Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 168: Only 3 Ke is the cutest...

"Fuck? Can she see me?"

In the living room of the Chen family, Chen Yu was hidden in the invisible cloak, and he did not dare to breathe.

"Huh?" Chen Erke tilted his head in doubt for a while, put down the crayons and stood up and walked towards Chen Yu step by step.

"She can really see me?"

Chen Yu was shocked and backed away again and again.

Chen Erke walked to the position where Chen Yu stood before, got down, twitched his nostrils and sniffed: "Where is the foot smell?"

Chen Yu: "..."

"Smelly like brother's."

Chen Yu: "..."

"It's disgusting." Chen Erke frowned, stuck out his tongue, walked back to the sofa, and continued to paint...

Chen Yu: "..."

"It's really not cute at all!"

Angrily cursed secretly in his heart, Chen Yu turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Maybe he was angry, he suddenly felt a little urgency.


Pulling open the bathroom sliding door, a puff of smoke puffed in.

Looking intently through the camera, Chen Yu's face was full of black lines.

Seeing the Husky lying on the edge of the toilet, holding a cigarette with his paws, leisurely swallowing clouds and fog.

Hearing the sound of sliding the door, it turned its head "indifferently", and found no one, then took another puff of smoke and flicked the soot at the toilet...


A faint white mist overflowed from his nostrils, and the Husky rolled his eyes in satisfaction.


At this moment, a yellowish jet of water suddenly sprayed out in the air, extinguishing the cigarette...

"Waterwan?" Husky was stunned on the spot, tilting his head and looking at the water column that appeared out of thin air, his face blank.

"Wow, wow..."

Before long, the water column shrank until it disappeared, and Chen Yu suddenly opened the transparent cloak, grabbed the cigarette from the dog's paw and threw it into the toilet, yelling: "You beast actually smokes?!"

Husky stared at the dog's eyes, looked at Chen Yu who appeared suddenly, then looked at the cigarette in the toilet: "Meow?"

"Meow, your sister! You are a dog!" Chen Yu grabbed Husky by the ears: "Say! The whole family doesn't smoke, where did your cigarette come from?"

"Wow!" Husky defended.

Chen Yu: "..."

"Wow! Oh wow!" Husky shrugged with a serious face, "Wow."

"Can you speak human words?"

"Wang~can\'ttalk Wang Wu..."

"English?!" Chen Yu was dumbfounded: "You girl can speak English?!"

"Y...Yes..." Husky opened his mouth wide and squeezed a vague word from his throat: "anyque...esti woo~ions?"

After a long silence, Chen Yu flushed the toilet, put on an invisible cloak, and silently exited the bathroom: "Big guy, I'm bothering you."

Closing the sliding door, Chen Yu stood in front of the bathroom door, squatted on the ground and drew a circle, unconsciously a sense of sadness surged in his heart.

This dog wandered around behind Chen Yike's **** all day, and he actually learned the **** English...

Should we study the theory of relativity in the future?


With a deep sigh, Chen Yu put on his cloak and walked to the door of Chen Yike.

"Be reasonable, the dog can speak English behind the boss. There is no reason why I can't learn it?"

Thinking of this, he gently opened the door and saw Chen Yike sitting at the desk, performing indescribable behavior...

She actually played crazy on the piano poster! The voice is still dubbing: "Dangdang! Dangdang!"

The intoxicated expression, swaying body, and long flying hair shocked Chen Yu's spirit severely, and finally closed the door slowly.

"Deep ice!"

"A family of deep well ice!"

Scratching his head in pain, Chen Yu looked around and was at a loss for a while before shuffling to the master bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, I saw Chen Sanke on the small bed in the master bedroom, asleep holding the gold-plated baby bottle. The sun shines through the hollow curtains, leaving spots on her little face, and a tranquil and serene atmosphere fills the entire bedroom...

In an instant, Chen Yu's mentality was calmed by this warm scene.

"The whole family, really only the third child is the cutest."

