Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 74: a conversation that affects a lifetime

"But if it is said that because of some things, let me be such a person, knowing that I can't do it, even killing it... I will laugh, because this is absolutely impossible, and because they are not worthy! ”

"Do you think that it’s so stupid to be so dead!?" Chu Yang’s questioning, throwing the floor.

"It’s a bit extreme to say that." Rushan sighed.

“Is it really extreme? I always remind myself that everything I have done is never done for others, but for myself. If not, I will not get the corresponding reward, I will feel wronged, It’s not worth it. But if it’s done for yourself, everything is different.” Chu Yang smiled and said: “So I don’t look at the world, I don’t look at the people, I just look at my own heart, people move with heart, everything is.”

At this point, Ruoshan was completely silenced.

"My heart is safe, then the world is safe; my heart is angry, then the sword is holding the knife and the world is not peaceful!" Chu Yang stood up and said: "They have come, I will go out and see."

As a mountain: "And slow."

"What is it?" Chu Yang turned back.

It’s been a long time since I fell into the mountains, and I took out a piece of green jade from my arms. “If you have found out, you have the power of control in this city, you can’t control it... or, in the case of the East Emperor’s government. You can't... you can show this jade."

He whispered: "I am also a government official, this jade, how is still a little useful."

Chu Yang stared at him for a while, and suddenly smiled and said: "Speaking of brothers and righteousness, both, brothers, I am not welcome, I took it."

Then he reached out and took the jade of the mountain like a mountain, and did not look at it. He slipped into his arms and walked away.

The words on the face of the mountain, a smile on the corner of his mouth, seemingly to this man's church. This is the most unwilling person to laugh. The smile is so extra, the smile here may be more than the smile that I have added in the past year.

Before that, they were all called ‘sister brother’ ‘little brother’.

This time, Chu Yang seems to have changed his name intentionally or unintentionally, and changed to ‘word brother’ ‘brother me’.

If someone else hears it, it may not be different, as it is for Chu Yang and Yan Rushan. But there are essential differences.

But when the words are heard in the ears, I feel that I have a lot of happy taste in my heart.

It is because of Chu Yang’s heart that he sent this jade, which is equivalent to the recognition of Chu Yang.

However, Chu Yang changed his name, but it was for his own recognition. Inadvertently, a seed of friendship has sprouted in the hearts of the two.

Watching Chu Yang go out. As the mountain smiles, the heart silently reads: "I don't want to be martyrdom, not for the benefit of the people; only for the sake of my heart, where the righteousness is, and with no conscience, that's all."

"I don't look at the world, I don't look at the people, I just look at my own heart. I am safe. Then the world is safe. My heart is angry, then the sword is holding the knife and the world is not flat!"

"I don't feel wronged for myself."

"It's a funny young man!" Re-sit back to the bed. Suddenly remembered something, cried: "stop!"

Chu Yang has already stepped out of the door. Hearing the sound, but did not look back: "What advice does the brothers have?"

Outside, the sudden horseshoes are getting closer and closer.

"I appreciate you very much about your mentality; but I don't agree with you." The words are slowly saying: "People, unless they are in desperate circumstances, will break out. So there will be so many talents buried in this world. ”

Chu Yang listened quietly.

"It’s like a knife, if it’s not the family’s death, if it’s just being bullied and bullied, even if it’s being interrupted, but if the family is innocent, will he rush out today to ask you to kill Li Mingyue?” Road.

"No!" Chu Yang gave a little thought and made an answer.

"Yes, people share this heart with this." The words are as heavy as the mountains: "So I want to tell you that you can't veto the beauty of the world for the fear of some people! They won't be in front of you, but they will not However, it will be for the sake of their parents and children. Sometimes, when the rushing crown is angry, the knife is fast, it is only the courage of the husband; and for the family to bear the burden and protect the peace, it is a hero!"

"So, sometimes, you are also a hero! The bow is also a man's husband! Just look at what!"

"Not in a desperate situation, don't assert!" Yanshan gaze at Chu Yang's back, Shen Sheng: "This sentence, brother, you have to remember!"

Chu Yang’s body trembled for a long time, suddenly turned back, and bowed deeply, and said sincerely: “Speaking brother, being taught! The words of today’s brothers have solved the biggest flaw in my heart. If you open the clouds, reconsider and consider the world."

"Thank you, brother!"

Chu Yang heads out; suddenly feels relaxed. Prior to this, Chu Yang’s mood was indeed somewhat extreme. However, the words of Rushan are directly pulling back the thoughts that he has deviated from the normal track.

Not everyone can go to a desperate situation. People who have not gone to a desperate situation are not the same mentality as those who have already reached a desperate situation. At a certain level, anything can be done and any changes can happen.

However, just as some of the world’s strongest people who have embarked on the peak of the road because of persecution and despair, would they rather not want the future of the road to the strong, but also to preserve the beauty of their own plainness?

This is never answered.

No one knows the importance of this conversation to Chu Yang’s life!

