Transdimensional Marketing

: 193 All the people... boiling! (under)

Latest URL: () "Hiss!"

The white mist sprayed and the small door opened slowly.

The middle-aged team leader and the soldiers looked at each other without hesitation, and led everyone in with strides.


When the last person walked into the door, the small metal door closed instantly, isolating the last ray of light from the outside world.

However, because the magnetic levitation train parked in the middle lights up spontaneously, the visibility inside the pipeline is much stronger than outside the seal.

"It's incredible."

The soldier slowed down and reached out to stroke the cold, smooth, silver-white body of the train, his eyes flashing: "Two thousand kilometers in the rock body, there are no scratches... If this alloy can be used on armor... …"

"It's difficult to analyze the body alloy formula." The middle-aged team leader shook his head and raised his finger to the ceiling: "But we already have the alloy for the vacuum pipe."

"Has the team at the magic city recorded it?" The soldier was surprised.

"Of course. I remember clearly how much iron, copper, and rare earth elements were put in, and it won't take long to make them in the laboratory."

"Give it to our army first!"

"Apply to the superior, what we said is not counted..."

During the conversation, the two passed through a long train car that was nearly a kilometer away and came to the first car.

The door of the car was opened, and the little pink in the eunuch's uniform stood tall and stood guard in front of the door.

"Hello Madam, I am the person in charge. I am very honored to meet you. How do I call you?" The middle-aged team leader smiled impeccably and politely.

"Just call my father-in-law." Xiao Taohong saw the middle-aged team leader vaguely familiar, but was too lazy to retrieve the memory data. She scanned everyone in detail with her eyes and pointed at an engineer: "You can't bring your purse. ."

"This...this?" The engineer stunned and lifted the leather bag in his hand: "Is there a problem?"

"There is radioactive material in it, so you can't bring it up."

Hearing this, the middle-aged team leader's eyes became sharp instantly, and he turned to look at the engineer behind him: "What is it."

"Measuring... measuring tools." The engineer hurriedly opened the leather bag and nervously showed it to the middle-aged team leader.

"Set aside."


An agent took the bag and left the crowd.

"Father-in-law, are there any other abnormalities?" The middle-aged team leader looked at Xiao Taohong and smiled.

"No more, come up."

On the side of Xiao Taohong's body, leave the space: "Go right after getting in the car, don't make noise."


Waved to everyone, the middle-aged team leader stepped into the carriage first.

Stepping on the soft carpet, he raised his head and glanced at the eight characters produced by China Railway Construction Group, took a deep breath, and walked towards the front of the car without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom..."

The corridor at the front of the car is extremely narrow, and everyone is silent, which makes the footsteps extremely harsh.

Half a minute later, the middle-aged team leader came to the end, reached out to hold the door handle, gritted his teeth, and pushed open the iron door marked with the cab.

As soon as he entered the door, his waist straightened up, and the original heaviness and anxiety on his face became confident and strong.

The cab is much more spacious than the video. It's not so much a cab as it is a cab.

In the hall, you can see the back of Chen Yu's "pretending" meditator at a glance.

With regard to the character of this high school student, the middle-aged team leader was already familiar with it and could no longer be familiar with it. Enduring the comical daring that surged from the bottom of his heart, his expression remained unchanged, and he strode forward: "Hello Mr. Wang."

"Hello there."

Chen Yu shook his dragon robe and turned around coquettishly. When he saw the familiar face of the middle-aged team leader, he was taken aback, but then he recovered and stretched out his hand: "It's nice to see you."

"me too."

The two shook hands, keeping a delicate distance.

"Mr. Wang, thank you very much for your outstanding contributions to the railway industry, scientific and technological progress, and civilized development. I only represent..."

"Don't represent it, talk about business."

Chen Yu himself is not disgusted with these clichés, especially these words still "praise" him.

But as a public-facing evaluation agency, he is not willing to let the audience see these meaningless things.

"Today's evaluation time is long enough. Let's speed up and bind permissions." Waiting for everyone to enter the cab, Chen Yu is straightforward: "First, the authority of the deputy captain, who of you will come?"

When these words fell, everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked at a young man who was bloated and had a mask on his face.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu was stunned. Then the audio in the live room was turned off, and the camera focus was shifted elsewhere.

"The sound is cut off, and the picture can't take you anymore."

"Thank you, and trouble you, Mr. Wang." The young man stepped forward, put a line prepared in advance on his mobile phone, and bowed to Chen Yu.

He is not a staff member of the railway department, and even the unit where he works is unable to reach the railway. It is precisely because of this that he was chosen to be the first person in authority for this future train.

"Your hidden rigor is not much worse than mine." Chen Yu commented: "But pay more attention to details, not superficial."


Middle-aged team leader: "..."

"Then come with me." Chen Yu led the youth to the crystal ball and said: "Put your hands up."


The young man reached out and touched the surface of the sphere.

"Second goods, bind the authority of the deputy captain."

"Operation level-the authority of the deputy train conductor, are you sure?"


"Please keep your eyes open and let the second product collect the iris for you..."

The youth bent over and opened the lens of the mask, revealing a pair of brown pupils.

"The collection is complete. Welcome, vice conductor."

"Alright." Chen Yu waved his hand: "Binding is complete, the next one is an operation-level driver."

More than a dozen people who need to bind permissions silently walked forward and lined up one by one.

And a thousand meters away, a thousand ordinary passengers who had completed the ticket check also entered the pipeline under the command of the police.

"The **** is very steep, everyone pays attention to arrangement, arranges the queue to prevent stamping..."

"The **** is steep, everyone pay attention..."

Amidst the excitement and discussion, over a thousand people walked to the first seal.


The white mist was filled and the metal door opened.

Four police officers rushed forward, stood on both sides of the door, and checked the passengers a second time.


"So long..."

"Mad, there is no net underground."

"There are no windows, all closed?"

"Definitely closed."

The passengers were divided into ten groups, each with one hundred people, waiting anxiously in front of the passenger compartment.




The crowd did not wait long, and the doors of the maglev train opened synchronously, revealing the spacious interior.

Without waiting for the staff to educate, the crowd rushed in and scanned the surroundings with surprise and shock.

Inside the car, the seat is a high-end leather sofa, dining table, sink, and small refrigerator. There is no trace of closed depression after all. The walls and the seven-eight-meter-high ceiling are actually a huge integrated high-definition screen, simulating the environmental scenery outside the car.

Moreover, the simulated environment of each car is different.

Some are rural.

Some are future cities.

Some are submarine corals.

Some are starry universe...

This is a ride experience beyond modern human imagination.

Most passengers, Peng Pan, boiling, and thousands of words in their hearts can only be turned into two words to vent from their throats—


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