Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 832: Three roads, return to the original point [second! 】

"I told you the final return of the Elf Queen, and tell you what the present is now. What does Snow Tears tell you? A few plausible questions, just speculation?"

"You have a fight with the snow and tears, and you have to cherish each other? Is the hero a hero? You are a hero, he must also be a hero?" The sneer of the holy prince: "The Lord of Arrows, if so, I also I can play with you for a while, and I can guarantee that I can make you lose and lose your heart. I will be more convinced than you and the snow and tears. It will be even more cherished! I said it, this is true. , do you believe it or not??"

St. Jun sneered, his face full of ridicule, awkward meaning.

There was nothing in the words between the words.

This long story is almost a slap in the nose of the Elves.

However, the elf four gods are refuted in one sentence!

Yes, what evidence do you have?


Any doubt?

Should not!

As the saint said: You believe in snow and tears, why? Why don't you believe me? And because of what? Snow Tears is the East Emperor, I am still a Saint! If it was just for you to fight with the snow and tears, lost? Then I can also play with you, let you lose more thoroughly, more convinced orally... What is this? Easy!

For the Holy King to be able to overcome himself, the Elf Arrow God does not doubt that even the East Emperor has hidden strength, and he has defeated himself with no flowering power. The prestige is even more above the East Emperor. In the very short time, the Holy King slaughtered the long and fraternal spirits of countless million true spirits. The Elf Arrow God has to sigh, and even a lot.

Sheng Jun said it is good, why? Why?

Is it good or bad to judge one time only by one battle? It is indeed a child's play.

The four gods of the elves are all masters, and they are confused at this moment.

Who is it, is it true? What is the truth... is the truth?

"So. Please tell me clearly, how can we see the truth?" It is the other king of the Elves, who is speaking.

"Yes, what you said about the Holy King is always a long time that has passed. We can't find it even if we want to check it." Arrow God took a deep breath: "But now it is urgent to understand." That is... the key to finding the problem at hand. We only need to know the truth of the matter, the other is not important! All things must have a truth, as long as the truth of the matter is clear. The water is falling out. Who is right and who is at a glance, who is better at the end? Trustworthy, I know myself!"

"And this, please also ask the Holy King to give pointers."

"You finally turned the topic back to the right point!" Shengjun squinted and sighed deeply: "This matter, everything is confusing. It is unclear, but there is a hub. But it can lead to the truth! But it has a lot to do, but it depends on whether you dare to do it..."

"Don't ask what is the hub?" asked the four gods together. At this moment, the four elves look very nervous!

Then, I finally said the idea.

Or just in the next moment, all the truth will come to the fore!

"The way to the truth, there are three directions, you can choose!" St. King extended three fingers. Said softly.

“There are three directions to choose from?” The spirit of the four gods was shocked.

"Yes, these three directions, one of them, is the snow and tears, the other. It is the demon, the devil." Shengjun smiled and looked at the four people with a provocative look.

Sure enough, the faces of the four gods were gloomy. For a time, no one spoke.

It is indeed the problem that turned back to the original point. When the saints first found the elves, because of the whereabouts of the emperor and the elves, they pointed their finger at the emperor. Now they are still aiming at the two. On the body, this is different from before!

Or the only difference, only to further force the elves and the East Queen to formally hostile.

Seeing that the Elves and the Four Gods did not speak, it was obviously a little disappointing for the Holy King.

"I told the arrow **** before, the elf queen was fallen because of this adulterer, and the empress was killed by snow and tears. This is the result of my investigation. The four believe it or not, I can't force it. The four also said that the times are long, and any evidence is difficult to study, but there is still another piece of evidence, which falls on the body of the snow and tears, and the elves are printed!"

"Elves of the Emperor?!" Elf four gods are moving together.

For the death of the Elves, as well as the **** enemy, the elves will not let go, but the deceased has always been embarrassed, but the chasing can only be pursued in the coming days, but the elves are important, and any clues and opportunities cannot be missed.

"Yes, the noble emperor's emperor's seal is in the hands of snow and tears. If you can find this seal in the hands of snow and tears, it is not the best evidence. The truth is not white! On the contrary, if the snow and tears are not in the hands of this seal That is, my word is filthy, the big man is standing between the heavens and the earth, and nothing can be said to the people!" The sage of the sage of the sage is as sorrowful as a sincere gentleman.

"The Holy King said this, we have also contributed 50%. This method is indeed feasible, but the strength of the East Emperor is unpredictable..."