Chu Yang’s heart has been somewhat extreme since the previous days’ catastrophe. But from this moment, there has been a turning point and a change! The path of his life, the influence of the words of the mountain, is unimaginable.

"Sometimes it is also a hero, and bowing is also a man's husband! And see why!" Chu Yang muttered, and walked out the door.

As the mountains look at the back of Chu Yang, the eyes are full of appreciation.


The hoof sounded like a thunder, and the next moment, neatly stopped in front of the men’s hall.

The moment when Chu Yang opened the door, it was the time when the city guards were all neatly laid off. One-color military uniform, top helmet and armor, is very mighty. The head of a burly officer, with his hand on the waist and the sword handle, walked.

In the feeling of Chu Yang, it is like a strong black bear, striding forward!

behind. Forty or fifty officers and men were immediately dispersed. In an instant, I have set all the routes that can be escaped, and laid a network of heaven and earth, which is mixed and orderly, without any confusion. Chu Yang's eyes shrink: the degree of precision of this city guard is really unexpected.

"That one is the main event Chu Yang?" The officer's sharp eyes swept away and asked aloud.

"I am." Chu Yang Wen Xiao smiled: "This general came to my man's hall, but what disease?"

Facing the army. This sentence of Chu Yang can be described as the pen of God!

Or it can be said that it is super not afraid of death!

When I come to the men’s hall where the widows are ill, what can I have?

When the general was stunned, his face was no longer awe-inspiring, and almost a roaring anger shouted: "You are sick!"

Behind him, the nearest few soldiers couldn’t help but laugh.

Chu Yang can see clearly. The level of precision of this city guard is really shocking. This is only a city guard in a remote area, but everyone’s cultivation is not weak.

The most subtle of this group of people is also the level of the level.

If this cultivation is placed on the mainland of the Nine Heavens, it is almost equivalent to the Supreme One.

Chu Yang could not help but raise a few doubts: First, since the city guard is so elite, why should he ride a horse? How can everyone speed up the body and how many times more than the speed of the horse? This horse ride came, let Chu Yang think of the next three days of cavalry!

second. If the City Guard has such a repair. Chu Yang knows that the city guards of Zixia City are full of five thousand people. This comprehensive combat power, a few daunting points!

Not to mention that the commanders, team leaders, captains, and generals must have higher and deeper repairs.

Such a force, why the city owner will allow the three major families to exist like this? It can be easily swayed.

Is it another mystery! ?

This thought for a lifetime, Chu Yang mindful of electricity, if this is the case, the plan that he originally laid out, I am afraid that if you have to make a certain degree of change, you must be continually strained to make the best.

"This general will be ordered by the Lord of the City to arrest the murderous villain Chu Yang! Since you are Chu Yang, let me go." In Chu Yang's contemplation, General Yan has already ordered loudly.

There was a sympathy in his eyes; but he still did not hesitate to make an arrest order.

"And slow!" Chu Yang said: "I would like to ask the generals, is it the law that was committed? Is it necessary to arrest me?"

The general was obviously a very principled person, and he still didn’t know how to change things. After listening to this sentence, he didn’t come back for a long time. He screamed for a long while: “You killed this morning in the crowd and in the eyes of the public. More than one person, the evidence of the person is in the possession, and now I still have a flawless question about what the law has been committed? How do you think about it!?"

Chu Yang spread his hand and said: "Is the evidence of the person's evidence?! Dare to hear the generals, what is the person's card? Where is the physical evidence? Where is it? Take it out and see."

The purpose of picking bones in such eggs in Chuyang is nothing more than delaying time.

Because Chu Yang has a 10,000 percent confidence, he will not be taken away.

The guy who is looking for his own cure for the ailments is definitely going to clear up. He will never let himself be caught, because the urban master is no longer incurable, and he will not use a prisoner to cure the disease... The master of the city still can't afford this face! Therefore, the eagle hook nose must keep itself, unless he is willing to give up many of the previous investments, and the benefits of the future, the interests, all the interests must be compromised!

This is only one of them.

And even if that person is willing to give up investment and future earnings, Chu Yang is still not afraid, because there are two!

Second, it is Li.


"The pain in the shoulder is... intermittent nerve spasm causes pain. For this situation, the hospital cannot cure. Ordinary analgesics are ineffective, take some cancer pains; after eating it, it works, only feel that there is still beating, but it does not hurt.

But this medicine can not eat more, after eating this time, if it is still painful, you can not eat, stop trying for a while, too many side effects.

The doctor told me that if you exercise more and ease yourself, you can only relieve yourself. Generally it is periodic; if it is really serious, then...

Then I feel that it is not worth spending money at the hospital this time...

You can't do it for a long time? Who does not know how to exercise? The problem is not that it is difficult to stick to it...

Um, I actually ate this medicine, and I didn’t feel the part of the shoulder. With the anti-inflammatory drugs, the previous routine treatments continued...

Hey, I said it in the group last night, said three less, you are a neuropathy. Checked out today, it really is a nerve...

The report is completed.

I am going to write the second chapter.

》(To be continued...)

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