, and returned through the planet-level Transmission Gate under the protection of 5 Level 4 Heavenly Knights. Bama Star main city.

He did this because he didn’t want to leave evidence. Some things can be done, but they can’t be caught. Great Spiritual World has a noble affairs office, a Law Enforcement Group, a chamber and a Supreme Council, and a temple on the top.

If it is found that David slaughtered the Dennis Family, then he himself would be in big trouble.

So David was very careful not to reveal the information that he had traveled to Kaia Star. Not only that. After returning to the main city of Bama Star, he immediately went to the Noble Affairs Office.

This is not the first time he has come to the Bama Star Noble Affairs Office, but this time he has come as a duke.

When David and the five Level 5 Heavenly Knights landed from the air, the nobles waiting to do something all took the initiative to bow and show respect.

The Duke has priority in the noble affairs office, and there is no need to line up. Of course, as long as the nobles in the main city of Bama recognize the Shadow Leopard emblem on David’s clothes, or do not see the coat of arms, there are 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knight was enough to make the nobles take the initiative to avoid it.

In the Great Spiritual World, title is as important as strength. Level 4 Heavenly Knight is enough for ordinary nobles to look up.

It was no longer the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin who received David. Think about it, the Minister of Aristocratic Affairs of Gershwin is an official of the headquarters of the Noble Affairs Office. The last time he was able to come here, he came here for awards.

However, the level of David received this time is not low. He is the Fraser Sheriff of the Bama Star Noble Affairs Office, and also a senior official in the Noble Affairs Office.

In the Conference Hall, the Fraser Secretary of State of the Peace looked at David. When he heard the announcement, he was told that David was already a Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

The Noble Affairs Office has detailed information about David, especially the things David did in the main city of Bama, so the Noble Affairs Office had to pay special attention to him.

In one year, from the ordinary person to Level 4 Heavenly Knight, this crossing is huge enough to be listed as the Legendary of the Great Spiritual World.

It’s just that today the Legendary Duke Arthur is angry.

“Duke Arthur, I don’t know what’s the matter with your coming this time?” I’ve seen the ceremony I should have seen before. After sitting down, the Fraser Secretary of the Peace asked.

“Secretary Fraser, I’m here to report to the Noble Affairs Office!” David solemnly replied.

“Report? I don’t know what you are going to report?” Fraser’s Sheriff’s Secretary was taken aback. Who would dare to provoke Duke Arthur, not mentioning the title of Duke, because of his strength, coupled with the attitude of the top aristocratic Maine Family. Let the nobles dare not treat Duke Arthur.

“I was attacked in the Black Rock mining area of ​​Boyosung and the nearby Purple Gold mining area. All the miners and a steward were killed. When I went to investigate, I was joined by August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight. After the attack, I was lucky enough to escape and hide. August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight blocked the Boyosing Transmission Gate. I was not able to return to the main city of Bama until they lifted the blockade!” David slowly took care of the matter. Said it.

That’s right, David is the first step to report the case and put himself at the highest point of the law.

As long as there is no record of him leaving and returning to Boyo Star through Transmission Gate, he has been trapped in Boyo Star during the entire Dennis Family attack period.

Because no one can secretly use the blocked Transmission Gate from under the nose of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“Duke Arthur, is there any evidence for what you said? Either personal or physical evidence!” The Fraser Secretary of the Peace suddenly looked a little hard to look at, and his attitude was even more respectfully asked.

He could not be disrespectful. The matter involved 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and Duke Arthur was able to escape from the attack of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, neither of which he could offend.

In fact, this case is not even a case that the Noble Affairs Office can intervene. If it involves Fifth Level Templar Knight, it needs to be taken over by the Chamber.

However, the Secretary of State of the Fraser did not dare to shirk at this time. All he did was record and report.

“The corpses of more than 200 miners of my family are still in the mining area. The Black Rock mining area is destroyed. You can send people to investigate at any time. As for August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight, they are two of the bloggers. At the Transmission Gate of the city, the entire Boyo main city can confirm it!” David lightly saying.

