Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 776: Secret of avatar

"Beauty tears?" Chu Leer suddenly frowned in disgust: "You only use this poison to deal with women? Beauty?"

Xue Xianer bowed his head and nodded.

Sure enough, it is the real use of poisonous experts, smelling the sound of the string and knowing the elegance, and has already learned about its own means!

"You are a woman yourself. Don't you know, how vicious is this poison for women?" Chu Leer couldn't understand at all, and looked at the woman in front of her anger: "How come you do this?"

"She is just a avatar!" Chu Yang slowly came, and said: "This should be her body's instructions."


Snow fairy's body is shocked!

The biggest secret of his own, was actually broken by this lone emperor!

"How do you know?" Xue Xianer's avatar suddenly looked up and looked at Chu Yang with amazement. There are deep fears and fears in the eyes. It seems that I feel that I am naked and standing in the crowd, there is no more secret.

"Of course I know." Chu Yang said coldly.

Chu Leer said impatiently: "I only do it for you, whether it is a avatar or a body, why do you want to do this?"

The biggest secret was debunked. Xue Xianer’s avatar seemed to have lost all the spirits at once. After a while, he lowered his head and whispered: "This is the case... the original body itself is very vinegar, and it is No other women are allowed to approach the people on the cloud... Even our avatars are not allowed to approach the people on the cloud... but she herself is born with no fertility... In order to continue the blood, the people on the cloud can only Looking for another woman..."

"And every time I find one. Xue Xianer will kindly bring this woman into the Holy Palace and take care of it... After giving birth to the child, let it silently smear the beauty tears... and then the whole body Puffy. The skin is festering, not adult... but it is said... said... because of fertility..."

“Too often those women die because of this change... suicide...”

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but scream!

This snow fairy, really is the world's first poison woman!

She can't have children herself, her husband finds other women to have children, and when she gives birth to a child, she can make people like this life and death!

What is the identity of the people on the cloud?

Take the eyes of the clouds, but anyone who can see the eyes. Can you have one that is ugly? I believe that each one is the ultimate beauty of the national color!

However, after such a woman was taken home, there were only a few years of happiness. Just wait for the child to be born, then it will become a no-night yoke!

A woman, as long as the color is slightly decent, once the face is destroyed. That is why life is better than death. There is no love in life; let alone those beautiful women who can be seen by the people on the cloud?

When a woman discovers her beautiful face like a fairy, she suddenly becomes a pig!

Even when the pigs are better than themselves... what will happen?

That is simply a human tragedy.

Rather than being so compelling to commit suicide, it’s better to kill a knife...

It is also easy for women to accept some.

For women, love and love are beautiful, just human nature, it is not vain!

"It’s really a sin to die!" I couldn’t help but swear.

It can be seen that this specially devastated woman. And how hateful is the woman who specializes in destroying the stunning woman!

Chu Leer snorted and turned away. I searched the past according to the place that Xue Xianer said.

Mo Tianji and Chu Yang and others stared at the sacred avatar. There are a few sighs.

Have such a beautiful appearance in the world; but at the same time have such a despicable vicious heart!

I really don’t know when Tiangong’s creations, how do you combine this extreme beauty with the ultimate sinister poison, and the ultimate ingratitude and ingratitude?

This is an error that should never happen!

Therefore, when such an error occurs, it is a disaster, a disaster in the world!

Xue Xianer stood quietly, although it was still brutal and ugly on the arm, but the calmness has been restored to the usual calm, at least on the surface, it is really calm.

After watching it for a while, Chu Yang turned his head and sighed.

Mo Tianji seems to know what he is sighing and said: "You don't have to sigh, this is just a avatar."

Chu Yang nodded: "Always people feel that they are not very adaptable."

Xue Xianer’s avatar looked up and looked at Chu Yang: “What doesn’t fit?”

Chu Yang said coldly: "How to say again... You are also a sacred avatar; and, there is also the cultivation of the saint's peak, but this time, not only is it greedy to death, but also because the poisoning is awkward. Decent, a little demeanor... It makes me feel very surprised, very unexpected, hard to believe, incredible."

Chu Yang explained in great detail, and even added a series of adjectives at the end.

This made Mo Tianji a little surprised, but then, looking at Chu Yang, he understood the meaning of Chu Yang, could not help but shake the spirit, then immediately listened to it.