Sighing, Chen Yu walked to Chen Sanke, stretched out his hand from the cloak, and gently stroked the little girl's plump face.

"This feel, this elasticity, tusk."

"Hmm." Chen Sanke opened one eye in a daze, looked up left and right, found no one, lay down again and continued to fall asleep.

The evil claws appeared out of thin air and grabbed Chen Sanke's face.

"Huh?" Chen Sanke opened his eyes, blinked, and there was still no one around.

Closing her eyes again, it didn't take long before she vaguely heard the sound of "Kacha Kacha".

"Little cookies!"

Sitting up abruptly, Chen Sanke quickly looked at the butter biscuit box in the crib, where five small biscuits were arranged in order.

"Five yuan? Is there five yuan left?"

Suspiciously scratching his feet, Chen Sanke lay down again, hugged the biscuit box tightly, his sleepiness surged, and he fell asleep again in a daze.

Three minutes later, that hand reappeared, gently pulling away the bottle and biscuit box.

When they were sent back, they were all empty...

"It's so cute." Chen Yu chirped his lips, tiptoedly left: "I still know what I left for my brother..."


Back in the bedroom, it didn't take long before Chen Yu heard the sound of Chen Sanke and Chen Erke fighting in the living room.

"Hey, all sisters, can't you get along in harmony?"

Regarding the family relationship between the two younger sisters, Chen Yu worried for a second, then ignored the invisibility cloak, and then lay on the bed and continued to slide the watch screen to check the last recommended product.

5. The eager squid girl: Produced in 2344 by Ren Hell Company. The latest generation of multiplayer real battle games supports up to three groups of 5V5V5 battles. After putting on the squid suit, under the virtual light and shadow rendering, a Q image can be randomly generated to participate in the battle. The paint sprayed by the weapon is composed of virtual light and shadow and quantum sponge, and ordinary people who are not participating in the game will not be splashed and affected by the paint. The price is 120 points.

"A real-life battle game?"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up in an instant, and he explained it carefully, falling into entanglement.

From the perspective of Ren Hell, this product is a game, which should be very suitable for interactive live broadcasts with audiences, and the program effect is absolutely not bad. But the price of 120 points, plus tax, will not be less than 130 points.

"A little expensive."

Frowning and thinking for a long time, Chen Yu looked back at the little peach red with the hard code...

"I want to relax Xiao Taohong, and to increase the popularity of the live broadcast. It's definitely not because I want to play."

At this point, he decisively pressed the purchase option and consumed most of the 193 points.

128 points are consumed, and 65 points remain.


The next moment, the space-time wormhole immediately appeared, and a big white box fell out of it.


The box fell on the ground, Xiao Taohong turned her head when she heard the sound, surprised: "It's a toy!"

Chen Yu was stunned: "How do you know?"

"It's a lie to you now!" Xiao Taohong jumped off the chair excitedly and ran to the express box with a mentally retarded smile on her face: "Great, toy! Can the robot play?"

"...Your IQ..." Chen Yu helped his forehead: "Suddenly high and low."

Before the wormhole disappeared, Xiao Taohong picked up the courier box and handed it to Chen Yu, her beautiful big eyes gleaming: "Mr. Chen, unpack it."

"This is for live broadcast." Chen Yu waved his hand: "It can only be disassembled when additional live broadcasts are made."

"When will it be broadcast?"

"The official live broadcast has just ended, so I'll talk about it in a few days. You go to those platforms to post text updates first, and warm up in advance."

"Okay!" Xiao Taohong hurriedly put down the courier box, ran to the laptop to operate, and knocked on the keyboard.

Picking up the box, Chen Yu weighed the weight, and arranged the live broadcast plan in his mind: "This interactive live broadcast must be very interesting..."

At the end of the conversation, he saw another courier box that he had dismantled. He suddenly realized something and quickly rummaged in the room.

"Nima? Where's my cloak?"


There are two chapters in hand, so at least four chapters will be added in the evening!

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