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In front of the planet-level Transmission Gate of Baruch, Lord Marcus’s Avatar was instantly destroyed. All of this process was seen by Level 1000 Heavenly Knights flying in the sky 4 meters away.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded loudly, and in the sky 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight gathered here at an extremely fast speed.

35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight knows that the one who can destroy Lord Marcus’s Avatar will never be the weak, so while gathering, they formed the Knight battle formation in the sky.

The Level 3 Earth Knights inside and outside Baruch Castle slowed down a bit, but they also rushed over quickly.

David ignored the Baruch family Knight who was rushing over. Before he came to the planet-class Transmission Gate, his spirit swept across the planet-class Transmission Gate, and the planet-class Transmission Gate rays of light quickly dimmed.

He used his’Alchemy Grandmaster’ ability to forcibly close the planet-level Transmission Gate, cutting off the connection between Baruch and the outside world.

Of course, with the financial resources of the top nobles of the Baruch family, there is definitely not only this Transmission Gate on Baruch, but David does not believe that the Baruch family will place the two Transmission Gates very close.

When he used Shadow Servant to explore Baruch Castle before, not at all found that there were small and medium-sized Transmission Gates there.

David closed the planet-level Transmission Gate, at least cutting off the connection between this area and the outside world.

In a moment, the 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight had reached the top of his head and was about to dive at him. On the other side, the 100 Level 3 Earth Knights also formed a large Knight battle formation, and there were six hundred meters away from him.

David waved his hand, and 4 illusory shadows appeared, exactly 4 energy Avatars.

At the same time, he himself rose into the air, with his wings outstretched behind him. There are 96 black lances all around him.

After showing this state, David was not prepared to stay alive. He needed to kill all the creatures here in the shortest possible time, so that his abilities could not be exposed.

96 black lances formed the Knight battle formation and shot at 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

These Level 4 Heavenly Knights have long formed a Knight battle formation, and an energy shield composed of Bloodline Strength appeared in front of them, blocking 96 black lances.

“You are a believer in Evil God!” There was Level 4 Heavenly Knight loudly shouted.

In the Great Spiritual World, those who can use this kind of mental manipulation ability and have a strong might, except for the divine technique of temple worship, are Evil God believers.

That’s why Level 4 Heavenly Knight called out this way, which is why David didn’t want to expose his Innate Ability.

Even if David has the power to kill the Fifth Level Templar Knight and fight against the top nobles, he dare not let the secret of Spiritual Innate Ability be revealed, that would become a public enemy of the Great Spiritual World.

When David heard Level 4 Heavenly Knight’s shouted, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

Countless lightning flashes appeared on both of his hands, these lightnings jumping around his hands, like a cheerful child.

At this time, David activated the’Mutated Lightning’ Innate Ability, which was called from the’Lightning Pattern’ of Soul Space.

Perhaps the formidable power of’Mutated Lightning’ is not great, but the most powerful thing of’Mutated Lightning’ is not destructive power, but penetration.

With a wave of David’s hands, more than 100 “Mutated Lightning” shot out. These “Mutated Lightning” ignored the shield composed of Bloodline Strength and the Level 4 armor of Knight.

Since 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight was charging downwards, when the’Mutated Lightning’ touched their bodies, their movements were stagnant, and Knight’s battlefield was instantly chaotic.

96 black lances and 4 energy Avatars rushed into the 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight and started the massacre.

Most of the Level 4 Heavenly Knights affected by the’Mutated Lightning’ did not fully recover from the paralysis, and were hit by the energy Avatar and black lance.

Some Level 4 Heavenly Knights got rid of the paralysis effect, but they struggled in vain.

In fact, David wanted to do it quickly, otherwise only 4 energy Avatars would be enough to kill 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

The battle in the sky has only begun and is about to end. The 100 Level 3 Earth Knights on the ground have gathered the terrifying and powerful Bloodline Strength, which is only 300 metres away from David.

When David’s spirit moved, a “Hypnosis pattern” flew out. To deal with these Knights who were much worse than him in spirit and strength, the function of the “Hypnosis pattern” was more effective.

