Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 831: What do you know?

Now, finally everything is complete! Everyone's efforts have a real return!

No need to say anything, everything is in the air!

"Well, everyone's merits are complete, we immediately set off to the Tiannan Forest!"

Chu Yang finally looked up.

The five brothers smiled at each other.

Everyone's face has traces of tears, and suddenly began to make fun of each other: "Ha ha ha ha ... this is not good, just cried, the cat is urinating..."

"What are you talking about yourself? Hey! The tears on my body are clearly made by your boy!"

"Ha ha ha..."

In a slap in the air, everyone chased and chased away to the forest of Tiannan.


At the temporary base of the Holy Palace, St. Jun is talking with the Arrow God and others...

Different from the first time I met, I was completely led by the Holy Spirit, because the Arrow God was obviously prepared this time. There are three other people around. These three are the three gods of the elves, and the other three gods other than the elf arrow gods!

In other words, this meeting was unprecedented. The elves and four gods came together and appeared at the same time.

Shengjun smiled and looked at the four people, whispering: "Why, the Dark God is still not here this time? I have been with the Dark God for a long time, but I always have one side, regret!"

This sentence is thorny, but also reminds me, I know your true details.

The arrow **** smiled: "In fact, if the saints are not stressed again and again, this time I am afraid that even the four of us will not come together."

Arrow God does not exaggerate this statement. Since ancient times, the elves have sent any of the elves to the four gods because of their foreign affairs. It has already represented the seriousness of the situation, giving great attention to it, and rarely dispatching more than two elves and four gods. Today, all the elves and four gods have been dispatched. It is true that this meeting will be taken to the extreme and cannot be added.

And it is also guarded to the extreme!

The eyes of Saints are exceptionally sharp: "Lord of the Arrows... Today, you are back to the Elven Emperor. There is only one line apart, why not add more strength?!"

The arrow **** laughed: "Not necessarily, the Elf Emperor of the native. Is it really in the snow and tears?"

The face of Shengjun is serious: "I understand the idea of ​​Lord Arrow, and I understand that the warrior is deeply aware that after fighting with his opponents of the same level, the two sides will meet each other. They will encounter good talents. Especially the other party also performs. It’s completely understandable that the light is upright and the kind of psychology that comes with it. If you change me, I will do the same."

"But the elves have always been far from the forces of the nine-day Scorpio. They have little knowledge of the information of the powerful people in the world. They don't talk about others, but they say that the East Emperor snow and tears. What is he doing, what cultivation, what status, What is the story..." Shengjun looked up and looked at the four people in front of him: "I have mentioned these above, do you really know?"

The four elves of the elves suddenly became obsessed with words and were speechless.

The elves have never been in conflict with the world, self-sufficiency, but another meaning of self-sufficiency, but also the news is occluded, and the outside world is ignorant, naturally, it does not understand the intelligence information of the snow and tears, but this is no way. thing.

What is the identity of the Elf and the Four Gods, and will be arguing in this situation, and the identity of his family will be lost.

If you know, you will not be blocked in the final battle, and you will suffer a big loss.

"You know, when the snow and tears fell on the East Emperor, how many unknown insiders are there? You really think that a poor boy, with only a big fist, can make a good start, and once he achieves the position of the East Emperor?"

Shengjun sneered: "You can also know that the reason why the snow and tears of the year can be famous in the world, how powerful is the force behind it? How is it for him? Is it famous for him? You all know?"

Arrow God's heart: Which Heavenly Emperor climbed to that position, isn't that coming? Is this strange? But there is no denying that these people really don't know.

"You know, the East Emperor can be the first person in the post-Nine Emperor, how many plans are there behind? Can the other people in the post-Nine Emperor be willing to bow down to the court? The nine emperors will be the best in the world. Which one of these people is easy to deal with? Which one is not arrogant? Which one is not just overbearing? But why did you finally lower your head? Admit that snow and tears are the first?"

"I believe that you don't even know, when the snow and tears and the purple tycoon, how many calculations are included? The brothers who have the second person in the world are themselves the masters of the heavenly emperor. With such powerful support, the time is so long. Why is Zihao still dead? Why does Zihao prefer to die and not want to break through? He hopes that he will make a comeback. What is it for?"

"Of course you don't know, when the Purple Emperor was killed and the Zijing Heaven fell, how many conditions of interest exchanged? And you can't even dream, what is the exchange condition, how much snow and tears occupy? What are the benefits? And these benefits, how much is the snow and tears alone?"

