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Because the battle ended too quickly, David had only a space in front of the insect race, suspended in space alone.

He looked at the space insect race, with an urge in his heart, he wanted to see what was opposite?

Insect race world is the most mysterious world. No one knows what insect race world is like, because the humans who go there have never been able to return.

Of course, this is just David’s idea, he is impossible to enter the unknown Space Wormhole.

At least until his strength has not reached what he believes to be invincible, he will not take risks.

In the very quiet of’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, Knight and the crew stared blankly at the silhouette standing in space, the unparalleled powerful silhouette.

Within the Federal Fleet, it was also quiet. Although I knew that the Great Spiritual World’s Level 4 Heavenly Knight was extremely powerful, the strength in front of them was beyond the imagination of all soldiers.

When did the Level 4 insect race become the existence of casual kills, not to mention that this is the extremely powerful “fang poisonous giant ant” among the Level 4 insect races, and the terrifying insect race with special poisonous ability.

Some Union soldiers saluted the silhouette in space. This was a respect for the powerhouse, and more and more Union soldiers followed suit.

Soldiers worship powerhouse, especially this kind of powerhouse that kills the powerful insect race by one person alone.

David’s spirit swept away, and he put away the body of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’. This’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ within the body also had Level 3 fortified meat, which was the resource he needed.

When Space Wormhole disappeared, he returned to’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

David felt a little strange. After he returned to the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, he felt that most of the people on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ had become extremely emotional, but a few crew members were enthusiastic. There are inexplicable emotions mixed in.

He even felt that several crew members seemed to have a slight bit of malice towards him. Of course, this malice was not intended to deal with him. The ordinary person physique, whose crew members were only slightly stronger, was no different from the ants in front of him.

David doesn’t know what these crew members are thinking, he just pays more attention to these crew members.

The journey after that was very smooth. When passing War Star, David saw the red War Star through the porthole, and he used the contact array to explain to Baron Dward.

From the other end of the War Star, the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ entered the Great Spiritual World. The crew members who had left the Great Spiritual World for many days showed smiles. Only those crew members became more and more unstable.

When he arrived at the guard star, Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight appeared to welcome David. This time the two did not talk much. Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight had a guard mission, and David wanted to return soon.

The two agreed to meet again after the guarding mission of Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight is over.

Just half a day after’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ left the guard star, David felt that among the crew members he followed, one crew member placed a top kryptonite crystal in an alchemy array in the cabin.

As the’Alchemy Grandmaster’ David, he can see at a glance that the alchemy array is a positioning alchemy array.

And this positioning alchemy array is very special, it does not require Bloodline Strength or spirit to activate, but it stores the energy that is turned on several times inside. Once the top kryptonite crystal is placed, the positioning alchemy array will automatically operate.

A killing intent flashed in David’s eyes, but he still converged.

This crew member activated the positioning alchemy array. Someone must have instructed it. Killing the crew member at this time will not help, but beat the grass to scare the snake.

Although the top kryptonite crystal stone can’t be considered a precious item for the nobles, it is a noble item that cannot be contacted by the ordinary person.

David himself has absolute strength as the confidence, he is not worried about any traps, he just wants to figure out who wants to deal with him.

He originally thought that after two attacks on the Fifth Level Templar Knight and the great nobles behind it, the other nobles would dare not trouble him anymore, but he still guessed wrong.

So David is going to continue to kill again. He believes that as long as he kills a few more times and kills all the nobles, no nobles will dare to target him.

The positioning alchemy array continued to send a signal to the outside,’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ was still flying, except for the crew, no one knew that the danger was approaching.

Shadow Servant is on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ and looks into the distance through the’Eagle Eye Technique’.

A day later, David lying in the bedroom of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ suddenly eyes opened, his eyes were full of surprise.

Shadow Servant saw a “Starry Sky Flying Boat” parked at a distance of 100 kilometers. If it weren’t for Shadow Servant to activate the “Eagle Eye” technique, it would not have been possible to find a “Starry Sky Flying Boat” so far in space. .

It was naturally not the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ that surprised David, but the 6 people flying out of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

This is the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knight is the best formidable power Knight battle formation with the lowest number of people.

The 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights appeared on their own. Probably they thought that the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights would act together, and their safety was guaranteed. Of course, they also had the idea of ​​sending only the energy Avatar, and they had no confidence in killing Duke Arthur.

The 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights all wore Fifth Level Knight armor, and their faces were invisible when pulled down.

This made David unable to determine which Fifth Level Templar Knight they were, but he was certain that they must belong to a certain top noble force.

Because apart from the top aristocratic forces, the rest of the great aristocratic forces simply cannot summon 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights at once.

The attack area chosen by the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights is also a good choice. It takes one and a half days for this area to reach the guard star, and one and a half days for the nearest Tula star.

This almost sever the probability of David’s escape. One and a half days of flying time is the time for the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ to fly at full speed. To fly with the ability of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, this time will be increased many times.

In this distance, there are 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights chasing after him. Without the help of other powerhouses, David cannot escape the attack at this time 100%.

This is a lore, and here is also a dead place.

David eyes are slightly narrowed. Of course, he is not afraid of 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights. He owns 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights, but the problem is that he can’t beat 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights. Instead, he will expose his own cards.

It is even possible that David will pay a lot of money, because among his 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights, 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights have no energy Avatars, and the resurrected Fifth Level Templar Knights have lost their combat power. For one part, in the case of one-on-one in battle, there is still a gap with the slightly stronger Fifth Level Templar Knight.

David doesn’t believe that the Fifth Level Templar Knight sent by the top aristocracy will be weak. In the Great Spiritual World, Knight can be divided into 2 types by inheritance, the ordinary aristocratic Knight and the top aristocratic Knight.

