Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 221: Create the world (part 2)

"It really is this thing."

Chen Yu slowly turned the box around and showed the front in front of the camera: "Hogwarts! Super floating castle!"

[Oh~~ Slot! 】

[...Lego is awesome. 】

[So the 30,000 cubic meter box contains building blocks? 】

【frenzied! 】

[Floating castle? Can it really float? 】

[Now go to change the seller's property to buy Lego stock. 】

[Lego charged up? 】

[Too much? ! How big is it? Can I live there? 】

[All said it is a floating castle of 1.1. 】

[Can "shock"? 】

[Understand in seconds, am I dirty? 】

【Second understand +69. 】

"Lego, as everyone knows, is a world-renowned large toy company. The building block toys launched by the company sell well all over the world. It seems that they are the sponsors of this live broadcast."

Lifting the box, in a 360-degree circle in front of the camera, Chen Yu opened the seal and took out dozens of thick manuals from the box.

Turning over one of the pages, the large Lego logo jumped out of the pages and bounced between the pages of the pages.

"This is...virtual projection?" Chen Yu was surprised.

Turning to the second page, many patterns flew out of the book, and a Harry Potter riding a magic broom was spinning around Chen Yu’s head, shouting: "deathisbutthegreatadventure!" (Death is nothing but another. A great adventure.

Chen Yu felt like he had opened the legendary book of magic...

"The combination of virtual projection and books..."

Putting down the other notebooks quickly, he focused on stroking the pages of the manual, then reached out and pinched Harry Potter, and placed it in front of him to observe carefully: "Fuck, there is a real thing! Not a virtual projection! Nima... will people in the future enjoy reading so much? ?"


Harry Potter turned into smoke and disappeared and reappeared on the page. He swung his magic wand at Chen Yu and said the spell: "avadakedavra!"

Chen Yu: "...If I die suddenly, then I will do it."

"Watfark?" Harry Potter seemed to have seen something unbelievable, backed up again and again, and flew into the book in horror, turning it into a sticker on the page.

"Watfack? Is this what Harry Potter should say?!" Chen Yu frantically complained.

[I don’t want to float the castle, just give me that book. 】

[No books, just tear off a page and give it to me. 】

[I really regret coming to the world so early! 】

[Future humans are too happy. 】

[When will the time machine be evaluated? Take us to the future to see. 】

[Chiguang Chicken? 】

[I really hate some old drivers. They say they are stubborn, but in fact they are hooligans! Pooh! I go to the browser first, then come back and scold. 】

[Look at the technological content, it is at least 2500 years later...]

After the novelty, Chen Yu turned to the third page. In the page, rows of text floated in front of Chen Yu like bubbles.

Every bubble has a kind of text.






(Simplified Chinese……)

He naturally chose Chinese without hesitation, and in the next moment, all the words on the page of the book instantly turned into Chinese.

"Out of the box, it's over here. After I read the manual first, I will introduce and evaluate the product for everyone."

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Yu quickly flipped through the pages of the book. Amidst bursts of music, special effects, and animations, it took ten minutes to finish reading the first manual.


Putting the instructions in the box, Chen Yu stood up and explained to the camera: "Hogwarts-Super Floating City, is a branch of the Harry Potter series of Lego Toys, produced in the future 3172. Those pixels The main body is made of a material called v5 solid aerogel. And each building block is integrated with liquid nanoworms. After the assembly is completed, the texture and shape of the building blocks can be changed according to the programmed procedure ."

"For example, the water part will really become water after the assembly is completed."

"The part of the cloud, after assembling it, will really become a cloud."

"As for the magicians in Hogwarts, they can naturally become real people. Hey, we have a chance to ‘pinch’ a real Harry Potter."

[I'm lingering! 】

[My Three Views...]

[Sure this is something that 3172 should have? 】

[In the 30th century, human science and technology have been supernatural. What is the difference between this and the creation of the world? 】

[Forgive my poor words: Dianyang Wanlihun surprised! The master and servant were surprised to see it! All viewers in the room were surprised! be surprised! 】

[Then ordinary people can use magic even when they enter it? 】

[I doubt that even children in the 30th century can't accomplish this kind of big project, right? 】

[Obviously sold to adults who want to play...]

"With my current physics knowledge, I can't imagine how the form and nature of matter can be changed at will. But this problem is not the key. What we pay attention to is only evaluating and using this product. As for the principle, it has nothing to do with us. "

"Right, by the way..."

Chen Yu pointed to the armor on his body: "In the fourth phase of the evaluation of this armor, I once introduced that the substance filled in this armor is also called solid aerogel, but the model is v1."

"Super floating castle, there are 216,000 integrated boxes, and that's it." He held out a 50-meter-long carton box, as funny as an ant lifting a car: "Each integrated box Inside the box, there are a hundred and twenty-five marker boxes. In the marker box, there are Lego assembled blocks."

"Each marker box has more than four bricks. It is conservatively estimated that the floating castle in front of everyone has at least 108 million bricks. The official figure is 110 million. whole."

Having said that, Chen Yu put down the integrated box and couldn't help but slap his tongue: "110 million, a terrible number. But if we successfully assemble all the blocks, we will get a 1:0.3 Hogwarts float. Empty castle."

"Surely someone will not be 1:1 before the barrage is brushed?"

"1:1 refers to its expanded ratio. In the assembly stage, the floating city is only one-third of its normal volume. When the assembly is completed, each building block will release concentrated hydrogen gas inside, making the entire floating castle The density is less than air, so it is suspended in the sky!"

"The altitude of the flight can be adjusted in the main control room ~ as low as 0 meters, as high as floating out of the atmosphere, all within its range of activity."

"All right."

Chen Yu clapped his hands and opened his arms facing the camera: "The detailed product introduction is over. The next step is the actual product evaluation. A vivid magical floating castle, if it weren't for reality, I couldn't think of it. The existence of such a magical toy."

"Twenty-one thousand integrated boxes, 110 million fast building blocks, I think with my heels, I know that the female assistant and I will definitely not be able to install them. Obviously, we must seek the help of the audience in front of the screen. This will It is the interactive live broadcast with the largest number of participants in history."

"So, are you guys ready?"

"Together create a real, spectacular, world-shocked floating city that can only appear in fantasy and movies..."


(Note: 208-5=203! There is no reward these days! It will be replaced soon! Ahahaha...)

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