Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 260: Pacific Rim (Central)

"Hehe? Do you think we will humiliate you stupidly?"

Jian Country, NASA Headquarters, the lobby on the second floor.

The director stood in an independent office, through the glass window, looking at Chen Yu who was talking in the distance on the screen, sneered: "Even if the funding of our nasa comes from a strong wind, it is impossible for you to play like this!"


One of the many assistants beside him leaned forward and asked for a long time: "Did we not participate in this bidding?"

"Is it necessary to participate?" The director narrowed his eyes: "Every time we are rewarded the most, but we do not have our share at all! This super-time uploader is the narrowest, worst and most lacking international spirit. And the big picture racist! Give her money back? Shit!"

"Yes..." The assistant's voice lowered unconsciously: "The super-time-up master also made it clear at the beginning that he will not choose the interactors by ranking. The more rewards, the higher the chance."

"Once, twice, or even three times can be accepted." The director clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "But five, six, or seventy times can't be selected. Who can accept this?! Am I like a fool? ?!"

"..." The assistant was silent.

"Say!" The chief was reluctant, stretched out his index finger to point to his forehead, and shouted: "Look at me! Are you like a fool?!"



"'reright. (You are right.

Upon hearing this, the director nodded: "He is targeting us at Nasa."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"The previous failed bids have caused my superiors to be extremely dissatisfied with me. If I waste more money, can I be a director?"

"But... but now that we don't transfer funds, it will be too late when the bidding will be held."

"That said, this **** selection, let's not participate in Nasa! Let all parties look at the disgusting face of the super-timer!"

"Okay... OK..." Helplessly, the assistant had to retreat.


Turning his head and looking at the big screen again, the director of the NASA space agency put his hands on his back, his wise eyes pierced: "Fight me?"


In the screen picture, the blue sea is surging.

Chen Yu stood next to the Andromeda space capsule, facing the camera, speaking clearly: "Due to the limited space in the capsule, in order to make the experience as comfortable as possible, this interaction is only divided into two groups, the barrage group and the reward group. The rules are the same. As always, one group depends on luck, the other depends on luck and money."

"Don't talk nonsense, just start the lottery."

"First of all, five in the reward group!"

After that, a wave of barrage like a tsunami broke out in ten live broadcast rooms!

[Ohhhh! 】

[1111! 】

[Choose me! Choose me! 】

[So far there are only a dozen humans in space, and now there are more than ten more. 】

[I know I can't win, so I just want to lower the winning rate. (sinister)】

[Lower the winning rate. 】

[Pull down +1. 】

[Close the barrage and send it out again, I am the only cub on the screen. 】

[According to the analysis, the special id name will increase the chance of being selected, so my name is 嘠嘡嘢嘣嘥嘥嘦嘦...]

[You must be selected for live broadcast! The kind with oily foam. 】

Three minutes later, Chen Yu raised his wrist, glanced at the watch screen, and said, "Stop!"

"The five lucky ones in the barrage group have been selected! Now we start to broadcast the list. Five out of 25.43 million!"

"Station b platform, id Shanhe 457."

"The funny fish platform, id is crazy."

"On afreecatv platform, id is dimly remembered."

"You push platform, longsenve."

"Finally is the n-station platform in Japan, id...Huh?"

After reading Dao n Station, Chen Yu wondered: "Why are the id names all in Arabic numerals? Are they poisoned?"

The audience in the Japanese live broadcast room: "..."

"I hate netizens who don't know how to name them. Next time, I will ask you to name some serious names." After a little pause, Chen Yu clicked on the watch screen and continued: "N station platform, id: cc178."

With his hands down, Chen Yu looked at the camera: "Above, Ou Shen, who was selected with a 5 in 25.34 million probability, has opened your private chat permission, and you are limited to sending addresses within one minute, otherwise the qualification will be invalid."

[Made! I'm sour again. 】

[Such good luck shouldn't be used for reincarnation, it deserves to hit the street! 】

[Think too much, this kind of Ou Shen reincarnation will not be bad. The world is so unfair. (smile)】

【New Year approached! Hurry up and **** the fairy spirit of these European emperors! Make a fortune! ! 】

【Suck! 】

[I suck! 】

[Suck suck...]

"Next, it's the reward group's turn."

Looking back at the space capsule behind him, Chen Yu thought for a moment, and said, "Except for a digression. This interaction is mainly related to aerospace, so the reward team will try to choose space-related units or institutions."

"And thinking of these institutions, I have to mention the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, which has the deepest involvement in the space field."

"At present, in the world, it should be the most authoritative aerospace scientific research institution, and it has made indelible contributions to human civilization. For a long time, nasa has been the unit that supports my interactive programs the most. So..."

Chen Yu smiled and opened his arms: "As long as Nasa participates in this selection and rewards the top five, there must be one of them! Experience the charm of future space technology. In order to absorb experience and create more brilliant achievements!"


"The selection of the reward group, UU reading officially started!"

[Reminder: Volvo Company gave out Super Rocket x50000! 】

[Reminder: China Academy of Aerospace Sciences will send out Chrono-Space Glory x4500. 】

[Reminder: Intel Toothpaste Supply Company will send out Super Time Glorious*3888. 】

[Reminder: The Japan Space Agency sends a flash *20000! 】



But within five minutes, Chen Yu shook his finger to stop the fanatical "consumption" of many institutions.


"time's up."

Raising his wrist, Chen Yu slid his watch, flipped through the ranking list, frowning.


"What about nasa?"

"Is there something wrong with the system?"

He flipped his fingers quickly until he was one hundred before the reward, and he did not find the id of the NASA Aerospace Agency.

"this is……"

Staring at the camera, Chen Yu scratched his helmet: "It means that Nasa didn't participate in this interaction? It's really an accident."

"In this case, as a fair, open, third-party evaluation of the self-media, I do not force it. Respect your Nasa's choice."

"Then announce the list now."

"Station b platform, id China Academy of Aerospace Sciences."

"Tour platform, id'spacex space exploration technology company'."

"Periscope platform, id Airbus Airlines..."

"The selected id of the above rewarding group has opened the private chat permission, and the address will be sent within one minute, and there is only one person. Overtime will be disqualified."

After speaking, Chen Yu spread his hands: "It's a pity that Nasa didn't join."

"Sorry, they seem to have their own ideas..."

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