"Well, is it true that the four forces have joined forces to deal with the snow and tears, and are not sure? Even though the four are still unsuccessful, can you still help the dark god?"

Arrow God recalled his own battle and said: "There is still doubt about this matter. Even though I am really serious about catching up with the East Emperor, I am still fighting for it, but I have a battle with it. Points, if the snow and tears are frozen and the whole body retreats, then even if we add a dark god, we will not be able to stay with our best efforts, let alone seized!"

"So, if the object is a demon? If there is a demon behind, you can make the emperor change with the Elven Emperor, and the result is the same." Shengjun asked.

"It's not possible." Arrow God smiled: "The difference between the demon and the East Emperor's strength is at the same line. The strength comparison is roughly between the two. We can't deal with the East Emperor. After the demon, the results are almost the same, not to mention the fact that they are all around. There are seven-star guards and guards, and there is a world of gas and transportation. We can't capture any one of them."

"Especially after the rest of the new defeat, in the case of love, there is really no face to shoot."

Arrow God and the three brothers laughed at each other and said that they really didn't want to say this. So what is different is showing weakness.

However, it is even more undeniable, but it is no longer a decisive battle with the snow and tears after so clear expression, and the mood is inexplicably relaxed.

Thinking of the demeanor of the East Emperor, the pair seems to be through the sky, the hole in the world, the arrow **** has an impulse to not be enemies with him.

"It is true that the Emperor and the demon can't easily catch it." Shengjun's nephew took it slightly, and if so, I really want to put these four elves now in the palm of your hand!

But now it is only reconciled, because once the talks collapse, the situation is only more disadvantageous for themselves.

"Fortunately, we still have a choice, which is the last direction." Shengjun took a deep breath and his face was heavy and serious: "The man is Chu Yang. As long as he is in his hand, he can also force the emperor to give the elf. Huangyin, four people have no confidence in dealing with the East Emperor and the demon. Is it true that you will be sure of this junior generation?!!"

Of course, the Holy King will not tell the Elf four gods. The strength of Chu Yang’s junior is as inconceivable, and he can almost keep pace with Donghuang Snow Tears, and may even be above it.

Even the elves who are unsure of the East Emperor, how can they deal with a certain king!

In fact, compared to the snow and tears and the demon, the person who wants to get rid of him now is Chu Yang!

Chu Yu seat!

This person, the pressure caused to the Holy King, actually far exceeds the East Emperor and the demon!

In addition to the factual strength of his outrageous, he is still alone, Dong Wuju, Xie Danqiong, proud evil cloud... All Tianbing Pavilion, the common boss! What does this mean? what does this mean?

Different from the ignorance of the elves, the heart of the Holy King is clear!

This directly proves one thing: as long as Chu Yang is willing, in one sentence, it can set off the unprecedented situation of the entire Nine Heavens! Although the Holy King himself did not want to admit this fact, he could not deny that Chu Yang had already gone to such a pivotal position without any awareness of it!

His three brothers have become the new heavenly emperor! And Daxitian’s Gu’s loyalty, after he left, Wu’s madness could not be his opponent! Together with the Emperor Tian of the Tianbing Pavilion headquarters, there is also Donghuangtian, which is closely related to the Emperor Heaven! ——+Chuyang is equal to mastering the power of the six heavens and the earth!

What are the concepts of the six heavens and the earth?

When the Holy King thinks about it, he feels chilling!

Or you can say this: Chu Yang is now able to exert the power, even bigger than the holy king... Still more horrible!

And this kind of horror, snow tears and demon hearts have not caused such pressure on the Holy King in this more than one million years!

Or it was only the Zihao of the year that had given the pressure to the Holy King, but even Zihao was still not as good as Chuyang today!

Therefore, Chu Yang is the most urgently wanted person to be removed from the heart of the Holy King!

The first name, no substitute!

There is Chu Yang, the Holy King sleeps uneasy, and the food does not swallow, such as the thorn in the back!

As long as the elves are four gods, or the five gods are going to calculate Chuyang, the result is that no matter who is born or who is dead, it is not important. The result must be that the elves and the Tianbingge are in full swing. This result is the result that the saints want most. It is his most happy result!

"Chuyang!!?" The Elf four gods spit out the name at the same time. Looks different!

"The illegitimate child of the East Emperor and the demon?" Arrow God frowned.

"Yes, it is him!" Shengjun said faintly: "This is also one of the effective ways to solve this problem! As long as you catch Chuyang, or even kill Chuyang, everything will come to light."


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