Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 365: Let me hang a bar!

Everyone promised, the attack was even more fierce! !

One after another, the nightmare army fell grief and grievances.

A warrior flew up, regardless of the sword that fell on his face like a torrential rain, and desperately hugged a master of heaven, but he completely disregarded the rules and bite it bit by bit.

The celestial master sang coldly: "Looking for death!" One hundred and ten palms successively hit the sergeant, but he was dead and hugged each other, even though the entire chest had been beaten. Before and after the translucent, still refused to let go, the next few monstrous military sergeants are all in one body, the sword comes.

The first step is to pierce the body of his comrades, and then even the man with the sword hits the master of heaven. In an instant, the heavenly master who has just been arrogant and arrogant has become a humanoid hedgehog. . He was desperately mad, killing the sergeants who were hanging on himself, vainly trying to smother the five internal organs that had flowed out of his stomach, struggling to survive, but being slammed by another person.

With his heart, liver and spleen and stomach fly away. He screamed and finally fell down and screamed.

This battle is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire battle. The tragic extent of this battle has really gone to the point of heat.

Chu Yang, who is adjusting his pain and healing, also sees his heart shaking, especially when he hears the words of dreamlessness, and suddenly his heart is inexplicable.

"I hate! I hate why I didn't make up my mind and go out of the army to fight the devil! Even if I die in the hands of the demon, it is more brilliant than the end of today!"

It is the arrogance of dreams, and it is also the voice of the moment.

Chu Yang eyes concealed, the heart can not help but turn.

The soul of the catastrophe flew out silently and carefully, and entered the battle circle carefully. While the greedy whales swallowed the pure spirit of the undead, they silently killed the killer.

With the addition of this super-powerful force, it is still a sneak attack in the form of a sneak attack, besieging the dreams of the endless and the nightmare of the masters of the army, in an instant inexplicable - down to a dozen.

The catastrophe of the catastrophe is not only sufficient in the time, but also the quality is pure enough; his overall strength is not only restored as it was when it was in the realm of the source of the gods, but also improved. Still slightly inferior to the dream, now not only has been overtaken

And it is infinitely close to the sage's primary peak, and only one step away, you can reach the higher level of the saint intermediate.

This strength, I want to deal with the one-on-one rain, it will be easily taken down, or still have the power to catch up, still rely on the traits of the catastrophe itself to fight a long-term battle to achieve a stable victory, but said to deal with this huge Most of the more than 100 people at the level of the heavens and the humans are more than enough, and even easy to say, it is easy to be as easy as it is.

The dream is far and wide, and I feel that the pressure on my own has been greatly reduced. Although I haven’t seen anything, he used to have a hand with the catastrophe. Now he knows that it’s definitely a catastrophe. The only one in the field is this guy. Can be done so no trace.

But he did not say anything, just continued to fight.

Now is not the time to say anything, whether it is thank you or anything else, it will remind the other party to be prepared, even breaking this point may have a negative impact on their own people, now the dream is boundless for the rain People have hated the extreme, will you remind them? Even if you are unwilling to be saved by the enemy, you can't care for anything!

In the mouth of the catastrophe, the dream is boundless, and finally there is a chance to catch his breath. The next moment, he suddenly escaped from his arms to a star-studded ancient monster.

When this thing came out, there was a boundless pressure suddenly coming, and everyone in the field was shocked.

The rain of the hand-held battle was too late to be shocked and shouted: "The wind is thunder!"

When you fly, you have to come to stop the dreamless hand! .

The dream is low and low: "Please stop the rain and delay..."

The volume of his words is extremely low; even the opposite person may not know what he said to whom he said this, and what it means.

But the soul of the catastrophe is an immediate heart.

Just now, when the wind and thunder were taken out, the soul of the catastrophe immediately slammed the drums and wanted to withdraw from the battle. After all, he was worried about what the wind was, but the dream was not at the moment, but it just happened to fit his heart. Not only did it retreat, but the war was greatly increased.

He didn't want to be buried with these people; he had suffered from this thing once, just because he had experienced the terrible thing, and he didn't dare to try it again for the second time.

The entanglement of the rain that has not yet joined the battle group can not only completely avoid the gadget, but also block the strongest master of the other party. It is a chance to verify its own strength, in order to break through the relationship, it is one of the best Good thing. When the next turn turned, it rushed toward the rain.

The catastrophe is no longer concealed, and he laughs: "The rain is deputy, come and come, and the family is intimate with you."

