Transcending the Nine Heavens

: to warmly celebrate! Eight million! !

Look up!

Proud of more than eight million words!

Suddenly there was some sorrow... How much did I really write? Is this really what I wrote?

I thought that at the beginning, Ling Tian’s legend was more than two million words, but when I wrote one million, the plot was unsustainable.

The evil spirits of the world, written to more than three million, can not control the driving ...

But this is proud... It’s already eight million words...

Looking back, like a dream.

Some are awkward...

But... Have you realized one thing?

You know, we are still creating a miracle in the unconscious!

Books with a starting point of more than eight million words, a lot... But, with eight million words, they are still fighting on the monthly ticket list... only the proud world! !

Eight million words are still fighting for a common dream... only the proud world!

We still have not given up! ! We are still fighting!

In the face of this river and lake, we do not say no!

this is us!

Only us! !

I am very proud!

I am even more proud... As long as people who have written novels know that the more words, the more difficult it is to control! The more you go to the later stage, the more complicated it is, the more unclear it is, so you can only write more slowly! So I am proud... because! ——The number of words like 8 million words is still insane, only I am in the world!

Someone will definitely surpass me in the future, but now... I am proud!

In order to be proud of the world of eight million!

For our pride!

For the miracle we created!

For my own pride!

I want to say: Please cast your monthly ticket! All the proud people, let us celebrate once! !

Celebrate because, we are the only ones! !

That's it!

Because this is proud! Because, we all belong to the world! ! Common glory, common pride!


Recalling that year, proud of the world,

It’s hard to get out of the way.

How many hardships, sisters join hands, brothers side by side!

The hero of the battle world, why was it chilling?

Three winds of frost cast the proud bones, thousands of brothers compete forward!

A battle, shocking the clouds!


Look now, I am still proud of the world;

Laughing, proud of the world;

You and I are still there, the rivers and lakes are still there, the bright swords are cold!

Fighting this world, the fighting spirit has not been reduced!

Brothers and sisters are working together, and together they are proud of the world!

Winning and losing, my hand!


————Together with brothers and sisters!

Seeking a monthly ticket! !

. (To be continued.)

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