Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 241: When Human Civilization Shines (Part 1)

() New York, Confederate State B Building, Observer Hall.

Hearing what Chen Yu said on the screen, the hall was whispering and talking.

The representative of Jian Guo in the north of the solid wood round table frowned and thought deeply, and launched one after another conjecture in his mind, but could not grasp the point.

After a long while, he looked at the middle-aged team leader of Huaxia Fang.

The middle-aged team leader felt the line of sight, looked at him, smiled and nodded.

"..." Representative Jian Guo was silent.

In his eyes, the expression of this "rival" is always facial paralysis. No matter what news is heard, happy or angry, the eyelids do not blink. Although those subordinates have expressions, they know too little and are of little use.

This makes him feel tricky.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally couldn't help but say, "Representative of the Chinese side, do you know the plan mentioned by the superintendent?"


"I don't know." Representative Jian Guo preemptively said what the middle-aged team leader wanted to say, "I knew you would say that."

Middle-aged team leader "..."

"But I want to hear other claims. Apart from ‘not knowing’, talk about other claims."

"We don't understand." The middle-aged team leader said.

"Except for ‘not knowing’ and ‘not knowing’."

"We don't know."

"...Both belong to the observer organization." Representative Jianguo's tone became severe. "Please respect your colleagues."

In the hall, everyone calmed down and paid attention to the sudden game.

"We have always respected our colleagues and colleagues, and we have also responded to the guidelines of the common destiny of mankind." The middle-aged team leader said slowly. "However, the super-timer is beyond the wisdom and ideas of mortals. He does not take the initiative to disclose that ordinary people like us have What ability to detect in advance?"

"I do not believe."

Middle-aged team leader "..."

"They keep saying that you have inside information."

"Who said that?"

"...Yes, who said..." Jian Guo's representative said slightly, "I heard."

"Hahaha." The middle-aged team leader laughed.


"No. If you say the same thing, we will find it funny."

"Do you think it's funny?" His face gradually became gloomy.

"It's funny. I shouldn't laugh, am I?"



The observer hall fell into a brief silence.

"Then how do you explain that you have obtained the microbial bacteria of the Chronicles in advance? Don't ask how I know these."

"I don't know the exact process." The middle-aged team leader shook his head. "It's roughly because the owner of UP collected animals in the zoo for experiments. He slapped many animals with pillows, leaving behind powder. You can also see the feeding in the castle. The member was transferred from the zoo. As for other so-called inside stories, we can’t understand it if the owner doesn’t talk about it.”

This explanation seemed reasonable and reasonable. Under the constraints of many factors, the representative of Jian Guo had to give up the idea of ​​continuing the game...

And what the middle-aged team leader said was indeed the truth.

Just concealed a little...

Chen Yu ordered the breeder not to approach the principal's tower and library.

The former, as Chen Yu’s living area, cannot be close and understandable, but the library...

Reminiscent of the many experts and scholars invited by Chen Yu, the middle-aged team leader has slowly sketched the truth in his heart...


Walking alone in the deep castle, Chen Yu alone enjoys the baptism of culture and mystery.

The sky, the castle, the wizard.

The combination of three words can give people unlimited imagination even if nothing happens.

Science is the general term for analyzing the nature and laws of the world.

Magic is the desire to explore the power and magic of nature.

The essence of the appearance of both is the pursuit of the unknown by human beings.

At this time, the combination of the two in this floating castle gave Chen Yu a special feeling that could not be described in words.

No matter how big the villa or high-end apartment, the living experience will never be comparable to a real castle.

Especially magical castles like Hogwarts.

The charm of this magical city is the reason why Harry Potter can be so popular.

Over the past week, he often came to the castle, casually found a corner to sit down, quietly feeling the passage of time. Experience this kind of pleasure of calm, culture, science, imagination and mystery.

Five minutes later, Chen Yu walked to the hall and raised his hand to make a finger snap.


"Boom boom boom..."

The moving stairs appeared, opening the door to the principal's tower.

Walking up the steps, Chen Yu came to the study, did not rush into the secret room, but quietly brewed a cup of coffee, sat in front of the dim glass window, raised his legs, and looked at the clouds in the sky.

There is only one word left in my heart.



Twenty minutes later, Chen Yu armed and returned to the central courtyard.

In the courtyard, there are more than 300 participants who have finished the game, most of them are patients in the hospital group.

"How is the situation?" Chen Yu stepped forward and asked a person in charge of the hospital, "has the condition of these patients changed?"

"Without equipment inspection, it is impossible to draw accurate conclusions." The person in charge showed excitement. "However, in some patients with lung inflammation, the breathing rate has returned to normal. The blood pressure of some patients has also begun to stabilize."

"That's good. When these patients return to the hospital, I will go to you for a detailed analysis report in a few days."

"no problem!"

Nodding, Chen Yu walked out of the portal and saw that the killing on the "battlefield" had gradually stopped.

The ground is full of people lying on the ground and sleeping.

The white pillows were scattered all over the floor, collected by police officers who maintained law and order, and piled up in a clean place.

"What a good teammate!"

Sighing, Chen Yu picked up the courier box and filled the big fight pillows one by one.


"Master u...up! Can you sign me?"

At this moment, a police officer in a military coat came up, rubbed his hands nervously, and looked at Chen Yu with expectant eyes. "Then take a photo again, okay?"

"Huh?" Chen Yu looked up and was stunned for half a second. "No problem, where is the sign?"

"On the notebook."

"it is good."

After signing the name and taking the photo together, the officer left gratefully.

Chen Yu smiled, "Oh, my damn, nowhere charm...huh? How many have you found? Fuck!"

After another ten minutes, the square finally calmed down.

Participants in the barrage group, reward group, and hospital group were annihilated and never beat the local indigenous people.

But Chen Yu collected all the pillows, but only 499.

"Where is the one left?" Chen Yu looked at Xiao Taohong and asked.

"I do not know."

"Have you seen it?" He looked at the police officer on the side again.


"The site is tightly sealed?"

"Strict." The head of the police force hesitated. "Should I let the team members search again?"

"No, I have a way to find it."

Chen Yu took off his hand and swiped around on the watch to locate the last pillow.

"Did you find it?" Xiao Taohong asked.

"……found it."



Chen Yu lowered his head and looked at a manhole cover ahead.


The manhole cover suddenly opened, and the young man with the words under the moon got out, looked around, and said excitedly, "Ah roar! I am the last one to win!"


"Yeah! Too awesome! Ooh!" The words of the moon danced like "a bunch of sand sculptures! Feel the fear of being ruled by wisdom again! Ooh..."

Everyone present "..."

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