In the blink of an eye, it has already left the battlefield, and it has turned into a black fog, and the front has greeted the rain.

The rain was late and I was shocked: "The soul of the catastrophe!?"

The delay in rain is also the tactics of the battlefield. I suddenly understand why the current situation is so strange. I have already occupied an overwhelming advantage on my side, but somehow suddenly the situation has reversed... It turned out to be the soul of this disaster. From it.

"Dream is boundless, you really have collusion with Chu Yang, what are you still complaining about now?!" The rain is too late, and it is intended to completely shake the army of the nightmare army, but the soul of the catastrophe has been screaming and laughing. Up, and still use the means of avatars, all-round encirclement means to the rain to delay the killer in all directions.

Although the rain is slow to repair, although it is higher than the catastrophe, but the specific play of the spirit of the catastrophe is not very adaptable, in a short period of time, there is no means to cope, only passive defense, naturally can not rush In the past, the dream was stopped.

Dreams have no face, stunned, Shen Sheng: "What about destruction? Heavenly Emperor kneels, you personally gave this baby, but I did not think I will use this baby, will it be used on my own head? Tianli cycle, you plant yourself The reason for this is that today’s fruit, who said that heaven and earth are not worth it?!"

Suddenly a big drink: "The wind and thunder are gone!"

The dream is full of strength and destroys the valley itself, repairing all of it, all instilling it, and urging the wind and thunder for the second time.

Since the first encounter with the soul of the catastrophe, the wind thunder has exhausted the energy accumulated in the past, but the dream is boundless, but knowing that this object is the biggest weapon to deal with the soul of the catastrophe. If you want to destroy Chuyang, you must first fix the soul of the catastrophe. Before determining whether the soul of the catastrophe has been finished, the wind and thunder must be kept in the state of maximum power. It is during this time that it will make up for it.

I did not expect to use it in these circumstances.

At this moment, the wind and thunder that are motivated by the full power of a saint's powerhouse, although able to exert its power, its horror is even worse than in the realm of the source of God!

This fascinating work of the Emperor of the Clouds, the power of this moment, is as powerful as destroying the earth.

At the moment of launching the wind and thunder, the dreamlessness suddenly turned back, exhausted all the residual power, and the powerful repairs wrapped around all the surviving subordinates and threw them away: "All will roll for me!" Whoever wants to come back, don’t blame me for not knowing that he will be a brother!"

At the same time, other masters also realized the horror of this attack, and at the same time, they stopped and intercepted.

The dreamless turn around at these crucial moments is equivalent to completely exposing your back. There is no room for any kind of resistance. Kakaka has a few sounds, and no dreams are known. The bones, the entire back, have no flesh and blood, only see a white bones, and the bones are full of swords and knives, bones flying!

However, he still stood upright, and even took this round of blows to survive, he still sent all his subordinates out.

"Not good! Rewind!"

"This **** is crazy, I want to go with them!"

"People are going..."

The rest of the more than 70 people are a series of panic screams, but it is too late to think about it.

Wind thunder, officially launched!


The entire land, the earthquake trembled a bit; the entire land within a few square feet, actually jumped up like a high jump, and then fell again, there were countless cracks on the ground, and the gradual spread of the cockroaches Go out.

Puff puff……

In the face of this blow, more than 70 people who were late in the rain were all shaken out without exception. More than 30 of them were penetrated by the white light in midair, and they were torn apart. The body is dead.

The reason why these people died the earliest was because they themselves were relatively low-level, all of them were under the middle of heaven. Other people are also vomiting blood. Even though they are the four masters of the sage level, they are all violent and can't help but spurt a blood.

Several other people, from the air, broke the sack and fell to the ground, no sound.

It was a wind and thunder, and under the attack, the top masters who had been slowed down by the clouds and rains were destroyed by two-thirds; now they can stand no more than 30 people!

Moreover, all of these people are seriously injured, even if they have the strength to fight, they must be greatly discounted.

The rain was slow to be repaired by his sage intermediate, and the other treasures that the Emperor Yunyun gave him, he was sure that this catastrophe could be stopped, but he was entangled in the catastrophe. Looking at his own ossified fly ash meat mud, only angry gas chest surge, almost bleeding.

"Chuyang!" The rain was slow to fight while roaring: "You are a despicable villain, give your face a shameless face, this handsome gives you a fair chance, but you let the catastrophe come to me."

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