Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 194: Speed ​​up dreams

Latest website: Maglev train, inside the cab. Please search on Baidu-

"The collection is complete. Welcome, line inspector."

After completing the permission binding of the last person, Chen Yu looked at the four drivers: "The detailed manual driving method, you can learn in the guide in the future. Don't delay now, just start the train and drive in smart mode."

The four looked at each other a few times, and one of them walked out: "Mr. Wang, I'll come."

"Okay, sit there." Chen Yu pointed to the driving chair aside.

The driver nodded, sitting in the driving chair with a serious face, his muscles tight.

"The driving chair can be slid, and driving in smart mode can be given full authority to the second car, or you can slide next to the crystal ball and touch the crystal ball for partial control."

The driver nodded again, slid carefully to the crystal ball, and put his hand on the ball: "Start...Start the maglev train."

"Yes, driver number 2."


Outside the windshield, two headlights illuminate the pipe in front.

"Before driving, you must first check the power supply of the pipeline." Chen Yu pointed to a virtual projection in front of the driver's eyes: "The entire pipeline is connected to low voltage, so the overall shape of the pipeline can be monitored on the car. If the pipeline is damaged due to an earthquake or other reasons, it is necessary to enter the damaged area with an empty vehicle and repair it in maintenance mode."


"If there are passengers, the mode cannot be switched, otherwise the passengers will be caught."


"That's all I know for the time being. You are a professional driver. I will leave the rest to you."

"Okay. Thank you very much."

Chen Yu waved his hand, reconnected the audio in the live broadcast room, and controlled the camera to point at himself: "I've been waiting a long time, the work of authority has been completed. The maglev train to the magic city is about to start."

"Friends in front of the screen, are you ready? Feel the real speed."

After speaking, Chen Yu reached out and put his hand on the top of the crystal ball and ordered: "Go to the magic city at a constant speed!"

"Yes, the conductor."

Driver: "..."

Accompanied by the crisp electronic synthesis sound, the electromagnetic track is energized to produce a superconducting reaction with the superconductor under each carriage, and when the long-stator synchronous linear motor is energized, it drags the body to move slowly.

The secondary air valve is also slowly opened at this moment to allow the body to pass through.


The body shook slightly for a moment.

This is caused by the air between the air valves being sucked away instantly.

At this point, the entire train has been completely in a vacuum.

【Moved! Moved! 】

[First move slowly. 】

[Now start timing and see how long it will take to reach the demon. 】

[I envy the brakes on the car...]

[They are all guinea pigs, do you still envy you so much? 】

【envy. 】

[Envy +1. 】

【@伊丽莎白鼠. 】




Unlike Chen Yuhe and most people imagine, the maglev train has a lot of bumps during its movement, and it feels like an ordinary high-speed rail.

But amazingly, as the train accelerated to 220 kilometers per hour, all the bumps and shaking disappeared instantly! It was as if the body was completely at a standstill.

"Are you an expert in magnetic levitation?" Chen Yu asked, turning his head to look at an old man.


"Can you explain why the faster the speed, the more stable it is?"

"Because this maglev train uses a superconducting magnetic repulsion method." The old man pushed his glasses and said in "Shan Province Mandarin": "In this way, the gap and speed between the car body and the guide rail are The relationship is that only the train speed exceeds 100 kilometers per hour, the car body can have a suspension foundation. So in the case of slow speed, the train and the guide rail are in contact. The speed is fast, it can be suspended. After the suspension, there is no contact friction, naturally It's stable."

"In other words..." Chen Yu stretched out a finger: "The speed is too fast to take off?"

"...Cough cough cough..." The old professor didn't breathe well, choked with saliva.

[Hahaha 2333. 】

[Understanding ghosts. 】

[The show effect explodes! 】


[I almost believed it. 】

[Speed ​​600 kilometers! Is the acceleration so fast? 】

"If it weren't for personal experience, I couldn't believe that at a speed of 700 or 800 kilometers per hour, there would be no feeling." Chen Yu stretched out his hand and moved the virtual projection to enlarge the speed value icon.




The numbers rose rapidly, easily surpassing the standard flight speed of passenger aircraft.

With artificial intelligence calculations, acceleration does not make people feel uncomfortable.

"Such acceleration will continue to 5000 kilometers per hour. At that time, we will be only ten minutes' drive away from the magic capital..."

Looking at the rising number, he sighed for a moment, Chen Yu turned around, bypassed the surrounding officials, and walked straight out of the cab.

"Wang, where are you going?" Xiao Taohong quickly caught up.

"It won't be long before you get to the magic city. First take the audience to the guest room to take a look."

In the distance, the middle-aged team leader who heard this made a look, and the four special agents followed suit.

Passing through the first and second carriages, Chen Yu stood at the end of the carriage, opened the door from the inside, and was stunned on the spot.

The little Taohong and the agents who followed behind, and even the more than five million spectators, all fell into a state of crash at the same time...

In the passenger compartment, there is a world like magic.

In the sky, three blue moons are hidden among the red clouds.

On both sides, weird trees regressed rapidly. From time to time, a white unicorn flew up, watching the hundreds of passengers in the car with curious eyes...

【? ? ? 】


[Nima! I crossed it? 】

[Fuck! 】


[According to Einstein's theory of relativity, if the speed exceeds the critical value, a space wormhole will break into the world of the Trisolaran...]

[It's so beautiful! 】

[It is a real-time simulation of the screen! Awesome! 】

[This is not the subway in my memory...]

[Go now, go to the capital, and sell iron! Grandpa has to sit down again! 】

[I want to sit every day. 】

[Will you get tired of sitting? 】

[What do you think? The more you sit, the more you love to sit! 】

[The car wheel crushed my head...]

In the passenger compartment, most people were "indulged" in the beautiful scenery outside the window and did not notice Chen Yu's appearance.

The few found were blocked by four agents and stopped back.

"In addition to vision, my sense of smell, hearing, touch, feeling...all tell me that the world outside the car window is real." Chen Yu opened his arms, took a deep breath of the magical scent of flowers, and closed his eyes: "This is what Technology, technology in the next 100 years."

"In the future, it has sublimated human life into art."

After half a minute, Chen Yu opened his eyes and scanned a circle of passengers who seemed to be awake in dreams, unwilling to disturb their wonderful experience, and quietly stepped back and closed the door.

"Now the speed should reach 5000 kilometers per Let’s make the last evaluation."

Looking at the camera, Chen Yu walked hurriedly towards the cab and waved his hand.

"Let's speed up'Dream'!"

"Goal: 14,000 kilometers per hour!"


(Note: Thanks to the leader "Guardian Your Knight 23333" for the reward.

Yesterday plus today is a total of three chapters plus more.


In the past two days, a total of 140,000 rewards, plus 14 chapters.

A total of 204......[?_??])

Time and space evaluation

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