Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 242: When human civilization shines (middle)

() Pushing away Xiao Taohong, and the last victor of this lunatic genius, Chen Yu picked up the big white box, turned around, and bowed slightly to the police: "Thank you very much for your help today."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do!" xn

"Goodbye bye."


After bidding farewell, Chen Yu waved his hand and then retreated into the portal, disconnecting the space.

Then, the metal arch disappeared, leaving only a messy square and people sleeping all over the floor...


Returning to the castle, Chen Yu put down the box full of pillows, stood on the high platform, scanned the field, and said, "Thank you very much for your participation. This is the end of the pillow fight game. I think you all have your own harvest. Now, Please line up and leave the portal in order."

"First of all, Fujian Putian Hospital in the hospital group."

After entering the address, waiting for the successful connection of the twists and turns of the space, Chen Yu walked to the group of Putian Hospital and picked up an old man who was still in a coma: "If you can move, send the patients away together."

Xiao Taohong and the participants in the reward group immediately helped, and the doctors from Putian Hospital carried the patient out of the portal.

"Then, California Hospital..."

"Treasure Island General Hospital..."

"Wisdom National Hospital..."

Not long after, the last team of the hospital group was also sent away.

Standing at the end of the portal, Chen Yu waved his hand: "Take a good for those patients for me, and wish them a speedy recovery years ago."

"Definitely bring it." The white dean also waved excitedly and said in proficient Chinese: "Goodbye! You are a good person."


Closing the portal, Chen Yu snapped a finger: "Hermione."

"I'm here."

"Send them all to the guest room to rest." Chen Yu pointed to the sleeping barrage group members on the ground.


Nine Auror mages appeared instantly, each carrying one, and left the central courtyard.

"At last……"

Turning around, Chen Yu glanced at the ten members of the reward group: "You will stay in the castle first. Many professors and officials will come later. Let's go together after the end."

"Good!" x10

Everyone nodded one after another, and naturally they couldn't ask for such a good thing.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You can stroll around the castle at will. I'll leave first."

"What about me? And me!" Seeing that Chen Yu was about to leave, the words under the moon pointed to his forehead: "My winner! Is there a reward!"

"Yes, I almost forgot, you are the winner."

Chen Yu nodded, bent over and picked up a pillow.

"Ahaha! That's great!"

The young man cheered and stretched out his hand to pick it up, but Chen Yu raised his pillow and struck him three times.




The young man fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Hermione, drag him to the guest room too and let him sleep a little longer. It shouldn't be very curable in terms of head."


After doing all this, Chen Yu waved his hands to everyone in the rewarding group and walked out of the central courtyard with Xiao Taohong.

Taking off his hand armor, he glanced at the barrage on his watch and said: "At this point, the first part of this additional live broadcast is completely over. The following is the second part. I will sell it first and see if you can. Guess what I am going to do."

"The professors on the list are also ready. I will open the portals in each college in fifteen minutes. If you haven't watched the live broadcast, please tell the school. Each professor can bring one assistant and three students. As long as the items are not dangerous, there are no restrictions."

"The live broadcast will be suspended first. Friends can eat some food to relieve visual fatigue. We will see you in 15 minutes."

After all, the camera stopped in place, and "visually" Chen Yu and Xiao Taohong stepped onto the moving stairs and disappeared into the depths of the castle...

Entering the study room of the principal's tower, taking off the protective clothing in the secret room, and changing into a brand-new mage robe, Chen Yu said to Xiao Taohong: "You won't need you for the next live broadcast, go to the Quidditch Stadium."


"Yeah. Put on a mask and don't be seen as real."

"You can rest assured!" Xiao Taohong nodded excitedly, and pointed towards Chen Yu's appearance.


The flying broom transformed by the Mage Auror appeared under her crotch.

"Then I will go first!" Picking up the mage hat on the table and putting it on, she opened the window and flew out happily like a witch.


Reaching out and closing the window, Chen Yu sat at the desk and took advantage of this time to pick up the quill and write the second part of the live broadcast.

For this plan to influence mankind, the scholars he has convened are the first and second-ranked existences at home and abroad.

For example, professors in the Department of Physics and Medicine at Kyungsung University.

Professor of Materials Department of Mizuki University.

Professor of Mechanical and Electronic Department of Harbin Industry.

Professor of Computer Department of Mohan University of Electronic Technology.

Professor of Mathematics at MIT.

Professor of Electronic Engineering at Cambridge University.

They are all giants in various academic fields.

In the modern age where Newton has passed away and Einstein has reincarnated, the frontier science and industry of mankind have been pioneered by this group of people.

And now, under the leadership of his Chen Yu, these big guys will once again break through several steps and lead mankind into a wave of super gods.

Therefore, on such an important occasion, he must not let these big men look down upon him. He must speak with style, wisdom, and preparation...

Ten minutes later, when it was almost time, he picked up the copy and read it a few times. Then he walked out of the library wearing a mask of Peking Opera and went all the way down the stairs to the lobby, standing in front of the camera.

"Fifteen minutes have passed. Not only did the number of people not drop, but it broke through 14 million. I am really grateful for this support. Not much nonsense, and the second half of the live broadcast."

Welcome back!

My husband is still handsome in a mage robe.

Fool, that's my husband!

In front of tens of millions of people at home and abroad, can you talk about infertility?

Where's the assistant of cos magical girl?

Secretly mixed with the female assistant for fifteen minutes e...

As everyone knows, that armor needs 13 minutes and 45 seconds to take off.


Up master is so fast.

Sir, we suggest cutting it off...

Amidst the disturbance of the barrage, Chen Yu soon returned to the central courtyard where the portal was located.

In the courtyard, apart from the two giant pandas and the breeder who just came in, there were no other people in the courtyard.

"Hello principal." The breeder waved.

"it is good."

With a vague sound, Chen Yu called out the virtual earth projection of the portal, and while sliding, he said: "In order, the first one is Beijing University."

When the words are over, the portal is activated, and the space docking is completed.

The grass on the east playground of Beijing University suddenly appeared within the metal arch.

Many people have gathered on the grass. Standing in the front row are the academicians and professors on Chen Yu's list.


"I'm coming!"


The crowd immediately commotion.

Chen Yu and the professors outside the door looked at each other for a while, stretched out his hands and hooked his fingers: "Come here."

The professors regained their senses and carefully walked through the space film and entered the castle.


"The nature is somewhat similar to vector space."

"It should be explained by mathematical measures..."

Seeing that most of these elderly people were discussing on the spot, Chen Yu coughed lightly: "There are many opportunities for communication, please don't delay the time for latecomers."

Hearing this, the professors hurriedly took the assistants and the students to get out of place and stood beside them.

"Please don't walk around, let alone touch the giant panda. It's a bear, you can't touch it. When the professors from other countries arrive, keep quiet and speed up the efficiency of business."

Asked, Chen Yu slides the virtual earth under the curious eyes of everyone, and connects to the second address, the square of the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology.


The space flickered, and the world outside the portal became an ice and snow world.

I saw a lanky middle-aged man standing alone in the snow with a leather

"Why are you alone?"

"Students... the students are on vacation."

"Where is the school leader?"

The thin tall man pointed to the house behind him: "It's too cold, they are all watching from inside."

"Then you come in quickly." Chen Yu took a step back to get out of position.

The man hurriedly entered the door, wiped the frost and snow off his beard, scanned the familiar faces around his eyes, bent over and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Lord, I'm Bai Jicheng."

"Hello..." Chen Yu raised his head: "Why are you so tall?"

"No... I don't know..."


(Note: add more for the silver league "hjz666" boss.)

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