Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 794: Life and death are the same!

The evil and chill of this power is creepy and chilling.

The most fearful thing for Gu alone is that... this power is hidden in the Black Dragon Sword, and even the sword soul itself has not noticed! Moreover, this force, I am actually very familiar!

Because this power and the power of its own, like a trip!

It was actually from the same person!

Only my holy king!

"Oops!" Gu Zhixing, who was in a state of crisis, suddenly widened his eyes: "Danger!"

"What is the danger?" Gu Miaoling's mouth is still being squatted by him, asking with a look.

"We are in danger, and Dong Wujue and Xie Danqiong are now facing more dangerous conditions!" Gu alone is almost chaotic, and inhales deeply, calms himself down, but still feels confused and confused. Calm down.

"Only my saints know the relationship between our brothers, and know that my brother can't stand my sword in the hands of the enemy anyway. So, set a trap and deliberately let them steal the black dragon sword. ......"

"And the Holy King laid a subtle trace of the spirit on the Black Dragon Sword... As long as they found me, only the Holy One will immediately take care of it without any worries..."

"And the Holy King did not do anything before they found me... So, it can be speculated that the plan of my sage is to want to kill all of us..."

"So he is waiting for me! Wait for me to appear."

"As long as I appear, it is the timing of his shot..."

"In other words... If I don't show it for a while, they won't be in danger for a while?" Gu Lianxing frowned. At this moment, my heart has already thought of too much...

"Is it like this? I guess it is right?"

"So how do I inform them? Now that my repairs have not been restored, I can't use secret words to transmit them; even if I use them barely, I will be intercepted by the Holy King and expose my position earlier... What should I do? ?? Gu alone, a hundred knots, for a while, what is the way can not think of it.

But one thing is already very certain: the crisis is already imminent!

How can this deadlock be broken? !


At this time, I only heard the position above my head. Dong did not hurt the laughter's voice came: "Gu Erge, hahaha... The soul of the sword will stop here when you come here, you will definitely be here. Is it necessary for the younger brother to turn it up and put it? Can you dig it out?"

As soon as I heard this sentence, Gu’s mind was fiercely clever.


This is true, completely bad!

this moment. Gu’s one heart is like an ice cave.

Dong Wushou and others are coming for themselves. At this moment, I am also looking for my own traces. Gu alone or even as witness can generally imagine the faces of the brothers.

What kind of ecstasy is that.

But the more so, the more worried you are, the more eager you are. You two idiots... I don’t know if anyone else is tracking.

They are not as familiar with the Black Dragon Sword as they are, and at this juncture, they are so unscrupulous.

However, this scorpion has pushed themselves into a desperate situation!

Because, the person who followed them. It is a nightmare, it is death!

This is the dying body. Even if it is waiting to die, there is nothing. This is a living day, this is earned.

However, once they really fight it... Dong did not hurt them, and they are absolutely not spared. It is bound to be buried together! No luck!

How to do?

Gu alone is almost anxious about the heart.

But there is no way, no help!

Nothing to do!

Because Gu Zhixing knows the horror of the Holy King, and after the call of this voice, he does not appear, and the result is already the same.

The finale of all the people who have fallen here is already doomed!

The only chance to save, or only -

Gu Zhixing took a deep breath; gently said: "Little stay here first, look after the old cloth, remember to wait, no matter what happens, don't go out, be sure to remember live."

After all, I stood up and stood up.

Gu Miaoling seems to be aware of what, strangely asked: "Isn't Dong Wong and Xie Danqiong outside? They are our own brothers, what are you worried about? We are in need of help now, it is rare for them to come over... ..."

Gu Zhixing smiled and looked blank. He said: "If only they are, it is natural that everything is going well, but now it is not only Dong, but also Xie Danqiong... and the holy prince... He followed Dong’s injury and they traced it together. You I have to forget how my black dragon sword was lost... but how could it be so easily taken back? This is a bureau, a sacred arrangement of the Holy King, for the death of our brothers..."

Gu Miaoling instantly realized that a face became white and snowy in an instant, and no blood was seen!

As soon as he reached out and grabbed his mouth, it immediately blocked the exclamation.

"I am alone at this moment, only regret! I can't help but I am already dead, and I am better than the brothers now!" Gu Duxing sighed in the sky, unlimited regrets!

Whether it is, it is dead with the brothers. What can happen now?

Gu Zhixing turned and wanted to go, Gu Miaoling was shouting: "Wait!"

