Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 203: The 9th largest planet that does not exist (Part 1)

Pacific Ocean, deep sea, island building engineering ship hall.

   Chen Yu walked out of the portal, disconnected the space, and adjusted the portal into the shape of a metal arch.

   looked around the empty hall, he went upstairs along the spiral escalator, entered a study room, and sat on the wooden chair in front of the desk.

  The study room window is a large screen, and the picture displayed is the seaside swept by waves. In the analog audio, there are also subtle waves of waves from time to time.

   Chen Yu looked "outside the window" for a moment, adjusted its background to the deep space of the universe, and then pasted the poster aside.

   "It's nine o'clock."

   After doing all this, he raised his wrist to look at the time, and without hesitation, he opened the live broadcast room.

   [The promotion live broadcast room is now open...]

  【The five live broadcast rooms of station B, funny fish, and youtui have been opened...】

   [Total number of people in the live broadcast room: 0 people. 】

   With the release of permissions, a large number of IPs flooded into the live broadcast room.

   25932 people.

  390055 people.

   2,683,934 people.

  5440911 people...

   In just three seconds, the number of people exceeded 5 million!

   This is the peak moment of Chen Yu's popularity since the live broadcast.

  【Ah! Coming! 】

【the first. 】

【the first……】

   [Anchor boss, are you kidding us? 】

   [Title party killed! 】

   [I haven't slept for a week, did aliens invade? 】

   [Fuck! Is it so formal? 】

  【The earth is dying, something burns paper. 】

  【It is possible that the sun is expanding. 】

   [Supernova explosion? 】

  【It's time to start the Wandering Earth Project. 】

  【Bad feeling. 】

   [If the earth is really going to be destroyed, I hope the UP Lord will not say it. 】

   After waiting for twenty seconds, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 7 million, and Chen Yu said quietly: "Good morning, viewers and friends in the live broadcast room. Here is the extra live broadcast of the super-time evaluation."

   "Today's evaluation is a bit special. It is not interactive, nor does it evaluate any products, but to announce something to everyone."

  Different from the past, Chen Yu's voice today is steady and deep, unknowingly bringing pressure to everyone in the live broadcast room.

   The heavy and uneasy atmosphere gradually diffused.

"When I heard the news, I hesitated to inform everyone. Because it would disrupt your original peaceful life. But I thought for a long time... I think it’s necessary to prepare for everyone in advance. The moment of life and death is very close to us."

"As human beings living on the earth, we should all have the right to know each other. I am not an official, and I cannot and cannot consider so many complicated issues. I am just a hyperspace evaluator, giving you a glimpse of the future world. landscape."

   "This landscape includes technology and disaster..."

At the end of the speech, without giving the audience any extra time to think, Chen Yu put the newspaper "A Moment of Civilization" in his arms on the desk and continued: "Its name is "The Moment of Civilization". It is a newspaper that began serializing in 2030. It records a series of major historical events in human civilization since 2030. We can understand it as a future edition of the historical records, or the history pages of Encyclopedia Britannica."

   "In the future, it will be the most important professional newspaper with the most historical value and technological content."

   "The one in my hand was produced in February 2041. It records the horrible astronomical events discovered in 2041. That is the moment of human life and death that I want to tell you today."


Chen Yu looked up and his tone was flat: "In history, it was discovered in 2041, and it has been with us for 20 years, but the earth has been experiencing the harm it has caused, and after a few months, we can actually feel it. To."

   [Fuck...what the **** is it? 】

   [It feels like the UP master is not joking. 】

   [It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed or not, I just want to ask where the female assistant is? 】

  [Where did the female assistant go +1]

   [Doesn’t the disaster have another twenty years? Can't delay my hands! 】

  【These animals...】

   [Maybe human destruction is a good thing...]

   "Let’s stop here at the beginning, everyone has a preliminary understanding of this matter. Now, I will explain the ins and outs of this crisis for you."

  The words fell, he turned to the first page of the newspaper, took out the note and copy that was sandwiched in it, and began to tell the story smoothly.

   "As we all know, there were nine planets in the solar system before 2006. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the last Pluto."

   "But in 2006, Pluto was kicked out of the nine planets because a new planet was discovered, Eris. Its mass is 27% greater than Pluto."

"This matter has also forced the global astronomer community to reconsider the definition of planets. If similar objects like Pluto are still defined as large planets, there are too many planets in the solar system. Especially in the Kuiper belt and small planets. Planetary belt, the number of such celestial bodies cannot be measured."

   "So, at the 26th International Astronomical Union in 2006, the planetary conditions were redefined, Pluto was removed from the group and reduced to the ranks of dwarf planets."

The voice paused slightly to give the audience a time to sort out their ideas. Chen Yu turned to the second page of the newspaper and continued: "At this point, the solar system became the eight major planets again, until 2014, when the astronomer Chad Trujillo discovered It was only after a celestial body's anomaly that the existence of the ninth planet was inferred."

Chen Yu lifted up the newspaper and showed a close-up view of a pink planet inside in front of the screen: "This is the celestial body that was discovered in 2014 ~ ~ the farthest asteroid in the solar system-Said Na. The perihelion has 76 astronomical units, which is 11.369 billion kilometers. The distance is more than twice that of Pluto."

"In 14 years, Chad Trujillo discovered that this star named Sedna was affected by an invisible huge'perturbed celestial body'. It pulled Sedna's orbit outside the ecliptic, There is a large inclination with the ecliptic plane, and many asteroids have been found in the Kuiper belt to have this phenomenon."

   "As of 2015, more than 30 asteroids have been discovered and dragged by this celestial body."

   "Humans began to pay attention to this mysterious perturbed celestial body, and called it the ninth planet in academia."

   Talking, Chen Yu turned to the third page of the newspaper.

"The time came in January 2016. Two ordinary researchers at the California Institute of Technology, Donstantin Battykin and Mike Brown, further dig up the data of this mysterious planet and concluded that the mass of this planet is the Earth Ten times to thirty times higher than the sun, and an average distance of 600 astronomical units from the sun."

   "If you are interested, you can find a 92-page paper in the top physics journal "PhysicsReports". You can find this information even on the Internet."

   "At this point, it seems that the ninth planet of the solar system is about to be discovered. Astronomical academic circles cheered, but..."

   "The time has come for 2019, which is last year. More and more astronomers have discovered something wrong."

   "This so-called ninth planet is the beginning of disaster..."


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