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Due to the space isolation of the array, from David’s location towards the center of this space, there is no item.

But he knew that it was not that there was no item, but that it was isolated by the spatial isolation array.

David walked into the space isolation array. Before he knew what was inside, he didn’t want to destroy the space isolation array.

He walked through the space isolation array and came to the isolation space. He drew a spatial pattern in the isolation space by hand, and a passage appeared in front of him.

David stepped into the passage, and the passage behind him disappeared.

He saw the item stored here, it was a strange cube with white light emitting from it, which was held in midair by the energy emitted by the ground pattern.

David’s first feeling was that it was filled with spatial energy, and the source was a cube with white light.

“This is a spatial item?” He guessed in his heart, but he didn’t dare to try it by himself.

David summoned an energy Avatar. Although this energy Avatar belongs to Fifth Level Templar Knight, since Fifth Level Templar Knight is equal to his Avatar, the energy Avatar is also equivalent to his energy Avatar.

No matter how far away he is, he can perceive everything the energy Avatar feels.

David took over the control of the energy Avatar. The energy Avatar came to the cube with white light and tried to tap the cube with white light with one finger.

The moment the finger touched the cube emitting white light, a feeling of Space Change came from the feeling of the energy Avatar.

When the space energy stabilizes, the energy Avatar is already in a space, and the energy Avatar has no other connection except for David’s soul.

It is necessary to know that normally at a certain distance, there is a special connection between the energy Avatar and the body, which allows the body to recall the energy Avatar at any time.

If you can make this connection disappear, it means that the distance is already extremely far, and it may not even be in the same world.

The reason for thinking like this is because David saw that the sky in the space showed a blue ripple, which was the color at the edge of the space.

The energy Avatar leaped into the sky and began to observe this space. This space is extremely large, a small continent the size of a certain planet, all around is surrounded by sea water.

And then outward is the space wall rippled by blue water. If this World is reduced, it is like a glass space wall filled with sea water, and a small continent floating in the sea water.

“This is space fragments!” David thought of the word somehow. Due to the integration of multiple knowledge, he couldn’t think of the source of the word for a while.

David doesn’t understand why the space fragments are preserved in this form. The space pendant on his body seems to be made of space fragments, but the world of the space pendant lacks activity, just like a world that has everything solidified.

Space fragments are the living world. Plants on the ground rely on the dim light emitted from the walls of the blue water ripple space to survive and grow. Some small herbivores rely on plants for food.

There are also some small carnivores who feed on herbivores and control the number of herbivores.

Even David can feel the World Rule in this space fragments through the energy Avatar. This World Rule maintains the balance of the world.

After the energy Avatar observed space fragments from a macro perspective, he began to study this World in detail.

Fortunately, the speed of the energy Avatar is fast enough to quickly view the surface conditions of the entire small continent.

To David’s surprise, the energy in the air here is extremely rich, and the richness made him think of War Star. Of course, the space not at all War Star here is unstable, but it seems to have been reinforced by a special method. The space is extremely stable.

Unlike War Star, Fifth Level Templar Knight must use energy carefully, otherwise it may damage the stability of the space and cause terrible consequences.

The energy Avatar skimmed from the ground and discovered a variety of minerals. These minerals are of very high grade, and their output is so abundant that they even reach the level of direct exposure to the surface without mining.

It’s just that these minerals are not at all mined, but just thrown here.

Energy Avatar discovered 6 kryptonite crystal mines in 3 locations on the small continent. Based on the analysis of the quality of the kryptonite crystal ore exposed to the surface, these 3 kryptonite crystal mines are all super-large kryptonite crystal mines.

The density of this kryptonite crystal mine and various other minerals reminds David of War Star again. The mineral reserves here are almost the same as War Star.

War Star is in a special area, and the overlap of the three worlds makes War Star’s various resources rebirth at an amazing speed, and new resources are constantly being produced.

War Star has been robbed and mined by 3 worlds for 10000 years, and it is still being mined for this reason.

