Transcending the Nine Heavens

: The eighth part, the 364th, the grief and inexplicable

In terms of the strength of the dream and the strength of his own, it is impossible to catch a junior who is not a saint.

Then, in a very short period of time, the message was sent back three times in a short time, saying that the dream was boundless and Chu Yangxi cherished, saying that the dream had no end to the late nine princes, and then went further, saying that the dream was boundless and Chuyang collusion. When I send the news again, I simply say that the dream is not full of dissatisfaction with the Emperor of Heaven. I have already had a heartlessness... If so.

Such a push further, under the gradual progress, gradually let the Emperor Yunyun, under the wrath of the loss of the son, finally issued a secret order to capture the dream.

Under such circumstances, how can the rain delay and let the dreams go back to the dark clouds? Once he is allowed to go back, all the means of his arrangement under this time will not be completely lost?

Moreover, there is always a dream of nowhere in the world, and no matter how bad it is, it will not die. There is no limit to the dream, but it is a very important figure in the Mushuai Group.

Killing the dream is boundless. For the Mushuai Group, it is undoubtedly a very big blow. As long as the dream is dead here, there is no evidence of death. Then, what is he saying? To say rebellion is to rebel, to say that you refuse to arrest, that is, to resist arrest!

Anyway, at the moment of the demon day, only those who are able to survive will be slow.

What does he say and who can refute? Even after going back, I can still use the dream of this time to fight against the military’s wooden handsome. It is a good thing to do both.

Anyway, the situation of this loss of soldiers has been fixed. With the dream of nowhere, this "Litong foreign" collusion with foreign enemies, how to use it, all the losses have become a clear target.

Wait until you die, and then you will win the Chu Yang and other people. You only have great merits and no strength. What is it that you can kill two birds with one stone? !

The rain is slow and smug, but the face is always silent. The eyes are full of resentment, as if they are really facing the rebellious people.

The dream was trembled and looked at Wu Changfeng’s body lying on the ground, his face muscles licking and biting his teeth, and two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Dream is boundless, smashing the enemy of the cloud cloud, the crime is conclusive, is it not smashed?!" one of the masters said coldly.

The nightmare army suddenly became loud.

"Our dream general is not rebellious; we are not!" The dreams of the generals are not strong. The generals said: "We followed the dream tens of thousands of years. All the way through the **** hurricane, we must have a heart rebellion, already Rebel, what to do today!"

"We swear not to plead guilty, protect the dream generals, go back to Mo Yuntian, and plead guilty to the emperor!"

"It's a man, come with me, fight with this group of despicable villains!"

"Protect the dream generals!"

More than a thousand dreamers were angered and led by a number of generals.

"All of them are rebellious people, and they are all killed!" The rain delayed and ordered loudly. They didn't plan to leave a living. They now gave him a veritable act.

So more than a hundred masters shot at the same time, the opposite of the nightmare army zombies also rushed up without fear of death.

The fire inside the ink cloud and the battle started immediately.

Only when the two sides came into contact, the scene was fierce to the extreme. Almost in the midst of a collision, countless flesh and blood were scattered, and more than one hundred nightmare troops fell.

Although they have a large number of people, they are really different from each other, but they are far from each other. They are not opponents at all.

The dream is standing still and standing. The eyes are empty and the mind is gone.

However, a splash of blood splashed on his face. His face suddenly twitched. Then, a lot of blood rushed in and out, and the dream suddenly burst into flames, just like a dream.

Seeing that his subordinates are being killed, the dreams are inextricably broken and angered.

"General! You are going!" A deputy spurted blood in his mouth, screaming with anger and anger: "Only when you go back alive, there is an opportunity to complain about grievances. This is a rainy delay. They want to kill all of us." ·····”

"General, you are going!"

Numerous people yelled together, using their own lives, their own bodies, doing everything they can to stop the enemy, for the dream of nowhere to fight for escape.

At this moment, there is almost no time to cry. Brothers, you are too stupid. Why don’t you understand it? The Emperor of Heaven has already said that we are rebellious, even if we go back, we will meet the Emperor. Can this result change? Even if you know that you are wrong, one of the emperors will be killed for the sake of a subordinate’s reincarnation...·····

The blood is still splashing, and people are falling, and the eyes of the dreamless are gradually red.

Suddenly violent, a powerful force suddenly appeared, and the two sides of the fierce battle were separated! "砰", the three lives are killing the masters of the nightmare army by the endless dreams of a palm and smashing the head, blood splashing!

The dream is boundless, and stands in front of his own knees, standing straight.

His eyes stared straight at the more than one hundred masters in front of him, dumb voice: "All come to me, don't kill my brother!"!

