Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 169: Dare to wear Pinru's clothes?

Once, Chen Yu had a magical cloak of invisibility.

As long as you put it on your body, no one can find him except Chen Erke.

But one day, he just threw it away and couldn't find it again...

In the end the car overturned...

"Where did it go?"

At seven o'clock the next morning, Chen Yu hung up his schoolbags as usual and took his three younger sisters to school, thinking about the invisible cloak along the way.

The whole room was searched, and the living room was not overlooked. Even the Husky came to help, but still did not find the disappearing cloak.

"Pit! My ninety points..."

With a long sigh to the sky, Chen Yu stopped, glanced at the kindergarten not far away, and handed the left-hand backpack to Chen Sanke: "Youngest, go to school, have fun, listen to the teacher."

"Okay." Chen Sanke took the schoolbag and squinted at Chen Erke angrily by the way.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Erke put band-aids on the corners of his forehead and mouth, still provoking unconvincingly: "Do you still want to be beaten?"

"Slightly!" Chen Sanke stuck out his tongue: "I hate ghosts."

"You are a nasty ghost!" Chen Erke fisted angrily.

Chen Sanke: "Rebound."

Chen Erke: "Rebound again."

"Bounce again! Full stop."

"Modify the number, rebound, full stop, cannot be modified."

"Modify the smear, rebound! Whoever rebounds is the dog."

"Wow! Rebound!"

Chen Yu heard a black line, and quickly dragged Chen Erke: "Hurry up."

Chen Erke was dragged out of the street by Chen Yu and said angrily: "Brother, why are you stopping me? I want to fix her!"

"You can pull it down, see if you make the third child beat that B."

"Yesterday it was too small in the living room, I can't use it."

"Did you not run away?"

"Brother!" Chen Erke stomped: "If it's a real sword, she's not my opponent."

"Good job, you are great,"

"Brother." Chen Erke's mouth bulged: "I want to learn Taekwondo."

"What are you doing?" Chen Yu looked up and down: "Vengeance?"

"Do you still use martial arts to fight the third child?" Chen Erke pretended to be disdainful: "I just want to keep fit. The teacher said that girls should learn some self-defense skills. Brother, you have money now, can you enroll me in a taekwondo class? ?"

"This one……"

"I beg you, my good brother." Chen Erke hugged Chen Yu's thigh, rubbing and rubbing: "Please! Let me learn. I step on my brother's back every day."


"Really!" Chen Erke nodded repeatedly.

"Well, my brother will enroll you in a taekwondo class. The first term must be completed. If you can endure the hardship, I will pay you back."

"Really! Brother is awesome! Brother is awesome! Thank you brother..."

"Stop...stop! Don't mess around! Stay away!"

"Brother! Do you really want the second child to seek revenge from the third child?" Chen Yike, who followed, frowned.

"What revenge? The kid forgot after a few days of fighting." Chen Yu raised his pants and waved his hand: "It's okay to let the second child learn self-defense skills, keep fit, and not be bullied in school."

"Yes!" Chen Erke nodded in agreement.

"You're at the station, go to school." Stopped, Chen Yu threw the schoolbag in his right hand over: "Listen to the teacher, if you are bullying you, tell me."

"I know, brother, I love you."

"I love you too."

Watching Chen Erke hop into the school, Chen Yu turned his head to look at Chen Yike, was silent for a while, and said: "Shall I report you to a class?"

"Give me? What class do you report for?"

"How about the piano class."

"Steel... piano?" Chen Yike's face suddenly flushed: "I...I don't like piano, why do you learn that!"

"Really don't like it?"

"No... I don't like it."

"Oh." Chen Yu smirked: "Then don't do it."

"Yeah." Chen Yike opened her mouth, still did not say anything, silently followed Chen Yu, and walked towards the school.

After walking for four minutes, he came to the gate of the junior high school. Chen Yu threw the bag on his chest, turned and left: "Listen to the class, and don't talk about the subject, otherwise the legs will be discounted."


Holding the schoolbag, Chen Yike stared at the back of Chen Yu's departure, silently.


Passing through the school gate and the teaching building, Chen Yu walked into the classroom of Class 2 of the second year and sat in his place.

"Chen...Chen Yu is early."

Xing Biqi in the front seat turned around, his face slightly red.

"Yes." Chen Yu nodded perfunctorily, took out his mobile phone and entered station B, ready to watch the video clip version of the live broadcast yesterday.

"Have you eaten?"

"have eaten."

"I... I made some snacks again, would you like to try it?" With that, Xing Biqi had already handed the delicate lunch box to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows: "Why do you feed me every day? Where's the pocket money?"

"Save it." Xing Biqi sounded like fine lines.

Taking the lunch box, opening the lid, and discovering that there was a pink strawberry ice cream cake inside, Chen Yu was silent for a moment and picked up the chopsticks: "Did you make it?"

"Yeah." The girl nodded blushing.

"I almost believed it." After adding a spy scene in his mind, Chen Yu inserted chopsticks into the cake, picked up a piece, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xing Biqi clenched his hands and looked at Chen Yu expectantly: " Is it delicious?"

Chen Yu shook his head, swallowed the cake, and took another piece.

"Not delicious?" The girl looked disappointed.

Chen Yu continued to shook his head and clamped another piece.

"Is it delicious?"

Chen Yu still shook his head.

"Chen...Chen Yu, can you show me something?" Xing Biqi pinched the corner of his clothes tightly: "I...I will improve next time."

"It means it has been given to you." Chen Yu said.


"Did you see my hand holding chopsticks?"

"I saw it."

"Take the chopsticks away."

Xing Biqi pulled out the chopsticks suspiciously.

And Chen Yu kept holding the chopsticks, and said coldly, "Do you see what this posture is?"

The girl stared at Chen Yu's paws carefully, her eyes gradually widening.

Chen Yu slowly gathered his little finger, ring finger, and middle finger, leaving only the index finger and thumb of "Bi Xin?", and smiled: "I've been expressing it all the time."

Xing Biqi covered his mouth and was instantly moistened by this wave of fluttering eyes, and his voice was crying: "Thank you...thank you."

"I'm not sure if you made it, but it's delicious."

Withdrawing his hand, Chen Yu swallowed the last piece of cake: "You can turn it over."


The girl touched her tears and turned around excitedly. But after a while, she suddenly turned back and whispered: "Chen...Chen Yu, can you please trouble me with something."

"What's the matter? Say."

"The final exam is coming" The girl gave Chen Yu a shy look: "I have a lot of knowledge and don't know how to do it. Can I go to my home to teach me in a few days? "

"Go to your house? Teach you to learn?"

"Well. During this period of time grandparents are not at home?~"

"That's it." Chen Yu thoughtfully: "Which subject?"


"Oh..." Chen Yu suddenly looked up and down Xing Biqi, and the corners of his mouth raised: "Yes, yes, I am good at physics. I have something to do these days, in a week, go to your house and teach you to learn."

In the last two words, Chen Yu deliberately increased his intonation

"Hey, hey." Xing Biqi's blush spread to the roots of his ears, and he quickly turned around and stomped on the table in excitement.

Chen Yu sneered.

"Dare to wear Pinru's clothes?"

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