She leaned over and left the last spring of life in the still unconscious, and then placed a space ring full of food on the chest of the cloth, muttering: "Bu... ...when you wake up, you have to live well."

Then I stood up and smiled. "Younger brother, I am going out with you. We didn't have an agreement. Life and death are accompanied by Huang Quan?"

Gu Zhixing fixed her eyes on her for a long time, and finally did not speak. After a long while, she said hoarsely: "Good!"

In this world, Gu Miaoling is the most well-informed person. On the contrary, the best understanding of Xiao Miaojie is Gu Xiaodi.

The two walked side by side like this.

Some words. It is no longer necessary to say.

Advise, at this time, has become a jealousy to Gu Miaoling!

Gu Miaoling walked all the way. The face was full of long-lost gentle smiles.

The corner of his eye locked the man around him, and his heart rose to a happy satisfaction.

As early as the meeting of Jiuzhongtian, I had a long-cherished wish to be a husband and wife in this life, even if it was only one day, this life is enough!

There is no regret at all.

not to mention. I have spent so long years together.

This life is enough, there is hate!

The two are coming out together!

Feeling each other, the heart of two people. Tightly connected together, more intimate than ever!


In the sky, the eyes of the Holy King flashed magically. Showing a smug smile of conspiracy.

found it!

Finally found!

That confidant is really here.

Black Dragon Sword. If you don't move here, it has proven everything.

Gu alone, I have to see where you can go!

In the eyes of the Holy King, the cruel light shines. Look closely at the bottom, Gu alone, you should appear?

On the bank of the lake, on the shore, Dong did not hurt Xie Danqiong stood here, still yelling. It is extremely exciting.

However, Gu has not appeared yet.

Didn't appear because the injury was too heavy? Or it is still not sure.

Saint Jun squinted. Still waiting patiently.

I have patience, I can wait!



The calm lake below suddenly turned and the water splashed. The next moment, hundreds of thousands of water arrows hit the sky without warning. Then, it turned into a fog!

Filled with the sky!

For a time, the mist filled the four fields and reached out to the fingers.

The "brush" sounded, Gu Duxing and Gu Miaoling appeared on the shore.

Dong Wushou and others are wondering why they have never seen the trail alone. At this moment, they suddenly saw the appearance of Gu Duxing and they cheered in the future. They listened to the singularity and said: "You all listen to me... if you still When I am your second brother, leave here immediately, leave at full speed, no matter what happens, don't look back! Otherwise, I will die alone!"

This sentence is said to be anxious and fast, and when it is finished, it is a big bang: "Go away!"

Dong Wushou heard a burst of sorrow, but Xie Danqiong and Mo Tears are so beautiful and sorrowful, and they have already come to realize: "Is the Black Dragon Sword being handed? Is someone tracking it?"

On the one hand, the strangeness of the two minds is the attitude of Gu’s singularity. Even if he is seriously injured, he has won the three masters of Dong Wu, Xie Danqiong and Mo Yan, as well as three of the Moyun Tianqixing Guards. This lineup of strength, even if the nine emperors came to the middle of the crime, fear that there is only one way to drink and hate, as to be so solemn?

Immediately, I thought that after I got the Black Dragon Sword, I checked it carefully and carefully, and found no abnormalities. If there is tracking knowledge on it, I should have been discovered by myself!

Will it be too much to worry about?

No, taking care of yourself is not the same!

But if there is really a trace of the existence of the gods, it means that... can do this, look at the entire nine-day Scorpio only...

Thinking of this, both of them are sinking in their hearts.

"Don't ask more, don't hesitate any more!" Gu alone eyes are like blood: "It's too late... Go away!"

At this moment, a strong wind swelled in the air, and the dense fog disappeared instantly without a trace. It was a light wind and a cloud, and a voice said: "Where? Where do you go? Why bother? Hahaha..."

A burst of laughter, a man wearing a masked face, the body is particularly swollen and slowly falling.

Dong did not hurt and stepped forward, shouting: "Who?"

These three steps have crossed and Gu Guxing and Gu Miaoling have already been behind them.

Dong’s unscrupulous body is magnificent and burly. Although he is almost as tall as Gu’s, he is strictly under such a block. If he does not move, no one on the opposite side can see that there are two people behind him. !


< Now in Harbin, I have to go to the film and television base in the afternoon. After the evening, I will return the code and update it later; later.

Seeking a monthly ticket! >(To be continued.)

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