Transdimensional Marketing

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Three lines:

As of 19:43 in the evening, there are more than 6,000 first orders, and by 12:00 tomorrow, it may be almost 8,000...

I have not had time to count the friends who are currently rewarding, and they are in the crazy code word.

It is estimated that no less than 15 big bosses will reward 10,000 points. This is the 15th watch.

15+60+70, there should be less than one hundred and fifty chapters owed. If the first order increases again, this number will increase...


Originally, I thought I could have 5,000 orders on the shelves, plus the owed and new rewards, at most more than 80 chapters would be added, and it would be paid off in one month.

Unexpectedly, the Hzj666 boss actually came to the Silver League, and the first order result was unexpected. Really owe a lot.

But I'm sure what I say counts, and on the basis of two more guarantees a day, try to explode more than three chapters! continuous.

Everyone knows that this kind of brain-hole text is very difficult to write under the premise of ensuring the quality. I have spent all the time except eating, sleeping, and checking information.

This is my limit.

Please also subscribe a lot for your support and encourage me to burst my liver every day.

Finally, thank all readers who support this book.

With you, there is everything.

Dear, click in, give a good comment, the higher the score, the faster the update, it is said that the new full marks are found at the end of the beautiful wife!

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and fresh reading without ads!

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