This is why the Great Spiritual World, Interstellar Federation world and insect race world have the ability to destroy War Star, but they are reluctant to destroy War Star.

Without the existence of War Star, perhaps the high-level Knights of Great Spiritual World would not have as many as they are today, the technology of Interstellar Federation would not develop as fast, and the reproduction speed of insect race would not be so crazy.

Of course, the most important reason is that no one knows whether the three worlds will be affected once War Star is destroyed.

The density of the minerals on this small continent is similar to that of War Star. From the perspective of being never mined, it should be the reserve resource of the Baruch family.

This is easy to understand, the powerful top nobles, even if they rely on the resources they harvest, are enough for the family to consume, and do not need to use these reserve resources.

Once the family encounters troubles, such as Fifth Level Templar Knight’s powerhouse, the speed of obtaining resources slows down. For the future of the family, this part of the resources needs to be supplemented. This is the reason for the existence of reserve resources.

At the center of the small continent of Energy Avatar, 3 buildings in the shape of a product were found.

It may be inappropriate to say that the architecture is more like a huge altar.

At the center of the three altars in the shape of a product, is a medium-sized space door.

These are the only artifacts in the entire space fragments. David did not explore the 3 altars. The energy Avatar is not suitable for exploration. He wants the energy Avatar to return.

And David 100% believes that the medium-sized Transmission Gate in the center is the channel back to the real world. As long as this is confirmed, he can enter the space fragments by himself, making it easier to explore.

The energy Avatar entered the medium-sized Transmission Gate. After the same slight spatial energy shock, David felt the special connection with the energy Avatar, and then he and the energy Avatar happened to look at each other.

The energy Avatar returns to the position where it entered the space fragments, which is not far in front of David.

David was about to approach the space fragments, but he sensed that the group of Knights connected to his soul had been killed and the soul connection was broken.

This shows that there are still powerhouses in Baruch, at least Level 4 Heavenly Knight, and even Fifth Level Templar Knight.

This gave David no time to explore the space fragments in front of him, and he decided to put away the space fragments.

It’s just that this space fragments is very special. He wants to use the space pendant to collect it, but the space pendant cannot collect the space fragments at all.

David thought of several methods, but he couldn’t put away the space fragments. At most, he could only put the Bloodline Strength outside to isolate the space fragments from the body, so as to hold up the space fragments.

He holds the space fragments in his hands, which makes him unable to use Innate Ability such as the Lightning Body.

David was holding space fragments in his hand. He wanted to use Transmission Gate, but found that as long as he was holding space fragments, the short-distance Transmission Gate became extremely unstable. It is estimated that he would really use the short-distance Transmission Gate for transmission. The Transmission Gate will crash directly.

He controlled Shadow Servant and passed through the walls of the space. After Shadow Servant passed through a section of rocks, he found that the space was located under a huge mountain.

David activated the’underground stealth’, holding space fragments in his hands, and the underground stones separated automatically, opening a way for him.

Drilling out from the side of the mountain, he soared into the air and flew towards the place where the group of Knights died.

At this time, another group of Knights died, the direction was still the same, it should be the same person.

A pair of wings stretched out behind David, which suddenly increased his speed.

After the third group Knight was killed, he calculated the positions of the three Knights in his mind, and he found that the person who killed the Knight group was coming towards Baruch Castle at a very fast speed.

The three groups of Knights happened to be in the same straight line as Baruch Castle. The man killed the 3 groups of Knights casually when he rushed to Baruch Castle.

After analyzing this result, David immediately turned and flew in the direction of Baruch Castle.

David is not far from Baruch Castle. When he flies out of the mountain, Shadow Servant activates the’Eagle Eye Technique’ to see Baruch Castle in the distance.

Back to Baruch Castle, according to his calculations, that person should arrive in about two minutes.

On the other side, Lord Marcus is flying at full speed. He only has 3 days left, and he needs to be secluded cultivation to become the family’s trump card.

In the original state of Lord Marcus, he had better choose a deadlock retreat as quickly as possible, and then the descendants of the family would close it for him.