His voice was hoarse and low, but filled with a desperate and crazy taste.

He paused and suddenly screamed with all his strength: "Don't kill my brother!!!"

"Boom", his bodysuit suddenly burst, revealing a soft armor inside; a burst of jade with a cockroach blasting, a long hair, violently floating in the air.

The momentum of death is awesome!

"Dream is boundless, you finally no longer cover up, and you are shooting in the same robe!" The first one was a bit ridiculously watching the dream: "Are you still going to face the heavens in the end? Your shot will be completely sitting." Really your rebellious charges!"

Dreams are stunned: "The result of not shooting is only like this, isn't it? It's already here, I have no dreams, no words to say, people are doing, God is watching, my dreams are dead, but also innocent. Yu Xin! Can you be worthy of your heart?!"

"The fairness is in the hearts of the people, black is black, white is white!" The dream said nowhere. When I said this, it was full of feelings of powerlessness.

Obviously, he himself knows that things have already reached the point where they are now. Fairness is already out of the hearts of the people. How can black and white be clearly defined? ! As long as you die, everything about yourself will last forever, life, eternal life, and I want to turn over!

"Hahaha...the dream is boundless. Since you jumped out yourself, then we will deal with you, and there will be no psychological burden!" That makes people laugh: "Go ahead and die." !"

More than one hundred people launched a new round of attacks at the same time, and the boundless violent temper came from overwhelming, overwhelming the dreams and all the nightmare.

"I said, I am coming to me, don't kill my brother!" The dream is boundless, and the drums are fully committed to fight back!

With the bang, the two sides once again fell into a fierce **** battle.

The rain is still standing still on the edge of the battlefield, indifferently watching the flesh and blood flying, the original plain and waveless face finally revealed a cruel smile. As long as the dream is dead, his nightmare army will inevitably collapse, and the strength of his own side can be basically the same as that of Mu Shuai.

Don't lose money on the lives of so many people...·····

The people of the Nightmare Army are all sorrowful and inexplicable at this moment. Under such unreasonable grievances, everyone has played a super-strength of 12 points, struggling to fight, knowing that there is no way to know, and still have to fight to the last moment. .

Everyone in the heart of the nightmare army is already angry and almost explodes.

Every one of us is loyal, daring, and doing our best to contribute to the country. When have you been betrayed?

The expedition of 10,000 people, this way, more than 8,000 brothers buried their bones, is it only a rebellious crime?

The dream is boundless, and a palm is shot in front of the chest of a heavenly master. The man should spurt the blood and fly down. The entire sternum collapses and the eyes are not alive.

It was also a "squeaky" sound. The long sword in the dreamless end suddenly broke, and then it was printed on the back of the heart, under one squat, turned to look. I saw a white-faced middle-aged man who was looking at him from a ghastly look.

"White-faced wolf, it is you! Have you waited this day for a long time?" The dream is stunned. This white-faced wolf is a deadly enemy in the darkness of Mo Yuntian. This time, I finally caught the opportunity and naturally tried my best to deal with myself.

White-faced wolf sneer: "There is a rebellious country, everyone can get it! But everyone who is a Moyun person, who is a soldier, is even more duty-bound!"

The dream is ridiculous and ridiculously laughs: "Well, good...···I don’t think that the white-faced wolf, who has always been bullied by greed, is so profound and profound today, and the righteousness is stunned, admired, admired, admired, hahahaha..."

The white-faced wolf was black and immediately shot again.

The dream is boundlessly whirlwind, and suddenly breaks into the other party's crowd, and finally has no scruples in the heart, and crosses a heart, fully shot, and kills.

"I can't think of my dreams for the end of my life. In the last battle of this life and the present, I actually played against the same sergeant of Mo Yuntian! Fighting with my own colleagues in the past! I ended up in the hands of my own people! Sure enough, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. On the same day, I care about morality and bully a pair of Chu Yang. Today, today is not necessarily my retribution!"

The dream spurt a blood, screaming: "Death in the hands of treacherous and other treacherous people, I really do not look good!" He yelled at the sky: "I hate! I hate why I did not make up my mind, out of the army. I am going to battle the demon! I am afraid that I will die in the hands of the demon, and it will be more brilliant than the ending of today! The heart of the loyalty of the past is so ridiculous! For a lifetime, you can’t ask for your heart, otherwise you will regret your life!”

The rain was late and the hand stood still, cold and cold: "Let him shut up! Fighting is fighting, is it still fighting while making a poem! Sorry for life? This handsome will give you a cheap, dead and dead, so-called regret Just stop at the time of the death of the present!"


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