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“Steward Jason, you send someone to Boyostar to deal with the aftermath, and the compensation that should be given is doubled!” David returned to the villa and summoned Steward Jason instructed.

“What happened to the Boyo Star Mine?” Steward Jason asked anxiously as soon as he heard it.

No wonder Steward Jason is anxious. As the steward of Luce Family, he naturally knows the family property of Luce Family.

Even though Arthur is already a Duke, the family has very little income.

Boyosung’s mining area is the most profitable of all industries. Although the kryptonite crystal mining area has no output, the output of the Purple Gold mining area is also higher than the value created by the rest of the family’s industries.

“The Purple Gold mining area and the Black Rock mining area over there were attacked. The miners and stewards were all dead. You send someone to collect the bodies and see if you can re-call some miners. If not, close the mining area first!” David confessed casually. .

He has a different idea from Steward Jason. The income from the mining area is not even the one hair from nine oxen he obtained from the Dennis Family this time.

What David needs to do is to compensate the dead mines and managers. Although these people can’t be considered as the real Luce Family, they are also related.

“Has the murderer been found?” Steward Jason asked through gritted teeth.

“I have reported to the Noble Affairs Office, you don’t have to worry about the murderer!” David couldn’t explain it clearly, so he could only perfuse.

“Yes, Master!” Steward Jason said with a bow.

“I will be in Garmi Star recently. Please contact me if you have anything to do with array!” David finally confessed.

He didn’t stay in the main city of Bama, and there was nothing to attract him. Garmi Star’s super-large Spirit Gathering Formation was empty there, and he didn’t want to delay the cultivation twice a day.

David teleported back to Garmi Star through the planet-level Transmission Gate in the main city of Bama. He was in his own planet and he couldn’t help but relax for a while.

The first time he fought head-on with Fifth Level Templar Knight, his pressure was not easy.

David’s shot must be 10000 without a miss. As long as the August Fifth Level Templar Knight escapes, his trouble will be big. He can’t explain the origin of the four Fifth Level Templar Knights without mentioning the exposed special ability.

Fifth Level Templar Knight is not Level 4 Heavenly Knight. Level 4 Heavenly Knight may have been cultivated by a certain force in secret.

Even if it is an ordinary noble family, as long as the top genius is out, it may also cultivate a Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

But it is unrealistic to cultivate Fifth Level Templar Knight. The resources consumed by Fifth Level Templar Knight, not to mention ordinary nobles, are also extremely difficult for great nobles.

The inheritance required by Fifth Level Templar Knight is not owned by ordinary nobles.

It can be said that Level 4 Heavenly Knight is the limit that the ordinary noble Knight can reach. If Level 4 Heavenly Knight wants to continue to be promoted, then it is the right way to go to the top nobles, or the great nobles who are second only to the top nobles.

Besides, every Fifth Level Templar Knight in Great Spiritual World has a record. Not to mention the sudden appearance of 4, even the sudden appearance of one will cause the Noble Affairs Office and the Law Enforcement Group to investigate, and even alarm higher authorities.

Fortunately, David acted decisively. Now he only waits for the incident to pass slowly. The three great aristocratic families have been hiding in hiding. He has time. As long as the three great aristocratic families relax, it is the time when he takes action.

Returning to his castle, under the service of the robot servant, he washed up and went to the study to sort out the harvest.

Those artworks and other robbed wealth cannot be exposed for a short time. They can only be disposed of at will after the investigation of the Dennis Family extinguish sect case is completed.

The law of the Great Spiritual World has a special feature. There is no double judgment in a case. As long as the case is closed, there is no need to worry about other changes in the case.

After the Noble Affairs Office gave a reasonably reasonable explanation to the Dennis Family extinguish sect case, no one would be able to pursue the source of this wealth.

The first thing David needs to do is to resurrect the August Fifth Level Templar Knight. In order to ensure the physical integrity of the August Fifth Level Templar Knight, he assures the physical integrity of the August Fifth Level Templar Knight as much as possible during the battle. The real fatal injury only goes deep into the heart. That sword.

