Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 131: Earn blood!

   embracing his arms, Chen Yu leaned against the portal, looked at the police officers and astronauts busy in a group, and said: "Don't panic, slow down, don't worry..."

  "Wang...Mr. Wang, I only represent the General Administration of Antai City, thank you for your help." The middle-aged police officer bowed deeply again.

   "Raise your hand." Chen Yu waved his hand casually, and stood up straight: "It seems to be finished?"

   "It's finished."

  Four astronauts, one of them pulled a corner of the big box, and with the support of more than 20 police officers, they moved hard and walked to Chen Yu.

  Looking down, Chen Yu looked at his protective suit, then glanced at the heavy and awkward spacesuits of the four astronauts, and said to the camera: "Did you see it? This is the progress of technology."

  【You can be yourself! 】

  【It's okay to land on the moon. 】

  【Wonderful, wonderful......】

  【I am very curious about how the news network will report tomorrow. 】

  【To the breakthrough of our aerospace industry, cheers! (Dog head)]

  【True·“Dual” month. 】

  [Yes, I got up with my feet...]

  【Sure enough, one person shows but a group of people. 】

   "Then I will go in first, you can follow in."

   straightened up, Chen Yu glanced around the audience and walked into the moon first.

  The moment he passed the arch, the noise disappeared with gravity, giving Chen Yu the illusion that he could fly with his hand.

   "As you can see, I have landed on the moon and feel good."

Leaping forward slightly for a distance of four or five meters, he didn't turn around in mid-air and explained to the camera: "Here is the sea of ​​silence at the equator on the front of the moon, located in the southwest of the center of the front of the moon. The reason why he chose to be here is not necessary. I'll say that everyone knows."

   "Here is the landing point of the Moon Landing Program in 1969."

  After that, Chen Yu manipulates the camera to shift the lens downward.

  You can see the cratered surface of the moon, with the national flag of Jian Guo lying flat.

  This is also the only national flag that has not stood up during the several lunar exploration projects in the country. It was blown down when the lunar module took off...

  50 years of time, it seems that there are not many traces left on it.


  Starting the plasma engine, Chen Yu hovered in mid-air and approached the flag to observe with the 900,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

"There have always been two major doubts about the Jian Country landing on the moon. The first one is why the flag floats." Chen Yu stretched out his hand, touched the flag, and explained: "Did you see it? The flag didn't float at all, it didn't move. The reason why it can be expanded is that there is a wire hanging on the flag. Hmm..."

  He squeezed the support above the flag and raised a thumbs up: "It's awesome, it's a wire! It's not straight yet! It's more perfunctory than drying clothes by yourself..."

  Controlling the engine to fly several meters away, Chen Yu stepped on the surface of the moon with one foot, and then raised his foot.

  A striped footprint is clearly visible.

  "Go on to talk about the second most suspicious point. Many people say that the moon is not wet. How can it be solidified by stepping on it. Can you see it now? It solidified."

  Chen Yu spread his hands: “The ground is full of moondust. There is no wind or rain, and you will naturally not disappear if you step on it. So there is no need to question the matter of Jian Guo’s landing on the moon. This is true.”

   "Fifty years ago, a billion viewers never questioned it."

   "Soviet’s Lunar Probe No. 15 was on the top at the time. I have never questioned it."

   "None of the 300,000 engineers who participated in the Apollo moon landing project questioned it."

  "In the past 50 years, countless experts and scholars in the world who have done earth-moon laser surveys and lunar earthquake analysis have never questioned it!"

  "Even in 2012, the full moon image of my country's Chang'e-2 was photographed with the remains of the moon landing. So there is really nothing to question about the moon landing."

After speaking, Chen Yu turned around, glanced at the four astronauts who walked in through the portal behind him, and continued: "And as far as I know, the Apollo navigation computer didn't even have a decent cpu back then, only more than 4,000 integrated circuits. , The memory is no more than 4k. Even if you add Nasa's large computer, the total memory is only more than 1."

   "With four thousand integrated circuits and one memory, the moon landing was completed. It further proves that the human potential is endless."


   Unconsciously sighed, Chen Yu controlled the engine and flew towards the four astronauts.

  As for the national flag that fell on the ground...

  Aitemo will help who caress!

  He won’t help anyway...

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

When I flew to the side of the astronauts, I saw four people jumping around, taking out various tools and instruments around the big box, setting up equipment, installing sensors, digging and sampling, on-site testing, and data transmission. They were very busy. .

  An astronaut Yu Guang saw Chen Yu approaching, he turned around quickly, took out a flag from the box, and solemnly handed it to Chen Yu.


  Chen Yu took it in a daze. After a while, he stretched out his finger to point to his nose: "Me?"

  The astronaut couldn't nod his head, and could only bend his waist awkwardly.


  Holding the flag, Chen Yu vaguely felt that he had been targeted, but he was not disgusted. He took the red flag happily, found a spot, and inserted it again!

  The flag stood still.

  The unfolded red is in sharp and dazzling contrast with the Stars and Stripes that fell more than ten meters away.

  【66666! 】

  【Great! mighty! stand by! There is hope! 】


  【Full of desire to survive. 】

  【Prepare! sing! Me and my motherland. 】

  【Since ancient times...】

  【We have contracted this moon. (smile)】

  【I just came in, the special effects are the same as the real ones. 】

  【Mengxin, don’t speak, shame. 】

   patted the non-existent dust on his hands, Chen Yu stepped back and nodded in satisfaction: "This is my small movement, but it is the big movement of the entire human race. Yes."

  Seeing Chen Yu finished setting the flag, the astronaut took out a piece of cardboard and a special black oil pen, and awkwardly wrote two words-thank you.

   "You are welcome."

  Receiving the cardboard and the black oil pen, Chen Yu wrote two lines under the two words "thank you" will you finish it? Is there enough oxygen? Let me know when I go back. "

  The astronaut was taken aback, shaking his right hand and wrote on the cardboard: "Can we go back?!"

  Chen Yu was also taken aback, took the pen and wrote: "You don't want to go back?"

   "Think! Think! Think!"

  The astronauts did not expect that Chen Yu would still wait for them to return. Under the surprise, they quickly told the three colleagues of the news.

   Then, the other three astronauts went crazy and hugged each other for half a minute with their arms open, and then accelerated their work.

  When all the equipment was set up, the four people each took out a small shovel and frantically filled the big box with dust and rocks.

  While pretending, the four of them muttered.

  "Blood Earning..."

  "Blood Earning..."

  "Blood Earning..."

   "Blood earned!"

  At the same time, hundreds of people in the hall were shouting wildly in the space command center far away on Earth.

   "Blood earned!"

   "Blood earned!"

  "Blood earned..."

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