Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 793: Linguistic

"Now, at this moment of the end of the road, I know... the truth is true! It is the result of a thousand years of hard work... the true peak!"

Gu Zhixing sighed and sighed, it was a pity.

Gu Miaoling said softly: "Yes. Often when we are young, there are many reasons. The parents and the elderly are stunned every day...but we just heard it, we forgot, never really realized, and we will complain about them, Tai Luo stunned, the same thing, said thousands of times, no troubles ... but until we really grow up, in the course of our own experience to realize this truth, really understand ... But when it comes to understanding, it may be too late...because, the detours that have passed, the years that have been lost...will never turn back... In this world, the most difficult medicine to search for is not regret medicine?"

Consistently gentle little sister, in order to appease the younger brother at the moment, it is extremely rare to say a joke!

Gu alone still sighs deeply.

He seriously remembered, recalling that every word that Chu Yang had said, every word, the more he thought, the more he regretted.

"Not only the boss of the softness of the water said, even... the soil is condensed, the boss actually said it." Gu alone, there are heavy memories: "Now I understand, no matter what kind of hard Metal, no matter where it was once, in fact, the original form is actually not the earth!"

"From the land, it is a coincidence that these things are condensed... Only the so-called metal is available! Only when the metal is forged into a material, there is a weapon. Constantly quenching water. Constantly polishing, only the gods... ”

"And in this, it plays the most important role. In fact, it is not necessarily the sky aura! Really plays most of the decisive role, in fact, from the soil, from the water."

"Only the combination of these three is true, and the world is invincible!"

Gu said with loneliness: "This is the real, the kendo is true!"

Gu Miaoling showed a gentle smile: "Little brother. You can now realize this truth, it is not too late. Just wait for you to raise your wounds, your strength. It will definitely go further, realize the truth, and move forward without hindrance." Latitude, the avenue can be expected. It should be a happy thing!"

Gu alone looked at her. Some powerless sighs.

Because he is very aware of Gu Mianling's current state of mind, he is really happy for himself, and his heart is also happy and gratifying; but for Gu Miaoling itself, it is like the feeling that when he first heard Chu Yang said this sentence: The breeze has passed.

It feels reasonable, it is comfortable to listen to, but... there is no enthusiasm for personal experience.

Because... Gu Miaoling has never experienced it...

But Gu said nothing but said nothing...

Because he knows. These martial arts principles are the same as those that have been passed down through the ages.

When I have not experienced it. Or just a word.

Only by personal experience, will it become a famous saying, it makes sense!

This is also... Some people who know the whole continent know that the truth will be spoken by everyone, but those who can truly understand this simple truth, there may not be one in 10,000 people!

"The paper has to come to an end, I know that this matter must be carried out!" Gu Duoxi muttered.

"It makes sense to say this." Gu Miaoling smiled: "You continue to practice healing, I think of a way, see if I can catch a big fish back."

"Be careful, don't make any movements, and bring unnecessary troubles." Gu Lone smiled and said: "My heart is open, as long as I take a few more days, I can resume my movements. At that time, I must first find a way to adjust the body for the comatose old cloth... The old cloth has been in a coma for several days, and this is not the way to go."

"Know it, I know." Gu Miaoling walked out with a smile. Gu was alone in healing, and Gu Mianling completely let go of her heart. She suddenly felt that even if it was underground, she felt a sunny day.

Gu Zhixing smiled a little, continued to practice, continued to absorb the soil and water, continued to feel the opportunity that he had missed, and felt the luck of losing.

He can feel that with his own absorption, the spirit of the underground spirit is getting more and more hugely towards his own side... Moreover, the body has a faint feeling of fever, and this feeling is absolutely true.

If you practice for a while, you will sweat.

Moreover, the more unexpected thing for Gu is that this underground spirit is so huge that it is almost inexhaustible!

This huge amount of energy made Gu alone feel shocked.

It seems that the spirit of the underworld is much more than the sky.

This unimaginable cognition, the sky is vast, the true spirit of the sky is truly inexhaustible, and the underground is in solid form, the most difficult to pass to the true spirit. Gas, how can it store and transmit such a huge aura, it is incredible!

"Will it be... this true spirit is floating in the sky, over time, part of it sinks, enters the land, is absorbed by the earth, and the other part is light, then it rises and rises, the higher the flight... Finally I flew to where I don’t know."

