Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 222: 0 people interact (on)

Standing on the top of the courier box three kilometers above, Chen Yu took off his hand armor, looked at the watch screen, thought for a moment, and said: "Two hundred and ten thousand integrated boxes, this is a big project. So in the barrage The selected audience cannot be ignored one by one. Instead, they come in batches."

   "In the preliminary plan, all interactive audiences are divided into three groups. In addition to the barrage group and the reward group, another college group will be added. The rules should be as simple as possible."

   "One, the selected ID of the barrage group must gather more than 20 friends to participate in the interaction. If you can't, please don't participate in the barrage lottery."

   "Second, the ID selected in the reward group must gather more than one hundred people to participate. If it is not possible, it will be disqualified."

"Three, the newly-added colleges and universities group is based on higher education institutions around the world. They also participate in the registration by way of rewards, but the reward amount is not high or low, as long as the gift is more than 100,000 yuan. The selected college ID must gather more than 300 students to participate."

   "These are the simple rules, and they may be added later. I won't be wordy for the time being, just start the extraction."

   Slowly raised his right hand and spread his five fingers. Chen Yu controlled the rhythm in the live broadcast room. After a few seconds, he said: "First of all, the barrage group. Choose five IDs in total, starting from 100 people."

"Start now!"

  【CNDY! mine! 】

  【Ahhhhh! 】

  【Don't fight with grandpa who is special! 】

  【I, I, I! 】

   [If I were a DJ, would you choose me? 】

  【We can visit 700 people in Lianhua Village! 】

  【More than ten million people choose five... Stop it. 】

   [My friend is Ou Huang, will bring me! 】

   [Brothers, if you don't have too many people, don't send barrage, make room for us. 】

  【The house girl with no friends, no colleagues, no classmates watched your show silently. 】

  The sea of ​​barrage is fierce never before.

   The picture on the watch screen has been completely obscured by the overwhelming words.

   Waiting for three minutes, Chen Yu waved: "Stop!"

   "The five lucky winners in the barrage group have been selected, and now we start to read the list."

   "Station B platform, the orange cat that steals fishy ID."

   "Tunyu platform, ID milk plus clear soup."

   "N station platform, IDちちあ...I don’t know Japanese, change it. ID天之けこ...still don’t know it, forget it, ignore it, N station."

   "Twitch platform, the audience of ID'striver'."

   "afreecaTV platform, ID Du Minjun."

   "Yeye platform, ID Cold Night 1986."

   Putting down the watch, Chen Yulang said: "The above five selected viewers have opened your private chat permissions. You are limited to send addresses within three minutes and gather more than 20 people within ten minutes. Otherwise, the qualification will be invalidated."

  【These **** European emperors...Made...】

  【Jealousy makes my lumbar disc protrude. 】

  【Jealousy, made my prostate hyperplasia. 】

  【Send away one by one, the old Wang next door shakes with a smile. 】


  【Is there a capital in Beijing? Take me one! One million tickets! 】

  【Are there any new ones? Take me! Give you a suite! 】

   [Are there anyone covering sweat? Bring me and my wife, the daughter-in-law gave it to you when I left...]

   [Are there any Antarctic ones? Take me one! Present the elite Penguin football team, not weaker than the national football team. 】

   "Next, it's the rewarding team's turn. This live broadcast allows you to wear your equipment to conduct simple research on the spot. Wave your money!"

   "The lottery starts!"

   [Reminder: Wal-Mart Company sends out Super Rocket × 50000]

   [Reminder: The Nobel Foundation will send out the super-time brilliance×5000 (the super-time brilliance: a gift specially set up for the live broadcast room of the super-temporal evaluation at station B, 1 brilliance is equal to 5000 yuan Huaxia coins)]

   [Reminder: Lego Company will send out time and time glory×6000]

   [Reminder: NASA sends super rockets × 70000]

  【NASA Aviation sends out the Glory of Time × 5000】

  [NASA aviation flashes x 22000]

  【NASA flight……】


   Ten minutes later, seeing that the gift frenzy in the live broadcast room was slightly reduced, Chen Yu snapped his fingers: "Stop!"

   "Time is over. Begin to announce the list."

   "Station B platform, ID Lego company."

   After that, Chen Yu glanced at his glasses and shrugged: "As the father of the sponsor of this review, this point should be given to you."

   "Funyu Platform, British Petroleum Company."

   "Periscope Platform, Apple Technology Company."

   "YeyeLIVE flat..."


   At the NASA headquarters thousands of miles away, the gray-bearded director watched the screen until the last ID was read, his heart was ashamed, and he sat down on the chair, and he didn't get over it for a long time.





   The director suddenly overturned the table and snarled angrily: "We still use the most! Even all platforms! Why can't I see it yet! I can't see it yet! Fa*!"



   "The ID of the above reward group is selected, and the location will be sent as soon as possible, and more than 100 employees will be organized. Finally, the college group, the lottery begins."

  【Columbia University sends out the Super Time Glory×500】

   [NASA spacecraft sends out time and space...]

  【Sent from Jingnan University...】

   "It's alright."

   Three minutes later, Chen Yu put down his hands late, put on hand armor, and said: "The list of selected universities: Cambridge University, Mensha University, Harbin Institute of Technology, University of South Africa, St. Louis Campus."

   "The above five colleges, please organize more than 300 teachers and students within ten minutes to participate in the assembly and construction of the floating city."

   "Then the three sets of lottery are over. Taking advantage of the gathering of people for each ID, I will show the audience in front of the screen how this product is assembled."

   The words fell, Chen Yu walked to the edge, pulled out two integrated boxes marked with the numbers "1, 2", and threw them out. He immediately picked up dozens of manuals and jumped from an altitude of 3,000 meters.


   Fifty-three seconds later, Chen Yu has landed, but the two integrated boxes have not "floated" down yet.

   "Wang, what are these things?" Xiao Taohong hurried forward, pointing to the integrated box in the air and asked.



   "Yes, a kind of assembled building blocks. You will have some to play in a while."

   "Wow! Great!" Little Taohong jumped two meters high in excitement.

   "If you like it, I will give you five hundred for the integrated box inside."


   "Really, but given you so many toys, you have to make sure that they are all installed." Chen Yu smirked.

   "I can definitely finish it!"

   "Okay, talk counts."

   "Surely it counts!" Xiao Taohong banged her chest. UU reading

  【Dizzy. 】

  【Tap Goddess! 】

  【Fuck! Made! Why wasn't it selected! I really want to touch the female assistant up close. 】

   [Five hundred containers... It will kill people. 】

   Fully two and a half minutes before the No. 1 integrated box fell to the ground.

   walked forward with Xiao Taohong, Chen Yu tore off the seal, took out twenty five-meter-long marker boxes from the inside, and opened them one by one in order, obtaining a total of 84 blocks.

   "How to play?"

   Xiao Taohong grabbed a large building block in one hand and asked in confusion.

   "I look at the manual."

   Turning to the first page of the second manual, the method of assembling all the building blocks of the integrated box No. 1 is played on the paper page.

   Chen Yu took the gourd painting scoop, picked up the 3rd block and the 4th block, and tentatively combined them in front of the camera...


   The bright but not dazzling golden light flashed, and the original two translucent pixel blocks instantly turned into grayish-brown rocks!


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