Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 135: The official live broadcast ends

() After a brief interaction with the crazy fans, seeing more and more helicopters hovering around, Chen Yu stopped delaying and separated the crowd.

"Let me make a place, friends."

The crowd squeezed to and fro, separating a clearing with difficulty.

Walking to the middle of the open space, Chen Yu made a signature cross-finger gesture, facing the camera to summarize: "The audience in the live broadcast room, after a few hours of evaluation, this live broadcast will come to an end. Thank you very much for the Harqiu military industry. This special protective suit of, can give everyone a glimpse of the fascinating appearance of the eight planets, although only half of it..."

"Then before it ends, I have something to notify."

After a pause, Chen Yu turned his head, glanced at the fans behind him who were "excited", and continued: "From this live broadcast, in future live broadcasts, I may find one or more viewers, and I Let's evaluate the effects of future technology products. The methods of selection include but are not limited to barrage, rewards, and then arresting people on the street. I hope everyone will participate actively."

"And all the money rewarded, I will donate to the ball welfare system free of charge. Because I feel that instead of spending the money in my hands, it is better to give it to someone more worthy of help. It is enough to contribute my meager strength to the ball mankind. ."

At the end of the speech, Chen Yu took off his glove and armor. He glanced at the bullet screen in his watch and found that many people were praising himself. He nodded with satisfaction and then said: "Besides, the audience who reviewed together have a chance to get small gifts. At the very least, you can take a photo with me as a souvenir."

Damn it? ! Pick me!

Choose me choose me!

Lie down, you can figure it out.

The little girl is 18 years old and has not married yet.

Bidding? Oh, my sword is already hungry and thirsty.

My name is Fu Li, do you give me all the money?

Me, live well, Superlink.

Chen Yu's announcement caused the students behind him to boil again.

"Master up! Choose me!"

"Take me with you."

"My grandpa paid attention to you when he was young, so I must choose me!"

The crowded students suddenly interrupted Chen Yu's rhythm of words: "Don't crowd! Stay a little behind. This beauty...Don't touch it."

Upon seeing this, the police officers on the sidelines immediately rushed to maintain order.

"Thank you."

Nodding politely to the police officers, Chen Yu faced the camera, crossed his fingers, and continued to summarize his speech: "I feel everyone's enthusiasm. But there is no permanent banquet in the world. The fourth official live broadcast is about to end."

"The technology three hundred years later is so incredible to us now. What is even more incredible is that such technology is not enough to allow us to penetrate into a small gaseous planet."

"I can endure the darkness, if I have never seen the sun. Now that we have seen a wider world, we can no longer bear the heart that chases the truth."

Opening his arms, Chen Yulang said: "The universe is so big, in the future, let's go see it together."

"This evaluation ends here."


When the words fell, Chen Yu decisively closed the live broadcast room despite the barrage of the mountains and the tsunami.

"Ha... it's over."

With a deep breath, he put on his gloves and armor, walked straight to the edge of the roof, turned his head, facing the crowd, extended his index and middle fingers to his temples, snorted, and then jumped down from the roof.


After landing in the air, Chen Yu activated the plasma and disappeared into the vast crowd in the dazzling blue tail flame.

The female student on the roof: "So handsome..."

The male student on the top of the building: "Good show..."

The police officer on the roof: "Line up! No one is allowed to go!"


Entering the cabin hall of the island-building engineering ship through the portal, Xiao Taohong was squatting in the corner, holding Chen Yu's mobile phone, startled.

"Are you watching my live broadcast?" Chen Yu took off his helmet and headgear, and walked towards Xiao Taohong with a smile: "How about? There is something in this live broadcast, right?"

"I do not know."

Little Taohong looked up in a daze: "There is no signal in the deep sea."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Hey, I didn't live with Mr. Chen, so lonely."

"Not alone, happy today, I will lead you to dinner." With that, Chen Yu came to the repair warehouse of the protective clothing, opened the hatch, and got in.


The hatch slowly closed, releasing an unknown disinfectant mist. Then the two robotic arms flexibly removed the armor on the protective clothing.

1.3% damage

94% of the remaining gas

The estimated repair time is 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

Taking off the purple protective clothing, Chen Yu walked out of the repair warehouse, took a bath in the swimming pool inside the ship, put on a set of daily clothes, and walked to the portal to operate.

"What do you want to eat? Which national dish?"

"Mr. Chen should know that Xiao Taohong can't eat, right?"

"I know. I already knew it. You didn't eat it the last time you went to Florence."

"Then why would you invite me to dinner?"

"Because I want to eat."



When Chen Yu and Xiao Taohong returned to the bedroom, it was already half past two in the afternoon, and the house was quiet.

"Everyone is out?"

Chen Yu pushed open the door and walked out of the bedroom. He saw no one left behind, all sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking speechless.

In the middle of the living room, the Husky squatted honestly, his dog face desperate...


Realizing that the atmosphere was not right, Chen Yu wanted to go back the same way, but it was too late.

"Chen Yu, what are you doing in the house? Knocked for a long time without responding, thinking you were out."

"Ah... fell asleep."

"Fell asleep." Mother Chen chuckled and beckoned: "Come on, Chen Yu, come here."

"Mom, what's the matter?" Biting the bullet and walking into the living room, Chen Yu suddenly pointed at the Husky with grandiose acting skills: "Fuck? Where's the dog?!"

"Don't play tricks." Father Chen on the side took a sip of tea leisurely: "My three baby girls have all exposed you."

"Reveal...what to expose?"

"Chen Yu! Why didn't you get our consent to raise a dog secretly?" Mother Chen looked serious: "I don't know the dog is dirty? There are bacteria? What if your three sisters get scratched?"

"Huh?!" Chen Yu looked at his three younger sisters in amazement.

Chen Yi, Er, and San Ke turned their heads at the same time, looking at the early winter scenery outside the window.

Chen Yike: "It's snowing again."

Chen Erke: "Yes, yeah."

Chen Sanke: "Yes."

"Your sisters have said it." Mother Chen pointed to the Husky: "It's useless to persuade you. She insists on raising her."

"! I didn't raise this dog!" Chen Yu looked at his three sisters angrily: "What did you say? Do you know what honesty is?"

Chen Yike: " you admit it."

Chen Erke: "Lying is not a good boy."

Chen Sanke: "One plus one gets two, two plus three gets six..."

"Mom." Chen Yu turned his attention to Mother Chen again: "Do you believe they don't believe me?"

"You didn't raise it, why put it in your house?" Mother Chen raised her chin proudly with her arms akimbo.


Scratching the top of his itchy head, Chen Yu spread his hands: "Okay, then I will have a showdown. The purpose of raising this dog is to make a delicious meal for everyone. These days I have even learned how to make it, so I will show it to everyone. Show the cooking skills."

Husky raised his head fiercely: "?"

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