Because the secluded cultivation place still needs to be built, even if the Baruch clansman has all the hands and materials, it will take 2 days to build it.

But at this time, Lord Marcus couldn’t care about it. He needed to check the situation of Baruch Castle. It would be best if Duke Arthur was there, and he wanted to use his last combat power to kill Duke Arthur.

After his energy Avatar was destroyed, he tried to contact Baruch Castle when he failed to rescue the Alliance, but Baruch Castle did not respond.

At that time, Lord Marcus understood that Duke Arthur had already breached Baruch Castle, and that Baruch Castle was not the place where all the resources of the Baruch family were concentrated. It was more like a symbol.

Baruch Castle symbolizes the glorious past of the Baruch family, where major events of the Baruch family will be held.

But Baruch Castle also has one of the most important secrets, which is also the hole card of the Baruch family in a major crisis.

If other enemies invaded Baruch Castle, Lord Marcus would not worry that the secret would be revealed, but it would be difficult for Duke Arthur to tell.

Because as long as it is a noble castle captured by Duke Arthur, everything will be evacuated, and even the walls will be exposed.

The most important thing is that this wall will be uncovered, and the secret lies on the wall of the study room.

A piece of space fragments was when the three worlds met 10000 years ago. Multiple planets near the War Star were shattered by space energy, and some of them were obtained by the powerhouse to make stable space fragments.

After the turbulent phase of 3 world meeting Early-Stage, the whereabouts of some space fragments have long been lost after the collapse of many powerful noble families.

A powerful ancestor of the Baruch family got this space fragments when they wiped out a great nobleman. Since then, this space fragments has become one of the heritage of the Baruch family.

Since this space fragments is the product of the meeting of the three worlds, a large amount of resources are generated under the space energy and rules of the three worlds. After 3 years of gestation, the number of resources has already reached a considerable level, enough The consumption of several generations of top nobles.

Lord Marcus knows very well that Baruch Castle can be lost, but this space fragments cannot be lost. After he has completely lost his emotions, the hope of the Baruch family lies in this space fragments.

With the talent pool of the Baruch family, perhaps one generation will not work, but it is not too difficult for a Fifth Level Templar Knight to appear in two or three generations.

The premise is that the resources must be guaranteed, and this resource cannot rely on the care of the rest of the top nobles. As long as it loses the protection of the Fifth Level Templar Knight, many of the Baruch family’s properties will be lost.

Although the territory will not be lost, the resource quotas of War Star, the power of the Supreme Council, etc., will be reduced to the extreme, and it is difficult to guarantee the cultivation of Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Thinking of the talent pool of the Baruch family, Lord Marcus thought of the three Knights he had encountered before.

Those Knights were all cultivated by the Baruch family. I don’t know what Duke Arthur did, which made these Knights lose their ability to judge themselves and use their lives to execute Duke Arthur’s orders.

Take the three groups of Knights just now. Most of these Knights are Level 3 Earth Knights, and there are also several Level 3 official Knights, but whether they are Level 2 Earth Knights or Level 3 official Knights, they are facing Lord Marcus. Such a Fifth Level Templar Knight will be suppressed by the imposing manner of Fifth Level Templar Knight, unable to move.

But the three groups of Knights that Lord Marcus met, when they saw Lord Marcus, completely ignored his imposing manner suppression. Those Knight fighting intents burned crazily, carrying an extremely decisive imposing manner, and launched a charge at him. .

This charge is definitely mortal, but not at all affects Knight’s determination.

Lord Marcus thought it was poisoned or deceived, like some enchanting abilities or Hypnosis abilities, with his Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Bloodline Strength and spirit, it is easy to get rid of it.

But no matter how much Lord Marcus tried, he couldn’t get rid of Knight’s Hypnosis.

As long as Lord Marcus releases his hand, Knight will still attack him frantically. Although this attack cannot hurt him a bit, being attacked by his family Knight like this still makes him angry and depressed.

But these emotions quickly dissipated from the heart of Lord Marcus, and he understood that his lack of emotion was extremely serious.

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