Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 259: Pacific Rim (top)

() "Boom!"

Water, carrying dozens of hundreds of tons of huge force, sprayed out from the deep cavity.

It wasn't until two hundred meters in the air that it spread out under the drag of gravity and fell like a shower.

From a distance, it looks like an open umbrella, so beautiful...


Reaching out, followed by the big drops of sea water, Chen Yu raised his head, remained silent for a while, and said, "A lot."

So much what?

See if my text has turned yellow?

It's so spectacular!

It only sprayed a few hundred meters, bad review!

This is foreplay, and it will get higher and higher in the back.

what are you guys saying? Why can't I understand the lonely old man born in the 90s?

There are more spectators, more people with brains, and the barrage is closed.

There are too few serious people like us. When the bird grows, there are any forests.

Fuck! Oh shit!

"The test is successful, and the pipeline is unblocked." Using sea water to wash away the calcium chloride powder on his body, Chen Yu walked to the portal and slid the virtual earth: "Next, as long as we take the large enclosed space capsule from Mao, we will I can go to heaven."

Soon, the space connection was completed, and the scene behind the metal arches changed again, and an indoor hall covering an area of ​​more than several thousand square meters appeared.

In the hall, many lathes and machinery are stacked, which is a little messy. But the four-meter-high, six-meter-diameter space capsule stood out from the crowd, attracting people to focus on it for the first time.

"That is the manned space capsule developed by Mao, named Andromeda, which is larger than the Orion spacecraft produced by Nasa in 2018 and has eight seats."

While introducing the audience, Chen Yu walked into the lobby, and under the gaze of many officers, agents, professors, etc., he came to the space capsule and knocked on the surface with inconspicuous metal texture: "If the earth is sprayed with water When the product is launched, both the seat and the dashboard can be removed, and the extra space can hold at least a dozen people."


At this time, a choked cry suddenly came from the crowd of onlookers.

When Chen Yuwen's reputation went away, he saw an old professor with a gray beard, wiping tears in sadness, trying to suppress his crying.

"What's wrong with him?" Chen Yu was puzzled and asked the tall man in charge.

"Mr. Wang, I am glad to see you." The person in charge hurriedly blocked the old professor behind him and said in a weird tone of Chinese: "The internal facilities of the capsule have been removed, and the capsule has been divided into upper and lower parts, which can be transported at any time. ! We have calculated it, through your portal..."

"I asked him what's wrong?" Chen Yu interrupted.

"He..." The person in charge hesitated for a moment, and stammered: "He is the chief engineer and designer of Andromeda. He was a little unstable when he saw the space capsule removed. doesn't matter, Mr. Wang, you don't need to care."

"Oh." Chen Yu looked at the old man a few times and nodded: "Then move now. Thank you for your support in my evaluation."

"This is our honor."

With a solemn reply, the person in charge instructed the workers and two cranes to lift the capsule and move it outside the portal.


Seeing that his "child" was completely dismembered, the old man suddenly broke down and cried: " will be installed soon, and it's just a single-propulsion engine..."

Since childhood, Chen Yu has not seen anyone crying more happily than Chen Sanke. After thinking a little bit, he stepped forward and patted the old man's shoulder: "Hey, uncle, don't cry."

"Why, it's just... it's about to fly in a year..."

"Okay, don't cry. Isn't it the space capsule? I will ask Mao to make another one for you in the future. Make a bigger one."

"Mr. Wang..." The old professor wiped away his tears with his sleeves, and said hoarsely: "It is the core cabin of Andromeda. If you make a new cabin, it will...not the original one."

"Is that so?" Chen Yu scratched his helmet uncomfortably, unconsciously feeling guilt in his heart.

"I'm sorry for it. All you need is a well-sealed, high-temperature-resistant outer shell. But...but it could have played a greater role. Woo..."

"Chief Ivan!" The person in charge beside him finally couldn't bear it, and said sharply: "heпepeycepд! (Don't go too far!

"It was created by one part by one part!" The old man's face flushed, and he coughed violently: "I cough and cough... Can't I cry a few times? Given my physical condition, there will never be a chance to cough, cough and vomit... Built!"

"Ycпokoneгo. (Take it down and let him calm down.

"Hehaдo! (No! the old professor roared hoarsely.

"Okay, stop arguing." Chen Yu stopped the two soldiers rushing up: "People are old and in poor health, so their minds are sensitive. Be considerate, it's my problem."

With that, he patted the old man's shoulder again: "Master, why are you crying again."

"Woo..." The old professor pursed his mouth without saying a word, but kept crying.

"The nose is in your mouth?!"


"Let's do it." With a sigh, Chen Yu pointed to the water column outside the portal, and said: "As compensation, I will go to space and take you one."

"Woo~Woo booming and roaring hahahaha!"

Chen Yu: "?"

Crowd at the scene: "..."

26 million viewers: "..."


"It's finished!"

Ten minutes later, Professor Mao Guolao followed everyone up and finally closed the last metal buckle, and said excitedly: "The closure is absolutely no problem! You can use it directly!"

Chen Yu looked in his eyes and opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

"Dear Mr. Wang." The old professor leaned forward, eager to try: "You can temporarily shut off the water column. I will now let the crane truck push the space capsule to the spout."


Without answering, Chen Yu just nodded, stretched out his hand and slid on the console a few times, and the turbulent jet of water instantly weakened until it disappeared.

"Quick! Push it up!" the old professor shouted.

"Xopoшo. (Good



With a loud noise, the semi-conical Andromeda space capsule was firmly covered on the entrance of the cave, in the center and impartially.

"It's really tight!" The old professor waved excitedly: "It's simply a space capsule born for the earth to spray water! This should be its true home! It's so awkward to use rockets."

"...You better go first." Chen Yu in the helmet was expressionless.

"That's it!" The Russian spoke out a northeastern sentence, then climbed to the top of the ladder with his hands and feet, turned over and jumped out of the hatch, like a monkey.


Unable to curse secretly, Chen Yu turned to face the camera, patted the round glass embedded in the space capsule, and said aloud: "The capsule can accommodate more than fifteen people. Counting me and the female assistant, this trip is unprecedented. The space trip can hold twelve passengers. So... the final steps, without me needing to say, everyone knows."

"Wave your bills!"

"Release your luck!"

"Come to the scene and witness the most terrifying super fountain in the history of the earth!"

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