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David left alone this time, and Ambassador Cumming still has a job at Origin Star.

Sitting in the main cabin of’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, David teased’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ relaxedly.

Returning this time delayed his cultivation, but it was not harvested. With Baron Dward and the intelligence organization under his management, he has a channel to understand the Interstellar Federation.

This time David also made some arrangements for the Interstellar Federation, and strengthened the connection with Great Marshal Andre, so that his industry would not be affected by his long absence.

Of course, there is also the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’. During this period of time, he trains the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ whenever he is free. With a large amount of Level 3 fortified meat and Bloodline Strength, the growth rate of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is very fast. fast.

At this time, the body shape of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ was the size of a pony, and standing on David’s shoulder was a bit weird.

David looked at the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ with satisfaction, he was not far from riding on the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ and becoming a true Heavenly Knight.

“Captain Norbert, where is it?” David asked through the internal contact array of’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

“Report to Lord Duke, it is almost within the scope of War Star, according to your wishes, do not enter the War Star, go directly to the Great Spiritual World!” The voice of Captain Norbert replied in the contact array.

When David questioned, he also had a judgment on the distance in his mind.

Shadow Servant flew out of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, and War Star not at all saw that only the huge fleet was faintly visible. It was the defense line against the Insects Controlling clan from invading the Federation through Space Wormhole.

“Lord Duke, we are going to pass the line of defense!” Captain Norbert also reported at this time.

As soon as the diplomatic’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ approached the fleet, 2 guide ships approached and escorted the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ through the defense line.

Although the Great Spiritual World has a powerful Knight, when it comes to the size of the army, especially its control in space, the Great Spiritual World is far inferior to the Interstellar Federation.

The end is invisible at a glance, as if the endless battleship has a strong impact on everyone on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

No matter how many times they have seen it, they can’t face such a huge fleet indifferently.

In history, it was this fleet that kept the Fifth Level Templar Knight of the Great Spiritual World in space forever.

Just when the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ passed the fleet defense line and entered the range in front of the battleship, David sensed that the space energy was converging in front of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

Not only did David perceive it, but also the Federal Fleet behind it.

Originally, according to the combat mechanism of the Federal Fleet, this time should be to mobilize a part of the fleet to recharge the main guns, and after the Space Wormhole is formed, give the insect race that appears head-on.

But there was the presence of the diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat” ahead, which made the fleet commander at the scene a little unsure of how to respond. The commander immediately reported it and waited for a response from the superior.

The on-site commander dared not attack with the diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat”. If the diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat” is destroyed in 10000, the consequences will be extremely serious.

There are a large number of Knights on War Star not far from here. The diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat” was destroyed by the Federation, which is very likely to cause friction between these Knights and War Star’s federal forces.

While the on-site commander was still waiting, on the light curtain in front of him, the hatch of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ opened, and a silhouette appeared in space.

David completed his preparations for the armor in an instant. This is space. Facing the unknown insect race, he dare not toss.

Fifth Level Knight armor, Fifth Level light long sword, this is already Great Spiritual World highest Knight equipment, with his current reputation in the Great Spiritual World, don’t worry about wearing this top equipment.

David used his authority to open the hatch and appeared in space, and he was standing at the location where the space energy converged.

“Turn on the maximum defense!” Captain Norbert also understood what was going to happen, and ordered loudly.

An energy shield appeared on the surface of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’. The’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ did not move. On the one hand, Captain Norbert believed in David’s strength. On the other hand, in this place, he left the protection of the powerhouse. Is unwise.

Who knows where the rest of the space insect race will be opened? Perhaps the “Starry Sky Flying Boat” will act at will and send it to another space insect race.

In fact, this channel is still very safe. The probability of Space Wormhole appearing is very low. This is the channel provided by Interstellar Federation, which is calculated by calculating the appearance data of all insect races in the past.

It’s just that no matter how safe the waterway is, there are times when you are in danger, you can only say that “Starry Sky Flying Boat” has bad luck.

“Stop all attacks, and protect the safety of the Great Spiritual World diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat” as the first priority!” The on-site commander received an order from his superior.