Ordinary aristocratic Knight is not only inferior in cultivation resources, but also weaker in Knight inheritance.

On the other hand, the top aristocratic Knight enjoys the best cultivation resources and has the strongest Bloodline Strength. In Knight inheritance, there is not only a family of Knight inheritance, but also a large number of top Knight inheritance for reference.

Therefore, the Knight of the top noble is far better than the Knight of the ordinary noble in combat power. This is the basic difference.

“Don’t try hard!” David made a decision in his mind.

He immediately activated the “lightning body” Innate Ability, and called out an electric light from the “lightning pattern”. With his authority to this “Starry Sky Flying Boat”, he let the hatch open a little bit. He was incarnation. The electric light flew out from the hatch.

At this time, the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights were detouring ahead, preparing to intercept the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, because the distance was so far, no one noticed the insignificant light.

David’s goal is very clear. His first choice is the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ that stops a few hundred kilometers away.

Choosing the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, David was to find out the details of the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights first, and then look for a chance to see if he could kill him.

“Someone is blocking the course ahead!” a crew member reported to Captain Norbert.

“Identify and project the mark of the Supreme Council!” The Norbert Guard Commander ordered in a deep voice.

Captain Norbert is not worried. Although this airspace belongs to a place of chaos, this’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ belongs to the Supreme Council. Anyone who wants to attack this’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ must consider the consequences. serious.

Of course, it is not this that reassures Captain Norbert the most, but that Duke Arthur has such a powerful existence on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, what does he have to worry about.

Just as Captain Norbert was thinking about it, a terrifying breath swept across the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, causing his blood to almost stop flowing, and his heart was also cold.

“Fifth Level Templar Knight!” Captain Norbert screamed in his heart.

After knowing that it was the Fifth Level Templar Knight blocking the way, Captain Norbert understood that what he was facing was not a simple interception, but a premeditated and planned attack.

This attack is of course impossible against him or the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, because it is not qualified, the only probability is Duke Arthur.

This is where Duke Arthur’s enemies have found a chance to ambush Duke Arthur. The Captain Norbert wanted to press the distress button, but found that he was unable to move even a finger.

The gaze of Captain Norbert looked towards the porthole, where six silhouettes wearing Fifth Level Knight armor were approaching. This turned out to be six Fifth Level Templar Knights.

Six Fifth Level Templar Knights approached the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ at a moderate pace, and they wanted to force out Duke Arthur.

“Strange, with the rumors of Duke Arthur’s strength, he should have discovered us a long time ago. How could he stay in the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’? Does he really think that the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ can protect him?” Fifth Level Templar Knight said.

“No. 3, don’t take it lightly, this Duke Arthur is not simple, we need spare no effort!” Another Fifth Level Templar Knight reminded.

In fact, the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights can tell from just two sentences that they are not so confident.

They usually use code names to conceal their identities. When they ambush Duke Arthur, they also want to conceal their identity. That is to worry about the revenge from Duke Arthur.

This is a sign of lack of confidence. Even if they dispatched 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights at once, the Duke until now Arthur is known for being weird.

Especially from the War Star, Duke Arthur, with the power of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, is facing the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level insect race, which makes the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights have to be careful.

As the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights approached, their expressions were full of doubts. In their perception, the silhouette of the Duke of’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ was not at all Arthur.

“Open the hatch!” Number One Fifth Level Templar Knight commanded in a deep voice.

Captain Norbert felt the pressure on his body relieved. He dared not listen to the order, so he could only open the hatch.

The six Fifth Level Templar Knights who walked in through the hatch made Captain Norbert reveal weirdness in every way he looked. He had never seen a Fifth Level Templar Knight fully armed without showing his face when he was not fighting.

You must know that Fifth Level Templar Knight is the most powerful existence of Great Spiritual World. They are extremely proud and confident. They will not hide their identity as long as they appear.

If he did not believe in his own perception, Captain Norbert could not believe that these 6 were Fifth Level Templar Knights.

Regardless of the strength of the Norbert Guard Captain, his origin and usual environment made him very familiar with Fifth Level Templar Knight. He was impossible to admit the breath of Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“Where is Duke Arthur?” No. 1 Fifth Level Templar Knight looked towards Norbert Guard Chief, solemnly asked.

“The Lord Duke is resting in the room!” Norbert guard Elder Wei replied.

Even if Captain Norbert respects Duke Arthur, it is impossible for Duke Arthur to refuse Fifth Level Templar Knight’s inquiry. Besides, Duke Arthur’s room is simply not a secret.

“Lead the way!” No. 1 Fifth Level Templar Knight ordered.

Captain Norbert secretly moved his hands and feet that were somewhat weakened after being suppressed by the breath for a long time, and then walked forward to Duke Arthur’s room.

Six Fifth Level Templar Knights followed Norbert’s guard captain. The distance between them maintained a certain regularity. It was Knight’s battle formation.

According to intelligence, the August Fifth Level Templar Knight of the Dennis Family was killed instantly. It is estimated that Duke Arthur has a one strike certain kill ability, which can kill the Fifth Level Templar Knight in seconds.

Therefore, the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights are always careful, none of them want to be the first bad luck killer.

The Captain Norbert came to the room belonging to Duke Arthur. He pointed to the door of the room and said not at all.

He didn’t dare to speak at this time. Once 10000 was mistakenly thought by the other party that he wanted to confess, it would be worthless to be killed.

The 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights were nodded to each other, and the leading Fifth Level Templar Knight extended the hand and pressed towards the gate. His hand was not at all close to the gate and hit the gate purely with Bloodline Strength.

The door shattered in an instant, revealing the luxuriously furnished interior, but not at all I saw anyone’s silhouette.

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