“Defense!” The Level 3 Earth Knight who led the Knight battlefield shouted loudly.

He doesn’t know what the weird pattern is, but he understands that today’s opponent is too terrifying and needs spare no effort.

A bloodline strength shield appeared before the charge of 100 Level 3 Earth Knight Knight, blocking the’Hypnosis pattern’.

The’Hypnosis pattern’ did not continue to approach either, only gray rays of light were emitted in front of the Bloodline Strength shield, and the light gray energy was scattered.

Since the level of David’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability exceeds Fifth Level, this is far from the Bloodline Strength shields of Level 3 Earth Knight that can block its power.

4 The scattered light gray energy passed through the shield outside the Knight battle array, entered the Knight battle array, turned into an unnoticeable Shadow, and entered the soul of some Level 3 Earth Knights.

These Level 3 Earth Knights who were affected by the’Hypnosis pattern’ suddenly stopped all of their bodies. The Knight battle formation composed of 100 Level 3 Earth Knights was completely divided due to the influence of the Hypnosis Knight.

When the Level 3 Earth Knight was still in a normal state, it was strange what happened. The more light gray energy emitted by the’Hypnosis pattern’ continued to enter the soul of more Level 3 Earth Knights.

After 5 breaths, 100 Level 3 Earth Knights controlled the horses under them and stopped at a position 100 metres away from David. They bowed their heads and bowed to the Knights, as if they were meeting their noble master.

In the sky 35 Level 4 Heavenly Knights were all killed, 96 black lances and 4 energy Avatars joined forces, and lost the protection of the Knight battle. These Level 4 Heavenly Knights are like lambs to be slaughtered.

Shadow Servant continues to absorb the soul of Level 4 Heavenly Knight, and then puts away its spatial items and corpses separately.

David hovered in the air. With a wave of his hand, more than 60 Knights from the original Shouhu Star Ball-level Transmission Gate joined the Knight battle formation composed of Level 3 Earth Knights, forming a Knight battle formation consisting of as many as 432 Knights.

“Offensive!” David commanded in a deep voice.

The Knights urged the horses under them. The horses trot first, then accelerated, and soon reached the highest speed. Their goal was Baruch Castle.

David is faster than these Knights. He and the 4 energy Avatar silhouettes came to the castle 1000 meters away in a flash.

Baruch Castle’s defenses are fully open, and the thickness of the energy shield alone can make Fifth Level Templar Knight take some time to break open.

David didn’t have time to attack slowly. He controlled the Shadow Servant to pass through the energy shield and entered Baruch Castle. A Level 4 dagger stabbed the defensive pattern several times, destroying the defensive pattern. Connection point.

The energy shield also disappeared after the defensive pattern was destroyed.

At this time, the Knight battle array also arrived, and a huge Bloodline Strength long sword pierced the gate of the castle, and the gate shattered.

432 Knight rushed into the castle and started the killing.

There are more than 30 Earth Knights in Baruch Castle, as well as some official Knights, and more are servants of the Baruch family.

The resistance seemed very weak. In the efficient massacre of 432 Knight, everyone in the castle was killed in just a few minutes.

David won’t have any softheartedness. Even if it is a servant, it is carefully cultivated by the top noble Baruch family, and he is absolutely loyal to the Baruch family.

432 Knight returned to the outside of the castle silently after completing the offensive mission, their gazes looking towards David still obeyed absolutely.

David has a deeper understanding of the terrible extent of’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability. Now he can only easily’Hypnosis’ Level 3 Earth Knight, Level 4 Heavenly Knight. If it is weak, there is a high probability that it can be’Hypnosis’, but The normal state is a bit difficult.

He thought of Plague God Gladstone, the fallen Spiritual God, but even Fifth Level Templar Knight can’Hypnosis’.

“Knight spread out in small groups to clear Baruch!” David issued an order to 432 Knight.

This is the Baruch star, and the strength of the Baruch family is the most important thing.

432 Knight bowed and saluted, and then transformed into a Seventy Two Branches Knight team. Each Knight team had 6 Knights, scattered towards all directions.