Seeing this order, the on-site commander was hesitant in his heart. He didn’t understand why his superiors ordered such an order. Is it just because of the Knight standing in space?

Knowing that the fleet can launch an attack immediately, you can minimize the damage of the insect race to the fleet.

10000 Once the insect race gushing from Space Wormhole enters the fleet, it will cause huge losses to the fleet.

Although the superiors did not say much about their orders, as the first-line on-site commander, how could he not understand that the superiors handed over the battle to the diplomatic “Starry Sky Flying Boat”, or that one should be said. Knight wearing Fifth Level equipment.

“It’s Duke Arthur!” a staff officer on the commander side exclaimed.

“Do you know this Knight?” The commander on the scene has been on the front line recently. He is under a lot of pressure. He doesn’t care about others at all time, and doesn’t know the news of the Federation today.

“This is Duke Arthur, the news from War Star, this one can fight the Fifth Level insect race head-on!” The staff replied.

“This is a misinformation, Fifth Level Templar Knight is not allowed to enter the territory!” The on-site commander did not believe what the staff member said.

“Duke Arthur is only Level 4 Heavenly Knight!” the staff member explained.

The on-site commander stopped talking, because the formation of the space insect race was being shown on the light curtain.

David watched the energy in the space in front of him converge, starting from a point, and rapidly expanding. The white space energy was rounded, exposing the dark unknown space inside. Then, water ripple-like energy appeared inward from the white space energy circle. Dark cover.

This is a huge Space Wormhole with a diameter of ten meters. Among Space Wormholes, it can be regarded as a medium and large one.

“All fleets turn on the anti-virus shields, it’s the’fang poisonous giant ant’!” The on-site commander spotted the upcoming insect race earlier than David, and he commanded loudly.

It’s not that the on-site commander is more sensitive than David’s perception, but that the fleet has detection devices for various insect races. As long as they show a trace of breath, they will be discovered by the detection devices.

In particular, the insect race of extreme danger must be dealt with once it appears.

“Is there a way to contact Duke Arthur? You must tell him what the insect race he is going to face!” the scene commander said anxiously.

“We can’t contact Duke Arthur directly, we can only notify’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, but I’m afraid it will be too late at this time!” The officer in charge of communication replied.

A’fang venomous giant ant’ squeezed out of the Space Wormhole, even if the Space Wormhole is ten meters in diameter, it is still slightly smaller for this’fang venomous giant ant’.

As soon as the’fang poisonous giant ant’ left the space insect race, it focused on David, and it instinctively sensed the dangerous aura of David.

The Fifth Level equipment on David’s body gives the’fang poisonous giant ant’ a great sense of threat. What is more dangerous than the Fifth Level equipment is David’s breath.

Powerful enough to make the’fang poisonous giant ant’ a little fearful, and the breath of a variety of poison-related abilities that make it very familiar.

After a moment of confirmation, the’fang poisonous giant ant’ first revealed a strange expression in its eyes. It was certain that the Knight opposite had the same ability as it, that was the breath of’Attach Poison pattern’.

Then the’fang venomous giant ant’ was angry, how could its race innate talent appear on Knight’s body, he must be killed.

The reaction of the’fang venomous giant ant’ was only an instant, it rushed towards David, and at the same time a green mist spread out.

In the space, the’fang poisonous giant ant’ is like a legendary demon, its body all around is surrounded by green mist, making it even more hideous and terrifying.

David was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect to encounter the’fang poisonous giant ant’. I still remember that the last time he encountered the’fang poisonous giant ant’, he was chased and killed by the’fang poison giant ant’.

The terrifying’fang poisonous giant ant’ broke through the federal defense line almost invincibly, rushed to the castle of Baron Dubois, and was finally killed by the powerful Baron Dubois.

That battle David still remembers to this day. To a certain extent, the battle between Baron Dubois and the Tusk Giant Ant affected David’s decision to grow.