"As the sacred monarch of the Nine Heavens, I am in charge of the world. It can be said that this nine-day scorpio is mine. The sable sky also counts on my territory! But why did I not be able to send troops? I was even criticized and planted for blame? I am guilty of grievances, seeing death and not saving!"

"Do you really think that this is just a simple rumor of the rivers and lakes, can these rumors ruin the reputation of my generation of holy princes to that point? Can you let me know what it means to be a million years?"

"What kind of irresistible force exists behind this, is pushing the process? Do you all know?"

"In the past more than a million years, there have been too many 'strange things', and there is no reason. Before the death of the aristocratic queen, the demon of the year was the first strongman of the demon, why did they compete for the demon kings in the demon? When the Lord is defeated, there are some behind-the-scenes black-handed shackles. The reason for the shackles is extremely simple, just because the demon empire is the first force to compete for the Scorpio, and there is a peerless demon after the glory. ”

"Do you know that there is only one queen in the snow and tears, and it is a young man who died young. The East Emperor is not close to the female color since then. He concentrates on the affairs of the East Emperor and praises everyone, but you will never I know, how many wives really exist in the snow and tears? How many confidants are there? How many people in the Nine Heavens swear to steal the green hats, still raise women for the enemy, raise their sons. You are even more difficult to imagine, how many snow and tears are there Later generations? It is difficult to count!"

"Now do you know how many things you don't know?"

St. King disdainfully looked at the Elves and four gods: "The elves have been isolated for a long time. You don't know anything at all, you don't know anything! Just for the sake of a decisive battle in the district, give up the principle and forget the hatred. Is this the simplicity of the praise of the elf's strong, or is it ridiculous for your stupidity?!"

"You know, there are so many Tianbing Pavilions in Jiuzhong, the main event, the longest person is only in his early twenties!" St. Jun sneered: "Arrow God, you can do what they do now at their age." Is it something? If there is one that can be explained as a genius, but everyone is like this... don’t you think suspicious?”

"All of them are young people in their twenties, but they don't fall down in the nine-day sky. They are rising step by step, and they are pacing. The scale of Tianbingge's development is like springing up, flash floods... If there is no huge financial and material support... even if you Arrow God, can you do half of this achievement??"

"The forces of the Tianbing Pavilion are now about to occupy the entire Nine Heavens. Do you know?"

"Where did Tiange Pavilion come from, and why can it rise so quickly, do you know?"

"If it is true that the children of Tianbingge are in charge of this continent, what kind of consequences will you have? Do you know how you can be sure that Tianbinge will take over the mainland, and it will be less trouble than the demon outside the domain?"

"Why do you have such confidence? Who gave it to you?"

"You don't understand the reality at all. The other side is only a proverb in a few words. You can be provoked, and you will be embarrassed by me, even when you ask me!" St. Jun sneered and smiled: "Don't say anything else." Today, the killing of the true spirit of the sun, the tears of the cold and the demon, why do not the two masters do not shoot?"

"Do you really think that only the Shanhe sword can kill the true spirit? The East Emperor Sword and the demon king hook are also the Hanshi soldiers. Can you really annihilate the true spirit?" Shengjun sneered: "Then It’s a complete joke!”

"You are an elf, the nature is kind and pure, and you always get used to thinking about the benefits. I don't blame you. You are blinded by people, and I don't feel surprised. Because this is your greatest strength, and I value you the most." One of the reasons! Because the sky is in danger, I urgently need allies like your elves! More need than before! You don't know, don't understand, unclear, I am willing to explain to you, let you know and understand clearly! ”

The Holy King said with a voice: "But the only thing I am wondering is... Why don't you wait for the truth after the truth, and then come to me for trouble? If you want to be right and wrong now, black and white are confused, the elves and four gods will be dispatched at the same time. Face me? Are you already confirming that I am the object you want to eradicate?"

"Or are you elves really thinking that my cloud people are the only ones who are in charge of the nine-hundred-thousand-year-old sacred priests, can you deceive you without any fucking?"

"You would rather believe in the words of the snow and tears, and don't want to believe my good words?"

"You can't wait?"

"Is it only the snow and tears that are worthy of believing, I am not worthy of the cloud? Then, why isn't the snow and tears a holy priest? If he has such a strong prestige, why is the sacred prince on my cloud?"


<When writing this chapter, I even felt that if I were a fairy god, I would definitely be pitted if I didn’t know the truth in advance. >(To be continued.)

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