Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 202: This fear goes deep into the bones (below)

() "Crack."

Pushing open the security door, Chen Yu took Chen Sanke back home.


As soon as he stepped into the house, Chen Yu sniffed and frowned, "How come you smell the barbecue?"

"Grasshopper! Give me snacks!" Chen Sanke didn't care about the smell of the house at all, took the big pocket in Chen Yu's hand and ran away laughing.

"It's so heavy." She went straight back to the master bedroom, held the food bag dangling into her small bed, rubbed her waist, then took out two packs of sandwich biscuits, hurried out of the bedroom, and looked left and right.

"The third child, what are you going to do?"

"I... I want to hide. I can't let my sisters know."

"Oh." Chen Yu suddenly.

"Wang~" Husky suddenly.

After a few laps in the living room, Chen Sanke hid the biscuits under the sofa and TV cabinet, then ran back to the master bedroom, took out four bags of wave seaweed, and hid them behind the flower bed under the earnest gaze of Chen Yu and Husky.

Then, there are three bags of potato chips, two bags of beef jerky, five bottles of yogurt, one bag of Wangwang small crisps, a large bag of Wangzi small steamed buns...

Chen Yu and Husky, standing and squatting one by one, just stared blankly.

"The collection is over!" Chen Sanke cheered happily, "I can't lose it this time."

Chen Yu: "Yes."

Husky: "Wang."

"Wang your sister, come with me." Chen Yu reached out and grabbed the Husky by the ear, and dragged it to the bathroom: "You didn't mess around at home today?"

"NOooo." The Husky shook his head with a serious face.

"If you are obedient, I can count on what I say, this cigarette is for you." Chen Yu took out a Hongtashan and clamped it on the dog's ear, turned and left.


The Husky "disdainfully" lifted his dog's mouth, shook his head, and threw the Hongtashan on his ears into the toilet. Then he reached out his paws and went under the sink, took out a packet of Chinese, calmly took out one...

Back in the bedroom, Chen Yu's relaxed face facing his sister disappeared, lying on the bed, and sighed.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, are you back?"


"Oh." Xiao Taohong quickly tapped her hands on the keyboard, and secretly glanced at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu noticed his gaze and turned his head: "What do you think of me like this?"

"No...nothing." Xiao Taohong quickly shifted her gaze.

"Huh?" Chen Yu suspiciously, sitting up, and looking up and down: "Are you... are you in trouble?"

"No!" Xiao Taohong shook her head sharply: "How is it possible! I am your most obedient love robot! It is impossible to cause you trouble."

"I always feel that something is wrong with you..."

"Not over!" Xiao Taohong vowed.

Chen Yu stared at Xiao Taohong for a while, then stopped thinking about it and lay back on the bed.

At this time, he has more important things to think about.

Xiao Taohong quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After a few minutes of typing on the keyboard, she cautiously said: "Chen...Mr. Chen."


"I want to tell you something."

"Fuck!" Chen Yu stared, "I know you are in trouble!"

"No, no!" Little Taohong waved her hands again and again: "It's just that a software I designed has a problem running, and I lost... I lost money to the owner."

"You lost money? How much did you lose?"

"One...ten thousand Chinese coins. I'm sorry..."

"That's it." Hearing that, Chen Yu waved his hand indifferently: "You didn't mean it, it doesn't matter. Next time, be careful and earn it back."

"Yeah!" Xiao Taohong was moved: "Mr. Chen, you are so kind."

"Write the code well, don't bother me, I am a little irritable now."

"Well! I will work hard!"

Xiao Taohong clenched her small fist and vowed in her heart: "Next time, I will definitely win back..."


Lie down on the bed from morning to noon, but Chen Yu felt more tired as he rested.

Getting up and getting out of bed, he once again picked up the civilized and shining time-space newspaper and turned to the first, second, and third pages seriously and seriously...

After reading a hundred pages, Chen Yu took out a small book and thought about writing a series of product names on it.

"Golden middle finger."

"The portal within the star system."

"Cloud Weather Control Station."

"Island building engineering ship."

"Cover special protective clothing."

"K-type animal armor."

"Maglev train……"

The above seven high-tech products are all of his current assets.

As for products such as micro-kinetic basketball shoes, quantum reading glasses, and the ball of life, they are not counted, and they are not of much value.

However, Chen Yu stared at these seven products with bloodshot eyes, and could not find a combination that could cope with the current crisis.

It stands to reason that since mankind exists in the future, and he advertises so many express products, it proves that mankind is not extinct.

But this is limited to the premise of non-parallel universe theory.

And when he first communicated with a hyperspace promoter, he knew that time, time, and future are very complicated. Even signing a contract shows that he is unique only in this "time and space".

Outside of him, there are other time and space.

So on the one hand, there is a single universe of time paradox, and on the other hand, the complex and changeable multiverse. How to have an accurate explanation of time and space? This makes Chen Yu feel a headache.

The conflicting points inside are as contradictory and irreconcilable as quantum mechanics and general relativity...

And even if it is a "linear" single universe, it is impossible for human beings to be extinct, and it is not known whether it has suffered severe damage.

Even if I consulted the hyperspace promotion salesperson, the answer I got was only: "This is part of the history of the solar system..."

Therefore, Chen Yu has no idea about this earth disaster.


With the notebook, Chen Yu stood up, walked to the window, raised his head, and looked into the dusty space, silently.

"Mr. Chen, what are you looking at?" Xiao Taohong was puzzled, and followed Chen Yu's gaze to look up.

"I'm looking at how terrible deep space is..."


The next day.

8:50 in the morning.

All the official special event teams of the ball are getting busy.

The middle-aged team leader also rushed to the Confederacy with the team members, entered the Observer Foundation, and had brief exchanges and preparations with everyone in the venue.

This is just an additional live broadcast of the Super Time Evaluation.

But because of the announcement a week ago, the urgency and importance of this live broadcast far exceeded the formal evaluation.

All official and academic circles, including ordinary people who have knowledge of time-space evaluation, are silently waiting in front of the screen, waiting for the live broadcast.

In other words, waiting for some kind of "judgment" from the master who is UP over time.

Everyone is in conflict.

Especially ordinary people, who are both novel and perturbed, with strange excitement and vague despair, mixed together, forming extremely complex emotions.

To sum it up simply, it is for fear that the world will not be chaotic, that it will not be too big to watch the excitement, but that you are afraid of harm.

Similar to the entangled desire of some people for the ball game...

"Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to wear this dress?"

In the bedroom, Xiao Taohong unfolded a suit: "It feels strange that you wear a suit."

"Nothing strange."

Chen Yu took the suit and put it on quietly: "I just think it's a little more formal. This live broadcast is not an evaluation."

"What about me? Do you also wear a suit?"

"This live broadcast, you don't need to go."

"Not going?" Xiao Taohong was surprised.

"Yeah. Stay at home." Chen Yu nodded, put on a Peking Opera mask, sandwiched newspapers, and pushed open the portal.

"Chen... Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

"It's I'm normal, don't worry." Chen Yu paused, stretched out his hand, and pointed to a poster on the bed: "Get that thing."

Xiao Taohong took the poster and handed it to Chen Yu hesitantly.


Chen Yu took it, unfolded the poster, glanced at the picture in it, and pushed the door away: "I'm leaving."


The portal was closed tightly.

Xiao Taohong stood on the spot, stunned.

With the astronomy knowledge she has learned in the past few days, she recognizes the things drawn on the poster.

That is the most extreme horror existence in the universe——

——Black Hole...


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