Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 75: Nine Heavens, the first time out of the sword!

The descendants of the Li family were killed by themselves and replaced by any family. If they had the status and strength of the Li family, they would never let the government intervene.

They will never swallow this breath!

Delight and enmity is the dream of everyone! Ordinary people are still like this, let alone the Li family who is rampant?

Once the government has intervened, the murderer pleads guilty to the blame. Where can he rectify his enemies? Moreover, if the enemy is arrested by the government, Li’s use of the power of the government to do things will make Li’s prestige fall into at least three major families. Li’s shame is fixed and will even be squeezed out. The three major families of the foot.

Therefore, the Li family will not let the government intervene anyway!

As long as Chu Yang is dragged to any of the successful dredges, then the matter will be changed from the official legal system to the rivers and lakes.

At that time, it was all about it!

"Look at the evidence? Who do you think you are, and when you arrive at the court, you will naturally see you enough! Come on! Give me this slicked kid!" The general looks like a scorpion, and he didn't expect the temper to be two. Pole. Ming knows that there is absolutely no end to the fight with Chu Yang, and actually waved a few chains directly.

This is exactly what the show has met with soldiers. You have thousands of tricks. I have a certain rule!

It’s really unreasonable to meet such a sly and awkward guy. Chu Yang couldn't help but touch the jade in his arms. Should it be used? !

It is at this time.

A horse-riding whirlwind generally rushes from a distance.

"General Zhou! Hold it for the time! The city owner has orders!"

The general of the week couldn’t help but squint and look around.

With a wave of hand, the chains were back.

A horse rushed over and went all the way. It was almost impossible to stop for a while. The Jianma people stood up and almost all of them had deep blood marks on their necks.

"What is so anxious?" General Zhou frowned.

"The master of the city has a decree..." The new letter is obviously a document. There is nothing to repair. This is already tired and straightforward. It is out of breath, and it takes a long time to breathe: "Immediately withdraw troops. About Chuyang When the street is murderous, the evidence is insufficient and the city government will not accept it."

General Zhou frowned: "Is this happening?"

"This is the order of the city owner... General Zhou asked for it."

"Oh I got it."

After watching the order, the general of Zhou had a clean and friendly wave: "Everyone is scattered, let's go... Go back and investigate and collect evidence, and then make a final conclusion."

Then I turned over and looked at Chu Yang. I grinned and said: "Little guy, in fact, Laozi didn't want to catch you! Now I have this order!" Then he nodded. "Just. Your kid can be careful!" ”

Not waiting for Chu Yang to answer, a horse whip is on the mount horse: "Drive!"

Forty or fifty soldiers, as usual, the whirlwind generally evacuated, leaving only a piece of smoke on the road in an instant.

Go in a hurry. Just as a hurry!

Chu Yang smiled and shook hands, looked at the front door and returned to an empty space, his face was quiet.

Around the world, the sound of sweeping is far and near.

The official person left, and the Li family came.

Chu Yang smiled, is it? I have been waiting for you for a long time!

Since the nine-robbery sword came to the earth of the nine heavens, it has not been stained with blood, nowadays. Let's kill it as much as you can. Anyway. The eagle hook nose wants to arrange this side, it is estimated that it will take a while.

"Chuyang!" A scream of general anger: "Get out!"

Brush the brush. More than a dozen figures fell to the men's hall.

Immediately, the wind screamed, on the roof of the neighborhood, around the front and rear, southeast and northwest, almost full of people. Everyone's knife is in the hand, the sword is out of the sheath, and the cold weapon of this moment has a posture that obscures the heavenly glory!

Roughly estimated, the Li family’s manpower this time is full of two hundred people.

Two hundred masters!

A murderous murder, swept the entire street in an instant! This is the midsummer weather, as if in the inexplicable number of nine winters, the cold, the ordinary people in the dozens of miles, almost everyone can not help but hit a few chills.

"Zi Xia Li's family is doing things in the second place, and the rest of the people are waiting for them to go out! If they are killed by mistake, they will be blamed!" A voice screamed: "A bunch of ants, all of them rolled out thirty miles away! Otherwise, see Kill one!"

At this time, there is no war, and Li’s hegemony and arrogance have already been highlighted.

The figure flashed, the Zhou General who had just left suddenly appeared on the roof of a house, staring at the Li family, and said coldly: "The urban master told the general to tell Li Jia a sentence; this time gave You face, but don't know what to do! You can kill the rivers and lakes, but you are not allowed to hurt any ordinary people. Do not remember any ordinary people; it is not allowed to cause damage to any building in the city! Those who violated, kill innocent! Nothing Human feelings can be said!"

