Transdimensional Marketing

: Add more settlement...

As of nine o'clock in the morning, the first order is 8000, and there should be a point increase, but not much.

The only regret is that the recommended homepage recommendation came today. If it was before yesterday, it might reach 9,000. Thank you for subscribing.

Settlement now, 20 more owed before, plus 80 more for the first order, 50 silver for Zjh666 bosses, 30 more for 17 bosses over 10,000.

A total of 180 more owed!

Now it's 2 more, and it's over now...


Let me talk about one more digression... What I said before, adding more changes, has always meant violent liver changes, not one-time violent changes. If I had a manuscript, I would not only update one chapter when I went to the hospital on Wednesday, and my friends who had been reading it also knew that when the book was in the new issue, I still had books on the site, and it was always in full load. Don't bring rhythm to those little friends, thank you.

Then there is the list of thanks:

Thank you "Some Memories of the Past" for your 100,000 rewards!

Thank you for your 50,000 rewards from "Student Liu who is always a book star".

Thank you "Ask you if you are cold" for the 20,000 rewards.

Thank you for the 12,000 rewards from the friends of "This should be a beautiful day in the coming years".

Thank you "Knight Guarding You 23333" for the 14,000 reward.

Thank you "Su Ranyou" for your 10,000 reward.

Thank you "Yin Shixiu" for your 10,000 reward.

Thank you "Liyi" friend for the 10000 tip.

Thanks to the "One Night Stand" brothers for their 10,000 rewards.

Thanks to the "lonely patient 371" brother for his 10,000 reward.

Thank you "Winter Rain" for your 10,000 rewards.

Thank you "haiwx" friends for your 10,000 tips.

Thanks for the 10,000 reward from the old man of "Causality, Destiny and Destiny".

Thank you "Brother's Little Crazy" friend for your 10,000 reward.

Thank you "Hua Li Wei San" for your 10,000 reward.

Thank you "He Xiaopang" brother for your 10,000 reward.

Thank you "Thank you for milk and clear soup" friends for 10,000 rewards.

Thank you 5000 for the expired item.

Thanks for raising ghost tycoon 3000 for reward

2000 rewards for the three book friends "tail number 11131", "personal companion" and "tail number 30281 book friends".

"JRXADS", "Book Friends with End Number 35972", "I am Free to Read", "Book Friends with End Number 39804", "Follow Your Heart", "Little zzg Kill God", "Fuqin to Drink", "Yellow Rotten Man" "," "Mo Kea", "Tail Number 19051 Book Friends", "Yufeng Go 80,000 Miles", "Tail Number 48555 Book Friends", "cc178", "Zi Meng Xian Yin" Fourteen friends 1000 dozen reward.

Thank you "It's Xiaoxian", "The lazy pig in summer", "Guess who I am", "Nothing to say", "Brother Li", "Li Yongsheng", "Xie Duan", "Unburnable" "Grass", "Tail No. 37284 Book Friends", "Taste of Tea", "No Regrets Youth", "A Stupid Dog", "Birangping", "Handsome than Run", "Mo Ningyu", "Lx31674", "Purple Wood Chun", "Take off your pants and go up", "Weiwei Soy Milk", "Uncle Hua Yang", "Wing Lei Woody", "This book is written so well", "Don't "Pretentious", "Kehei", "Luo Yemeng", "End Number 52023 Book Friends", "End Number 57558 Book Friends", "End Number 11026 Book Friends", "SSR, Beiluo", "Better Tomorrow" , "Big Mouse", "Liver Emperor" friends 500 tips.

Thanks also to all the brothers who gave small rewards and subscribed to Meng.

All of the above are hand-played.

Because the background is always jumping, UU read www.uukanshu. com may not take care of it, please forgive me.

I have to go to bed, good night, and there will be more at night.

Only 178 more...

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