It was just after seeing the power of Baron Dubois, the Level 4 Heavenly Knight, that David had the idea to become a Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

When David got the Bloodline Strength of the Great Spiritual World, he chose to leave the Interstellar Federation without any hesitation and went to the Great Spiritual World to find a way to become stronger. These were all related to the’fang poisonous giant ant’.

“I will let you die with dignity!” David muttered to himself.

He decided to give the’fang poisonous giant ant’ the due respect in his own way.

The’special power boosting device’ on David’s body was turned on, and the’Power of Titan’ Innate Ability was turned on, and the terrifying power was squeezed out of his body. This is his strongest state after becoming a Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

If it weren’t for his physique to reach the level of Fifth Level Templar Knight, with so much power bonus, the body of ordinary Level 4 Heavenly Knight might just collapse.

The power of horror makes the Fifth Level long sword in David’s hand shake slightly, and the pale-gold rays of light that flash out carry a kind of difficult pressure.

The’Barbaric Dash’ Innate Ability was turned on, and David silhouette flashed. He and the’fang poisonous giant ant’ ran into each other directly.

On one side is the’fang venomous giant ant’ whose body size exceeds ten meters, and on the other side is the Knight who is only 2 meters tall. The body shape of the two sides cannot be compared at all, but David’s imposing manner has suppressed the’fang venomous giant ant’.

David did not use the other special abilities, and was solely for the purpose of strengthening his own strength, truly showing the pure Knight’s offensive power.

The’Knight inheritance sword technique’ of the grandmaster level was applied, and he collided with the’fang poisonous giant ant’.

Of course, this collision is just the feeling of a bystander. The real situation is that David used the grandmaster level’Knight inheritance sword technique’ to cut the front chest of the’fang poisonous giant ant’ first, and then his body slightly dodges, letting away the’fangs The poisonous giant ants’ attack.

David ignored the venomous poison of the fangs. To be honest, with the level 4 poison of the fangs ant, it was a delusion to harm David.

The’plague pattern’ of David Soul Space flickers constantly, absorbing all the poison in the body. It is not so much that the level 4 poison of the’fang poisonous giant ant’ is an attack, it is better to give the’plague pattern. ‘Add energy.

The’Attach Poison Pattern’ within the body of the’Attach Poison’ is Level 4 Innate Ability, and the’plague Pattern’ is the Innate Ability which exceeds Fifth Level, which naturally suppresses the’Attach Poison’. Innate Ability.

The’fang poisonous giant ant’ felt the pain in the front chest. In its sense, the enemy was like a nail, and it itself was a piece of rotten wood, no matter how big it was, it could not block the nail.

After David cut open the front chest of the fang poisonous giant ant, he continued to move forward without stopping. The effect of the’Barbaric Dash’ did not disappear. He forcibly rushed into the front chest of the fang poisonous giant ant, a breakthrough. The muscles, heart, and skeleton of the “Poisonous Tusk Ant” then pass out from behind the “Poison Tusk Ant”.

The silhouette of the’fang poisonous giant ant’ stopped. With the powerful life force of the insect race, it can’t continue to move even if the heart is damaged.

‘Tusk Poison Giant Ant’ glanced at its enemy for the last time, the Knight who was so powerful that it frightened it, its eyes were filled with confusion and perplexity.

It’s a pity that no one knows the idea of’Tusk Toxic Ant’. Shadow Servant absorbs the’Tusk Toxic Ant”s soul when the last life force of the’Tusk Toxic Ant’ disappears.

David casually put the corpse of the’fang poisonous giant ant’ into the space pendant. The corpse is very complete, but it can be used as a castle display.

After David killed the’fang poisonous giant ant’, another group of about 20 Level 3 insect race’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ in Space Wormhole appeared.

David’s battle with the’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ ended too quickly, and the’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ was killed in just one breath, which made the subsequent’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ unprepared.

David rushed into the group of 20 Level 3 insect race’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’. The Fifth Level long sword in his hand quickly formed a pale-gold light and shadow on the battlefield.

After the pale-gold light and shadow disappeared, all 20 Level 3 insect race’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ died, each with its head pierced by a sword, and no second sword was used.

David gently waved the Fifth Level long sword to shake off the blood on the sword.

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