“Is there any more direct evidence?” Fraser’s Sheriff’s Minister had a toothache. These two Fifth Level Templar Knights are really regardless of the law and of natural morality. Just blocking the Transmission Gate can generally be inferred. The truthfulness of what Duke Arthur said was that the Fraser Sheriff still relied on the process to ask.

The Secretary of State of the Fraser did not want Duke Arthur to provide more evidence. As long as this kind of matter is not caught on the spot, it will only be through mediation to reach a result acceptable to both parties.

“Yes, my evidence is a bit special!” David said with a faint smile.

“Please take it out, it’s okay!” Fraser’s Sheriff’s Secretary was really startled. I didn’t expect Duke Arthur to have direct evidence.

Why it is said that the battle between the nobles cannot be convicted as long as they are not caught on the spot. The reason is that the 4 Fifth Level Knight has a very wide range of battles, and it is difficult to have a living and leave evidence. It is only based on the one-sidedness of the parties. Words are hard to convict.

Of course, if the Temple of Justice comes forward, it can completely confirm whether the parties’ words are true, but this can only be done on the premise that both parties agree.

Few people are willing to use the Temple of Justice to verify testimony. Historically, priests have asked questions beyond the scope of what they should be, exposing the privacy of the parties. Under the divine might, they must be answered truthfully.

“Secretary of the Fraser, you also know that I came from the Interstellar Federation. When I came, I brought some souvenirs, including equipment that can hold images. At the time, I was tracking 6 Knights who attacked my mining area. I used the instrument and recorded the whole process of August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight attacking me!” David said somewhat sorry.

In front of the senior officials of the Noble Affairs Office, it is illegal to say that the technology of Interstellar Federation is used.

However, David’s situation is special. This is known to the Noble Affairs Office. He grew up in the Interstellar Federation and came to the Great Spiritual World from the Interstellar Federation. It is normal to bring some souvenirs.

Besides, in order for David to return to the Great Spiritual World, the temple and the noble affairs office, as well as the Interstellar Federation government have an agreement, as long as David does not disclose the technology of the Interstellar Federation to others, his own use is not restricted.

“Can you see the video you recorded?” Fraser’s Sheriff’s Secretary didn’t know what to say, so he continued to ask according to the rules.

“Yes, please see!” David took out a small instrument and operated it.

A light curtain appeared. On the light curtain, the energy Avatars of August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight were rushing in the direction of the photographer, and the terrifying Bloodline Strength of Fifth Level Templar Knight flashed on 2 energy Avatars. .

Although it was only a light curtain played by an instrument, due to the technical authenticity of the Interstellar Federation itself and the strength of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars, the Minister of Public Security of Fraser couldn’t help but step back 2 steps.

The Secretary of State of the Fraser’s heart shook, and he had such a reaction just seeing the image. Duke Arthur was at the center of the attack, what a terrifying situation.

The video is short, and the picture is fixed in the middle of the pounce. The face of the Avatar of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knight can be clearly seen, and even the killing intent and the disdain in the expression can be felt in the eyes.

The Secretary of State of the Fraser was a little disappointed and did not see how Duke Arthur escaped from the hands of the two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars.

“Duke Arthur, can this instrument be handed to me?” Fraser Sheriff’s Secretary asked aloud.

“According to the agreement I signed with the Interstellar Federation government, I can’t hand over the instrument to you, but I have used the shadow pattern to transfer the image here!” Of course, David would not hand over the instrument in his hand. He smiled and took out one. Said a magic talisman.

This magic amulet is a practice work he made casually. When he comes on the way, he will turn the image to it. As long as the magic amulet is activated, the image can be seen.

When dealing with such functional departments, David must be careful and careful not to leave a weak spot.

To be honest, he doesn’t care about the small equipment. He even gave the outer skeleton armor to Knight Charlie of the Maine Family before.

If David handed over the instrument, he would probably be put on a conclusion that violated the law by the noble affairs office or the thoughtful person in the chamber.