Using the indestructible life force to activate the physical vitality of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, David moved a Fifth Level Soul Source in his Soul Space into the body of August Fifth Level Templar Knight.

After some time to adapt, Fifth Level Soul Source survived in August Fifth Level Templar Knight within the body, and got feedback from the fighting instinct from the muscles of August Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“Your name is Crowe!” Out of respect for Fifth Level Templar Knight, after David redesigned the face of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, he also gave August Fifth Level Templar Knight a new name.

David side Fifth Level Templar Knight has since added one more, reaching as many as 5.

It is a pity that August Fifth Level Templar Knight is also known as Crowe Knight. Because the energy Avatar was not at all by his side when he was killed, he was not at all energy Avatar in the Heart Sea Space.

This can be considered a pity, there is no energy Avatar. In Heart Sea Space, for a long time, Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight and Crowe Fifth Level Templar Knight can’t have energy Avatar. For Fifth Level Templar Knight, it will be affected in strength. Small impact.

Fortunately, in the Heart Sea Space of the three Fifth Level Templar Knights, Mike, Bayer, and Harry, there are all the energy Avatars that have lost their souls.

This time, he has harvested a lot of soul energy from Dennis Family. David is not ready to absorb and integrate himself. He plans to use these soul energy to restore the energy Avatar for the three Fifth Level Templar Knights.

He called Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight to his side, and his mind turned to the Fifth Level soul of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight. He completely controlled the body of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Fifth Level soul has been restored for more than a month, and the energy in its soul has long been restored.

It’s just that the act of cutting the soul, even for Fifth Level Templar Knight, is extremely dangerous, and after successfully cutting, it will also cause great damage to its own soul.

Damage to the soul is extremely difficult to recover. Every medicine that treats the damaged soul is at the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Therefore, when Fifth Level Templar Knights use the energy Avatar, they also try to avoid the destruction of the energy Avatar. Every time the energy Avatar is recondensed, it is not only a waste of time and resources, but also has a great impact on the soul. Fifth Level Templar Knight will because The soul is damaged and the emotional loss accelerates.

David has no troubles in this regard. Soul Clone is not his main soul. He controls it when he needs it, and moves with Soul Clone when he doesn’t need it. Soul Clone absorbs the fighting instincts in the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s muscles and adds With acquired learning, he can execute his commands perfectly without his control.

For Soul Clone, there is simply no emotion at all, let alone the trouble of emotional loss.

David summoned the Shadow Servant and controlled Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight’s hand to press on the Shadow Servant’s shoulder. With a move of his mind, the Shadow Servant sent a burst of soul energy into the body of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight.

David drew the soul energy to the Fifth Level soul of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight. At the same time, he mobilized the Fifth Level Bloodline Strength within the body to merge the spirit and turn it into an illusory sharp blade.

The sharp blade formed by directly mobilizing Fifth Level Bloodline Strength cannot affect the intangible Fifth Level soul, while the sharp blade that is transformed into a single spirit does not have the ability to cut the Fifth Level soul. Only by fusing Fifth Level Bloodline Strength with the spirit can it cut Fifth Level soul.

According to the method recorded in the book about energy Avatar, David manipulated the sharp blade formed by the fusion of Fifth Level Bloodline Strength and spirit for the first time, cutting towards the Fifth Level soul.

20% of the Fifth Level soul was cut off, and David’s consciousness attached to the soul of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight felt a sharp pain, which really went straight to the soul.

Fortunately, it was not David’s main soul that was being cut, and the impact of this severe pain immediately disappeared as he took the initiative to block it.

At this time, the soul energy flowing in from the Shadow Servant also happened to enter the Fifth Level soul of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the damaged soul recovered at an extremely fast speed after the inflow of soul energy.

David controls 20% of the cut souls and enters the Heart Sea Space. As soon as he enters the Heart Sea Space, he does not need his control, and 20% of the souls fly into the energy Avatar.

This is an even stranger feeling, the Avatar of Avatar, David feels that this energy Avatar is very close to him, but it is like being separated by a layer.

Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar left Heart Sea Space under David’s control. After leaving Heart Sea Space, he immediately appeared in the real world in the form of energy and appeared in front of David.

With a move in David’s heart, the silhouette of the energy Avatar flashed, and it appeared on the other side of the room.

In such a short distance, the speed of the energy Avatar is almost comparable to the teleport of the Shadow Servant.

Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Fifth Level soul has consumed a lot of soul energy after this time, and fully recovered.

David didn’t continue to consume soul energy either, he didn’t have much soul energy to waste, and the energy Avatar of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights needed to be recovered.

Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar is back in front of David, allowing him to take a closer look at Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar.

Although the previous three Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Heart Sea Space all have energy Avatars, the energy Avatar in Heart Sea Space can be directly observed through both eyes.

The body part of the energy Avatar is assembled by Fifth Level Bloodline Strength in a special way. Fifth Level Bloodline Strength is a kind of flowable solid energy, which is reconstituted with the spirit of Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Since Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight had already completed the manufacturing of the energy Avatar, David did not need to complete it.

In fact, the process of condensing the energy Avatar is very long. It takes months for Fifth Level Templar Knight to retreat, plus the recovery of soul cutting, etc., to create an energy Avatar, not to mention the repercussions, it only costs It takes more than a year.

This is also the reason why David wants to create an energy Avatar for Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight and Crowe Fifth Level Templar Knight. After such a long time, maybe he has become a Fifth Level Templar Knight himself.

With the two crystals in David Soul Space to strengthen him, once he becomes Fifth Level Templar Knight, then he must be the supreme powerhouse in Fifth Level Templar Knight. By then, the demand for the strength of his Fifth Level Templar Knight will be much smaller. .

David has experience in this. Just like when he was Earth Knight before, Level 4 Heavenly Knight’s subordinates were very useful, but as he himself became Level 4 Heavenly Knight, he easily killed nearly 20 people alone. Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

David also discovered something strange in the energy Avatar of Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight. 20% of the soul is in the energy Avatar within the body, and there is no loss. Instead, it is being nourished by the energy Avatar at a very slow rate.

“No wonder the books say that the longer the energy Avatar exists, the more Bloodline Strength can be controlled, and the stronger the strength!” David muttered to himself.

20% of the soul can barely control the Fifth Level Bloodline Strength of the present body within the body.

David asked the energy Avatar to press his hand on the shoulder of the Shadow Servant. This time he controlled the soul energy that the Shadow Servant turned around was only one ball. This was an attempt.

A group of soul energy enters the 20% soul of the energy Avatar, replenishing and repairing 20% ​​of the soul. Although a group of soul energy only adds a small amount of soul, David controls the Bloodline Strength when controlling the energy Avatar through the soul of the energy Avatar. Obviously it is a little easier, no longer as reluctant as before.

This discovery made David both delighted and helpless. What is delighted is that the role of soul energy is too great, and it can directly increase the power of the energy Avatar.

But helplessly, there are too many places where he consumes soul energy. The soul energy obtained these few times can not be used for his own soul, and for a long time, the soul energy is afraid that it will be insufficient. status.

Afterwards, David restored the energy Avatar of Bayer Fifth Level Templar Knight and Harry Fifth Level Templar Knight. These 2 times restored the damage of cutting the Fifth Level soul, so that the soul energy obtained by Shadow Servant this time was exhausted.

Think about it, this time, it seems that you have obtained a lot of soul energy, the souls of humans in the entire city, but in fact there are not many people in this city. Those who can live near Dennis Castle are all members of the Dennis Family. The number of people is impossible too much.

The actual Fifth Level Templar Knight has only one soul, and there are about 20 Level 4 Heavenly Knight souls. The remaining souls provide very little energy. Without a huge amount, the overall situation of the soul energy is no help.

David shook the head. Now he still has 3 Fifth Level Templar Knights who consume soul energy together, and only the soul of the Fifth Level powerhouse can provide him with a large amount of soul energy. Could he also hunt down the Fifth Level powerhouse? Not a few times, the temple will be traced.

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