"So to speak... Isn't that... the sky that we have been using to practice is the poorest place in the real spirit? And the real treasure is in the earth, or outside the sky? But we, The cultivators have never realized, have not discovered these true treasures?!"

Gu was alone and was shocked by this idea.

It was another night.

Gu alone feels that self-cultivation seems to have recovered some, and the injury caused by the sacred sect of the Holy King, in the face of this condensed earth, there is already a faint tendency to break open and resolve.

This kind of feeling makes Gu’s behavior a big joy, and I’m overjoyed!

Perhaps, as long as you give yourself half a month, you can recover on your own, and by that time, your own repairs will be able to go further and make a big step. When faced with the Holy King again, even if it is still not in the end, at least not think about it before. Completely vulnerable, no resistance!

However, at this time, he suddenly felt his heart suddenly shaken.

It seems that there is something that is close to me, and I am approaching myself quickly, and I am still full of joy and joy, rushing towards myself, to devote myself to my arms!

Gu Zhixing instantly understood what the source of this feeling is.

Black Dragon Sword!

Sword soul!

It must be the return of the Black Dragon Sword Spirit!

This sudden surprise. Let Gu alone be almost fainted. Black Dragon Sword, regarded by himself as an intimate partner to accompany his life, has not been around for a few days. Although I have never said it, it is absolutely not suitable!

Now, I am actually looking back and returning to my arms? !

This huge surprise. Can you not be overjoyed if you are alone?

What makes him happy is that he is overjoyed. He heard two shouts.

"Gu Erge!"

"I am Xie Danqiong! I am coming without injury..."

These two voices make Gu alone tremble.

Almost excited to flow out of tears.

my brother!

Are you here? !

And still come with my black dragon sword!

In such a dead end, suddenly I can reunite with my brother, what kind of feeling is that! ?

At this moment, Gu alone did just want to scream: "I am here..."

However, the moment I just shouted for the exit, I suddenly stopped.

Because, at this moment. A cold, extremely uncomfortable feeling. Suddenly surged.

This feeling made Gu alone shut his mouth, and, with the quickest movement, suddenly caught the mouth of Gu Mianling who was about to scream and rejoice.

Because, this sudden feeling, let Gu alone be the next cold!

That feeling seems to be... my life path, has come to the end of the touch?

Why is this feeling?

How can this feeling appear! ?

My brother is outside, absolutely they are personally, everyone brothers for so long, don't say that they are so loudly shouting, even if it is a small gasp, no one can pretend to be one of them in front of themselves, let alone two One!

And it can be heard completely, they are full of energy at this moment, and the spirit is uplifting!

The purpose of their coming here is to meet me. How can I give birth to the extreme feeling of coming to the end?

where is the problem? Where is it?

Gu alone did his best to think hard.

This feeling came too suddenly, too real, and true to make Gu alone unacceptable.

The more often it is in a serious injury, the more sensitive the person feels.

The more it is repaired, the sharpness of the knowledge will be several times higher than the normal time.

If this feeling is not false, it means that I am in danger, and it will not matter if I fall into my body. But if I am involved in my brother's body, it is hard to see and die, but I can't shake it at this moment!

Gu Zonghang frowned and felt silently, clearly feeling Dong’s wounds and other people’s anxious cry with eagerness, feeling the excitement of the Black Dragon Sword that he wanted to return to his own hands...

Then, Gu Zhixing suddenly trembled.

In his gaze, the flow overflowed for a long time.

I finally found it and finally found the place where I gave birth to the source of terror.

Actually... turned out to be his own black dragon sword!

As the original owner of the Black Dragon Sword, the person who gave birth to the soul of the sword, Gu’s familiarity with his own Black Dragon Sword has reached a point where he can see nothing!

He knows the composition of each part of the Black Dragon Sword, and each point is composed! Even, every feature of the Soul Calibur is clear to the chest... Today, the Soul Calibur is still the original Soul Calibur, without any damage.

Moreover, I really want to see myself again.

The only thing that is not right is... At the side of the Soul Calibur, there is still a cold and extremely powerful force, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move, searching for people!


<Seeking a monthly ticket! ! >(To be continued.)

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