“Duke Arthur, thank you for your trust in the Noble Affairs Office. We will immediately launch an investigation and we will definitely give you a fair result!” The Minister of Public Security Fraser said, taking the magic talisman.

“Then trouble you!” David stood up and said goodbye.

Just as David left the Conference Hall with his forefoot, a staff member of the noble affairs office walked in quickly.

“My lord, the latest information has been delivered, it’s all related to Duke Arthur!” The staff member bowed and handed a pile of parchment to the report.

The Noble Affairs Office has branches in each planet, and their response speed is the fastest.

After thousands of years of practice, the Noble Affairs Office has long formed a very efficient information processing mechanism.

Like Duke Arthur who lives in Bama Star, as long as there is information about Duke Arthur, it will be concentrated in the Bama Star Noble Affairs Office.

It’s just that this is not the time when the intelligence was sent in the past. The once-a-day intelligence transmission will not be carried out until the evening. The Secretary of the Fraser understands that the intelligence that can be sent now must be urgent.

As he guessed, the top intelligence was about Boyo Star.

Of course, the aristocratic affairs office of Boyue Star is understaffed, only what happened in the main city of Boyo, not at all has a description of the mining area outside the city.

However, August Fifth Level Templar Knight and Job Fifth Level Templar Knight brought 6 Level 4 Heavenly Knights to block the Transmission Gate, but the record is very clear.

Fraser’s Sheriff’s Secretary turned back again, his eyes suddenly widened and his face looked incredulous.

“It is worthy of being Duke Arthur. When Level 2 officially became Knight, it destroyed the Niche Family who owned Level 3 Earth Knight, and then destroyed the Barry family who owned Level 4 Heavenly Knight. Now it is Level 4 Heavenly Knight. It is actually against Fifth Level Templar Knight. The family has started!” Fraser’s Minister of Security murmured to himself.

The intelligence records what happened to the Kaiya Star Dennis mainland. The Dennis Family did not stay in the clansman in the city. After returning to the city, he discovered the tragedy of the destruction of the city, and then reported to Kaiya Star Law Enforcement Group and the Noble Affairs Office through contacting array.

The Law Enforcement Group and the Level 4 Heavenly Knight of the Noble Affairs Office are carrying the temporary Transmission Gate. Currently, there is only preliminary investigation, and detailed investigation is still in progress.

There is a description of Dennis Castle in the intelligence, and the wall is almost completely exposed, showing the greed of the attackers.

The attackers evacuated Dennis Castle and the surrounding city without leaving any valuable items.

The description of the battle in the intelligence is two words “slaughter”, there is no trace of battle, the entire Dennis Family is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Only in the room of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, there were some slight traces of battle, and it was this trace of battle that allowed the intelligence personnel to analyze that August Fifth Level Templar Knight had fallen.

The reason why Fraser’s Sheriff’s Minister immediately blurted out was done by Duke Arthur, because the technique was so familiar, just like the Barry family castle.

All the items were also evacuated, and everyone was killed, but this time it was a city. The strength of the Dennis Family was not comparable to that of the Barry family, but the result was the same.

The Secretary of State for Fraser thought of Duke Arthur at this time bringing evidence to report the crime. Looking at the magic amulet on the table, and then looking at the pile of intelligence, he immediately understood Duke Arthur’s thoughts.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to investigate Duke Arthur, because Duke Arthur produced evidence in advance and filed the case, unless it can be proved that the evidence provided by Duke Arthur is problematic, or the Duke Arthur massacred Dennis. Family’s direct evidence, otherwise nothing can be done to Duke Arthur.

Duke Arthur is now a Duke, with certain privileges, coupled with the power behind him, and a large number of contacts, he is no longer the powerless little nobleman in the country.

Fraser’s Sheriff’s Secretary shook the head. All he had to do was to report Duke Arthur’s report to the Chamber, which would deal with it.

He took out a blank parchment, wrote the details of the case reported by Duke Arthur, attached the magic amulet, and sent it to the chamber through a small item remote Transmission Formation.

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