The face of Li’s team was a bit stiff and turned to look at it: “General Zhou, like this, killing the rivers and lakes, how can you pinch the fire so accurately? Some accidental injuries are always inevitable, and we can’t give them a loss afterwards. Certain compensation is just that!"

General Zhou’s face did not move, faintly said: “It’s impossible to change. If it’s violated, it’s self-sufficient. It’s your business to take care of it, and it’s our business to deal with it afterwards. There’s still a little bit to remember, the city’s government. It won't be very hard to hold your head!"

The eyes of Li’s people all showed an angry look. However, they are brave and daring to speak. Their hegemony is only used by ordinary people and even ordinary warriors. In the face of real power and violence, they must also stand by.

"This laissez-faire is the first time for the city government, or it may be the last time." General Zhou said loudly: "You Li family, do it yourself!"

Chu Yang Yang Sheng said: "General Zhou, since the city government allows us to deal with grievances by means of rivers and lakes, then, if Li Jiaruo is injured, the city government is not responsible?"

General Zhou’s gaze reveals a strange look, saying: “The rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes!”

"I understand, thank you General Zhou." Chu Yang face loose.

The rough general Zhou General seemed to smile strangely, his body swayed and the trace disappeared. The general of the week seems to be rough, but it has already hinted at Chu Yang: it doesn't matter if you kill the light.

This point makes Chu Yang feel refreshed.

This time, General Zhou’s movements also made the sound of surprise in Chu Yang’s eyes flash.

This general, good and exquisite, even weaker than himself. But it will never be too weak.

"Up! Everyone started killing this surname Chu!" Li's master is not afraid to offend Zhou General. However, it will prevent him from sending a smoldering fire to Chu Yang.

"Revenge for the second son!"


More than a dozen figures rushed over like a whirlwind.

Chu Yang smiled, and his body suddenly changed from a still state to a floating state, so he slowly rose. In the black, the black hair fluttered in the wind, but the body was kept straight and motionless.

Only the eyes are emitting more and more fierce light.

More than a dozen swords and knives are like storms, sweeping from all around. The meaning of chilling has come.

At this moment, Chu Yang suddenly had the feeling of the moment of the previous Fengtai. There was a smile on his mouth.

Yes, it feels pretty much the same.

But my strength is already detached!

Looking around the sword is like snow, the knife is cold, Chu Yang's body. Suddenly rising up a murderous murderous.

"A little cold!" Chu Yang said faintly: "Millions of mans!"

The voice is indifferent and low. But it seems to be the emperor who dominates the world, and issued a command of lore! An earth-shattering murderousness suddenly burst out from Chuyang!

In the eyes of the public, the unarmed Chu Yang suddenly turned around!

In his hands, there was a sudden coldness.

In this nine heavens, the king of Chu, the nine masters of the sword. The first time out of the sword!

That cold light is awkward. It is mixed with the most chilly and coldest feeling!

It is a cold light that is enough to freeze anybody's bone marrow together!

In the moment of seeing this cold light, the dozens of people who besieged came to mind. Unanimously, there is a coolness that is straight through the bone marrow.

Then, a group of swords that are more dazzling than the sky and the sun, suddenly flourished!

At this moment, all the people watching the war, the people who are fighting, have the same feeling in their hearts: after that little flash of light, they suddenly returned to the body of Chu Yang.

Immediately from the static body of Chu Yang, it broke out with tens of thousands of swords and splendid swords!

In addition to splendid, it is enough to shake the sky, so it bursts out from the body of Chu Yang! Even each one is so clear. Have the most clear goals!

It’s fleeting.

But the scene of the endless glory just seems to have remained in the sight of all people for a long time, in the heart of the field.

When the swordsman disappeared, all the blood and the abrupt collapse.

That lot of blood is like a fountain full of power. Fully spurting a distance of several tens of feet, rushing into the air! That is the special situation in which the body is infused with Yuan Li, but it is only when the enemy stabbed a sword in the deadly place!

The whole body was repaired by pressure, and the blood of the whole body, under the pressure of height, suddenly found a mouth that could be vented. Naturally, you have to kill yourself!

This jet, in addition to blood, is accompanied by its own vitality and soul, while at the same time being exhausted by the limits of its own body!

Around the thirteen masters of the Li family who had been rushing with the sword, everyone still kept the sprinting posture forward, but the eyes of each one had turned into a dead gray.

Immediately, Chu Yang held his hand and stood still, still maintaining his straight posture and rising straight from the center of the crowd.

However, the thirteen people who attacked him did not seem to see it at all. Still maintaining the original position and continuing to move forward, then flew past him from his feet. Once you fly, you can no longer look back.

Directly rushed to the distance, the momentum of this rush gradually weakened, and then fell down like a sack.

The blood-colored fountains are interlaced with bright red in the air.


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