David’s command is their will. All creatures on Baruch are their enemies. They have lost fear, emotion, and ability to think alone. The only thing left is the fighting instinct.

David looked at the departing Knights, and thought that he was ancient well without ripples. Since the McPhee Fifth Level Templar Knight of the Baruch family wants to kill him, he must prepare for the family to be extinct.

He doesn’t have much foundation in the Great Spiritual World. What he can make other nobles fear is his ferocity, and his vengeance makes many nobles in Great Spiritual World fearful.

Today, David’s enemies are top nobles, who are extremely powerful, but he still follows his own way to kill his enemies.

David walked into the castle and became the main castle of the Baruch family. Although the materials used in the castle are not precious alchemical materials, they are also extremely rare stones.

The most important thing is that the history of this castle, according to the introduction of the top aristocratic Baruch family, the castle has at least 5000 years of history. Such a long history is blessed on this castle, so that this castle is full of time. Imprint.

As David walked into Baruch Castle, he used 96 Soul Clone to demolish all the items around.

As he walks, side chairs, tables, sculptures, carpets, paintings, etc., even the floor tiles on the ground are constantly flying up and being taken into the space pendant by him.

Within 1000 meters from David, 96 invisible hands continuously dismantled all the items and grabbed them and sent them to his side.

He walked to the main building of the castle, went up to the second floor at a moderate pace, and walked into the study of the castle.

At the moment of entering the study, the bookcases in the study and the books placed on the bookcases all flew up and then disappeared.

David’s goal is not to put these books in the open, although he will not let them go, even the most common furnishings here are absolutely priceless in other places.

The top aristocracy occupies most of the resources of the Great Spiritual World, the rest of the aristocracy occupies a small part, and the number of the top aristocracy is extremely small compared to the rest of the aristocracy.

This has caused an extreme concentration of wealth. Almost all precious items are concentrated in the hands of top nobles. There may be some, but only a few, of the great nobles outside, all of which are regarded as inheritance treasures.

The best of the artworks David obtained from Dennis Castle is the ordinary goods that the Baruch family placed in an inconspicuous position.

After a group of bookcases flew up, the hidden wall was exposed. This wall seemed to be no different from the rest of the walls, but in the eyes of’Alchemy Grandmaster’, there were many patterns hidden on this wall.

There is even a pattern to test the Bloodline, which shows the particularity here.

David laughed, to be honest, the pattern on this wall is extremely high. If it weren’t for’Alchemy Grandmaster’, it would be impossible to find out of the ordinary on the wall.

Even the’Alchemy Grandmaster’ wants to crack the pattern on the wall from the outside, but it is difficult to do.

Shadow Servant penetrated directly into the wall, destroying the alchemy pattern from the inside. After destroying the alchemy pattern, the wall flipped open, revealing an entrance.

David took a deep breath, he didn’t at all walk directly into the entrance because it was a short-distance Transmission Gate.

When Shadow Servant was exploring the castle before, he found this wall, but Shadow Servant entered the other side of the wall but did not find it, which also made him extremely curious.

The design of this entrance is very brilliant. The bloodline of the Baruch family is used to open the wall mechanism. When the wall mechanism is opened, it just connects the patterns of the short-distance Transmission Gate to activate the short-distance Transmission Gate.

David activates the’lightning body’ and calls out an electric-optical fusion from the’lightning pattern’ in Soul Space. This is also his strongest defense state, immune to most damage.

After defending himself, David recalled Shadow Servant and stepped into the short-distance Transmission Gate.

After the slight spatial energy fluctuation, he saw that he was in a huge enclosed space made of stone.

The all around of the enclosed stone space is densely covered with complicated patterns. These patterns have the effects of isolation, concealment, and confusion, etc., whose function is to prevent the enclosed stone space from being discovered.

On the ground of the space, there is also a set of alchemy arrays. This set of arrays has as many as 500 bases. This is a set of spatial isolation arrays. The function is to forcibly create a special space so that the internal space and the outside The world is separated.

David was extremely curious about what was stored here that deserves such attention from the top noble Baruch family.

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