Chu Yang is doing a kind of groping, the so-called avatar secret!

This point is of great use to the brothers present at the scene.

Xue Xianer’s body smiled bitterly and said: “Do you think that the sacred body of the sacred future must be high above? It must be unyielding and unyielding? It must have grace, windy bones, and insist on the so-called decent? Not falling?"

Chu Yang said seriously: "Don't it be so? So I have doubts about your performance today. Even, despise!"

The words 'defy' have poked the pain in the body and mind of Xue Xianer.

She actually smiled coldly and said: "Of course, it is the avatar of Xue Xianer. This is an iron-clad fact. However, Xue Xianer and Yun Shangren, in order to better control the Nine Heavens, are forced to give We are separated into independent souls..."

"Although we are independent of the soul, we still have to form according to their wishes... Although the moment of formation, we have strong strength, but the formation of character still depends on the original."

"The near Zhu is red, the near ink is black." Xue Xianer's avatar actually said such a sentence.

Chu Yang nodded: "Some understand, but more still do not understand, in any case, your performance has been a little shameful,"

"It’s a shame? It’s better to lose face than to lose your life. Our avatars are dead, they are completely gone, and they don’t exist anymore... Although we can’t betray, we have our own power to survive.”

"A shame, at least a little bit, a chance to survive. And the body is different, the body encounters this situation, it can be completely violently killed, and even you can be buried with you. Because, as long as there is a avatar, this avatar After the body dies, it can naturally evolve into a new ontology."

She sneered: "So they have both temperament and integrity. And we don't have that sentiment because we don't have that qualification, that cost!!"

"After the body is dead, can it naturally evolve into a new ontology?" Chu Yang muttered a sentence. ,

Xue Xianer’s avatar laughed: “You will know sooner or later, but you are now repairing, and you can’t reach that step yet! You can beat the avatars, but if you meet the people in the cloud, The body of Xue Xianer, they can still kill you in an instant! Their power, wrong experience is not inductive!"

She said that it is not a lot, but Chu Yang has already understood a lot.

A smile, not a rebuttal. For those who are dying, it is not worth draining.

The white shadow flashed, and Chu Leer turned back with excitement.

"Found it?" Xue Xianer's avatar asked a little.

What she is worried about is naturally not Chu Leer found not found, but Chu Leer is not a question of compliance.

"Found it. You really didn't lie." Chu Leer smiled with satisfaction.

"That... you detoxify me?" Xue Xianer's avatar asked, this is the most concerned thing about the avatar, she is too afraid of the kind of bad variables that may happen in the next moment!

"Of course!" Chu Leer promised very refreshing: "I am a person who has words and believes. I will give you detoxification." Then, with a wave of hand, a white smoke came out.

The next moment, the white delay lingered on the snow fairy's arm.

Almost at the same time, I saw the blue-purple line and gradually stepped back. In the end, a string of black blood beads appeared on the tip of Xue Xianer's finger, and the skin instantly returned to normal.

"Thank you." Xue Xianer was relieved, and his body actually shook.

"Let's go." Chu Leer added an accent and said: "I promised to let go of you, I will not renege."

Xue Xianer suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and turned and left. But before she took a step, she stopped her footsteps. The whole person seemed to become mud-carved, and then she turned and screamed, "How do you let me go? My repair is done." ?"

Because, at this moment, she suddenly found that the power in her body that was enough to turn the river down, completely disappeared!

Even, taking a step, I feel tired! Not to mention the rise of the sky, the body of Changhong.

How is this going?

Chu Leer said with regret: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, the premise of this poison to be solved is that it needs to be repaired at the cost of the whole body. In the thirty-six hours after detoxification, you are a little power. There is no! However, it is only thirty-six hours, three days. I believe that you will choose, and you will not choose to be poisoned?"


Xue Xianer suddenly sat on the ground, his eyes stunned, and suddenly a sneer: "You really are lying to me, playing me, wanting to play dead..."

Chu Leer said seriously: "Where I lie to you, I detoxify you, let you go, I promised you before, I have not done it now..."

It is indeed done.

Xue Xianer’s avatar burst into a miserable smile.


<Three chapters broke out, asking for a monthly ticket! ! >(To be continued.)

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